Chapter 889

When he said this, he stopped and glanced at the disciple behind, and continued: "And if you want to cross as soon as possible, the danger is too high."

If they encounter the Taiyi Jinxian level ape, the opponent's beasts are more visible to the public, and coupled with the terrain advantages, even Xuanwu Zhenren is not necessarily their opponent.

After all, the stronger the wild beasts generally live, the closer they are to the core, and they have to pass through the barren forest. Although they won't be able to walk from the core, they are not far behind.

If only Master Xuanwu passed by himself, he would be able to walk even if it was the core. After all, those wild beasts can't trap him... But Zhang Sanfeng and others are different. I'm afraid they may not be able to withstand the aftermath of the fight. .

Master Xuanwu came to escort Zhang Sanfeng and the others, so he naturally had to put their safety first.

In fact, their safety is much more important than the so-called experience.

"Then go the way you said."

Master Xuanwu glanced at Zhang Sanfeng and Chen Liang, nodded and decided.

Zhang Sanfeng and the others are here to experience, not to seek death... Naturally, they have to take the relatively safe path.


Zhang Sanfeng said softly to Chen Liang, "You are the captain... Master Xuanwu should not give us directions."

"Tai Shishu, don't worry."

Chen Liang grinned, "I have firmly remembered it for a long time, and I will never forget it."

As an angel, under his deliberate circumstances, a map can still be easily memorized... Every detail can be memorized clearly.

Liu Jianglin and Master Xuanwu also heard their conversation, the former smiled and handed the map to Chen Liang:

"Take this map, it has the function of positioning."

Although Chen Liang was surprised, he did not reject his brother's kindness. After all, it was concerned about their experience this time. He took the map and thanked him earnestly:

"Thank you, brother."

Liu Jianglin smiled and waved his hand, but did not speak.

And Xuanwu Zhenren turned to look at the nine people behind, and said solemnly:

"You have also heard it. Because of the detour, you must put speed first and reach your destination as soon as possible."

He used to calculate the approximate time based on speed and straight-line distance. Now that he needs to detour, the time consumption will naturally increase.  …

He pointed in the direction of the secret realm and continued to exhort: "On the way, you should not encounter the desolate beasts of the level of Taiyi Jinxian... As long as you don't encounter this level, then I will not help us. ."

"Remember, your purpose is to hurry, not to kill wild beasts. It's up to you to decide whether to fight or escape after encountering them."

To be precise, it is decided by the captain, and this critical moment is ultimately decided by the captain.

Although many wild beasts are powerful, they can't fly at all, so even if Zhang Sanfeng and the others can't beat them, it's not a big problem if they want to escape.


Including Zhang Sanfeng, everyone became serious and agreed in a deep voice.

"Then let's go. From now on, I will no longer appear in front of you, and everything after that is up to you."

As the words fell, Master Xuanwu really seemed to disappear in front of them like a fog, and he didn't know whether he left or hid himself.

Seeing Xuanwu's "leaving", Chen Liang's face became serious, and he officially entered the identity of his captain. .

Chapter 890

"Let's take a break for a while."

Chen Liang issued his first order, and then found Liu Jianglin under the puzzled eyes of other disciples.

He was not in a hurry to lead the crowd out.

"Senior brother, can you tell us something we need to pay attention to?"

Chen Liang saluted Liu Jianglin and asked respectfully, "You have lived here for so long, there must be something that can guide us."

This was also a whim. He had already heard what the real Xuanwu said just now. Since Liu Jianglin has lived here for a long time, he must be very clear about this neighborhood. 17

Since there is such a live map, it would be a pity to let him go. It is common sense to know the information before departure.

Although this time is different from before, it is similar in nature.

The others also came together and looked at Liu Jianglin curiously... After listening to Chen Liang's words, they also realized this.

At the same time, he also admired Chen Liang.

They are all talented disciples. The oldest is only in his early twenties. Naturally, he was very curious when he first came here. Before when Master Xuanwu was there, he didn’t dare to say anything, but now Master Xuanwu is not there—at least he can’t see it anymore. , they also relax a lot.

Moreover, Liu Jianglin has a baby face, giving people a very gentle feeling, and with their peers, they can let go a lot in front of Liu Jianglin.

Zhang Sanfeng did not approach them like they did, but just stood aside and looked at them with a smile.

Naturally, he has no such interest... and he can hear what Liu Jianglin said here, so there is no need to get together with these disciples.

"Well, it's okay to tell you."

Liu Jianglin looked at the younger brothers and sisters who came over, and couldn't help laughing. Although he was protected by Master Xuanwu, his experience must have been able to bring them some help.

And since he asked, he was embarrassed to refuse.

"I don't need to talk about being vigilant."

Liu Jianglin instructed them earnestly, "What you need to be vigilant about the most is the three wild beasts."

