Zhang Sanfeng sighed in his heart, took a step forward and took out the token of Taixuan~teaching:

"We are from Taixuan Jiao. This is the team that went out to practice. Please don't delay - our time."

He didn't say it clearly, and gave these people a step down... Taixuan Sect is not something these people can provoke.

The steps of those people stopped instantly, and the people behind them all looked at the big man in the lead.

"Then hurry up, don't waste time with us."

The big man waved his hand and gave up his previous thoughts.

After Zhang Sanfeng and the others left, the others gathered around to ask questions.

"Brother, why did you let them go?"

"Even people from the Taixuan Sect, as long as we do our best to cover up, they will only think that it was made by wild beasts."

"And in such a big place, how could Taixuan Sect send someone to deal with us?"

"Okay, don't you believe me?"

The eldest brother waved his hand and sighed: "Why are we able to live until now? Are we strong?"

"No, because we are cautious."

He paused, picked up the heart of the wild beast, carefully put it away, and then continued, "Have you ever thought about it? How did the eleven angels get here from Nancheng?"

Nancheng is the closest gathering place to this place. It will take three or four days to get here. Can they be lucky enough to not encounter any danger above Jinxian?

Even if it didn't, why would the Taixuan Sect allow this apparently deliberate team to enter such a dangerous place?

"Isn't it lucky?"

Someone wondered.

This was just said by the other party himself. Although he didn't really believe it, he could only use this reason to explain it.

"It's a three- or four-day journey for them... Haven't they encountered any danger in these days?"

The eldest brother shook his head and said a little helplessly, "Since it is an experience, there must be insurance measures... I suspect that the great masters of the Taixuan Sect are following them in order to ensure their safety."

Although he doesn't want to explain, since someone doesn't understand, he must explain clearly.

For their age, their cultivation base is already very high... Such cultivation base must be cultivated by big forces, and they should indeed be people of Taixuan Sect.

"The power of Taixuan Sect..."

Everyone shuddered. They didn't know much about Taixuan Sect, but even the tip of the iceberg they knew was enough to crush them like a bug.

...... 0

"Besides, did you notice their state just now?"

The eldest brother glanced at them and continued, "They are nervous and vigilant, but they are not afraid and afraid... They are not afraid in front of a group of people who can kill them in seconds?"

"If there are only one or two, it can be said that his psychological quality is good, but what about all of them?"

Indeed, none of them were nervous just now. If they first came here, they might panic, but after encountering the giant eagle, they had nothing to fear.

No matter how powerful these people are, how can that giant eagle be as powerful?

Not at the same level at all.seven.

Chapter 919

"Then there is only one possibility."

A woman standing next to him said lightly, "They can't be fools, I'm afraid they have something to rely on."

She understands what the leader of the squad means, and she agrees with it very much... People with such a powerful force can provoke as little as they can.

Of course, except for taking the initiative to be provoked - they are not temperamental people.

"Yes, many disciples of the Holy Land Sect will make insurance... If it is in some non-dangerous places, it's okay to say that if you die, your strength is too poor."

The big brother nodded and continued, "But this place is far beyond the limit of what they can deal with. Unless they want them to die, they will definitely take insurance measures... The safest and safest thing is to send someone here. Follow."

Although I don't know what the opponent's strength is, it must be at least a ninth-rank golden immortal, and it is even very likely that it is a Taiyi golden immortal.

Anyway, can easily solve them.

"Besides, no matter what, our safety is the most important thing... At least there is no loss, isn't it?"

The eldest brother laughed and turned to leave, "It's time for us to continue."

They have to hurry up...it's much more dangerous after dark.


The Taixuan Sect team that has returned to the route is quite lively now.

"Well, what I said was right."

Xiu Chen smiled and put on Chen Liang's shoulder, "Your mouth is really useful, we are in danger again."

Although this time was a little longer, there was no doubt that there was a danger just now.

