It's not that he is afraid. To be honest, although he is indeed weak, as long as he carefully hides his identity and does not do things in a high-profile manner, he can still be sure to return safely.

But Wuchenzi and the others shouldn't be so relieved... It's one thing to have confidence, and another thing to do with the real situation.

There are many powerful people who died because of their "confidence", let alone a weakling who was only a first-rank fairy.

"Of course I can't let you go so directly."

Wuchenzi replied with a smile, "Longfeng Zhenren has quite a lot of collections... We all attach great importance to this secret realm."

There might be something in there that they can use... As a big power, naturally they don't care about the increase in their own power's inventory.

"What, you want to go with me?"

Zhang Sanfeng raised his eyebrows, a little surprised... Wuchenzi was the headmaster of the Taixuan Sect.

It stands to reason that it is not at the critical moment that the person in power will not (bhah) leave his own power.

"We will be here to observe remotely to prevent accidents."

Wuchenzi replied, "But someone did take you there."

As the headmaster, he naturally cannot leave Taixuan Sect so casually... It is his duty to protect the safety of Taixuan Sect.

This is the price of teaching.

"You guys?" Zhang Sanfeng got used to himself, adding at most one Li Yin'er, but he didn't expect that someone would go with him.

"Of course it's together, there are so many good things in it, of course we need to go to more people."

Wuchenzi's face was full of righteousness, and he said sternly, "The more people who go, the more things you can get."

This is a matter of course. In such a big secret realm, it is naturally impossible for the Taixuan Sect to send Zhang Sanfeng alone, so there is no benefit whether it is profit or safety.

If you go to one more person, the things you can get from Taixuanjiao will be one more point... Who cares that there are more good things here?

There are so many immortal disciples of Taixuan Sect, if others want to go, they still need to fight, that is, Zhang Sanfeng's identity is here, so there is no need to compete.

Of course, if he really wants to compete, he won't be able to beat him... The cultivation base doesn't need to be too high, even if there is a rank five Heavenly Immortal, he can go up and fight.

It's a pity that now his cultivation is only a rank [-] Heavenly Immortal. .

Chapter 878

"The first batch of disciples have already gone, there are eleven in total, all of them are rank nine Heavenly Immortals."

Peak Master Yuqing on the side glanced at Wuchenzi with a slight disdain, and then said to Zhang Sanfeng, "The second batch is being selected, and I will set off with you in the afternoon... There is no problem in leaving in the afternoon."

All the ninth-rank Heavenly Immortals with good talent have already gone, including Zi Ling, another direct disciple of Wuchenzi.

The second group went to some young disciples who had not yet reached the ninth rank of Heavenly Immortals. A total of [-] people were fighting for ten places... Of course the number was more than that, but most people thought that their strength was not enough, so they didn't come~ It was a waste of time.

After all, they are from the same school. If you want to learn from each other, you will have time. There is no need to come here specially - take your own humiliation.

"Of course no problem."

Zhang Sanfeng chuckled twice, "It's too late to be happy with this opportunity, let alone the afternoon, it's okay to wait a few days."

He didn't know the specific situation there, so naturally he wouldn't be in a hurry.

"Cough, in fact, it really needs to wait a few days."

Wuchenzi suddenly opened his mouth, facing Zhang Sanfeng's doubtful eyes, he explained, "I'll wait after I go... This secret realm opens every seven days, and the last time was the day before yesterday, so I have to wait after I go."

"I see."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded to show his understanding, and then asked, "What about the person who entered for the first time, did you come out?"

I am afraid that these people can bring a lot of news... After all, no one but them knows what is going on in the secret realm.

"Xue Tian, ​​who opened the secret realm, disappeared, but one of the people who went in with him has come out."

Wuchenzi replied, "He just came out yesterday. According to what he said, Xue Tian had already left earlier, and it seems that he got what he wanted."

"People outside didn't see Xue Tian at all. He seemed to have other means to stay away from there."

The secret realm was opened by Xue Tian. Since he has left successfully, the best things in the secret realm should have been taken away by him.

But no one except him knows what it is, so the greed is not so strong.

Instead of staring at Xue Tian who disappeared without a trace, it is better to look at other loose people who have no background.

"It should be the same, he should have been prepared long ago."

Peak Master Yuqing said lightly, "Otherwise, he will be besieged as soon as he comes out, and he will waste his thoughts."

"How he has nothing to do with us."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile, "It won't delay us anyway."

