· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

But it shouldn't be killed.

"It looks like this one is very weak. Could it be that there are weak and strong without a face? Then shouldn't send such a weak one to attack me... It's just like that, isn't it useless to use spells?"

Although Zhang Sanfeng was a little puzzled, since the corpse came out, he didn't plan to study it anymore. He packed the corpse and fruit and left here directly.

He shouldn't be the only one who was attacked, and although the faceless who attacked him is weak, it is not necessarily the one who attacked others... Chen Liang is a very suitable imitation target. If he is facing the rest of the team, it is true Not necessarily recognizable.


"Are you attacked?"

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the people chatting and threw the body on the ground, "I met Faceless."

"Are you all right, uncle?"

"This is faceless? It's ugly..."

Everyone was attracted, some were concerned about Zhang Sanfeng, and some also went to study Wu Mian.

But there is no doubt that they are all "excited" now.

"Wait a minute."

Zhang Sanfeng stretched out his hand and said in a loud voice, "You all take something out of your storage bag first, in case there is no face to get in." Seven.

Chapter 929

When the people present heard his words, they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then they reacted, and everyone took something out of the storage bag.

Some people even took out their weapons and didn't put them back. Obviously, they were alert to the appearance of Faceless... Faceless's ability is really difficult to deal with, especially when it appears unexpectedly.

After all, no one can always be vigilant about their companions—except for temporary teams.

They can be completely different from the team formed by those who do not know each other. The people in those teams are not familiar with each other and may backstab each other at any time.

But they all come from the Taixuan Sect, and they can all be trusted, so naturally they won't be vigilant all the time.

Zhang Sanfeng nodded secretly. In fact, their performance just now was enough to explain their identities.

Everyone's emotions are obvious, instead of looking emotionless like the one he met before, if it's faceless, then the ability to disguise is already at its peak.

But just in case, he still let these people prove their identities... After all, the poor level of camouflage he encountered did not mean that the other camouflages were also poor.

They have never seen Faceless, and they have no idea how much Faceless can do.

"Well... let me prove myself too."

Zhang Sanfeng took out a detection instrument from the storage bag and observed the surrounding conditions.

Although no one asked, he still had to prove it, on the one hand because of fairness; on the other hand, he was actually more likely to be faceless and disguised when he came back alone from outside.

Who knows if it was just a useless bitter trick, maybe this corpse is fake, or it is from the past.

After seeing that everyone was relieved, Zhang Sanfeng used a detection instrument... Although his perception range is not small, it is far less accurate in terms of accuracy.

After all, the magic weapon is specially used for detection, and it is naturally much more powerful than him.

Either accuracy or range.


Zhang Sanfeng just turned on the magic weapon, and put it down again, "Someone has returned, it seems to be Wei Wen."

Everyone followed his eyes and looked over, and a familiar figure appeared in front of them not long after.

It was Wei Wen who had just returned.

"Hey, did you kill one too?"

When Wei Wen saw the body, he simply threw out the one in his storage bag, "I just met one, disguised as Chen Liang... You really lied to me...  "

He didn't say anything later, but he could guess by looking at the corpse... So what if he lied to him, he could kill him.

Wei Wen didn't hide the fact that he was deceived at all. His mouth does not distinguish between enemy and mine. To be deceived is to be deceived. There is nothing worth concealing.

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at the black snake wrapped around his wrist and questioned, "You just said it was disguised as Chen Liang?"

Why does Faceless like to pretend to be Chen Liang?

Is it easier for Chen Liang to disguise or something happened to Chen Liang?

When Zhang Sanfeng first came back, he looked for Chen Liang. As he expected, Chen Liang was not here now.


Wei Wen nodded, a little surprised, "Uncle Tai, you..."

He originally thought that Faceless had sneaked in and was found and killed, but now it doesn't seem to be the case.

Really like to find orders?

"Yes, the one I encountered was also disguised as Chen Liang."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded solemnly and looked around, "Do you know where the captain went?".

Chapter 930

"do not know."

One person shook his head and replied, "The captain only said to walk around and didn't say where, but don't worry... It should be fine, Xiu Chen went with him."

