For example, the opening of this jade pendant took him a lot of time (Li Li's), but fortunately, now it is finally successful.

"So it's not the inheritance of the real dragon and phoenix?"

One asked suspiciously.

It stands to reason that things like this kind of token should be used for inheritance...Isn't inheritance still so beaten to death?

"Hehe, how is this possible."

Xue Tian smiled and shook his head, pointing out his mistake, "If it's really the inheritance of the real dragon and phoenix, is it still our turn to fight for this thing?".

Chapter 872

The real dragon and phoenix are Da Luo Jinxian!

Not to mention the first-rank golden immortals like Xue Tian, ​​even the ninth-rank golden immortals and the Taiyi golden immortals would compete endlessly for his inheritance.

Even Daluo Jinxian may take part in it... After all, it is the inheritance of a big man of the same level, maybe he has something that he can use, and the power of Longfeng Zhenren is powerful, even if it is used for reference, it can get a lot of benefits.

But usually they don't do it.

But now, Fenghe City Lord is only an eighth-rank Jinxian. In the eyes of those big men, it's just a small fight. If they want this thing, Xue Tian can't hide it.

It was a struggle at the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal. These little Golden Immortals didn't even have the qualifications to watch the battle, let alone the current competition.

"makes sense."

The leader nodded and immediately responded, "This thing has nothing to do with us... We just need to complete the task, if you hand it over directly, we can let you go, as long as the thing arrives, presumably the city owner won't particularly care. ."

Of course he wasn't so kind, he just said this just in case... Xue Tian looked so confident, he really had a backup.

No, there should definitely be a means.

If they are damaged here, it will be troublesome... If they can complete the task, why risk (bhah) their lives to fight, as long as they get the jade pendant, the city lord will forgive them.

After all, everyone cherishes their own lives, and Xue Tian's powerful city lord also understands very well.

They may not be able to withstand the death-defying counterattack of a golden immortal... After all, there are still these three immortals here.

The strongest counterattack is the attack power.

" think it's pretty good."

Xue Tianlue glanced at him in surprise, but immediately reacted to his thoughts, and said plainly, "Of course it can't be the inheritance of True Master Longfeng, but no matter what he left behind, even if it's just a little bit casually, It may be a treasure comparable to the Taiyi Jinxian level... enough for us to earn a lifetime."

Although the tone was flat, there was still a hint of bewitching in it.

"You say it's useless."

The leader shook his head, not being bewitched at all, "Even if you take the treasure, it will have a life... I don't think we can freely use the treasure of Taiyi Jinxian at our level."

With their mana and realm, forcibly using this high-level treasure, the best result is that the mana is overdrawn and extremely weak... If they use some domineering treasure, they may be directly attacked, seriously injured or even fallen.

Relying on these treasures, they can't escape the pursuit, let alone the infighting that a few of them may have... Maybe they will die before they are hunted down.

It's better that everyone doesn't take it.

"You are sober."

Xue Tian glanced at the other three who also nodded, shook his head helplessly, and then a bright smile appeared on his face, "But it doesn't matter, the result can't be changed anyway."

As his words fell, he gently put his hand on the jade pendant.

In an instant, blood blooms!


The four reacted immediately, no longer hesitated, and all took out the strongest attack, and they didn't plan to keep their hands... They were not afraid of attacking the jade pendant, after all, it was left by the dragon and the phoenix, and it couldn't be destroyed so easily.

But to the surprise of the four of them, all the attacks were swallowed up by blood like a mud cow entering the sea. .

Chapter 873

"It's useless. Once the treasure house is opened, it can't be interrupted... Unless it is beyond the power of Jinxian, nothing can hurt me."

Xue Tian's mood improved obviously, "By the way, I remind you that this treasure house opens every seven days, and only those below Jinxian can enter."

Of course he is very happy now, there is one more thing he didn't say... That is, there is a part of the inheritance of the Dragon and Phoenix in this treasure house.

He must pass the assessment, as long as a part is enough for him... He paid so much for this part of the inheritance.

Of course, he also has this confidence.

"Below Jinxian?"

Xue Tian is a second-rank Golden Immortal!

He didn't meet the requirements himself, but he knew early on, why did he do it.

