Chen Liang nodded, sat down neatly on the ground, and entered into meditation.

He still knows Xiu Chen quite well, the latter's family is a big family of refining tools... Their magic tools are definitely one of the best at the level of Taiyi Jinxian.

"Oh yes, if it is intentional, Taiyi Jinxian can escape the monitoring of my magic weapon."

Xiu Chen suddenly said another sentence, everyone thought he would say important information, but they didn't expect it to be such a nonsense.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

"If it really is Taiyi Jinxian, then we don't need to monitor it, just wait for death."

"Don't say that, what if there is Taiyi Jinxian, isn't there a Peak Master to protect us."

"Also, we just need to be careful about those desolate beasts of the Golden Immortal level."

...... 0

The rest of the people were a little relaxed at the moment, and they were chatting, but they all rested cross-legged without saying a few words.

They also understand what is important, and what they should do now is to rest as soon as possible instead of chatting here.

Seeing that they were all gone, Xiu Chen shrugged helplessly.

He also knew that these words were useless, so he just reminded him casually... In fact, he also told Master Xuanwu to prevent the other party from lowering their vigilance.

Now there is no trace of Master Xuanwu in his induction, because he can't sense Taiyi Jinxian, so he doesn't know whether Master Xuanwu is hiding or watching from a distance.

'Hopefully everything goes well tonight. '

Xiu Chen sighed in his

Chapter 899

Most of the nights are the action time of some special wild beasts. Although the number is small, each of them has a lot of threats... In fact, people in the quiet place rarely come out at night.

One is dangerous, and the other is that there are few wild beasts, which makes it difficult to harvest.

And although you can see it at night, it is definitely not as good as during the day-it will affect the combat effectiveness.

However, they were all able to see in the dark, so they didn't make a fire and put them into five or sixty lines of lighting - at least they wouldn't attract the wild beasts that tended to light.

They don't want to look for trouble... even if the flames are not big.

Then their threat is only the wild beasts who can feel human beings, and those who occasionally pass by.

With the magic weapon warning, there should be no problem... But why is there always a bad premonition.

Xiu Chen shook his head, threw these bad thoughts out of his brain, and entered a state of meditation with his knees crossed... He cannot meditate as deeply as other people who need to sense the state of the magic weapon, but it's not too much for him. big problem.

His cultivation was a rank nine Heavenly Immortal, ranking fourth in the previous competition.

Good or bad spirit, it didn't take long for his hunch to come true.

Xiu Chen, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes. In his induction, there were several strange wild beasts approaching them from the ground.

These seem to be at the level of heavenly beings... Xiu Chen frowned, wondering if he should wake up the others.

After thinking for a while, he finally decided to wake up the others. After all, he hadn't met, and no one knew what was underground.

If he doesn't deal with it in time, others will be injured or even killed!

He has always been relatively stable, and he is unwilling to do these risky things... If he can solve it alone, it will be good, but if he can't solve it, it will be really troublesome.

There is also a real Xuanwu watching...

Besides, he didn't have any underground spells either.

"Wake up everyone, there are wild beasts underground."

He spoke softly. Although everyone entered the meditation, they could still feel the outside world, especially the voice.

Even if his voice is not loud, as long as it can be heard by others, it is enough.

After a few breaths, everyone woke up one after another.

"what happened?"

Chen Liang was the first to ask, "Is there a wild beast in the ground?"

The others meditated a little deeper and didn't hear what Xiuchen said, and as the captain, he didn't meditate too deeply, so he heard everything Xiuchen said...  

As soon as they heard the ground, everyone's expressions changed, and they immediately thought of what Liu Jianglin said:

Devouring Ants.

The kind of terrifying wild beast that made Liu Jianglin terrified.

"Is it a soul-devouring ant?"

Seeing that Xiuchen wasn't panicking, Zhang Sanfeng knew that the wild beast was still some distance away, so he asked, "Are there many?"

And looking at Xiu Chen like this, it shouldn't be a spirit-devouring ant... His face was not even heavy.

