This will eliminate all troubles.

Hearing what Zhang Sanfeng said, Tang Huang immediately understood what Zhang Sanfeng said. Tang Huang explained to Zhang Sanfeng with a wry smile:

". "I know what you think, but this approach is basically impossible.

Shushan has been recruiting disciples continuously before, but there are too few people with the aptitude to cultivate immortals, and the possibility of wanting to cultivate spiritual energy is too small.

It is extremely difficult for ten out of a million people to truly become cultivators. After all, no one can say for sure about cultivation qualifications. "

"No, I have a practice method, although it can't prolong life, but it can also increase a lot of strength in a short time (Zhao Nuozhao), the most important thing is that anyone can practice, it is nothing more than the speed of cultivation, with the cultivation of immortals. Qualifications are not the same.”

Hearing Tang Huang's words, Zhang Sanfeng shook his head.

That's right, Zhang Sanfeng's method is naturally internal force.

Because this is an immortal world, the strength of Zhang Sanfeng's martial arts secrets has greatly increased. Generally, those who cultivate internal strength can remain undefeated in the hands of weak demons. .

Chapter 593


Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, Tang Huang's eyes flashed with joy, and he asked Zhang Sanfeng very excitedly.

"That's natural."

There was a smile on Zhang Sanfeng's face.

After all, this is also a world of immortals, so the spiritual power is extremely rich, and any internal skills are much simpler to cultivate.

Unlike Shushan's swordsmanship, although it is powerful, it depends entirely on aptitude.

A sect as big as Shushan has only a few hundred disciples in the end, which shows how many people have the aptitude for cultivating immortals.

But internal skills are different. Everyone can practice internal skills, and there is no question of aptitude.

Coupled with the strong spiritual power, generally, as long as people who are not particularly poor in aptitude, as long as they practice for a year, they can almost defeat some simple demons.

After cultivating for decades, you can defeat some big demons, but it is still far worse than the real powerhouse.

"Then, I wonder if this kind of internal strength can prolong life?"

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, Emperor Tang's eyes lit up and suddenly asked Zhang Sanfeng excitedly.

There is no (bhag) person who does not desire longevity, let alone the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang emperor undoubtedly desires longevity more than others.

Originally, Emperor Tang had already asked the Taoist priest of Shushan.

However, there is no aptitude for immortal cultivation, and Emperor Tang obviously does not have the aptitude to cultivate immortals, so Emperor Tang's dream of immortality has long been shattered.

However, Zhang Sanfeng's remarks suddenly gave Tang Huang a little hope. Therefore, Tang Huang looked at Zhang Sanfeng with excitement.

"Although it doesn't have the effect of prolonging life, if you take care of it properly and don't suffer from serious illnesses or accidents, there is no problem in living to a hundred years old."

Zhang Sanfeng thought about it for a while, but still told Tang Huang truthfully.

What is the biggest difference between spiritual power and inner power?

One is cultivating immortals and the other is practicing martial arts.

In the middle, although the strength of martial arts training is not much worse than that of cultivators, the difference in the middle is not the combat power, but the relationship of life level.

It is precisely because of this that everyone can cultivate inner strength, but very few can cultivate immortals.

However, this happens to be what Datang lacks the most.

What is the current Datang lacking?What is lacking is nothing more than enough combat power to defeat the domestic demons.

Inner strength is such an existence that can quickly improve one's strength, but it cannot prolong one's life.

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, Emperor Tang clearly showed a trace of disappointment, but he still maintained his demeanor as an emperor.

After all, Emperor Tang already had expectations in his heart, and when he heard such a result, he had already considered it.

"Although I have thought about it, I am still a little disappointed to hear it."

Tang Huang smiled bitterly, then looked at Zhang Sanfeng in front of him, quickly calmed down his emotions, and said to Zhang Sanfeng:

"Whether you want to establish a sect or establish a new institution, I support you, but the state religion of Datang has been handed over to Shushan.

Moreover, Shushan has been doing his best all these years, so if Zhang Zhenren wants to establish a sect, the position of the state religion may not be as Zhang Zhenren wished. "

"I understand that too." Zhang Sanfeng nodded to show his understanding. .

Chapter 594

The huge Shushan faction, not to mention the Tang emperor, even in the whole world, there is no existence that really dares to offend the Shushan faction to death.

After all, the Shushan faction can really link the existence of the upper realm of the gods.

What's more, in the human world, Shushan has already become the state religion of every country, which has become a kind of inheritance.

Therefore, Zhang Sanfeng no longer intends to start a sect.

The Wudang School was founded by Zhang Sanfeng, so the current Zhang Sanfeng has no obsession with the founding of the school.

"Since that's the case, then I'll set up an institution in the court under the imperial power, called Zhenxie Si!"

Zhang Sanfeng thought about it and said directly to Emperor Tang.

