Go all out that is for the enemy, not your own comrades.


To Zhang Sanfeng's surprise, one was a sixth-rank Heaven Immortal and the other was an eighth-rank Heaven Immortal... Their battle at the moment represented the strongest among the people below.

You must know that among all the disciples below, there are seven eighth-rank heavenly immortals, and there are even two unlucky ones who did not make it to the top ten, and he has reached this step with only sixth-rank?

It is impossible to stick to the present by luck alone - he may have already defeated the eighth-rank Heavenly Immortal.

Although there are [-]-Rank defeating [-]-Rank, there are not many ... let alone the basics of the two are almost the same.

"That dark-haired boy looks good."

Zhang Sanfeng was slightly amazed, "A sixth-rank Heavenly Immortal can actually go this far."

The boy had neat short black hair, and his moves were fierce, and he looked quite enjoyable.

"Oh, uncle, are you talking about Wei Wen?"

Peak Master Yuqing spoke from the side. Although it was a question, his smiling expression still revealed his inner joy.

Obviously, this Wei Wen has something to do with Peak Master Yuqing, and the latter may know a lot about him.

"Do you know him?"

Zhang Sanfeng did not expect that Peak Master Yuqing, who ranks among the top of all Peak Masters, would know such a small person.

This person seems to be just an ordinary inner disciple. Peak Master Yuqing and the headmaster are about the same level... It is not difficult for inner disciples to meet them, but if they want to have a relationship, it is almost impossible.

"This person belongs to his Yuqing Peak."

Wuchenzi said slightly disdainfully, "This Wei Wen is the person with the lowest cultivation level on Yuqing Peak."

Yuqing Peak is not the only one who is a strong man... But just talking about the above disciples, the one with the lowest cultivation base was originally a first-rank Jinxian. Now Wei Wen has won Yuqing Peak with his sixth-grade Tianxian cultivation base. the "weakest" title.

"What's wrong with low cultivation? Look down on those with low cultivation?"

Yuqing Peak Master was not happy, "Isn't it because he didn't grab it, is it so sour? Let me tell you, he was very happy in our Yuqing Peak!"

Although Wei Wen sometimes doesn't speak very nicely, his popularity is quite good, and now he has a good relationship with the others on Yuqing Peak... They still take good care of Wei Wen, this little junior brother.

Wuchenzi wanted to refute, but glanced at Zhang Sanfeng, and finally closed his mouth and stopped talking.

How dare he look down on someone with a low cultivation base... There is one next to him, and this cultivation base is even lower than Wei Wen below.

This is his elder. If he looks down on those with low cultivation, he looks down on his uncle... He doesn't have the guts.


Yuqingfeng saw that Wuchenzi looked like a quail with his head shriveled, and understood what he was worried about, he couldn't help but laughed, but he did not continue to be sarcastic, but took the initiative to explain to Zhang Sanfeng. .

Chapter 881

"This Wei Wen has just risen from the outer sect disciple. He was originally just an ordinary mortal, but I don't know what chance he got. Not only did his cultivation level rise rapidly, but his combat power did not drop in the slightest."

In such a huge force of Taixuan Sect, it is normal that there are a few people who can get the chance, and the Taixuan Sect family has a great career, so naturally they don't look down on this chance.

As for other people who are greedy about this... it has nothing to do with them, this is the test that should be given after getting the chance.

If you can't even protect your own chance, then you are not qualified to have it.

"He trains the Buddha Battle Technique, one of the basic exercises of our Taixuan Sect. The lower limit is low and the upper limit is high, but the training process is very difficult... It is probably part of his chance. Although he practiced this method, it was not counted. Fast, but not slower than those ordinary exercises."

The battle method of the Buddha is getting stronger and stronger, and the attack power is extremely powerful. The upper limit is as high as the ninth-rank Taiyi Jinxian. There are not many people who practice.

And this Wei Wen chose this method, and I don't know if he got the secret, and the training speed is not slow.

"He also trains in physical exercises, and his physical body is quite strong. It is difficult for spells below the gods to cause damage to him, and the level of gods will be weakened a lot... Therefore, he likes to press people head-on, and even be able to leapfrog battles." "."

The advantages and disadvantages of this fighting method are obvious, but in general it is quite good... at least the combat power is here.

Even if it is not durable enough and too monotonous, its strength is indeed very strong.

"Well... I also observed his behavior."

Wuchenzi said next to him, "Although his personality is a bit tough and direct, he is quite good to his friends, and he never causes trouble, so he can be regarded as a good seedling."

And in normal times, he is humble and low-key, and his character is quite good.

Zhang Sanfeng nodded, listening to Wuchenzi's description, he seemed to understand why the two were fighting for this Wei Wen.

No, maybe it wasn't just the two of them at the time... But for the two of them, it wasn't much of a fight, it was more that the two of them were fighting.

