"Oh, that's right..." "..."

As soon as Wei Wengang turned his head, he saw a hand suddenly reaching out to him.

Wei Wen's pupils shrank suddenly, he instantly retreated to avoid, and threw the black snake that just swayed in front of him.

Although he dodged in time, Wei Wen's chest was still touched by a hand, and now it looks a little bloody. If he hadn't dodged in time, the hand should have penetrated into his body.

Or maybe he can directly take out his heart - his passive defense hardly works.

Such a strong attack power... Wei Wen raised his head and looked at Chen Liang in front of him while sighing inwardly.

At this moment, he also reacted, this thing is probably not Chen Liang... In addition to the appearance when he suddenly appeared behind him, he immediately thought of the kind of desolate beast that Senior Brother Liu Jianglin talked about:


Stealth and change... It's really hard to deal with.

He just wanted to fight back, but the scene in front of him made him stay in place.

At this moment, there is a corpse lying in front of him:

In general, it looks like a human being, its body shape is about the same as that of a ten-year-old child, all the skin is light blue...and there are three-fingered hands and feet.

Sure enough, it is faceless... but it died too suddenly.

Is this snake really that poisonous?It's also horrible.

Wei Wen's eyes continued to move downward, and the black snake was at his faceless feet at the moment, looking up at him.

Wagged his tail.

It's like praising him.

"Why do you look like a dog."

Wei Wen smiled bitterly, bent down and picked it up.

This time, the black snake did not resist in the slightest, and obediently let Wei Wen catch it.

Wei Wen glanced at the black snake carefully, and then checked the faceless corpse... Sure enough, two tooth marks were found on his arm.

There is no doubt that this faceless was poisoned by a black snake.

"."Tsk tsk tsk, you are really poisonous."

Wei Wen tilted his head and glanced at the black snake. Although his face was as usual, he was a little nervous in his heart.

He was well hidden, and was not seen by the black snake.

This faceless Mian (Li Zhaohao) also has the realm of an immortal, but he was poisoned by this little snake before he even had time to scream.

That is to say, once he is bitten, the result will not be much better than this faceless... After all, he is just an immortal, and there is not much talk about toxin resistance.

In the absence of Zhenren Xuanwu, he could probably save his life.

He suddenly felt the shaking of his fingers, and looked at the black snake with some curiosity. He was holding the black snake in his hand. At this moment, the shaking was naturally caused by the snake. .

Chapter 927

Seeing him looking over, the black snake stopped shaking and pointed at the faceless corpse with its tail.

What does this mean... Wei Wen frowned, then placed the black snake on the faceless corpse.

He doesn't understand what the black snake means, so he can only cover it up... No matter what the black snake wants to do, since he needs a faceless corpse, then put the snake on the corpse.

But he was right, the black snake slowly crawled out of the faceless neck, and then bit down.

Was this asking me just now?

Wei Wen was a little surprised, not only because of Black Snake's "request" before, but also because of Black Snake's current behavior.

With his eyesight, he naturally saw that the black snake was sucking the faceless blood... As soon as the blood touched the black snake's fangs, it disappeared strangely.

Does it rely on blood to survive... It looks pretty good, go back and ask if there is any way for me to raise it.

Wei Wen suddenly felt a little moved... The poison of this snake can help a lot.

If it can be guaranteed that the black snake will not attack him, it can definitely be a considerable help.

As soon as he finished thinking about this idea, the black snake came down from the faceless corpse.

The blood drawn by the black snake is probably not as big as Wei Wen's finger. Even if the black snake is not big, this blood is still too little for it.

Although he was puzzled, Wei Wen didn't ask it... Anyway, he couldn't ask, this black snake can only express affirmation and denial.

"I keep your mouth shut, you stay with me, okay?"

Wei Wen thought for a while and decided to give Black Snake a little freedom, but also to brush his favorability in advance for possible subjugation in the future.

Black Snake didn't hesitate, and nodded immediately.

It seems that keeping its mouth shut has no effect on it... Also, although its cultivation is not strong, it is considered extraordinary.

"Hahaha, not bad."

Wei Wen smiled happily, "Just follow me for the time being, um... My name is Xiao Hei."

While speaking, Wei Wen sealed Xiao Hei's mouth, and then put the latter on his body with confidence - anyway, he checked it, and Xiao Hei only had poison on his teeth.

Regarding the name, he did not (bhah) give Xiao Hei any chance to refute.

"I hope everyone else is okay... Let's go back and have a look."

Wei Wen put away the faceless corpse and dashed towards the destination.


clap clap...

At this moment, Zhang Sanfeng was squatting by the creek washing some fruits.

Although as an immortal, he is not afraid of anything on it, but after so many years he is used to it, and he still carefully washes the fruit.

This can be regarded as a sense of ritual in his life.

He happened to know these fruits, so he wasn't afraid of toxins.

Hearing that Wei Wen was looking for wild beasts to get meat, it would be just right for him to pick some fruit, so as not to get tired of eating too much meat.

You can't just eat meat tonight.

Zhang Sanfeng, who was washing the fruit, suddenly felt a change in the atmosphere... It seemed like something was coming.

If I have to describe it in detail, it is that the neighborhood is much quieter. Originally, it was a little noisy because of the bugs, but now it has almost all quieted down.

It's obvious that something is coming, but I don't know if it's a human or a wild beast - this is the same as judging whether there is anyone by the flock of birds being scared away.

He turned his head and saw that Chen Liangzheng was standing not far behind him.

Chen Liang actually came to him... It stands to reason that the other party should be meditating and recovering now. .

Chapter 928

"What's matter?"

Zhang Sanfeng was a little puzzled, and Chen Liang's appearance was a little quiet... He was also stunned, seeing that he had to strengthen his sense of vigilance.

If Chen Liang had just attacked him, he might have succeeded.

However, there is no danger around here, so why be so small~ Worrying about it?

Chen Liang is not the kind of person who likes to scare people... It's more or less the same as Xiu Chen, Chen Liang is not suitable for jokes.

"It's okay, let's go back early - let's go."

Chen Liang's tone was very calm.

"How long has it been? Did someone else have an accident?"

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly became vigilant. Although he stood up, he did not move.

You know, although Chen Liang didn't smile every time he spoke to him, the respect contained in his tone was very clear... This time, Chen Liang's tone was completely flat.

How flexible is Zhang Sanfeng's thinking?

He immediately thought of Liu Jianglin's reminder.

Is this faceless?

He is on the order right now, and it is really easy to deal with... The sudden appearance just now is also in line with Faceless's stealth ability.

"They're all fine, just worried about you."

"Chen Liang" is not slow to reply, and answering questions is normal. It doesn't seem to be a big problem - except for the fact that the tone is very flat.

"Why was there no sound when you just came?"

Zhang Sanfeng was not in a hurry, but continued to confirm.

It would be fun to get it wrong after all - but it can't be.

Even if this is really Chen Liang himself, his current state is definitely not normal, no matter how cautious he is now.

"Chen Liang" hesitated for a while, then slowly said, "This is to prevent being heard."

"oh, I see."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded, secretly took out a sword from the storage bag, and threw it to "Chen Liang".

"You help me collect it."

He doesn't want to talk anymore, let's do it directly.

"Chen Liang" looked up at the sword, but before he could react, the sword turned into golden light and stabbed at it.

"So weak?"

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at the corpse on the ground, exactly the same as Liu Jianglin's faceless description.

At this moment, there is a sword stuck in the neck of the corpse... Zhang Sanfeng used a spell just now, and the double speed is indeed very fast, and the power is also very strong.

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