Zhang Sanfeng and Yuqing Peak Master also appeared beside him.

After seeing Zhang Sanfeng, some disciples subconsciously wanted to whisper, but after taking a look at Wuchenzi and Peak Master Yuqing, he closed the mouth that he had just opened.

Whispering in front of these two, isn't that courting death?

Even if it's not a bad word, it's not enough... It's quiet now, no matter how small his voice is, it's still clear to these two.

Although the sound transmission is fast and secret... but this is for people of the same realm.

With his immortal cultivation level, Jinxian may not be able to hear it without special means, but it is too easy to hear the words of Taiyi Jinxian and Da Luo Jinxian.

In the end, Peak Master Wuyuan broke the silence here, and he bent down slightly:

"I've seen the headmaster, Uncle Taishi, Peak Master Yuqing."

Now it is considered a semi-official occasion. Peak Master Yuqing, who has no "official position", does not need him to salute. After all, he is of the same generation as Peak Master Yuqing and Wuchenzi.

Just like Gao Han doesn't need to salute Li Yin'er, of course, it's unnecessary, if you respect him very much, then it's okay to salute.

However, Peak Master Wuyuan still salutes Peak Master Yuqing, which can be regarded as a role model for his disciples... If it was in private, he might have patted Peak Master Yuqing on the shoulder now.

"I've seen the headmaster, Uncle Taishi, Peak Master Yuqing."

Naturally, it was impossible for other disciples to be like him. They followed Peak Master Wuyuan and saluted the three of them.


Wuchenzi nodded to Wuyuan Peak Master and said plainly, "Since the winner has been decided, then I will take ten of them away first."

Seeing that Peak Master Wuyuan agreed, he looked at Wei Wen and Chen Liang beside him, and said lightly, "Come with me."

The tone was flat, but with a strong sense of indulgence. Although he only looked at the two strongest people, the meaning of the words was very clear.

The ten people saw Zhang Sanfeng and the others lifted off, looked at each other, and flew up after them.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

"You should know very well that the ten of you will soon set off with your uncle Taishi to the secret realm."

After everyone landed, Wuchenzi looked at the ten disciples and said with a blank expression, "And the captain is Chen Liang, the strongest among you."

Although the original rules have been changed, so what? If we have to speak from this aspect, it can be said that Zhang Sanfeng took the initiative to abdicate and let the sages.

...... ......

Moreover, with Wuchenzi's external strength, how could he make these boring explanations, he wouldn't even think about it.

"Headmaster, why am I the captain? Can't you give it to Tai Shishu?"

Contrary to everyone's expectations, the first person to question was the captain Chen Liang. He asked with some doubts, "And didn't it say that the captain was held by Tai Shishu before, why is it replaced by me now?"

Being the captain is obviously very beneficial to him, but he is not very willing. He actually wants to return the captain to Zhang Sanfeng... and he doesn't seem to be unwilling at all.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Chen Liang, from the latter's eyes, he only saw a strong sense of respect.seven.

Chapter 884

Wuchenzi glanced at Zhang Sanfeng, who understood and took the initiative to explain:

"After all, my strength is too weak to compare to you, and as a weak one, you can't command someone stronger than yourself... Besides, I'm not good at commanding either."

Zhang Sanfeng is a loner most of the time, and he is really not very good at leading others... and he can't lead the other party with all his heart when he is weak.

"You are not weak at [-]!"

Chen Liang looked quite cold from the outside, but what he said now ruined his image, "We don't care about your cultivation base at all, you can command us to your heart's content."

The other nine didn't care that he used the word "we" and nodded in unison.

They all have the same idea.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense."

Zhang Sanfeng frowned. Although he was a first-rank fairy, his aura made the hearts of the high-grade gods in front of him shudder, "I said you should do it! This is for the sake of our own safety!"

No one will care about their own safety, and these people are not stupid, they should understand these truths.


These ten disciples who were obviously stronger than Zhang Sanfeng shouted together.

As if Zhang Sanfeng was the captain.

"OK OK."

Yuqingfeng felt that the scene was a little serious, and he just finished what he had to say, so he came over to make a round of speech, "You all go back and get ready. An hour later, Yuqingfeng will gather at the teleportation point and prepare to leave."

Although there is no teleportation formation directly to Fenghe City, using the teleportation formation can indeed save some time.


The ten disciples also relaxed, agreed and left in a hurry.

"As expected of Uncle Shi, this aura is really scary."

When Yuqingfeng saw them leave, he looked at Zhang Sanfeng with a smile, and his tone was ridiculed, "As soon as the uncle spoke, they didn't dare to say anything."

