And other spells are similar, even if it is to attack the eyes of the giant eagle, it has almost no effect.

The giant eagle seems to have been prepared for a long time. When it attacks the eyes, it seems to be blocked by the transparent shield, and it cannot be touched at all.

Maybe stronger attacks could break this attack, but at least they couldn't. .

Chapter 910

At this moment, Chen Liang had reached the giant eagle again, and his hands condensed mana arrows, stabbing the giant eagle's eyes.

The giant eagle seemed to be impatient, its wings trembled, all the feathers on its body stood up, and it pierced directly into Chen Liang's body.

However, he is now in the form of flames. These dagger-like feathers did not harm him. If he was still a human body, the sharp feathers could easily pierce his body.

But as the giant eagle turned over, it was just a flap of its wings, and Chen Liang was directly scattered... He really could only delay time.

In fact, even now, he doesn't know why 17 is procrastinating.

The giant eagle has obviously found out that Chen Liang is different, and also thought of a way to deal with it... It opened its mouth in the face of this flame.

Chen Liang only felt a strong suction coming, and every flame involuntarily floated towards the mouth of the giant eagle.

'Oops!If it is really swallowed, then I really want to die! '

Chen Liang panicked and tried to use means to escape, but the suction was so powerful that he was almost powerless to resist.

If the flame state is lifted now, then he still has the means to escape, but under the current circumstances, if he takes the initiative to lift the flame, I am afraid that he will be directly injured, and I don't know if he can use his trump card.

However, not long after the suction appeared, Chen Liang felt the suction stop... A mass of air that could not tell what color was blocked in front of the giant eagle's mouth, and immediately spread, in just a moment, it wrapped the giant eagle's whole body up.

The giant eagle naturally discovered the air mass covering it for the first time. Although there was no touch, the giant eagle's intuition told it that once it was wrapped, it would definitely not be good!

It can live from the weak to the present, and trusting its own intuition is a big factor.

Intuition never fools itself!

It kept struggling, and even tried to fly away, but it didn't work... Although it could still move, its speed was completely limited, and its flight was as slow as a worm squirming.

It seems to be entangled by some living thing.

As it struggled, in just two breaths, it was completely enveloped.

After the air mass dissipated, the sky was empty, and there was no trace of the battle.

The flames reluctantly gathered and changed back to Chen Liang's body. At this moment, Chen Liang's face was pale and terrifying, and his body was a little shaky.

Probably because of the flames swallowed by the giant eagle, he was too weak - it seems to be related to his origin.

Wei Wen rushed forward, carefully supported Chen Liang, and slowly brought him to the ground.

I don't know if it's because of the giant eagle or the wild beasts have already left, and there seems to be nothing around here.

At least it was quiet, and there was no trace of any wild beast.

The rest of the people also fell to the ground, Zhang Sanfeng turned to look at Xiuchen, the meaning is very clear:

what's going on?What was that just now?

"Uh... It should have been the Peak Master who made the move just now."

Xiu Chen noticed Zhang Sanfeng's eyes, and consciously explained, "Do you think that fog can't see the color clearly?"

If they really want to see, even in the dark, they should be able to clearly see the color.

Zhang Sanfeng nodded, and complained about the nonsense that Xiu Chen said in his heart.

It must be the real person Xuanwu who shot it just now... Anyone can see it. .

Chapter 911

"This is what Peak Master Wuyuan is famous for."

Xiu Chen smiled and said, "The 'Xuanwu' of the real person Xuanwu... No one knows what will happen to him after being wrapped."

"People who know it in the Taixuan Sect naturally won't say it, and the enemies who have suffered this trick are already dead... So no one knows about this trick."

Many people's "big moves" are like this - those who have seen them are dead, so no one will know.

This is a pretty good way to keep things mysterious.

I don't know how many great people's stunts are like this - this includes Yuqing Peak Master.

"how is the situation?"

Wei Wen gave Chen Liang his mana and asked in a low voice, "Does it affect the combat effectiveness?"

After all, this is the captain, although he doesn't necessarily need to take action, but his state is very important - after all, he is a small "leader".

His state may affect the combat effectiveness of others... but he is not a real leader, and even if he has an influence, it should not be too big.

" hurts the source a bit" "."

