Xiu Chen swallowed, poked Wei Wen next to him, and asked in a low voice, "How is it, can you hold it?"

Anyway, he thought he couldn't withstand an attack of this intensity - all the sword shadows were attacking him.

"...If that's the case, I can resist."

Wei Wen's mouth was still straight, and he said mercilessly, "But Uncle Tai definitely didn't do his best... If I did my best, I might kill like these birds in seconds."

Of course, what they are talking about is only the power... They can't bear it, but if they really faced the sword formation just now, they have countless ways to deal with it, but it is obvious that fairy swordsmanship cannot be so simple.

I'm afraid there are other changes.

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng coming back, Wei Wen asked directly, "Uncle Tai, are you attacking with all your strength?"

He thinks that Zhang Sanfeng won't care about these... If you can say it, you can say it, if you can't say it, forget it.

He didn't think Zhang Sanfeng would hate him because of this.

In fact it is.

Although the others wanted to ask, they didn't open their mouths because of Zhang Sanfeng's identity and the importance of immortal swordsmanship.

Now that Wei Wen took the initiative to ask, they naturally wanted to listen.

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at Wei Wen in surprise, but didn't do anything to hide, he poked the local and said:

"Swordsmanship is naturally impossible. I just used a sword formation suitable for large-scale attacks, and I didn't use all my strength... The power of Immortal Swordsmanship can be controlled by myself, and there are also suitable (bhah) for one-on-one. The attack method, in short, has changed a lot.”

This is also the reason why Zhang Sanfeng told them with confidence. Although he said a lot, in fact there was nothing useful—at least he couldn't figure out how to deal with it.

The top pair is prepared in advance, but the way to "crack" is completely unthinkable.

"Well... you can also say the name, I named it Tai Chi Sword Dance."

"Tai Chi sword dance..."

Zhang Sanfeng also shrugged helplessly when he saw that everyone looked thoughtful.

I don't know what he just said is worth thinking about, so they are so serious.

"OK OK."

It was Chen Liang who reacted first. He clapped his hands to wake everyone up, "Don't think about these useless things, let's go quickly."

Although he quickly reacted to the concealment in Zhang Sanfeng's words, he was very satisfied. Their purpose was to satisfy their curiosity, and they didn't want to know any important information.

Everyone didn't care about the bodies of those birds... The strength is too weak, and it is estimated that there is nothing valuable on them. Besides, there are so many, it would be a waste of time for them to go down and pick them up.

It's a waste of time, and the danger is high... If there is profit, it's fine. There is no "oil and water" on these birds, who would be willing to pick them up. .

Chapter 908

I don't know if the delay here is a bit long, and everyone encountered the wild beast again.

This time I can see it clearly - only one.

But this bird is more terrifying than the previous flock of birds.

"It's too big."

Xiu Chen looked at the huge black shadow in front of him, his tone trembling, "I'm afraid this is the Taiyi Jinxian level~ something else."

On top of their heads is a white giant eagle, which is the largest of the wild beasts they have encountered since they came here, or in other words, this is the largest creature they have encountered in their life-so far.

It is completely different from the wild beasts I have encountered before.

"This, I'm afraid it is twenty feet."

Even Wei Wen became nervous.

Although he is quite belligerent, he can also distinguish the target clearly. He is not stupid... Jinxian, he dares to fight, but this is Taiyi Jinxian.

A level with most peak masters.

"hold head high!"

A long howl cut through the night sky, and it was obvious that the giant eagle had spotted them.

At this moment, the giant eagle had stopped flying and was staring at them with its head lowered... This vision was terrifying. In the giant eagle's eyes, they were just little bugs.

This giant eagle actually likes these little bugs...

"Hearing closed!!"

There was a trace of blood coming out of Chen Liang's ears, because he reminded everyone, he didn't seal his hearing in time.

Others had blocked their hearing as early as the sound came, and even if they didn't respond at the time, their ears were not seriously injured because of Chen Liang's reminder.

Fortunately, because of the timely response, Chen Liang was only slightly injured - at least it did not affect the battle.

Everyone understood that this was just the cry of the giant eagle—the happy words of finding the prey.

The gap is so big that they can't even bear the sound of this giant eagle!