After all, Wei Wen's talent is actually like that... It may be not bad among the inner disciples, but there is still a gap between the top and the top. After all, everyone has a little bit of luck.

The inner sect is not the best, let alone the higher-level true disciples, and the true disciples can make these two big men compete?

No matter what, Li Yin'er has to attack at this level!

However, this Wei Wen seems to have a pretty good temperament, and there is no pride or other emotions because of this... He has a very detailed understanding of his own situation.

"."Unfortunately, Wei Wen is going to lose."

Wuchenzi, who was watching the battle, suddenly spoke up, awakening Zhang Sanfeng, who had fallen into thinking.

Whether it was an illusion or not, Zhang Sanfeng seemed to be able to hear a hint of schadenfreude in his tone.

But since Yu (Li Lihao) Qingfeng Master didn't care, then he didn't need to say something challenging... In fact, with the cultivation base here, it was normal for Wei Wen to lose the battle.

Zhang Sanfeng turned his attention to the battle below.

I have to say that Wei Wen's combat effectiveness is indeed very strong. Every move and every style is crushed with a huge momentum. Zhang Sanfeng compared it and felt that he couldn't resist a few attacks.

Of course, if he really wants to fight this Wei Wen, he doesn't need to fight head-to-head. .

Chapter 882

Although Wei Wen's attack was ferocious, it was obvious that the opponent on the opposite side was completely able to defend... and the cost was much lower than Wei Wen's.

This is the gap in cultivation. Of course, there is also the reason for the practice... It's not that Wei Wen is the only one cultivating the powerful practice.

Wei Wen's opponent obviously has certain attainments in defense... at least he can defend against Wei Wen's attack.

And if other rank eight Heavenly Immortals with weaker defenses, maybe they will be directly defeated by Wei Wen's series of attacks.

But those are other opponents, and the person in front of Wei Wen has defeated all opponents to get to this point.

At this moment, Wei Wen's opponent didn't make much of a move, and just followed Wei Wen's attack steadily, his eyes fixed on Wei Wen, as if he was looking for a loophole... Wei Wen seems to be attacking fiercely now, but it actually has no effect on him.

Sure enough, just when Wei Wen had just finished his explosion and consumed a huge amount of energy, he took advantage of Wei Wen's new strength and defeated him in one go.

The fight was a bit anticlimactic.

After the battle, his breath was stable, and it seemed that the victory was very easy.

Wei Wen was out of breath, looked at him seriously, and said solemnly:

"Thank you for your advice."

If he loses, he loses. He understands that there is still some gap between him and him. After all, the cultivation base is here.

But he also has the confidence that he will not be weaker than anyone until the time of the same practice (bhah).

"You are really great."

The victorious man scratched his light blue hair, gave him a serious look, and said with admiration, "I almost lost... You are two ranks lower than me."

Even though he said that, anyone could see that he didn't do his best, but Wei Wen might have really caused him a little trouble.

However, although he was being humble, what he said was the same... At least he was really being suppressed just now, and it was difficult to fight back.

"Okay, the winner is Chen Liang, who will be the captain of your team."

The peak master of Wuyuan Peak, who was supervising here, announced the victory and defeat, and told them who the captain was - Wuchenzi had just sent him a voice transmission.

But as his words fell, the news was thrown into the disciples like an explosion spell, and the whole venue suddenly became noisy.

"What? The first is the captain?"

"Isn't it said that Tai Shishu will be the captain?"

This is surprising, after all, this change was too sudden, and it was announced after the selection between them was over.

It stands to reason that the peak master of Wuyuan should not do this.

"I knew I would do my best..."

This is regrettable, everyone will hide a certain amount of strength, nothing more than how much... If you take it out, maybe you will not lose to others.

But since the captain is not theirs, there is no need to show their cards to fight... But now they all regret it.

"Didn't you say that the captain is Tai Shishu?"

Some people were dissatisfied and asked, "Why do you want to change after the end?!"

To say that it is a question, in fact, is a bit of anger in the tone.

He was fourth in the selection just now. He didn't do his best to maintain his strength, but now he regrets it.

He was confident that as long as he showed his cards, neither Wei Wen nor Chen Liang would be his opponents.

But unfortunately, others think so too.

"I said it."

Wuchenzi's voice appeared on the field, his face was flat, and there was no emotion in his tone, "Why, do you have any comments?".

Chapter 883

The disciples fell silent for a moment.

They are all inner disciples. To be honest, it is not that they have never seen Wuchenzi, but the dialogue with Wuchenzi is the first time... This is their head teacher!

Even if he is usually kind and approachable, he still treats his peers. In the eyes of these disciples who don't know Wuchenzi very well, Wuchenzi is quite majestic.

When the headmaster speaks, who dares to refute?

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