He shouldn't forget this question... Zhang Sanfeng touched his chin, but he didn't remind him.

Even if there is an accident because of the crack, it doesn't matter. It's nothing more than letting the wild beasts run away without causing any harm to them... And it's good to use this as a reminder to make everyone more cautious.

But has this person really forgotten the question?

With a smile on his face, Wang Yuanchen said softly, "Come out."

With the slight roar, Zhang Sanfeng and the others could clearly feel that something was approaching underground.

It seems that there are occasionally a few roars mixed in, it is obvious that these four wild beasts are being forced to keep approaching them.

Finally, with a loud collision sound, four wild beasts like big lizards rushed out from the ground... If Zhang Sanfeng read it right, they seemed to come out directly through the ground.

They seem to penetrate the soil directly.

Is that so... Zhang Sanfeng thought of the roar just now, and seemed to have guessed what Wang Yuanchen was doing.

This desolate beast can travel in the earth, and Wang Yuanchen seems to have some means to keep the soil from being controlled by the opponent, and continue to force them upwards - that is to say, it is equivalent to having a slate underneath to push them upwards.

Just because the speed is fast enough, it is still isolated from all around, and the wild beast has no way to leave, and can only move up passively.

And in the end, he also "hardened" the ground. If the four wild beasts didn't come out, it is very likely that they would be seriously injured directly under the squeeze - the small cracks probably confuse the wild beasts.

In fact, the crack is optional. After all, the wild beast can directly penetrate the soil, and it can come out without a crack.

However, those wild beasts are obviously not that stupid. Those who know how to sneak attack attach great importance to their own safety. As early as there is still some distance from the ground, they take the initiative to accelerate and leave the ground first.

These four wild beasts are bigger than everyone imagined. The largest one is almost two feet long, with a triangular head that is not quite standard, and its tail seems to have a "." hook, reflecting a faint light.

They have this hardened cuticle all over their body, which looks like a layer of armor and provides quite strong defense capabilities.

"Who's up?"

Wei Wen took out his weapon, the stick, and was eager to try, "They don't seem to be very strong."

(Li Wanghao)

He really likes fighting. He used to fight when he was a child, and when he encountered this inheritance, he was ecstatic... He doesn't like fighting with spells very much, and his physical training is too restrictive, and he often can't beat the same level. Others, make him a little worried.

After obtaining the inheritance, he was surprised to find that this was a fighting method tailored for him.

Can do melee combat or use spells that don't affect combat effectiveness - it's perfect for him.grave.

Chapter 902

The four wild beasts were guarded by everyone, and they couldn't help shrinking back to back into a circle. They knew how to protect the back to prevent sneak attacks.

Their tails should be the main way of attack. Everyone can clearly see that they moved their tails to the side of their heads, and they seemed to be able to attack at any time with a slight sway.

This is all that can be seen so far.

"You have to hurry up."

Wang Yuanchen interrupted suddenly, "They have a very strong ability to control the earth, I can't hold on for long... Maybe they will burrow into the ground and run away after a while."

He has been maintaining control of the ground now, making it impossible for these four wild beasts to escape, but there are four "celestial beings" on the opposite side, and he can't hold on for long.

Of course, if he goes all out, he will definitely be able to hold out until the end of the battle... However, his mana is running out, and it will only be harmful to the next journey.

"I can do this."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly, and several golden lights emerged, surrounding them all and inserted into the ground. After all of them were inserted, a faint golden light radiated together and merged into the ground.

"Eh, that's weird."

Wang Yuanchen stopped using the spell, "There is a force that isolates my control of the ground."

He could fight, but it was released by Zhang Sanfeng, so there was no need for it.

 (bhah) "This is a simple circle."

Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile, "The effect is not small, but it is easy to be destroyed."

This golden light can be destroyed without even a strong attack, but because Zhang Sanfeng uses a lot of mana, the range is quite large, and it is not easy for the wild beast to touch it - it can also prevent it from being destroyed by his own people.

Although it consumes a lot of mana, it is not reluctant to be considered once and for all, it is completely worth it.

"If there is no one, then I will go first."

Wei Wen glanced at his feet, nodded and rushed up.

The four wild beasts did not move, as if they were observing the situation.

Everyone originally wanted Zhang Sanfeng to go up, but seeing that he was consuming too much mana, they gave up the idea.

Alas... I can only find another opportunity to see the ability of Tai Shishu.

Almost everyone sighed silently in their hearts.


Wei Wen, as the second strongest person in the team, everyone had great confidence in him. Seeing him rushing up, they all took a step back and watched their battle.

Wei Wen didn't make any fancy preparations, the long stick glowed with black light and smashed directly at the smallest wild beast.

