"You think too much, how can there be such a good thing."

Zhang Sanfeng poured a bucket of cold water, he had the same idea just now, he naturally knew what these disciples thought, "Don't forget that they can still be invisible... They can sneak into us and change, and we can verify every time we speak. Can't you do it?"

The combination of these two talents can be really troublesome. One is used to sneak in and the other is used to disguise. It is easy to be caught off guard.

"Yes, that's what makes it difficult to deal with. If several act at the same time, solve one first, and then change into his appearance, you can't react at all."

Liu Jianglin nodded heavily and continued, "This invisibility is not just invisible, but a complete concealment method, as if hidden in another space... Except for some very powerful detection methods, otherwise Couldn't find them."

Most of the powerful detection methods are not sustainable. Although they can indeed increase security, they are only to a certain extent... But it should still be possible to use them at critical moments, at least to ensure that they will not be attacked.

It's better than nothing at all.

"Their body size is similar to that of humans, but they are thinner, their skin is light blue, their hands and feet are three-fingered, and they can use spells... We named them faceless, and they generally don't do anything except when they die. It will change back to its original form, and there is one more thing you should pay attention to. Faceless is not only a human being, but also other wild beasts."

Liu Jianglin finally emphasized, "Actually, as long as you stay vigilant, there will generally be no problems... No matter how bad it is, there will be Uncle Shi to protect you."

After he finished speaking, Zhenren Xuanwu's voice suddenly rang: "If there is any low-level mistake, then if you die, you will die... Anyway, this quality will not last long, and I believe that the headmaster will not be affected because of you. Come to trouble me."

Zhang Sanfeng secretly laughed in his heart, Xuanwu Zhenren just said that, if his life was in danger, he would definitely help.

The other disciples were not as relaxed as him. At this moment, they all looked serious, as if they were about to go to the execution ground.

"By the way, I'll remind you at the end."

Liu Jianglin seemed to suddenly remember, and said to Zhang Sanfeng and the others, "As far as possible, try to avoid contact with other cultivators, and hide if you can... Fighting is indeed forbidden in a quiet place, but if it is outside, there are not so many rules. ."

"Remember, don't judge people by their appearance, and don't trust others easily.".

Chapter 893

"Thank you, brother, we will say goodbye."

After asking a few more things, everyone finally had a grasp and was ready to go.

At this moment, Chen Liang, as the captain, was saying goodbye to Liu Jianglin on behalf of the other disciples.

"Well, walk slowly."

Liu Jianglin nodded, then glanced at Zhang Sanfeng who was standing in the crowd, and waved his hand with a smile, "Be careful, be careful!"

Since they were going together, there was no need for him to say goodbye to Zhang Sanfeng. It was a waste of time to do so much etiquette outside.

And what Zhang Sanfeng has to do now is to have a good relationship with them. If he is doing a special salute, although these disciples will not feel anything, they will still subconsciously distance themselves from Zhang Sanfeng.

After a simple farewell, Zhang Sanfeng and his party of eleven left the city wall and officially set off for the secret place.

"Let's go in this direction first."

Chen Liang pointed in the direction of the secret realm, and the eleven people were divided into two lines and swept forward.

They didn't fly - it was too expensive after all.

This is a five- or six-day journey, and it is impossible for them to use such a costly way of traveling.

And if you use tools to move forward, accidents are prone to occur - they are large, and they don't know when they are attacked.

"It's finally time for us to move freely."

One person sighed lightly, and seemed to have completely relaxed, "When I was with the peak master and senior brother before, I always felt uncomfortable."

This is a normal phenomenon, and many people feel a little uncomfortable when they are with their elders.

"Hey, there's a higher rank here now."

Wei Wen just speaks more directly, but his personality is still very cheerful, "Are you comfortable in front of Tai Shishu?"

Zhang Sanfeng is the most senior in the entire Taixuan Sect.

Hearing their conversation, Zhang Sanfeng leaned over and said with a smile, "I'm not strong, so you can just treat me as a peer. Don't worry, I can still chat with you."

Probably because of his strength, like Li Yin'er, there is absolutely no estrangement between the elders and the younger generation with him.

"Haha, I really don't feel uncomfortable with Tai Shishu."

The man scratched his head and said easily, "Uncle Tai seems to have a relaxing temperament that makes me nervous."

Zhang Sanfeng may indeed have this kind of temperament, but it's just a little bit.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

"is it?"

