Xiu Chen shrugged and said with a smile, "Besides, in front of the giant eagle, the gap between the first rank and the ninth rank is not too big."

"So what's wrong with your ears?"

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the relaxed Xiuchen and said suspiciously, "I don't think you're worried at all."

"No problem at all."

Xiu Chen laughed "hehe", took out an elixir, and threw it into his mouth with ease, "It's just a small injury... Chen Liang is fine like that, what can I do?"

The corner of Zhang Sanfeng's mouth twitched... Because Chen Liang's condition was so bad, he was so worried about Xiu Chen just now that he forgot about the situation.

"Okay, okay, uncle too, let's not talk about this anymore, hurry up and recover."

Xiu Chen took the initiative to stop the conversation and said with a smile, "I have to hurry up and recover from the injury."

After getting acquainted with Zhang Sanfeng, he dared to make a little joke - this was a success for him.

"Well, I hope there will be no more accidents."

As he expected, Zhang Sanfeng was not annoyed, just shook his head and sat down cross-legged. .

Chapter 913


The sturdy figure collapsed, and Chen Liang skillfully burned the body and threw a fang to Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng took it lightly, and put it away quite skillfully—he now has quite a lot of this material in his hands.

"The gains add up to a lot."

Zhang Sanfeng silently counted the accumulated gains. Although he did not know much about contributions, so many materials should be able to exchange for a lot of contributions.

It's useless for him to contribute. It's good to share it with others... Although he has this idea, he didn't say it and planned to do it in the end.

He believed that once he said it, other people would definitely reject it, after all, they all had their own pride.

Well, Xiu Chen might be welcome to come.

It has been three days, and they have killed dozens of wild beasts in total, whether they are at the level of Tianxian or Jinxian... As for the Taiyi Jinxian level, except for the giant eagle Never~ never met.

But yes, they shouldn't be so unlucky. If they often encounter wild beasts of this level, then other people will be miserable.

Others don't have a strong person like Xuanwu Zhenren to escort them... If they encounter a desolate beast of this level, then - they are really dead.

Moreover, this place was originally considered a marginal area. I am afraid that there are not many Taiyi Jinxian-level wild beasts in total, and there should be a part of it that is not interested in humans-in fact, it is not too dangerous.

This also shows how unlucky they were that day.

"Well... my condition is almost recovered."

Chen Liang nodded and looked into the distance, "Everyone of us has taken action. If there is no accident, we will reach the secret realm in the best state."

Everyone has killed a lot of wild beasts, and has begun to have a "feel", and the fighting spirit is quite high.

"Cough, captain, be careful what you say."

Xiu Chen suddenly spoke, and he said helplessly, "Be careful that your crow's mouth is effective again... I always feel that there will be an accident when you say this."

"Probably not."

Chen Liang's expression froze, and he scratched his head in embarrassment, "Don't believe such unfounded reasons."

After these few days on the road, they are already familiar with each other, they will joke with each other, and the atmosphere is not as quiet and awkward as it was at the beginning.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Of course, the biggest contributor here is naturally Xiu Chen. I have to say that his skills in making friends and activating the atmosphere are really good.

Under his "transition", everyone did not have any conflicts, and Chen Liang also established a little prestige.

After all, what he did as a captain was indeed very responsible.

"Pull it down, we don't want to believe it either."


Wei Wen glanced at Chen Liang and said in a flat tone, "When did what you said before come true?"

Don't look at Wei Wen like this, but his relationship with Chen Liang is quite good. Chen Liangzi is very weak, so he has always been immune to Wei Wen's words. In addition, the two have similar strengths. He is willing to talk to Wei Wen. .

And not to mention Wei Wen, his personality is outgoing, and now he is very happy to meet someone who doesn't care what he says.

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head with a smile. Although he didn't believe it, after Chen Liang said it, he involuntarily prepared for the battle—he raised his vigilance.

The same goes for everyone else.

It's hard for them not to believe it, after all, there are many precedents for this.seven.

