But he's used to it, so it doesn't matter. .

Chapter 886

Zhang Sanfeng and Master Xuanwu didn't wait too long, about half an hour, everyone was here.

After all, everyone has a magical storage tool, saying that they are going back to prepare well, but they are actually letting themselves think about their next plans.

You can't even be mentally prepared, right?

Counting Zhang Sanfeng's total of eight men and three women, Zhang Sanfeng was naturally the one with the lowest cultivation level among the eleven, except for him, Wei Wen, a sixth-rank immortal.

Among the remaining eight people, there were five eighth-rank Heavenly Immortals, and the scattered people were seven-ranked Heavenly Immortals, but when it comes to combat effectiveness, Wei Wen should be in the top three with no problem.

Although there were some previous selections, it was not much different from the real situation.

As for Zhang Sanfeng... Maybe, maybe, can defeat the weakest one.

After all, his explosive power is quite strong, for the same level.

"Uncle Tai, Peak Master."

The disciples saluted Zhang Sanfeng. At this time, Wuchenzi had already left. Of course, he did not need to be present.

How to arrange the next step, Xuanwu real person has a number, after all, everything has been planned before.

"Let me tell you about our journey first."

Master Xuanwu was not serious, and spoke to Zhang Sanfeng and the others in a calm tone.

"You should all know that the secret realm is to the north of Fenghe City, but we will not go to Fenghe City, but a long way."

He paused and continued to speak, "We will teleport directly to Tranquility."

Hearing his words, Zhang Sanfeng keenly noticed the strange expressions of the disciples - they all seemed to know this quiet place.

Is it famous?

But Zhang Sanfeng only came here not long after all, even if this quiet place is very famous, he has never heard of it.

In the end, Master Xuanwu took the initiative to explain, and he also knew about Zhang Sanfeng's situation:

"The Land of Tranquility is built in the depths of the Great Wilderness... It is one of the most remote cities for human beings, and it is also a famous place for training. Once you leave the Land of Peace, you must face the attacks of wild beasts at any time, because it is not deep enough. , so the highest is only the Taiyi Golden Immortal-level wild beast, and it is still very rare."

It's just... Zhang Sanfeng smiled bitterly, they can't even deal with Jinxian.

But this is the role of Master Xuanwu. Once there is a situation that Zhang Sanfeng and others can't deal with, he will protect it.

"Of course, we won't go to the main city of Tranquility, it's too far."

Reality Xuanwu saw that Zhang Sanfeng had understood, and then explained to everyone, "We are going to Nancheng in a quiet place, which is about three days away from the secret realm - play at your speed."

This speed doesn't count the battle... In addition to the battle along the way, it should be able to arrive in four or five days.

". "Every situation on the road is up to you to deal with. Of course, I will definitely take action if the strength is too high, but the timing of the shot is up to me... I want to remind you, if it is a wild beast who has just arrived at Jinxian's combat power, I will not It's going to work."

After all, for a few of them, the wild beasts below the Golden Immortal are simply within reach.

 (Li Li Zhao) In the face of wild beasts with low intelligence, except for Zhang Sanfeng, any of them can single out the wild beasts at the peak of Tianxian, and even Zhang Sanfeng may be able to defeat one by consumption.

Not to mention that there is one person now.

"Everything is clear? Then let's go."

After seeing that Zhang Sanfeng had no doubts, Master Xuanwu turned around and walked towards the teleportation array that had already been opened.

Zhang Sanfeng waited for the ten disciples to come over and entered the teleportation formation with them. .

Chapter 887

A Quiet Place, South City

As a city with a huge flow of people, Tranquility Land has teleportation circles leading to major forces and gathering places... So each city in Tranquility Land has super squares dedicated to connecting teleportation circles.

And now, with a flash of brilliance, Zhang Sanfeng and his party of twelve appeared here.

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head slightly, and after adapting to the changes in light and shadow, he began to observe his surroundings.

The Serene Land really lives up to its reputation... Even if this is not the main city of the Serene Land, it is more prosperous than he imagined.

This prosperity does not mean that there are many people, but the perfection of the rules and order here.

There are indeed a lot of people here, and everyone seems to have their own purpose, and there is no one who is doing nothing.

But yes, this is not a peaceful place. People who come here want to exercise themselves to become stronger, so naturally it is impossible to sit idle here.

And there are hardly any entertainment venues here... if you don't count the trading area and auction floor.

In fact, there are many places in the trading area and auction, and most of the two places in the quiet place are sold and exchanged in places related to wild beasts.

After all, Tranquility is "abundant" of these things.

And there will be at least two Taiyi Jinxian stationed here to maintain order, so the quiet place has been quite stable for so many years... After all, there is no conflict of interest, and there is this common enemy here.

And the teleportation square where they are located is beyond imagination... Zhang Sanfeng felt that, in terms of area, this square should not be much smaller than the palace of the Mufeng Dynasty.

Then this city is probably too big to imagine... You know, there are no ordinary people in this city, and every one of them, strong or weak, has the strength to kill wild beasts.