Wei Wen let out an "oh" and said flatly, "Don't be flattering. By the way, it's not just the eleven of us now. Don't think that the peak master is not there if you don't see it."

Although what he said was direct, there was nothing wrong with it. Although Zhenren Xuanwu was not in front of them, he could definitely know their current situation—except that he couldn't see them, it wasn't much different from here.

...... 0

But people are all visual animals, even if they know that Xuanwu Zhenren has been observing them, but as long as they can't see them, they can pretend that the other party is not there.

It's easy to deceive yourself.

"Uh...I finally know why they said that to you."

The man was taken aback by what he said, and said helplessly, "I thought they were exaggerating at first, but I didn't expect that what they said was correct."

He had still heard of Wei Wen's "big name". After all, they were all disciples of similar strength and age, and they still knew each other a little bit.

"You have an interesting personality."

Zhang Sanfeng was not a party, and he was very excited to watch.seven.

Chapter 894

"Don't worry about it... I'm just like that."

Wei Wen also knew that his words were unpopular, but there was nothing he could do. Besides, he was telling the truth, "I can't control myself...well, you just get used to it."

His few friends are already used to him and can completely ignore his words, but others are not necessarily... He wants to control, but it doesn't seem to work.

"I'll try my best."

The man was a little depressed, and shook his head with a wry smile, "You must change it. It doesn't matter to us. If you get into trouble, no one will be able to save you."

His temper was not bad. Not only was he not angry, but he also reminded Wei Wen that he didn't offend him anyway.

As a matter of fact, he was really flattering just now... This statement is a bit exaggerated, and he is at best saying good things.

But Zhang Sanfeng is their great uncle, so he should say something nice.

Although he said that he was a peer, this was only in action, and it was a matter of course to have respect in his words.

"I will try my best."

Wei Wen's voice was a little dull, and he seemed to be very worried... He naturally understood his own problems very well.

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly smiled and said, "Actually, there is another way that you don't need to change."

He suddenly thought of an idea... Although this idea may not be very easy to use, it is better than nothing.


Wei Wen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said excitedly, "Uncle Tai, do you really have a solution?"

His words are often out of his mouth, and he can't control them at all... In fact, he likes to talk like this, but it's useless for him to like it, others hate it.

He is just an ordinary inner disciple, and he himself understands that talking like this will bring disaster to himself sooner or later.

"Of course, but it's difficult."

Zhang Sanfeng's smile was a little weird, but the previous disciple named Xiu Chen could see it, but he didn't say anything.

He could only guess that what Zhang Sanfeng said next might not be really useful, but he really didn't know how... He was also very curious.

"Just say it."

Wei Wen's words were full of confidence, "I can definitely do it!"

Whether it is talent or perseverance, he has confidence, although he may not be able to compare to Li Yin'er's arrogant girl, but it should be not bad... not to mention that he still has this opportunity...  

"Well...then I'll tell you."

The smile on Zhang Sanfeng's mouth widened, "As long as you become strong enough, no one will dare to control the way you speak... Maybe they will boast: Senior Wei Wen is really straightforward!"

Just like Wuchenzi, if Wei Wen reaches Wuchenzi's position of strength, he will hardly be afraid of anything.

Seeing that Wuchenzi, provokes the peak master of Yuqing every day, isn't it because the peak master of Yuqing is not his opposite in the Taixuan Sect?


Although Xiu Chen had already made some guesses, he still couldn't help laughing.

This can be said to be nonsense... but it does inspire a person's fighting spirit more than changing himself.

After all, it’s hard to change, and I don’t know how to start, but becoming stronger is relatively easy—at least knowing where to work hard, and it’s more consistent with my original goals.

Tai Shishu, is this trying to encourage Wei Wen?

The problem is that this move shouldn't be... Xiu Chen's smile stopped, and his mouth slowly opened in surprise. .

Chapter 895

"……I will."

After being silent for a while, Wei Wen raised his head and looked at Zhang Sanfeng seriously, "Even for what you said, I will try my best to become stronger."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't expect the effect of these words to be so great. He originally planned to encourage Wei Wen. Who would have thought that Wei Wen would be so serious... But this is also a good thing. Only with motivation can he cultivate better.

I just don't know how long his motivation can support him, but it must not be short. After all, he is an immortal, and he won't be able to persevere soon like a mortal.

Well...it still depends on the characters of 17 people.

"As long as you know."

Zhang Sanfeng quickly reacted and entered the state, and nodded with satisfaction, "I hope you can always maintain your current state, remember, only the strong don't need to care about other people's feelings."

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