Just now, Zhang Sanfeng really felt like a great uncle, even if his strength was not particularly strong.

"Isn't it because of my seniority?"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, "If I wasn't their great uncle, and I dared to speak like this with my cultivation of a first-rank immortal, I'm afraid I'd have been slapped hard by now."

Seriously, if there was a first-rank angel who dared to be arrogant in front of these ten inner disciples, he should have been lying on the bed and sent to the medicine hall by now...  

"It's different."

Wuchenzi said solemnly, "They have obviously recognized you, so they respect you so much. Otherwise, even if you are their elder, they will only respect you superficially, not like they are now."

What he said is really reasonable, and it's easy to see if he really respects... At least these teenagers are easy to see.

"Weak is weak."

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, then smiled heartily, "Don't worry, I won't belittle myself... I know very well what I am capable of and what I can do."

If they hadn't been "flattering" themselves, Zhang Sanfeng wouldn't always emphasize his weakness.

"That's good."

Wuchenzi was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Master, do you have nothing to prepare?"

"No, I'll just go there and wait for them."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't have a lot of things at first, and it was all on his storage bracelet... At this moment, Peak Master Yuqing seemed to be in a hurry, so he left without saying a word. .

Chapter 885

Zhang Sanfeng saw that there was nothing unusual about Wuchenzi, so he didn't say much. Although the peak master of Yuqing had no "position", his status and strength were here, and he usually had a lot of things to deal with.

"Okay, I'll lead you there... The one who led the team this time is the previous peak master."

Wu Chenzi walked with Zhang Sanfeng and explained, "Although Wuyuan Peak ranks forty-fourth, it is only a disciple who can't... Junior Brother Xuanwu is a fifth-rank Taiyi Jinxian, and he is a tyrannical magician on the peak master. It is also among the best.”

If there is a real fight, Xuan Wu should be able to rank in the top ten steadily... He is still slightly inferior in frontal combat.

Having said this, he sighed, and 17 said a little helplessly:

"Because of the particularity of Master Xuanwu's practice, he seldom accepts disciples, resulting in only twenty disciples in the entire Wuyuan Peak except him... How can it be possible to rank at the top."

"Among them, there are ten people who have the same cultivation method as Xuanwu Zhenren... six of them are his direct disciples, and most of the other disciples except for the same cultivation method are 'picked up' by his junior brother and his disciple."

For this reason, Wuyuan Peak is quite united.

"Haha, it's worthy of the title of Wu'yuan' Peak."

Zhang Sanfeng listened with relish, and asked casually, "Then the strength of these twenty disciples should be quite good, after all, they are the only people in the huge Wuyuan Peak."

"How do you say it... The disciples of the younger brother are indeed strong without a doubt, and the most powerful has reached the Taiyi Jinxian."

Wuchenzi thought for a while before answering, "But the rest of the disciples are average."

After finishing speaking, he took the initiative to answer the question Zhang Sanfeng wanted to ask before he could ask the question:

"Each mountain actually has different resources... It's all up to the disciples to fight for it themselves, and in Wuyuan Peak, no matter how strong the disciples are, it's useless. There are twenty disciples in total, and even if they want to fight, they can't do it alone."

Because many projects in the big competition are based on groups... and Wuyuanfeng, how can we form a group.

Even if the crowd is full, there may only be more people in one team from other peaks.

"Really interesting."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded with a smile, and said, "But this is also true, as many people have as many people's resources... Too much is a waste."

"Well, and their resources are not much at all."

Wuchenzi said with a smile, "If you really want to calculate it on average, each person in Wuyuan Peak has more resources than other peaks... What they have less is only the total number."

"That's fine."

Zhang Sanfeng said with emotion, "Strong strength is strength, and it cannot be obliterated by the number of people."

Although Zhang Sanfeng and Wuchenzi were walking, it was impossible for them to walk in the same way as mortals. Soon, they arrived at the teleportation formation.

Peak Master Wuyuan was already waiting here, and when he saw the two coming over, he took the initiative to salute:

"I have seen the headmaster, I have seen the uncle."

"I have seen Peak Master Wuyuan."

Wuchenzi did nothing, while Zhang Sanfeng returned the salute.

"Master, you don't need to call me that."

Master Xuanwu smiled bitterly, "Just call me Xuanwu."

Before Zhang Sanfeng could speak, he took a step forward and said, "Don't ask me not to call you Shishu... It's impossible."


Zhang Sanfeng swallowed back what he was going to say, and gave a muffled "um".

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