But no one was frightened by him, Xiu Chen said with a smile: "Your tone of voice of the villain's ambition is matched with your expressionless face, it's really joyful."


Chen Liang took a deep breath and held back his anger, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, since we have nothing to do, let's hurry up... Leave this mountain range early."

"It's true... it's not doing us any good to spend too much time in a place like this."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded and said a little seriously, "This is the territory of wild beasts. If you are found to be besieged, it will be very difficult to even escape."

"Have you heard what Uncle Tai said?"

Chen Liang nodded quickly and said viciously, "Don't laugh and play, we should speed up."


The laughter soon stopped. .

Chapter 921

In one day at most, they will be able to reach the secret realm.

Reality Xuanwu looked at the relaxed group of people, and scratched his head helplessly. The group's journey was so smooth that he was a little surprised.

To be honest, their luck along the way is really pretty good.

Although they encountered a desolate beast at the level of Taiyi Jinxian, except for this giant eagle, everyone actually encountered no great danger.

In fact, even if there is no existence of Xuanwu Zhenren, they can still escape the attack of the giant eagle... It is nothing more than letting the stared Chen Liangdian be behind.

If Chen Liang had a means of escape, then they would have no problem... and if there was no means of escape, it was actually worth it.

After all, Chen Liang traded his life for the survival of all his teammates.

In fact, the main reason for them going well is that the wild beasts are not interested in them. Even if they chase and kill them, they generally won't chase them for too long... unless they are really interested in humans and like to eat humans.

Although there are not many wild beasts who like to eat humans, they are actually not too few... This is the case with the three wild beasts that Liu Jianglin reminded before.

Otherwise, Liu Jianglin would not have reminded so carefully.

In fact, there is no hatred between wild beasts and humans. They rarely go out to attack humans. Instead, humans are more keen to kill them to obtain materials.

But if it's better to say it, it is helping the wild beasts to limit the population, which is actually helping them.

The wild beasts are indeed very honest and rarely have large-scale battles, but what if there are more?

The growth rate of wild beasts is quite fast. If it is not restrained, it may not be long before the territory is not enough, and it will inevitably expand outward to attack humans... As for the so-called food chain, it is useless here.

They can actually survive without food... Otherwise, wouldn't the strength of the wild beast be wasted?

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is almost omnipotent, and the ability of bigu is not only available to human beings. These wild beasts can even have the level of Taiyi Jinxian.

Of course, they don't need it, they don't need it, eating is still their instinct, and eating can also increase their strength, why not do it?

Besides, what a joy to eat.

In fact, even if most of the wild beasts with low intelligence do not need food, they will still hunt for food as they did when they were weak. This is an instinct handed down from the ancestors, and it is naturally impossible to forget.

Just like humans who are chasing food, many monks of inedia are already keen on food.

But it's just predation. At least the wild beasts here in Tranquility Land won't have beast swarms. The city is more of a safe place to stay than to defend against wild beasts... After all, living in the wilderness is too dangerous.

Up to now, the wild beasts also understand the danger of the quiet place, and there are very few wild beasts rushing over there without knowing it, and not many even strolling there - so as not to be guarded by the city. (Li Zhao's) kill.

Most of the nearby wild beasts know that they can't get close. After all, there is no food in danger, so why bother?

Life and food happen to be the things they value the most. If they go to the city, it is okay without the latter. If the former is gone, they will be desperate.

This is also the reason why this place is called a quiet place... Although it is in the territory of wild beasts, it will not be disturbed by it.

This is naturally called "." "quiet" "quiet". .

Chapter 922

Compared with other places where people and animals are incompatible, this place is actually very stable. In the eyes of these wild beasts, humans are similar to them, but the territory is not allowed to enter.

And the quiet place is probably because there are fewer battles, and the strength of the wild beasts is not very strong... So Zhang Sanfeng and the others will only play like a game against the wild beasts of the same rank.

The wild beasts in other places are different. Each of them that can survive for a long time always has its own special means... At least the strength is not weaker than that of humans of the same rank.

Although he might still be unable to defeat people from such big forces as Wei Wen, he could only defeat them head-on.

They don't have to be loners.

Moreover, there are also geographical advantages. If there is a fight, who will live and who will die?

So the death rate in other places is quite high... But because of the good income, there are many desperadoes who go there... Generally no one cares about your status outside, as long as you don't kill people after you go, then you are Good comrade.

Although there are human rapes, there are not many, and it is difficult to stir up the waves... After all, the bhah's intelligence is low, and helping them does not do them any good.