If there is a real fight, this is much more threatening than the previous wild beasts... The previous ones can run, but this one is very difficult to run.


"Yes, yes, captain, you should talk less in the future."

The others followed suit, and the experience just now was quite exciting... After all, all the beasts I encountered before were wild beasts, and this was the first time I met people.

They meet people who have ideas for them.

"This, this doesn't count!"

Chen Liang hesitated for a moment, but still retorted, "It's not like nothing happened to us, we don't need to fight and escape."

In this respect, it's really a little different...but this difference doesn't seem to be useful at all.  …

"Hey, Captain, don't be rude."

Xiu Chen's smiling face was still a bit awkward, "Didn't we also escape successfully before? In general, it's not all dangerous... If it wasn't for the background that they were afraid of us, I'm afraid they would really fight. ."

To be honest, if they really fight, they really don't necessarily lose... They have quite a lot of methods. Although some people will definitely fall, but it's hard to say who will survive to the end. .

It's no problem for Zhang Sanfeng to kill one... and the other immortals are not their opponents one-on-one at all, the only thing that is really difficult to deal with is the few golden immortals.

"So, you still have to talk less in the future."

Wei Wen said, and then added, "Captain, it's for the safety of our team."

Rao is in Chen Liang's state of mind, and he can't help it now, but fortunately, Wei Wen also saw his situation, and quickly changed the subject-to prevent Chen Liang from really getting angry.

He is very good at this aspect, that is, relying on this ability, he has avoided countless beatings - this time, he has also successfully avoided. .

Chapter 920

"Why did they let us go, obviously they already wanted to shoot us."

Wei Wen asked, "It stands to reason that they should have a means to get rid of the investigation. As long as they kill us here, there should be nothing in the end... The Taixuan Sect can't find them at all."

He asked himself, if he was given this opportunity, he probably wouldn't give up.

"Probably afraid of the real person Xuanwu."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled beside him, and replied, "That person should have guessed the existence of Zhenren Xuanwu, so he didn't dare to do it."

It's actually not that hard to guess... They are people of the Taixuan Sect.

"How could he know the existence of the peak master."


Wei Wen frowned, a little puzzled.

"Isn't this common sense? It should be easy to think of."

Chen Liang seemed to want revenge, and glanced at Wei Wen lightly, "You don't really think that he believed Xiu Chen's words, how lucky we are to be able to get there."

"Normal angels should have been killed by wild beasts in the middle."

What Xiuchen said just now was just a random reason to answer the other party, and the other party had to reply when he spoke, otherwise, he would just give them a reason.

He glanced at his teammates and continued, "The identity of our Taixuan sect is naturally unquestionable, but since we are members of the Taixuan sect, how could we let a few angels come here?"

"To be honest, we are indeed weak, and we will die here without protection!"

Xiu Chen took up his words and showed no mercy when talking about his strength, "Then why did we come here? There is only one possibility, that is, Taixuan Jiao has protected us in case our lives are in danger. "

At the end, he shrugged and said: "And protecting so many of us, the magic weapon is very unreliable, so it can only be a powerful person... Taixuan Sect does not lack Taiyi gold. Immortal, you can guess it with this guess."

"Okay okay I got it."

Wei Wen scratched his head and said he understood.

Naturally, his IQ is not low, but he rarely uses his brain... or does not like to use his brain.

If you were alone, you wouldn't be able to keep your head down, but now that you have teammates, why waste your time thinking about it?

They won't hurt themselves anyway, they can do whatever they say.

"Hmph, you better use your brain."

Chen Liang looked at what he looked like now... It was completely different from when he was poisonous just now. Now Wei Wen looks just a bit silly, "You are not even a mortal."


Before Wei Wen could speak, Xiu Chen smiled.

Xiu Chen was not the only one who laughed, and everyone present laughed along with Xiu Chen.

Even Zhang Sanfeng, who has always been prudent, put on a smile at this moment.

"what happened?"

Chen Liang frowned, trying to show the majesty of the captain.

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