"You'll know right away."

Seeing that the four of them were puzzled, Xue Tian raised a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth, and sold out.

After about [-] breaths, the ground behind Xue Tian began to crack, a bronze palace slowly emerged, and a faint light film appeared at the same time, which seemed to be blocking the outside world.

"Several, goodbye."

Xue Tian grabbed the jade pendant and took a few steps back, at this time his back was covered with a light film.

The four knew that they couldn't stop it, and they didn't try to attack... They also wanted to see what means Xue Tian would use to get in.

Xue Tian smiled slightly, his face suddenly became pale, and his breath began to slide down quickly, and finally stopped at the seventh-rank Tianxian.

"You actually abandoned your cultivation base?"

Generally speaking, self-destruction cultivation is difficult to control, and it will be completely abolished if you are not careful... It is not a good feeling to return to a mortal, and like this kind of Jinxian, even if the restoration speed is very fast, if you want to cultivate I don't know how long it will take to go back.

And the real threat is the enemy. Once the enemy knows that this person has been rebuilt, he will definitely use all means to try to find him.

But Xue Tian's means at the moment were a bit beyond their expectations. Although he wasn't the right ninth-rank Heaven Immortal... but his control was quite good.

And now it seems that Xue Tian is just a little weak, and it doesn't have much impact.

Although he is no longer a golden immortal, with his methods, even if he is a seventh-rank immortal, he is not afraid of a ninth-rank immortal.

"Hey, anyway, I have a lot of means, it doesn't affect me... It's just a waste of time after coming out, it's totally worth it."

Xue Tian laughed twice, it seems that it is not difficult for him to abandon his cultivation.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, took a step back again, and the whole person disappeared in front of them.

The bronze palace was like an ornament, and the inside and outside of the light film seemed to be two worlds... At this moment, they could no longer find Xue Tian.

"what should we do?"

The four looked at each other in dismay, for a while.

"Brother Lin, I want to go in."

..... 0

In the end, it was the female angel who spoke first. She took a deep breath and said firmly, "I am also an angel, and I want to go in as well to seek opportunities."

The leader, Brother Ling, turned to look at the other two.

They all nodded.

"You go, I'll go back and report."

Brother Lin sighed and said helplessly, "The city owner will understand... I wish you all the best."

He doesn't have Xue Tian's accurate self-defeating cultivation skills... nor does he have the courage.

This is also normal, this is not what he opened, and no one knows what is in it.


The three nodded, looked at each other, and walked into the light film at the same time.

Brother Lin watched the three disappear, sighed, and said to himself with a headache:

"This is going to be messed up again." Seven.

Chapter 874

Tai Xuan teaching.

Because of Wuchenzi's move, Li Yiner's retreat attracted the attention of the younger half of the Taixuan Sect, but they didn't pay much attention. After all, it was far worse than what Zhang Sanfeng made a few days ago.

Although the momentum is good, it is only good, and the number of people who can achieve this momentum in the Taixuan Sect is uncountable.

Zhang Sanfeng, who was in retreat, was unaware of this. As long as it wasn't an attack that shook the mountain, he would come directly to the retreat, otherwise the outside world would not disturb him no matter what happened.


In the practice, eight days passed quickly.

Zhang Sanfeng opened his eyes, feeling the filling of mana in his body, and muttered to himself silently.

"Relying on the precipitation during alchemy and the cultivation during this period, I am only one step away from the second-rank fairy."

Not only is he strong in combat, but he is known as the "great emperor", but his cultivation speed is not slow at all. Otherwise, how can he fight against those geniuses?

Insufficient cultivation will eventually limit the combat power... For example, he and Li Yin'er, if they really want to go all out, he is not Li Yin'er's opponent at all.

The gap in cultivation is too big... Both of them are still immortals, what if they are golden immortals?

It's good that Zhang Sanfeng can escape successfully, so his cultivation base must not fall.

"It stands to reason that Yin'er should be almost done."

Zhang Sanfeng stood up and walked outside. It was just an ordinary practice. He was not completely immersed in the practice, so he knew the time.

"After all, it's just a small breakthrough, and it's not even a breakthrough... It should take about the same time as me, and I deliberately rested for a while."

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