Speaking of which, he is obviously the weakest, but he is preaching here - it is still useful, and they are all listening.

After all, he is much older than these disciples in terms of seniority and age.

"Uncle Tai is right. We are still too weak now. All we can do is seize every opportunity and try our best to become stronger."

Chen Liang's voice came from the front. When facing these peers, he always behaved calmly and solemnly, "And now is an opportunity. This is an opportunity that we have worked hard for. We must seize it."

The secret realm left by Daluo Jinxian, not everyone is qualified to enter. Since they seized the opportunity to enter on behalf of the Taixuan Sect, they cannot waste it!

Even if it is only one of the secret realms of the real dragon and phoenix, it is enough for these immortals.

However, according to speculation, there are only golden immortals at most, and they should be very rare and powerful - after all, this only allows heavenly immortals to enter.

It has already been clearly stated that this is a secret realm specially designed for Heavenly Immortals, and the things prepared for Heavenly Immortals cannot be too strong.

"Yeah... Although our talents are not bad, they are still far from those of the real geniuses."

Xiu Chen took a deep breath and said slowly, "All we can do is to put in more effort and seize opportunities and opportunities, so that we can have a chance to compete with those geniuses."

Putting them out can actually be regarded as geniuses, but in the great power of Taixuan Sect, they can only say that they are ok - relatively excellent.

There are many people about their age, or even younger, who are now golden immortals.

They came to this secret realm with the idea of ​​seizing the opportunity to advance to Jinxian... Of course, it is only eighth-rank now, and it is almost impossible to advance in the secret realm.

But laying the foundations is fine.

The previous batch of all the disciples of the ninth-rank heavenly immortals planned to seize the opportunity in the secret realm to directly advance to the golden immortal.

It is very difficult to advance to the great realm. It is actually not too difficult to get from Heavenly Immortal to Jinxian, but after Jinxian, you can only rely on chance and understanding.

I don't know how many people in this world are stuck in the ninth-grade Jinxian, and have not been promoted for countless years.

"But speaking of genius, our uncle is the real genius."

A female disciple smiled and added, "It is rumored that Tai Shishu is the wealth of the emperor."

Although they don't know much about Zhang Sanfeng, they have heard a lot of rumors... The people who know him the most should be Xiu Chen and Chen Liang, so they both respect Zhang Sanfeng even more. .

Chapter 896

Zhang Sanfeng and Xiu Chen both frowned and glanced at her, the former shook his head slightly helplessly: "This is just an exaggeration, there are so many people who have the 'capital of an emperor', but who can become an emperor in the end?"

Qualifications are just aptitudes. If they don't show up and grow up, they're just ordinary people... not to mention that they may fall in the middle.

I don't know how many people like to hunt the so-called "genius". That kind of pleasure is unstoppable. Fortunately, Zhang Sanfeng relies on Taixuan Sect.

"Yes, the so-called aptitude is actually the most unreliable thing, and nothing is as important as your own life."

Xiu Chen nodded and agreed: "It's like a famous saying: a genius who has fallen is no longer a genius."

No matter how talented you are, you have to grow up.

"I remember that the reason why Tai Shishu was said to have the wealth of a great emperor is the immortal swordsmanship, right?"

The female disciple spoke again, and seemed to know Zhang Sanfeng quite well, "Uncle, can you give us some insight?"

In fact, Zhang Sanfeng didn't want to talk to her at all, but he glanced around, and all the disciples stared at him with wide-eyed curious eyes, which made him embarrassed to refuse.

It is also understandable that the immortal swordsmanship is so famous, it is normal for these disciples to be curious. In fact, some peak masters in the Taixuan Sect are quite curious, but they did not ask because of their status.

After all, immortal swordsmanship has not appeared for many years. Would anyone not want to see such a famous immortal art?

"I'll use it if I get a chance."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't agree directly, he just made a vague statement. If there is a chance, he really doesn't mind using it...if there is a chance.

I hope they can forget it by then... Zhang Sanfeng sighed in his heart.

"Two angel-level wild beasts, who will solve them?"

Chen Liang, who was at the forefront, suddenly spoke, and everyone froze in their hearts, stopped talking, and looked forward together.

Those were two wild beasts similar to rhinos. They were huge and had a single horn on their heads. They didn't know if they were resting, lying motionless on the ground.

It seems that they sensed the arrival of the crowd. They raised their heads and glanced lazily at the crowd. They didn't make any movement.

The range of wild beasts is very large. There are not only aggressive and terrifying wild beasts, but also relatively tame wild beasts with special auxiliary abilities.

It can be seen that the cultivation of the two "rhinoceros" is also an advantage for them to face the wild beasts. Except for some special species, the wild beasts do not have the ability to hide their cultivation ... because most of them rely on the flesh and talent , so their realms are not as subdivided as they are.

It can only be roughly seen whether it is a heavenly immortal or a golden immortal, or a Taiyi golden immortal... But in fact, it is still impossible to completely distinguish the strength of the wild beast.

Bi (King Li's) unexpected talent is so unreasonable, just like Yin Yipeng, he can kill monks of the same realm without special means.