The purpose of Zhenxiesi is to suppress those demons in the Tang Dynasty, no, not only in the Tang Dynasty, but also the demons in the whole world.

Regarding the situation of demons harming people, Zhang Sanfeng encountered a lot along the way. Zhang Sanfeng also has sympathy for the common people living in this world who are in dire straits.

Therefore, Zhang Sanfeng extremely hoped that he could help these people and return this world to a bright future.

"If that's the case, then it's naturally the best. If Zhenren Zhang needs it, he can do whatever he wants, whether it's money- or people!"

Tang Huang said very happily, as if he was not worried that Zhang Sanfeng would seize power or something.

Of course, Zhang Sanfeng definitely couldn't do that. Hearing what Emperor Tang said, Zhang Sanfeng nodded and said to Emperor Tang without any politeness:

"If that's the case, then I'm not polite. I hope that Emperor Tang can first select [-] soldiers from the most elite and loyal soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

These two thousand people, I try to divide them into ten teams within a month, each team has the ability to deal with a small monster, first clean up the monsters in Chang'an City. "

Just do what he says, Zhang Sanfeng is not a hesitant person, he said directly to Emperor Tang.

"No problem, I'll arrange it right away. People can be dispatched tonight. In the morning tomorrow, I'll ask people to report to you."

After hearing this, Emperor Tang's expression also became serious, and he said it directly. After thinking about it, Emperor Tang said to Zhang Sanfeng again:

"If I remember correctly, outside Chang'an City, there is a camp established by a demon, which is said to have been established by Xie Jianxian fifty years ago.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

But after the death of Xie Jianxian, it became a barren place. Although there were some scattered monsters, it was also the most suitable venue for training troops. "

"The monster is not a problem for me, as for money, there are many places in the Tang Dynasty that need to spend money, so I don't need to bother Lord Tang.


I just have some money here, enough for a year's expenses, not to mention, there are also many monsters, which is a big supplement for those of us who practice martial arts, so Emperor Tang does not have to waste money and people. "

Zhang Sanfeng said.

As Zhang Sanfeng became stronger and stronger, the help of silver to Zhang Sanfeng could be said to be dispensable.

Moreover, in the future, silver, gold, etc., to Zhang Sanfeng, is just a pile of scrap iron. Therefore, when Zhang Sanfeng said these words, he did not feel any distress.

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng's words did not seem to be false, Emperor Tang bowed his hands to Zhang Sanfeng and said with a sigh:

"Now there are very few people like Zhang Zhenren who don't care about money." Six.

Chapter 595

"This is wrong. There are still many people who are not greedy for money. However, money is used in all aspects of doing things, so there is no way out."

Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile.

It was very late, and Zhang Sanfeng also announced his farewell.

Early the next morning, Zhang Sanfeng came to the place where the Evil Sword Immortal had been searched by the Emperor Tang.

I have to say that it is indeed a good place, but it is surrounded by woods, and there are many monsters in the woods.

But this is nothing to Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng used the spells given by Jiujianxian to directly set up a defensive magic circle around the flat ground. In this way, ordinary monsters could not break in at all.

Moreover, even if some powerful monsters wanted to break in, the movement would be very big, and Zhang Sanfeng would be able to react at that time.

Soon, the [-] soldiers who were in good physical condition, strong and healthy, and all under the age of [-], arranged by Emperor Tang came.

He also brought a lot of food with him. As for water, he would go to Chang'an City to carry water himself every time.

After all, the forest here is full of monsters, and maybe there is a monster that has been poisoned in the water, so it is still necessary to guard against it.

As for Li Xiaoyao, he lived in Chang'an City and practiced his own sword-fighting skills. Zhang Sanfeng also taught Li Xiaoyao a trick of Wanjian again, so that Li Xiaoyao could practice more.

"Zhang Zhenren, a total of [-] people came here this time. When we ordered [-] people, and all [-] people are here, the assembly is complete."

At the same time, a leader among the soldiers also counted the number of soldiers who came, and then said respectfully to Zhang Sanfeng.

"Okay, since we're all here, let me say a few words."

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the [-] people in front of him, although he did not have the aptitude to cultivate immortals all these years.

But in Zhang Sanfeng's view, these people's roots are not bad. If they practice martial arts, they will soon have certain achievements. After all, these people were soldiers before.

Zhang Sanfeng used his strong spiritual power to make his voice louder and directly transmitted it into everyone's mind:

"You are all personally selected by His Majesty Emperor Tang, who are loyal to Emperor Tang, and are not weak. Therefore, today's words of mine must be kept in your heart..."

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, especially when they heard Tang Huang in person, a tremor suddenly appeared in the hearts of these soldiers, and involuntarily they began to listen carefully to Zhang Sanfeng's words.

"Our current name is Zhenye Si!"

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