Chapter 914

After encountering the giant eagle, everyone set off again during the day. Chen Liang told a very cold joke in order to liven up the atmosphere, and finally ended with one sentence:

"It's impossible for us to encounter the Taiyi Golden Immortal-level wild beast again, right?"

Then, within a quarter of an hour, they encountered the wild beasts.

It's really not the Taiyi Jinxian...just the Jinxian level.

But the numbers are a bit scary:

A dozen or so Golden Immortal Desolate Beasts, dozens of Heavenly Five Six Seven Immortal Desolate Beasts.

This really terrified them. The point is that the wild beasts still have the ability to fly... Everyone tried their best to get rid of them.

This is because they have cubs to take care of, and they can't leave too far, otherwise, if they really consume it, they may really not be able to run.

After escaping, they didn't pay much attention to the connection between this matter and Chen Liang, and only regarded it as a coincidence.

And the second time was that afternoon.

When mentioning the morning experience, Chen Liang comforted everyone:

"Don't worry, there are very few desolate beasts of this strength... We were just unlucky before. If there is no accident, we will never meet again."

Then another quarter of an hour or so.

Hmm... it's a barren beast group again, and it doesn't have the strength of those barren beasts before, not a single barren beast that has reached Heavenly Immortal.

But the point is, they all know this wild beast:

Devouring Ants.

Because they had just experienced a small battle, everyone's vigilance dropped a little.

It was because even if Wang Yuanchen discovered something was wrong in the underground, he had a little preparation, otherwise someone would fall directly.

That's it, two people were crawled by the spirit-devouring ants, and they escaped thanks to other people's rescue.

However, compared to other desolate beasts, the damage caused by the spirit-devouring ants is easy to recover... nothing more than being bitten off by several pieces of meat.

The pain is indeed pain, but with the medicinal herbs, it will soon recover. After all, it is only a flesh wound, and it is only a trivial matter for them.

If you think about Chen Liang's previous situation, it won't feel serious.

This time, I saw with my own eyes the terrifying desolate beast that Liu Jianglin reminded me... The dense number of spirit-devouring ants really made people feel frightened.

After escaping, they could rest for a while - to calm down their fears.

After that, there was Chen Liang's third "power".

Another day passed, and it was also a small talk. Chen Liang seemed to say something unintentionally:

"It's so quiet around here... It looks like we can relax for a while..."

Then another quarter of an hour passed.

Everyone felt the vibration of the ground... It didn't take long before a large piece of dust appeared in front of them.

Not only the front, but wild beasts attacked in almost every direction.

They were so frightened that they went to the sky again, and after killing many flying wild beasts, they left one by one a little tired.

I don't know why, whether it's the wild beasts on the ground or in the sky, they seem to be fighting each other like crazy.

And they didn't start fighting until they got together... They were very harmonious when they were running together before.

The center is about five or six kilometers east of them. Although they were curious about the reason, they didn't dare to go there at all. They just fled this terrifying area in embarrassment.

Since then, they have begun to suspect Chen Liang's mouth... Again and again, this is no longer a coincidence.

Although Chen Liang didn't believe it, he still tried his best to control his mouth... But there's no way to prevent it, no, he just said it accidentally again. .

Chapter 915

"Hmph, did Crowmouth know soon?"

Chen Liang snorted coldly, did not speak any more, and continued to move forward.

He naturally wouldn't believe this, but what happened before was a fact, and he couldn't refute it - just see if something happened next.

The rest of the people looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly, and continued to follow Chen Liang. They could understand Chen Liang's mood now.

In the process of everyone moving forward cautiously, a quarter of an hour passed quickly.

Because the previous three times were around this time, now is also their most cautious moment.

After another incense stick, looking at the mountains not far from 17 in front of him, Chen Liang turned his head, with a touch of excitement in his tone:

"Look, those times before have nothing to do with me, don't slander me in the future!"

Nothing happened during this time...quite calm.

It seems that the "restoration of innocence" still makes him quite happy.

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head with a smile, and said, "Alright, alright, we know you are innocent."

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