"Not many, only four."

Xiu Chen closed his eyes for a moment, and replied, "This shouldn't be a soul-devouring ant... It lives in groups, and the size is not the same. The four smallest ones are the size of the two of us."

"Well... there are still about a hundred meters away from us. I don't know if it is prudent. Their speed is very slow."

Xiu Chen's tone was serious, and he expressed his feelings: "The four of them seem to be at the level of gods, but I still woke you all up for safety.".

Chapter 900

"That's how it should be."

Chen Liang nodded, knowing that they were all of the same generation, and he didn't use a tone of approval. He just said seriously, "We may encounter situations at any time here, and everything should be based on safety."

Although there is Master Xuanwu here, everyone is trying their best to forget his existence - this is only good for the experience, not bad.

"They're right below us."

It didn't take long for Xiu Chen's face to become serious, and he said solemnly, "As expected, they came to find us. They were very cautious, and they didn't even rush up directly."

If their wisdom is not enough, they are not afraid of even powerful wild beasts.

"How far is it from the ground?"

Zhang 17 Sanfeng glanced at the ground and asked, "Do we have anyone who can attack the underground? The first is the strongest."

Turn active into passive.

"I have a spell to do that."

A disciple said that his cultivation is an eighth-rank Heaven Immortal, and his strength is only the last among the crowd, but he is very good at manipulating soil and water, and he has quite a few attack methods.

He fought with Chen Liang, and although he lost, he also made the latter quite embarrassed.

"If they weren't very far off the ground, I could force them out, but it wouldn't do much damage."

The man glanced at the ground and said softly, "We can prepare for the attack in advance."

"It's about five feet from the ground."

Xiu Chen said hesitantly, "Although it's not very accurate, it should be roughly the same."

After all, it is not his own induction, and there is still a little error through the "relay" of the magic weapon.

"No problem, it can be done."

The man nodded, his tone very confident.

The ones below are just angels. In unexpected circumstances, if he can't even do this simple thing, he doesn't need to mess around.

It's not a kill, it's still easy.

"We don't really need to set fire to it."

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly said, "It's just four desolate beasts at the level of gods, can they turn against the sky? Besides, the fire setting is too messy and the consumption is huge, so it's not necessary."

"What Grand Master said makes sense."

Wei Wen nodded in agreement, "We haven't fought since the beginning, so you can use them to enjoy yourself."

The others didn't speak, and they didn't really care about it... After all, both ideas were quite tempting, and they were all confident that these four wild beasts couldn't turn the sky.

Chen Liang hesitated for a while, thinking that it was Zhang Sanfeng's idea, and finally agreed: "Then let's do it according to Tai Shishu."

In fact, in terms of safety, there is generally no problem... Since those wild beasts chose to attack them, their strength should not be too strong, and if they are prepared, even if Xiu Chen makes a mistake, these four They are all at the level of Jinxian, and they will not have any accidents.

Even if you can't kill it, people will be fine.

As for the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal... not to mention, if the wild beast is really this level, they will hang up when they meet each other, and it is useless to prepare - besides, there is Master Xuanwu, since he No reminder, it shouldn't be.

Then Chen Liang looked at the disciple, nodded and said solemnly:

"Go ahead."


The disciple grinned, half squatted down, and put his hands on the ground.

Others also took a few steps back with good eyes, leaving a large open space.

After all, Xiu Chen said that the four wild beasts were not small. .

Chapter 901

"Earth fissure!"

As the disciple's low voice sounded, a huge crack suddenly opened on the ground, and the blackness seemed to be bottomless - naturally it was impossible to really bottom out, this was not something they could do.

However, he also asked about the approximate depth of the wild beasts, and it must be the four wild beasts at the bottom.

Zhang Sanfeng was a little puzzled. The crack was quite large, at least it was more than enough for them to fall, but the size of the four wild beasts was not small at all, and it was very likely that they would not come out at all.

It will be interesting when these four wild beasts are blocked in the cracks.

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