"Go, find your senior brother first."

Zhenren Xuanwu glanced around and said softly, "Let's set off as early as possible to prevent accidents from going late."

After all, if it's too late, you'll have to wait another seven days, and no one except Xue Tian knows how many times the secret realm can be opened. What, missing this great opportunity is the real tragedy.

"Yes, got it."

Chen Liang quickly assumed the role of the captain and answered for the "subordinates".

This also makes Zhang Sanfeng very happy - the role of the captain is very crucial.

At this time, everyone was curious about one point. Who is the senior brother Xuanwu said, and is there anyone from the Taixuan Sect?

"Follow me."

It seems that Master Xuanwu has been here many times, leading everyone straight to the city wall, with a very clear goal.

"Uncle Xuanwu."

It seemed that they had already agreed that someone on the city wall was waiting for them, and they hurriedly saluted when they saw Master Xuanwu coming up.


Master Xuanwu nodded and introduced to Zhang Sanfeng, "This is Liu Jianglin, a disciple of the inner sect. His cultivation is an eighth-rank Jinxian, and he has rarely returned to Taixuan Sect."

This is the senior brother he said to Chen Liang and others... Of course, to Zhang Sanfeng, they are all juniors.

Then he looked at Liu Jianglin, who was a little puzzled, and introduced Zhang Sanfeng:

"This is your uncle Zhang Sanfeng."

Liu Jianglin didn't seem to know anything about Zhang Sanfeng, but judging from his appearance, he didn't seem to return to Taixuan Sect very often.

Liu Jianglin suddenly realized, and hurriedly saluted Zhang Sanfeng:

"I have seen Uncle Taishi.".

Chapter 888

He has been away from Taixuan Sect for many years. He has been stationed in a quiet place for a long time, and he does not fully grasp the news of Taixuan Sect, and he does not know many things recently.

I don't know how many disciples of Taixuan Sect have accumulated, and those with sufficient strength will naturally leave early, otherwise it is unnecessary to occupy resources in Taixuan Sect.

In fact, most of the disciples will go out for a long time after reaching the second and third grade Jinxian... Staying in the Taixuan Sect will not give him too many resources.

Of course, with the exception of those who have held positions.

Because he has been away for too long, Liu Jianglin will naturally not know about Zhang Sanfeng... Even this incident was contacted by Taixuan Jiao first, and he did not mention Zhang Sanfeng.

After all, what he said when contacting was serious business, there was no need to tell him about Zhang Sanfeng's "gossip", and in normal times, there was no need to specifically tell him about Zhang Sanfeng.

The ten disciples behind him didn't say a word, they just watched the exchange between the three of them... Even if Zhang Sanfeng was not the captain, the Grand Master was the Grand Master, not on the same level as them.

In the current situation, their juniors can't talk at all. Although Liu Jianglin is of the same generation as them, they are strong, and they are still the "masters" here.

Liu Jianglin is the same generation as these "brothers and sisters" not because he is younger, but because the latter is older.

Although they started late, their masters were all of the same generation as the peak masters... but they might be a little weaker.

They watched the three of them talking, but there was nothing unbalanced. The so-called captain, more often than not, led the battle... In this kind of communication, Zhang Sanfeng's identity was naturally the most important.

Without special permission, these juniors have no qualifications to speak at all. Although they all have their own pride, it is not a brainless reveal to their own people.

"Master Uncle Taishi Uncle, you see."

Liu Jianglin took out a map, unfolded it in the air, and demonstrated to the two of them, "If you want to go to the ruins, you need to start from here, go around the Araki Forest, and then rush straight ahead. There won't be any wild beasts that are too strong."

This is too strong for him... After the Araki Forest, it can basically be said to be at the border. Although there are still golden immortal wild beasts, they are basically low-level and pose no threat.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Zhang Sanfeng turned his head to look at Chen Liang and motioned him to come and watch together... Chen Liang was still standing with the other disciples at this time.

After all, Chen Liang is the captain, and these information must be grasped. He is still a little "shy" and dare not take the initiative to step forward.

Liu Jianglin pointed at the map and explained. After seeing Chen Liang coming, he didn't ask any questions, but continued to talk about the planned route.

...... ......

In fact, it doesn't matter if they all come to listen, let alone one when Zhang Sanfeng calls over.

Liu Jianglin quickly understood the reason why Zhang Sanfeng called that disciple here... Zhang Sanfeng didn't hide his cultivation at this time, and he could see it at a glance with Liu Jianglin's strength.

It turns out that Tai Shishu didn't take the lead... that's fine.

"Although walking through the Araki Forest in a straight line can save a lot of time, it is too dangerous."

Seeing the confusion of several people, Liu Jianglin took the initiative to explain, "The Araki Forest is a natural magic formation, even if the Taiyi Jinxian enters, it is easy to get lost... and there are many wild beasts in it, and there is also a Taiyi Jinxian. Immortal-level apes, even if they go to normal, they are only on the edge." Seven.

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