Persimmons are looking for soft pinch... If you can kill one first, you can kill one, one dozen three and one dozen four are completely different concepts.

Facing the four pointed tails that were stabbed at the same time, his face did not change at all. A gray light spread from the stick and spread out to form a small shield.

The four pointed tails are not separated, and the distance from each other is not too far, so Wei Wen's shield can block them all.

Obviously the four wild beasts are in different positions, but why can the pointed tail keep a straight line... Is this possible to attack together?

But to Wei Wen's surprise, his shield hardly had any blocking effect, and the four pointed tails pierced through.

It's normal for the shield to fail, but being passed through so quickly caught him off guard.

"Has the effect of penetration? Is this its talent?"

Wei Wen's face changed slightly, and while talking to himself, he quickly retracted his stick and slammed on the four pointed tails. At the same time, four stick figures appeared and rushed towards the wild beast. .

Chapter 903

Zhang Sanfeng was a little surprised. It was the first time he saw this kind of attack... He even used his own weapon as a medium for casting spells?

Xiu Chen saw Zhang Sanfeng's doubts, leaned beside the latter, and explained softly:

"This should be the inheritance he got from other places... This kind of attack method is actually quite rare. It is almost impossible to do it except to obtain some special inheritance. If we want to learn it, we can only change the skills we cultivate. Law."

As long as it's not a demon or an evil art, in fact, the Taixuan Sect will not restrict the disciples' cultivation methods, and most sects will not do so.

After all, many people will have their own opportunities, no matter what the cultivation method is, as long as the heart is towards Taixuan Sect... Besides, can the opportunities he obtained have anything else?

Cultivation resources, personal connections... These are all things that inheritance is difficult to provide, and they are also the way to maintain the relationship between the sect holy land and the disciples.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the disciples would not betray the Taixuan Sect, and would help when the Taixuan Sect encountered a problem - isn't this world made up of "relationships".

However, there are white-eyed wolves everywhere, and it doesn't matter to the Taixuan Sect... Anyway, there are so many disciples, it can't affect them.

"This attack method can be regarded as advantageous~ it has disadvantages."

Xiu Chen looked at Wei Wen who was fighting against four by one, and continued, "But for Wei Wen, this so-called 'disadvantage' is almost non-existent. This style of play is the most suitable for him!"

After all, everyone has their own "talent", and there are not many people like Wei Wen... So don't be too careful about this style of play, it is estimated that apart from Wei Wen, you will not encounter a few in the future.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Wei Wen who was attacking frantically, nodded and said with a smile:

"It's really suitable, it's almost tailor-made."

He could see Wei Wen's smoothness and joy.

Although Wei Wen uses a stick, he doesn't use anything like "stick technique". His attack method is very simple, that is, open up and cooperate to press people.

And the spell will be released through the long stick, which has strong concealment and suddenness. This style of play has a considerable improvement in combat power.

"Break me!"

Wei Wen smiled coldly, and struck the head of the largest wild beast with a stick. The long stick once again glowed with black light, and with a whimper, the wild beast fell to the ground and died instantly.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

His spells are basically destructive, and the effect on humans can only be said to be normal, but it has a great effect on wild beasts who have no spells and are not familiar with human abilities.

I have to say that this desolate beast is indeed thick-skinned and has a strong defense... But it is a pity that the blow he just made was not a simple knock.


This is a spell specially used to deal with defensive instruments. It can penetrate the defense and cause damage to the rear. For this cumbersome beast without spells, it is difficult to escape his attack.

In order to prevent the wild beast from being vigilant, it still took him a long time to find an opportunity and hit the opponent's head with one blow.

The mana directly destroyed the brain of the wild beast through the head.

After seeing the death of their companions, the remaining three wild beasts seemed to be desperate, and at the same time, a long whistle sounded, and the speed of the sharp tails seemed to be a little faster.

But unfortunately, it is still difficult to cause any damage to Wei Wen... Their attacks are too single.

Punching, biting, sharp tail... It's too easy to find flaws.seven.

Chapter 904

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at the golden light stuck on the ground. At this moment, the golden light had begun to flicker, and it seemed that it would not last long.

Under normal circumstances, the formation can be maintained for a long time. Now there is only one possibility in this situation - the wild beast is impacting the formation.

It seems that they are not without other attack methods, but are limited.

"Wei Wen, make a quick decision."

Xiu Chen suddenly opened his mouth and shouted loudly, "It may be calling for help - if it is surrounded, it will be troublesome."

He actually doesn't know what this wild beast is doing, but what it means, it's not good for them.

Needless to say asking for help.

Although they are all strong, it is still difficult to deal with being surrounded by a bunch of "celestial beings", not to mention that there may be golden immortals in this clan.

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