Although these three are not the most powerful, they are more threatening to humans than those high-level wild beasts.

"The first one, the spirit-devouring about the size of a fist. It's a gregarious wild beast. In fact, it's not strong in terms of combat power."

Zhang Sanfeng and the others didn't speak. They knew that Liu Jianglin must have something to say. What he said before was its weakness, but he hasn't said its greatness yet.

Soul Devouring Ant... The name seems to be able to explain a little of its characteristics.

Sure enough, Liu Jianglin just paused and continued:

"But their teeth have a kind of energy attached, which can easily break through the mana defense. Once they invade the body, they will suppress the mana in our body... That is to say, once they are bitten by multiple animals at the same time, there is no one to help. You can basically declare death."

Of course, there is nothing wrong with having a backhand.

The role of the energy of the Spirit Devouring Ants is to suppress the mana, not to eliminate the mana, which means that although the mana is still there, it is actually not used at all - this is more terrifying than the elimination of the mana.

It will definitely take time to just eliminate the mana, and this time is enough for them to kill or escape the Devouring Ants, but once they can't use the mana, it is very difficult for them to escape, and they can only rely on the magic weapon to persevere. a period of time.

But if there is no means of escape, they can only wait to die. .

Chapter 891

"They can control the power of the earth to a certain extent, so you must always be careful going underground."

With a hint of fear on Liu Jianglin's face, he said in a low voice, "I had a companion at the time who was gnawed to death by soul-devouring ants... At that time, we were not very experienced, and everyone was attacked, and we waited until we used our means to escape. After he came out, he didn't even have bones left."

He still can't forget this scene. Although the dense number of spirit-devouring ants will not make people feel densely afraid, the terrible teeth and the feeling of suppressing mana make him still feel a sense of powerlessness at that time.

Of course, fear turns into fear. If he really encounters him again, his combat power will not be weakened in the slightest... He is just afraid and jealous, not fear.

Even if it is fear, he will not let his emotions affect the battle... Such a low-level mistake is impossible for him.

Hearing his words, everyone present, including Zhang Sanfeng, froze in their hearts, and firmly remembered Liu Jianglin's reminder.

They didn't want to use the lives of their companions to comprehend the horror of wild beasts like Liu Jianglin.

"Next is the second '"."

Liu Jianglin took a deep breath and continued, "Yinyi Peng, it doesn't live in groups, most of it hunts alone, and occasionally shows up with a partner... There is only one thing it needs to be cautious about, and that is speed, even if it is an immortal. The level of Yinyi Peng is also far faster than Jinxian who is not good at speed."

This is a speed that has crossed a great realm!Relying on this, it can actually be called invincible in the same realm.

"That is to say, once you encounter a Jinxian level, it will be difficult to even run..."

Liu Jianglin shook his head and comforted everyone, "However, Yin Yipeng rarely appears, and there are generally no golden immortals in this place."

Jinxian Yinyipeng's speed is so fast that it is difficult for him to catch up with the Taiyi Jinxian, let alone these disciples who are only angels.

If there is no special defense and life-saving means, Jinxian Yinyipeng may be able to "take away" one person at a time.

If it is a Yinyi Peng at the level of an immortal, even if it is very fast, Zhang Sanfeng and others can deal with it.

If the angel-level Yinyi Peng dared to attack them, as long as he could block it, then the silver-winged Peng could be declared dead - for them, blocking the attack of the immortal level was simply an easy task, and they didn't even need to take out their trump cards.

"."Yin Yipeng, you don't need to worry too much... I just reminded you just in case."

Anyway, it doesn't take much time to talk about this, how can the safety of these junior brothers and sisters be important.

Liu Jianglin continued: "The last type is a very special wild beast, and it is the one that needs your attention the most... This is a species, each of which has a very high level of intelligence, and they can be like us (King Li's) They communicate with each other, but don't speak our language...and their innate abilities are of two kinds."

"One is simulation and one is invisibility."

Liu Jianglin's remarks shocked everyone including Zhang Sanfeng... They did not expect that there would be such a strange wild beast here.

Let alone two, they have never heard of any of these abilities. Maybe there are spells that can do it, but spells and innate abilities are completely different. .

Chapter 892

"The ability to simulate... is it possible to simulate an adult human?"

Zhang Sanfeng frowned and asked a question, "Can we even simulate our clothes and magic weapons? Is it a change or an illusion if he didn't simulate it?"

If it is just a hallucination simulation, there are many ways to distinguish, but if it changes, it is really difficult to do.

"It's a complete change... Except that the memory can't be copied, it can completely turn into a human appearance without any mistakes. Of course, the magic weapon can only simulate the appearance and cannot be used."

After thinking for a while, everyone let out a sigh of relief... Fortunately, they can still tell the difference in that case.

The big deal is to let that person use a magic weapon or a storage bag or the like, and you can distinguish it in this way.

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