Chen Liang coughed a few times and said weakly, "But it's just an injury, and it will recover after a while... At least during the time on the road, I can't do my best."

He is now more weak than injured. Strictly speaking, he is only injured by Yuanyuan... Thanks to Yuanyuan only being injured and not losing, otherwise he can go home.

The loss of his origin didn't have much effect on his body, but the weakening of his combat power would be too great... If he didn't recover in time, his main attack method, the blue flame, might be permanently weakened.

And the nerf isn't even the slightest bit -- it's going to affect his future.

After he finished speaking, he thought he had recovered a little, stood up slowly, and raised his voice: "Everyone, just rest here... Be careful to take precautions!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt dizzy.

Obviously, he overestimated himself.

But he still forcibly finished the whole sentence, and then sat down on the ground again, and began to try to restore his state - he is too weak now.

In any case, he always had to recover some combat power first, at least not to drag everyone down.

Seeing that everyone had started to rest, Xiu Chen took out his detection instrument and put it on the ground.

With the familiar fluctuation of mana, the magic weapon was turned on again... Everyone was relieved.

Xiu Chen walked to Zhang Sanfeng and said in a low voice, "..."There are not many wild beasts around here, but none of them came to us."

He saw that Chen Liang had begun to recover, so he didn't bother the other party in the past. Except for Chen Liang, he could only find Zhang Sanfeng.

And it is also very good for him to have more contact with Tai Shishu.

"Oh? This magic weapon can still see the surrounding situation?"

Zhang Sanfeng asked curiously.

It stands to reason that this type of magical tool should only be able to detect whether there is a wild beast passing by. After all, if (Li Wangzhao) maintains all-round detection, the requirements for the magical tool are too high.

This does not require artificial input of mana. If this can be achieved, then the value of this magical tool is very high - at least ordinary Jinxian should not be able to afford it.

Under normal circumstances, Xiu Chen shouldn't be able to use it either... Wouldn't it be good to exchange some magical weapons that are useful in battle with this condition?

"It can't be shaken."

Xiu Chen coughed lightly and said with a smile, "You should feel the magic power that was just brushed?".

Chapter 912

"You mean?"

"Only at that moment can we detect the entire range. If we want to keep exploring the surroundings, we can do it, but the cost is too high."

Xiu Chen waved his hand and said a little helplessly.

There are only two in his house, and each has its own purpose, so it's not up to him to use it. After all, no one thought there would be such a chance.

Normally, Xiu Chen has always been inside the Taixuan Sect, and he doesn't need this kind of detective magic weapon at all, and it is naturally impossible for the family to waste one on him.

"So it is."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded thoughtfully, looked at Chen Liang, and said, "Do you think Chen Liang's injury is serious?"

Anyway, just ask Xiu Chen if you have any questions. He knows almost everything... Not only is he weak in cultivation now, but he is not very strong in terms of vision.

He could see that Xiu Chen was deliberately getting close to him, but it wasn't a bad thing for him.

It just so happened that Xiu Chen knew a lot of things, which was also of great benefit to him.

"His injury shouldn't be serious."

Xiu Chen frowned and said in a low voice, "Sometimes getting hurt isn't the scariest thing..."

Injury can be recovered, but if it is in other abnormal state, it can be quite difficult to do - maybe there will be some damage that can never be repaired.

Obviously, when Chen Liang turned into a flame, he would not be injured, and now this seriously injured (bhah) appearance can only be a situation such as overdrawing mana.

At least there is no physical problem.

If it's just too much consumption, this won't happen... but it shouldn't affect the next thing.

And to be a little selfish, Chen Liang's poor state also benefits them a lot - less competition.

"It's okay to look at him."

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, at this moment his ears have basically returned to normal.

Before, he had closed his hearing in time, resulting in only a slight earthquake injury to his ears.

"I do have a problem."

Seeing the reason why Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, Xiu Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly, "My physical fitness is not that strong. Even if my hearing is turned off, the damage I have suffered is not small."

"I see that you have a good conversation with me."

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at him in surprise, completely not expecting that Xiu Chen would be injured because of this.

This is a rank nine angel.

"Nine-Rank Heavenly Immortal is just a cultivation base, and it doesn't mean that he is strong in every aspect."

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