There are not many wild beasts going out for food, and most of them have already left this somewhat desolate small mountain

Chapter 924

Suddenly, Wei Wen felt a chill... He quickly erected his long stick and watched the surroundings vigilantly.

Something seemed to be watching him prepare to attack.

He is very familiar with this coolness, it is not from the body, but from the mind.

In other words, his intuition tells him that there is danger...he has been fighting for a long time and trusts his intuition very much.

Even if he's not in battle now, he decides to trust his intuition.

And it's prudent and correct, even if there is really no danger, then he will have nothing to lose.

Anyway, no one is looking at him here, and he won't be ashamed of it... or his own safety is the most important thing

With some preparation, he quickly found the source of danger - behind him.


The sound of the wind sounded, he turned around instantly, and threw a stick in the past.

With a "dong" sound, the attacker hit the tree faster than before.

The smooth success surprised Wei Wen. He didn't use any immortal techniques just now, but simply threw it away. Even with the characteristics of a stick, it was just a bit more powerful... Can this be easily knocked away by him?

The thing that attacked him was so weak?It's not going to be this second for a second.

If it is so weak, why does his intuition feel dangerous to him?

Now the intuition is no longer warning, which means that the danger just now was really brought by this thing... It also means that this thing is no longer a threat to him.

Wei Wen stepped forward with some doubts.

Although it looks weak, since it can bring him danger, it is impossible for him to let his guard down.

It was a snake, a pure black snake.

Wei Wen stabbed it a few times, and then carefully picked it up. The snake was not big, only about the thickness of a wrist and the length of an arm. When he lifted it up at the moment, it seemed to be dead.

Weak is like an ordinary snake... Well, the physical strength may be much stronger than that of ordinary snakes.

If an ordinary snake had hit him just now, it should have turned into flesh by now.

"Really dead... so weak?"

Wei Wen shook the snake, feeling a little puzzled.

How did such a weak snake endanger him?

Is it poisonous?

It's a pity that he doesn't know this snake... I need to know more about this kind of knowledge when I go back...  

"Forget it, take it back and ask, there will always be someone who will recognize it."

Wei Wen threw it to the ground and said to himself: "First separate its head from its body, it's already dead anyway, let's see if the venom can be taken out, if the body is not poisonous, you can taste it... snake meat I remember the taste quite well."

He still likes to eat snake meat. Of course, it is definitely not an ordinary snake. The taste of this kind of cultivated snake is quite good.

As he spoke, he threw the snake corpse to the ground, and took out a pretty decent dagger from the storage bag.

He still has quite a few instruments of this type. Although he can't use them in battle, he still has a lot of use in daily life - this is his special dagger for dealing with beast corpses.

He can actually smash or tear it apart directly, but although this method is fast, it is laborious, and the point is that it is too bloody.

Although there is not much blood in this snake's body, no matter what, it is not good to get all blood on himself, and he is not a bloodthirsty madman.


Wei Wen smiled, and the dagger mercilessly stabbed the snake's head.

He stabbed empty. .

Chapter 925

The snake suddenly "lived" over and escaped this moment.

"Sure enough."

Wei Wen showed a sure-footed expression and looked at the black snake with a smile.

The black snake seemed to know that it couldn't escape, but just hid aside and shivered... It seemed to be a little bit more intelligent.

Many wild beasts that are much stronger than it are not as wise as it is.

Wei Wen was actually not sure whether the snake was dead or not, so he used the test just now. No matter what he thought, he didn't think the snake would be so weak.

The snake that can cause danger to him is so weak, doesn't it also indirectly mean that he is not strong.

If he didn't die, he could try it out, but if he died... what he said just now wasn't a lie.

If the snake is really dead, he really intends to take it back as food17.

He took a few steps forward and grabbed the black snake.

Naturally, the black snake couldn't just sit still, but it didn't dare to fight back, so it could only dodge... The scene just now showed the gap between them.

Although the softness just now was mainly to pretend to be dead, there was also a reason for taking this opportunity to recover.

The gap between them is really big.

As soon as the black snake sprang out not too far, Wei Wen unceremoniously lifted it up again.

"Hey, still pretending to be dead?"

Wei Wen shook the black snake, and the latter stopped moving after being caught again, letting Wei Wen play with it.

Seems to have given up a bit.

"Not moving? Playing dead again?"

Wei Wen saw that it didn't move, and swung it hard for a few laps, "Then eat it directly, that's the only thing it can do when it's dead."

Seeming to understand what he said, the black snake hurriedly bent up and shook a few times.

Looks kinda cute...while ignoring its fangs.

"Hey, can you really understand me?"

Wei Wen was curious, put the black snake on the ground and continued, "Nod if you understand."

Black Snake seemed to hesitate for a while, first shaking his head from side to side, then hurriedly nodding his head.

"Hey, then you follow me first, I'll go back and ask Xiu Chen what you are."

Wei Wen laughed, this black snake is really funny.

After hitting the black snake with the restraint spell, Wei Wen held it in one hand and a long stick in the other, and knocked it to the ground.

The long stick glowed with black light and passed out along the ground.

Having harvested such an interesting "prey", he wanted to go back early.

But you can't go back empty-handed, you have to find some prey and go back to open meat.

Wei Wen used this unfamiliar detection magic while muttering to himself: "It took so long to catch a snake, and now I can't eat it... I can't continue to waste time, and I can't eat it any longer."

He closed his eyes and felt the results of the probe returning.

"Hey, there's someone... behind me?"

  Wei Wen turned his head suddenly and saw a familiar face.

"Chen Liang, why are you here?"

Wei Wen breathed a sigh of relief and looked suspiciously at Chen Liang in front of him. He thought that there were other monks planning to attack.

Fortunately, he was an acquaintance... It was Chen Liang who was in front of him at the moment.

"Don't worry about it, come and see."

Chen Liang replied in a flat tone, facing these peers, he is mostly in such a state.

"Is that so..."

Wei Wen nodded, "Then I'll go back too."

I wanted to catch some prey, but now it seems impossible... Since the captain urged, then go back quickly.

As he spoke, he raised the black snake. .

Chapter 926

At this moment, the black snake has been sealed by him. Although it can still move, it is only at the level of ordinary snakes... Although with its strength, it is difficult to cause damage to Wei Wen regardless of whether it is sealed or not.

But there is always a precaution, who knows if it can poison Wei Wen or not.

"Look, I just caught this. It seems to be quite poisonous... Do you know me?"

To Wei Wen's surprise, Chen Liang took a step back subconsciously, as if he was a little afraid of the snake.

"Do not."

Chen Liang shook his head, expressing that he did not know him.

"I don't know... Then you are afraid of snakes?"

Wei Wen clicked his tongue twice and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't tell them that you are afraid of snakes."

Chen Liang didn't talk much a lot of the time, so he didn't think there was anything strange about Chen Liang's words... He didn't know this snake but was afraid.

It can only be pure fear of snakes.

Seeing Chen Liang's face stiffen, he laughed, turned around and walked back, for fear that Chen Liang would cause trouble for him.

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