The giant eagle did not seem to be in a hurry.

When everyone was corrected, it chirped again and rushed down quickly - it didn't seem to use full speed.

"Disperse! Block!"

Chen Liang shouted again, raising his arms while dodging, "Fire bite!"

The blue flame condensed in his palm, quickly formed the shape of an arrow, and rushed upwards.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

But unfortunately, the flame touched the wings of the giant eagle, like a match thrown into a water glass, and it went out with a snap... His attack just now had no effect at all.

It seems that the feathers of this giant eagle cannot burn at all.

"Wrath of the Earth!"

"Spirit of the soul!"

"Sword of Yin and Yang!"

Everyone used the fastest and strongest attack method, followed by Chen Liang's flaming arrows rushing up... Unfortunately, it didn't work.


All the attacks were blocked by the feathers, and no ripples were stirred.

Their attacks are like tickling a giant eagle.

The next moment, the giant eagle arrived among the crowd, but fortunately, everyone had dispersed and was not thrown in this blow.

Looking at this huge wing, I am afraid that if it is wiped, it will be directly injured.

Although they escaped the attack just now, because the giant eagle was too big, the eleven people were separated by several.

And even if they could, they wouldn't get together - wouldn't that be courting death?

It seemed to want to play with everyone, and at first glance it looked at Chen Liang, who was the first to attack it.

Chen Liang is also right in front of it, and it is easy to attack.seven.

Chapter 909

With a flick of its wings, it rushed towards Chen Liang with a strong airflow, as if it planned to pierce Chen Liang directly with its mouth.

"You really underestimate me."

Chen Liang also understands that this is a genuine Taiyi Jinxian-level desolate beast, and it is definitely impossible to confront it head-on... But since the other party has left room to play with them, don't blame him for resisting.

He couldn't react at all with the speed of the giant eagle... But he didn't react either.

When the giant eagle looked at him, he had already started to prepare.


An afterimage rushed past, and the giant eagle that stabbed the target obviously felt that the touch was wrong... Why didn't it feel like piercing the body at all?

It was a little puzzled and looked at the human in front of it.

At this moment, Chen Liang's whole body had turned blue, flames rose from his body, and half of the giant eagle's head penetrated the former's body.

Why is there nothing at all when this human body is pierced?

It stepped back a little suspiciously, leaving only the hole in Chen Liang's body, which looked a little shocking.


Chen Liang smiled instead of retreating, and rushed forward when the giant eagle was a little dazed, lying on the giant eagle's head, and the blue flame spread along the palm of his hand to the latter's head.

At the same time, the void in his body began to gradually recover.

"This move is very powerful... He obviously went all out."

Wei Wen watched this scene solemnly, as if he was looking for a way to deal with this move, "He didn't use this move when he was fighting with me."

Obviously, this is one of Chen Liang's trump cards, which was not used in the previous selection... Of course, everyone has their own trump cards, but no one thought that Chen Liang would be the first to use them.

Not to mention anything else, the ability to quickly restore the body to normal is enough to give people a headache... not to mention the blue flames that spread all over the body.

And this state cannot have only two such simple abilities.

"I know this trick."

Xiu Chen laughed, he seemed to know a little bit about everything, "Chen Liang has completely transformed himself into an elemental body, as long as the flame does not go out, he will not suffer any damage... Even if it goes out, it will just return to the normal state. ."

Just as he was talking, Chen Liang was completely torn apart by the exclamations of others and turned into flames all over the sky...  

But immediately, the flames gathered automatically and turned into a human shape again. The torn body just now didn't seem to have any effect on him. It was as simple as being patted by someone.

"Although this state is very powerful, he can only last for less than a stick of incense at most."

Xiu Chen looked at the already dim flame and sighed, "The flame has no effect on this desolate beast, all he can do now is delay time."

Naturally, such a powerful state cannot last long. This is common sense that everyone understands... In fact, a stick of incense has been around for a long time, at least beyond Zhang Sanfeng's expectations.

Whether it was spells or flames, any attack by Chen Liang had no effect on the giant eagle. The flames went out as soon as they touched the feathers of the giant eagle. It seemed that the feathers were incombustible.

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