However, there is no way to send them here. Now the city is very chaotic, and they can only rely on them to hunt down and kill... They dare not disobey the orders of the city lord.

You must know that Xue Tian's strength is also a rank [-] Golden Immortal, but his strength is very powerful. If it weren't for the serious injury, he would have successfully

Chapter 869

However, Fenghe City is in chaos now, and only the four of them can come after Xue Tian... Although the things in Xue Tian's hands are very important, after weighing the pros and cons, the city owner still focuses on Fenghe City.

Fenghe City has been in business for countless years to form the current prosperity, but it cannot be destroyed like this.

After all, no matter how important the treasure is, it can't be compared to the foundation of his Fenghe City. If he didn't know the strength of the four, the city owner really wanted them to take Xue Tian back and torture him.

But there is no way. The four of them are the strongest among the people who can be sent out. There is no problem in killing Xue Tian, ​​but it is almost impossible to capture him alive. The city owner is still very clear about the strength of his subordinates.

Xue Tian's methods are quite numerous... There is a part of the reason for his great reputation.

"Well, go full speed ahead."

The person next to her nodded in agreement, she was the only woman among the four, and she said in a deep voice, "We can't fail this mission... Because of this incident, he is in a very bad mood, and he has to fail again this time. If so, I am afraid the punishment will not be light."

While it won't "fine money" or make them suffer, the punishment will still be hard.

"Hmph, isn't it normal to fail? The city lord should be mentally prepared."

The last person seemed to be a little grumpy, and he said very unhappily, "Then Xue Tian's reputation is not small, if we have complete strength, none of us can beat him, and even if we go together, he might be able to kill us all. And now, let us hunt him down?"

He didn't finish his words, but the other three understood what he meant.

Although the four of them had an absolute advantage now, Xue Tian might still have a backer. It would be difficult to kill the four of them without help, but it might be possible to escape.

As for what this person said that he couldn't beat Xue Tian, ​​none of them refuted it.

Xue Tian's reputation around here is quite large.

I am afraid that the city owner is also very uncomfortable now. He clearly attaches great importance to Xue Tian, ​​but he has no skills, so he can only send these four ordinary people to set out.

"so what?"

The woman glanced at the man lightly, with mockery in her tone, "You can disobey the city lord's orders, and no one is forcing you."

The man closed his mouth.

Although the lord of Fenghe City is very strict with the following and has a very bad temper, I have to say that the treatment of Fenghe City is definitely the best in this area...  

There is only one way to disobey the orders of the city lord:

Exit Fenghe City.

Fenghe City is allowed to withdraw, but it must not be withdrawn in the middle of the mission, otherwise it will be regarded as a betrayal and will be hunted down by Fenghe City.

And the city lord will not issue highly dangerous tasks to members.

Just like now, it is very difficult for Xue Tian and the others to hunt down when they are in normal state, but if they are seriously injured, as long as they are careful enough, there will be no danger - there is no accident.

Now they are afraid of accidents.

Although a few people were talking, the speed was not slow at all... Finally, they saw Xue Tian.

But what puzzled them was that Xue Tian was waiting for them here, without the slightest panic and nervousness.

'He has reached his destination?Just this wasteland? '

The same thoughts popped into the minds of the four of them.

At this moment, the place where the five of them are located is a desert. Looking around, there is only a seemingly endless barren grass and sand.

Why did Xue Tian run away? .

Chapter 870

"You guys came very quickly, I haven't rested much yet."

Xue Tian sat cross-legged, seemingly without any precautions, he stood up, patted his legs naturally, and said in a flat tone, "It seems that my luck is good, I got here before my mana was exhausted."

In fact, his mana still has about one-fifth, although it is not much, it is barely enough.

However, if the consumption of his future budget is counted, it can be said that it is almost exhausted now.

Just in case, he plans to delay it for a while.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, it's better to finish the task as soon as possible."

The leader said something in a deep voice, immediately raised his hand, and a golden light flew towards Xue Tian.

He was very jealous of Xue Tian and wanted to solve the other party as soon as possible.



Although there was no sound, the four of them made up such a sound at the same time.

Xue Tian was like a bubble, which was directly pierced by the golden light, and then converged to form another Xue Tian.

Xue Tian has a lot of such partial spells, whether it is treatment, life-saving, or attacking formations, he can do it.

Although he is not particularly proficient, he can still be regarded as an all-rounder.

"Don't are late anyway."

Xue Tian quickly raised his hand, stopped the four who were planning to continue attacking, and said with a smile, "Don't you want to know why your city lord is chasing and killing me?"