As long as you don't take all of it... Of course, if you really take all of it, Xue Tian probably won't be able to live for long.

"Uncle is right."

Wuchenzi also laughed, "We Taixuan Sect won't be chasing this opportunity like those scattered people, if it is the inheritance of Dragon and Phoenix, we may be a little interested... But this thing, hey , we really don't care."

...... ......

"All right."

Peak Master Yuqing snorted coldly, "I don't know who sent the disciples over with an excited look when the news came."

"Hey, don't worry about it."

Wuchenzi waved his hand and said something with a face full of indifference, then looked at Zhang Sanfeng, "Uncle, do you want to see the selection of the disciples?"

"It's okay to go and see."

Zhang Sanfeng was a little curious and said with a smile, "I might not be able to beat them yet."

"That's only for a short period of time."

Wuchenzi said with a smile, full of confidence in Zhang Sanfeng, "It won't take you long to crush them."

"I borrow your auspicious words." Seven.

Chapter 879

Zhang Sanfeng and Wuchenzi went to the martial arts field together.

Now it seems that the end is near, because there are eight people sitting in different places from the other disciples, and the other two must be the two on the field.

However, Zhang Sanfeng is a little strange. He has already selected ten people to set out with him, so why should he continue to fight?

"It was enough to only need ten people, but they all want the top five, five or three, and they have to decide the first and second."

Wuchenzi looked at Zhang Sanfeng and said with a smile, "I have already told them that the first will not be the captain, but they are still very positive."

Even if you are not the captain, you must understand the general strength of your teammates when you act together, and this can prevent situations where no one agrees with the other.

"Oh? Who's the captain then?"

Zhang Sanfeng was a little curious and asked jokingly, "It can't be me, right?"

He is only a first-rank fairy, so he is not qualified to be a captain... generation is useless in the secret realm, weak strength is weak.

"Of course it's you."

Wuchenzi said as a matter of course, "You are their great uncle, even if they were to be the captain, would they dare to order you to fail?"

This is indeed the reason, the generation gap is too big, they don't have the courage to order Zhang Sanfeng.

"This is not possible, weak strength is weak strength."

Zhang Sanfeng frowned, somewhat dissatisfied with this arrangement.

"When I'm outside, others don't look at seniority. The most important thing is combat power... and I don't know enough about the world, so it's even more impossible to command."

He knew that it was impossible for Wuchenzi not to understand this truth, but Wuchenzi had to arrange it in this way. As mentioned above, how could these disciples dare to command their Taishishu?

But he doesn't have the qualifications to command... If he is forced to command, it is more likely to be a bad thing.

Although the disciples will happily obey as long as they don't issue excessive orders... but this cannot hide the fact that he is weak.

Zhang Sanfeng also understands his current prestige in Taixuan Sect, even if he is only a first-rank Heavenly Immortal, his disciples will still respect him.

But if his strength is not good, he is not good. On the other hand, he has just arrived, and his "vision" is not comparable to other disciples, so how can he command.

"We'll talk about this later. After all, no one has been elected yet... Let's see what the disciples mean..."

Wuchenzi avoided Zhang Sanfeng's words and looked at the battle below. The purpose of his words had been achieved.

In fact, it would be okay if Zhang Sanfeng could be the captain. He believed in his uncle's ability, but he wanted his uncle to choose by himself... After all, most of the people who knew him best were himself.

He can't make decisions on behalf of Zhang Sanfeng... This time to go to the secret realm is not an "order" from the headmaster.

Since the uncle has decided not to be the captain, then it is okay to give this leadership to the disciples... I believe that the uncle can regulate their relationship.

Anyway, Uncle Shi has always been gentle with others, so he should be able to get along with them - giving them the confidence to command Uncle Shi.

Looking at Li Yin'er, it wasn't long after she stayed with Zhang Sanfeng, and she was able to easily joke with her uncle.

Zhang Sanfeng also roughly understood what Wuchenzi meant at this moment, and stopped talking, just quietly watching the battle below.

At this moment, neither the disciples below nor the supervising peak masters have noticed the arrival of the three of them. .

Chapter 880

Now is the last battle. After the conversation just now, the people below do not know that the winner will be their captain.

If they knew, they might work harder... This leader has a lot of advantages, whether it is his contribution in the Taixuan Sect or the harvest in the secret realm, he will be much higher than others.

Of course, it is generally not as good as Zhang Sanfeng.

After all, it's just an internal discussion. Except for some people who have a strong desire to win, others generally don't show their full strength.

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