Therefore, the people in Tranquil Land also made a statistic. Regardless of their realm, they were simply ranked according to the degree of threat of the type.

Liu Jianglin never told them all the statistics... After all, there are too many lists, and he also has confidence in Zhang Sanfeng and others.

Just tell them about these three sudden and threatening races. .

Chapter 897

"Forget it, just go directly."

Wei Wen shook his head and made a suggestion, "Anyway, they don't plan to attack us. We don't need to waste time... Time is tight, let's hurry as soon as possible."

He didn't think that killing these two wild beasts would do any good to everyone - at most, let the person who killed it enter a "state".

In fact, this state doesn't have much effect. Besides, it's impossible for eleven people to attack together... If it disappears in one go, it won't be able to enter the state.

"you're right."

Chen Liang thought for a while and nodded in agreement with his suggestion.

In fact, everyone now has a feeling of eagerness to try, and it is not that they have never killed creatures such as wild beasts, so naturally they will not have any compassion - except for some women.

What Wei Wen said really made sense. Although they didn't know this kind of wild beast, they knew it from the look of it. I'm afraid it would be difficult for those with thick skin and thick flesh to break through the defense... If they didn't go together, it would probably take a lot of time.

It would be too embarrassing to go together.

The leader of their bunch of angels besieged two heavenly desolate beasts?

Wasting time with no gains...it's not worth it at all.

Everyone has no opinion, ignore the two wild beasts, and continue to move forward quickly. In fact, they are currently in the plain and will not encounter too many wild beasts.

"How is it? Can this speed be maintained?"

After advancing safely for an hour, Chen Liang asked the crowd.

Naturally, it is impossible to use the fastest speed for long-distance travel. They basically use a speed that can last for several hours - this speed is not slow.

Slower speed and longer time is fine, but they must rest on the road, otherwise it will be difficult to withstand danger... After all, there are dangers everywhere, and they must ensure that they are in good condition.

The impact of long-distance travel on them is more spiritual than non-magical. In fact, as long as the speed is reduced a little bit, their mana can fully support their destination, but it will not take too long, they will be very tired and mentally exhausted.

At this time, no matter how much algorithmic power (bhah) is, it is useless, and it still cannot exert much strength.

In many cases, it is not your cultivation that determines the outcome, but your state and fighting spirit.

"At the current speed I can last for a day or so at most."

No one else spoke, but Zhang Sanfeng felt the state and answered Chen Liang.

In fact, this sentence was asked of him, and maybe Wei Wen... But the gap between Wei Wen and the others is not too big, as long as he doesn't speak, there should be no problem with self-confidence.

He is not stupid, he will not hide his situation for the so-called face, and his combat effectiveness is obvious to all, and everyone still trusts him.

And he is different, the cultivation base is too low, which means that there is very little mana.

However, Zhang Sanfeng didn't speak up before, and it wasn't hard to hold back. After all, everyone knew the common sense of taking a break in the middle.

His total mana is small, but the recovery speed is not slow... They will stop and rest for a few hours at most, which is no problem for Zhang Sanfeng.

"That's alright. Let's rest according to the specific situation. It will be dark soon. Everyone should be vigilant to prevent sneak attacks."

When Chen Liang got Zhang Sanfeng's reply, he nodded, and at the same time was surprised by Zhang Sanfeng's mana.

After his calculations, a normal [-]st-grade Tianxian shouldn't be able to last that long... Is it really worthy of being Taishishu? .

Chapter 898

Three hours later.

At this moment, the sky is completely dark, and everyone intends to take a break for a while.

They are not mortals, there is no requirement to sleep, and there is no need for someone to "watch the night"... As long as they are not too immersed, they can still feel the surrounding situation when meditating.

The induction ability is about the same as the normal state.

"My instrument can form - a shield."

Xiu Chen took out a spherical object and placed it in the middle of the crowd.

With the magic weapon turned on, everyone could feel a mana sweeping across them, but nothing seemed to happen.

It was as if the breeze had swept away and there was nothing left.

Seeing that everyone was a little confused, Xiu Chen smiled and took the initiative to explain:

"This is specially prepared for me at home. Its defense is very weak. Well, it can only protect ordinary people, but it has a large range. It can mark all the 'things' that come in, so that I can know their location and size."

"In general, this is an instrument used to warn... so you can meditate a little deeper and speed up your recovery."

After all, they are not completely sleepless. Sleeping is the best for the recovery of the mental state, and the only substitute that can be used is deep meditation.

And the level of meditation they originally planned could only restore a part of the spirit. Although it was enough, it was still consumed... Now that they have this magic weapon, although they cannot fully recover, they are at least much stronger than before.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the ball with a little surprise. It was the first time he had heard of such a magic weapon. Hearing what Xiuchen said, it seemed that they made it themselves?

That's right, that's the advantage of being able to refine it by yourself... Refining whatever you want, as long as you have enough technology, you can get any miscellaneous things out.

This kind of thing should have been prepared by Xiu Chen a long time ago, specially for use in the outside world.

"I can rest assured that."

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