The four of them looked at each other, and the task given by the city lord to them was to kill Xue Tian and bring back all the things on his body-obviously, the city lord did not want them to know what it was.

Naturally, they are also curious, what is it that attracts the city master's attention so much.

You must know that the current chaos in Fenghe City is fundamentally caused by Xue Tian... Although his strength is very weak, it is indeed the core of this incident.

They are also confident that they will not be tempted by this thing... Even Xue Tian, ​​who is much stronger than them, is being hunted down like this, what good fruit can they have?

No matter how important this thing is, can it be compared to their lives?

And now Xue Tian has stopped running, and this time is not enough for him to recover... It's okay to hear it.

As Xue Tian said, even if he really had any means, it would be too late to stop him now.

After all, Xue Tian was in front of them now, and it was impossible to play any small tricks.

The four of them had a tacit understanding. They didn't do anything with the same idea. They didn't speak. They just looked at Xue Tian quietly, wanting to know what he was going to say.

"To be honest, if I hadn't had a lot of methods, I would have been arrested now."

When Xue Tian saw that they stopped doing it, he smiled and said, "The chance is not something that everyone can take."

While talking, he took out the jade pendant and let it float in the air.

At this moment, the jade pendant is flashing red light as before, but the difference is that the red light is very bright now, even a little dazzling.

The cooperation of the four made Xue Tian very happy... He knew that he was going to succeed.

"Can you recognize the shape of this jade pendant?"

Xue Tian said with a smile, "Its owner is famous."

The eyes of the three were all focused on the female angel.

The four of them have been together for a long time, and they are quite clear about each other's situation... Except for this one, the other three don't know much about these.

The female angel took a closer look at the jade pendant and fell into thinking... the symbol of half dragon and half phoenix.

After three or four breaths, she thought of it.

"how is this possible……"

Her face suddenly became a little ugly, "This is the jade pendant of the real dragon and phoenix?!".

Chapter 871

"Dragon and Phoenix?!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present except Xue Tian changed.

Although they are not very clear about the specific history, they have heard of such a big man as Master Longfeng. After all, he is famous.

The real dragon and phoenix was active tens of thousands of years ago, and he disappeared without a trace.

I don't know the exact grades, but the words "Daluo Jinxian" are enough to describe his strength... Whether it's the first-grade or the ninth-grade, there is no difference to them.

Would you care if you were killed by a hydrogen bomb or a neutron bomb?

"Longfeng Zhenren disappeared more than [-] years ago, and no one knows his specific background. It is said that Longfeng Zhenren has the blood of a real dragon and a real phoenix, but this is almost impossible. Most people still think that the main method of his cultivation is the dragon and phoenix double skills. Law."

The female angel explained to them, "His greatest hobby is wandering around, hiding his cultivation for fun, and rarely unlocking the seal of his cultivation".

Although there are many people who hide their cultivation, they will reveal their strength or identity when they encounter something, and enjoy this pleasure.

However, the real Dragon Phoenix is ​​different. Even if he encounters "life danger", he will not reveal his cultivation base, and will maintain this cultivation base "death".

"And because of wandering around, he has obtained a lot of rare and powerful exercises and treasures, but because of his strength and no worries, few people will provoke him... The real dragon and phoenix also has a nickname, called the mobile treasure house."

Of course, that's just such a joke, no one really dares to attack this "treasure house". After all, very few people who can beat him and don't care about these things, and those who care about can't beat him... The real person Longfeng also has a temper. Pretty good, don't care about the nickname.

Speaking of this, the four of them looked at Xue Tian together... According to her description, except that there is no "Dragon and Phoenix" and the strength is a little bit worse, this Xue Tian is very similar to the real person Long and Phoenix.

However, Xue Tian doesn't seem to have a hobby to hide his cultivation base... But this hobby of Master Longfeng also only came to him when he arrived after Taiyi Jinxian.

Could he be a disciple of Zhenren Longfeng?

It is normal for such adults to leave inheritances, and some even leave more than one inheritance, either multiple disciples, or the most powerful disciples are left as a gu... good thing.

But if you want to become stronger, it is inevitable.

Few people want their inheritance to disappear like this, and their death is inevitable, so the "." spirit must be passed on.

"You are right, this jade pendant is indeed a copy left by the real person Longfeng."

Xue Tian looked at the four with a smile, "It seems like you know what they are thinking, but you guessed wrong, I'm not a disciple of Zhenren Longfeng... If my guess is correct, there should be quite a few of these jade pendants, and Each one opens in a different way.”

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