Master Xuanwu sighed. Fortunately, Zhang Sanfeng and the others came to a quiet place. If they were in a more dangerous place, he might not be able to protect the group.

However, if the secret realm is really near those places, there is no need for him to escort him - then this experience will be canceled, and Zhang Sanfeng and others will be sent directly to the destination.

In any case, safety is the most important thing, and there is absolutely no need to put the lives of these geniuses for the experience that only has a little effect... especially Zhang Sanfeng, the future emperor.

The main reason why he came this time was to protect Zhang Sanfeng, otherwise the rest of the people would not be qualified for him to protect Zhang Sanfeng in person.

"They should be in trouble right away, though."

Master Xuanwu looked at Zhang Sanfeng and the others, and smiled meaningfully.

A little more trouble is better, anyway, there will be no danger with him.


"Huh... It's really not been a good day these days."

Xiu Chen wiped off the sweat that didn't exist, and said a little tiredly, "No matter how much you rest, you will still feel very tired... We have been traveling for too long."

Many people have this experience. Obviously they don't consume too much physical strength, but they always feel extremely tired after a long journey and just want to take a good rest.


Wei Wen nodded and agreed, "Traveling for a long time is more tiring than fighting."

He would rather fight against the Golden Immortal Desolate Beast, even if it is a few battles, it doesn't matter, but this kind of rush is really painful... It was fine a few days ago, but it is really exhausting in the back.

"But only this time."

Zhang Sanfeng spoke next to him. His cultivation base was the lowest, and he was naturally one of the most tired. "Anyway, it's just over a day."

They must rush over before taking a rest. If something happens after taking a rest here, it would be bad if they didn't arrive at the destination on time.

"We must be sent back directly when we go back."

Xiu Chen said, "If we go there normally, we can have a rest period of about a day, and a whole day should be enough for us to recover.".

Chapter 923

Counting the time, there are still more than two days before the opening of the secret realm. If they just want to rush over, they have more than enough time... Even if they rest now, it will not be too long, just to be able to arrive on time.

"That's good."

Zhang Sanfeng rubbed his temples and looked at Chen Liang, "Let's rest for a while, I'm a little tired from the journey."

Chen Liang looked at the others, and everyone's face showed obvious exhaustion. He felt his state, nodded and said, "Let's move forward, let's find a suitable place to rest."

Naturally, he also felt tired, but he could still hold on for a long time... Since someone asked for a rest, let's take a rest. It happened that he could also use this to restore his state.

They said they were walking, but they didn't find a suitable place to rest until it was getting dark.

It's the foot of a small mountain, and anyway, it's much better than sitting anywhere.

At least they won't be stared at by wild beasts... After so many days on the road, they will try to make their "life" a little more comfortable, instead of living in the wilderness.

They built a bonfire...even if it was not very necessary, there is no doubt that the fire can bring a sense of security and a sense of warmth.

Now they are more tired physically, not mentally and physically, so they don't have to meditate to recover... As long as they stop and hurry, whether they are sitting or lying down, their physical strength can be recovered.

Now except for a few who are too lazy to move, the rest of the people are hanging out nearby... This can be restored.

Although it was slow, it was enough for them to recover a lot.

At least it's more than enough to reach the destination... I'll restore it later.

Wei Wen should be the one who left the furthest, according to his original words, "I haven't had a good meal for so many days, I have to see if there are any wild animals nearby that can be eaten, and if there is any, I will do it. Here's one for everyone to eat."

He likes food very much, especially meat, and he is quite picky... According to Xiu Chen, Wei Wen's "cooking skills" are quite good.

Especially for the handling of meat.

There are many kinds of wild beasts, and naturally there are many suitable for food, and some even do not require too many processing steps, and the meat alone is quite delicious.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Fresh and juicy... Wei Wen felt hungry when he thought of food.

Although he knew it was an illusion, he still wanted to find something delicious.

Wei Wen carried his long stick and walked around.

To be honest, he doesn't know much about the wild beasts here, but they are all beasts, and generally speaking, they should be pretty much the same.

...... 0

The big deal is to kill a few more and taste them one by one. Although he has to taste it to know the taste, it is still very easy to judge whether there is poison or not - at least there will be no shameful things like being poisoned when tasting the taste.

Anyway, the appetite is large, no matter how many kinds he can taste... well, he can also call other people.

Let's enjoy delicious food together.

"Oh...they hide it really well."

Wei Wen sighed softly, a little helpless at the fact that he had nothing to gain.

There are basically only two kinds of wild beasts at night, one is to go out for food, and the other is to hide themselves, honestly hidden in "home".

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