Xiu Chen followed after seeing Chen Liang leave, and seemed to have something to say.

It must be safer for the two to be together.

"The two of them...that should be fine."

Zhang Sanfeng was temporarily relieved, "The conditions for faceless disguise seem to be very easy, but you can only disguise appearance and voice."

What really reassured him was not because of the two of them together, but because of Xiu Chen's existence... The camouflage was just a weak faceless face, so it must be easy to deal with.

Xiu Chen is not easy to fool at all.

And if they are really lost, they should have time to send a signal, at least they can make a big move to attract them to help.

"Well, Tai Shishu, how did you find out the problem?"

Wei Wen came to ask the people present about the black snake, but now that faceless attracted his attention, he wanted to know more about faceless.

Seriously speaking, in the case of not counting appearance, faceless is much more interesting than Xiao Hei.

A wild beast that can disguise itself as a human is quite interesting.

"I don't know if it's because of my weak strength or what's going on. There are huge loopholes in the camouflage."

Zhang Sanfeng shrugged and explained, "Its performance is completely different from the usual Chen Liang."

To be honest, this really has no technical content, and the means of camouflage are really poor.

After all, they can only imitate their appearance and words, and at most they can study their names and general ways of speaking, but how can emotions be played so easily?

That is, because of Chen Liang's existence, it is easy to imitate. If they imitate Xiu Chen, they will definitely reveal their secrets instantly.

"It's amazing."

Wei Wen praised sincerely, and then said a little embarrassedly: "I didn't find any problems with it at all. Although I did talk a little less, I didn't feel any difference."

At most, he just didn't feel right, but he only had this feeling, and he didn't know what the problem was... If he communicated for a while, he might be able to find the problem.

But unfortunately, they said very few words in total.

"I feel like I should thank you."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and said, "It's really rare to be praised by you... Then how did you kill it?"

If it is not found, it should be difficult to avoid the faceless attack, otherwise, the faceless will not be so difficult to deal with... If the disguise is found, it is good to say, but the attack fails if the problem is not found, then the faceless No need to mix up.

"Well, I was lucky. When it attacked me, I just wanted to turn my head and say something."

Speaking of this, Wei Wen was a bit dumbfounded, "Then I discovered it in time and escaped a disaster."

After he finished speaking, he pulled the clothes he just changed into the morning, revealing the scary wound.

At this moment, the wound no longer bleeds, and thanks to the faceless, there is no poison, otherwise he would be really miserable.

"In the absence of a successful sneak attack, the injury is not serious... If it is not stabbed in, it is just a skin injury, and it will recover soon."

Wei Wen put down his clothes, the wound didn't have much effect on him, "It's a lot more powerful than I thought, I don't know why, it didn't make the slightest sound when it attacked, and my intuition didn't give any warning. ".

Chapter 931

The people present naturally understand the meaning of intuition... In fact, almost all of them have intuition, but most of them only play a role in battle.

There is really no such thing as Wei Wen.

But according to Li Yin'er's feeling, it should be able to do this, even more useful than Wei Wen's... Maybe her feeling will tell her directly that it is not Chen Liang.

After all, this is her talent, it's normal to be powerful... In fact, it's good that Wei Wen's intuition can be so powerful.

At least the vast majority of people can't do that.

Wei Wen paused and continued:

"And its hands have a lot of destructive power. For example, the wound you saw just now is actually just a finger piercing into the flesh, not very deep."

It was like there was a cyclone around the hand, destroying his body at the same time as it touched, but he knew very well that there was nothing in that hand.

"It seems that you are out of luck."

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and pointed to the corpse he brought back, "I'm faceless and weak, I couldn't even withstand my attack." ""

Everyone nodded silently together. Zhang Sanfeng's attack power was indeed very strong, but a first-grade Tianxian was a first-grade Tianxian, and he couldn't even withstand the attack of a first-grade Tianxian, so this faceless was really weak.

And it's not an ordinary one. As long as it's not the strongest group of angels, it's normal for the others to be unable to beat Zhang Sanfeng.

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