But this faceless face didn't even hold it, it was amazingly weak.

"Hey, I just wanted to say it."

Wei Wen smiled smugly, "I didn't kill the faceless face I encountered."

"What, is it that little snake?"

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at him and said lightly.

He didn't ask about this black snake, it didn't mean he didn't see it... Wei Wen's appearance is too good to guess.

As soon as his words fell, Wei Wen's face collapsed: "Tai Shishu, don't demolish my stage."

Afterwards, he took out the little black snake in the eyes of everyone with some contempt, and said proudly: "It's called Xiao Hei, and it killed the faceless snake."

No one cared what he said. Seeing that Xiao Hei was cute, everyone came together and planned to tease Xiao Hei.

"Hey, stop for a while."

Wei Wen stopped them and then asked, "Does any of you know this wild beast?"

Although he didn't know him, there were so many people present that there was no one who knew him... But if no one knew him, it might be a good thing.

After all, most of the time, the rarity of wild beasts also means power.

"."do not know."

"never seen it."

"do not know."

Sometimes things are so strange that none of the people present know it.

Not to mention Zhang Sanfeng, among the people present, he knew the least.

"Then I can only entrust my hope to the rest of the people..."

Wei Wen is a little helpless, there are only three people who are not present, and the probability of knowing is not high.

"(Li Zhaozhao) and Xiuchen, he might know."

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly said next to him, "He should know a lot of this kind of knowledge."

It has to be said that Xiu Chen left a very clear impression on them:

I know a little bit about everything, and there are a lot of good things.

"Well... it seems that hope lies in Xiu Chen."

Wei Wen naturally knew that Xiu Chen was great in this regard... He didn't have a choice right now, he could only wait for Xiu Chen to come back and ask again. .

Chapter 932

'Come back quickly...'

As he waited, he looked at the people who were teasing Xiao Hei with some lack of interest. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he said:

"I suddenly remembered that Xiao Hei is poisonous... The faceless one was directly brought down by it, and there was no resistance."

The noisy crowd was silent for a moment, and then everyone took a step back in unison.

Although they knew that Wei Wen had dealt with it, they were still a little nervous... This is a snake that might poison them. Just putting it in front of them would make anyone nervous.

Especially the first time.

So after the first time passed, a female disciple approached again, what is poison, how can cuteness matter?

Besides, it doesn't seem to bite people now.

"Oh yes, one more thing."

Wei Wen ignored those murderous gazes and continued, "The restraint I put on it is very fragile. If you are not careful with external force, it may cause it to break, so you must be careful."

What he said was true, the prohibition could be easily broken from the outside.

But this external force... As long as you don't push hard on purpose, it doesn't matter even if you slam it down a few times.


"Shut up you!"

One person glared at him fiercely, and although he was a little scared, he still leaned on him again.

(bhah) I have to say that Xiao Hei knows how to make people happy-it uses spirituality and understanding human words to the extreme.

Let it do what it does, and when it is touched, it is obedient, and it deliberately shows a very comfortable look.

"Wait for Xiuchen to come back."

One person suddenly said, he seemed to know Xiu Chen, "Xiu Chen should have a similar magic weapon in his hand... It can be stored, and it doesn't need to be banned like now."

Xiu Chen's family is specialized in refining tools, so there should be something like this... even if it doesn't, he will know how to do it best.

"Well, that's what I thought too."

Wei Wen shrugged and said indifferently, "If he really knows him."

I still don't know if Xiu Chen recognizes the type of this black snake.

"If you can't, just ask the real person Xuanwu."

Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile, "He definitely knows."

Xuanwu Zhenren is a big man who has lived for so many years, even if he has never seen it, he should have heard of it.

"In that case, let's wait until the destination."

Wei Wen looked at Xiao Hei, who seemed very happy, and said in a flat tone, "I've been wronged for a while... But even if he has an opinion, it's useless."

If there is no accident, they can only see the real person Xuanwu after they reach their destination.

Just like the last time I met the giant eagle, the Taiyi Golden Immortal-level wild beast attacked, and the Xuanwu Master did not appear.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really cold."

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and joked, but that means, strictly speaking, Xiao Hei is now Wei Wen's "captive" rather than a pet.

After speaking, Zhang Sanfeng probed the surroundings again... The danger has not been lifted yet, who knows if there is still Faceless nearby.

I don't know if the allure of this snake is too great, so that they don't care about their surroundings... Probably because they know that Zhang Sanfeng and others are there, so they are relieved?

'I don't know if I should thank them for their trust. '

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and put away the magic weapon. Just now, he didn't find Faceless or Chen Liang and Xiu Chen around.

Not even the other one was found. .

Chapter 933

There are indeed wild beasts nearby, but they are not strong and obviously not faceless... They are not going to go to those wild beasts to vent their anger.

They are all desolate beasts that are less than angels.

"You take a rest first."

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at Wei Wen next to him and reminded, "Don't affect your combat power because of this wound."

Wei Wen is the second most powerful among them all... Although he doesn't particularly need his power.

"Do not worry."

Wei Wen subconsciously looked down at the location of the wound, and then laughed heartily, "It's just a flesh wound, you don't even need to take medicine pills, it will recover in a day or two."

He has practiced the physical body. As long as it is not the kind of injury that hurts the muscles and bones, it will not take too long to recover.

"That's good."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded, ~ no longer speak.

After another quarter of an hour, a figure suddenly fell from the sky.

Fortunately, Zhang Sanfeng discovered it in time and rushed up to catch him.

This person was the only person outside except Xiu Chen and Chen Liang. Zhang Sanfeng was relieved to pick him up because he recognized him.

"Han Jipeng, are you alright?"

Zhang Sanfeng gently helped him to the ground. At this moment, Han Jipeng did not lose consciousness. He just covered the wound on his stomach and breathed heavily.

The blood didn't look much now, but his clothes were almost completely dyed red.

No one cares about Xiao Hei now. No matter how important this snake is, it can't be compared to their companions.

Seeing that Han Jipeng didn't speak, Zhang Sanfeng didn't ask any more, just said: "You rest first, we'll talk about it after you recover."

Han Jipeng nodded reluctantly, opened his mouth and swallowed the medicinal pill he put in his mouth, then closed his eyes and began to meditate and rest.

"He suffered the same injuries as me, and it is estimated that he was also attacked facelessly."

Wei Wen said softly, "They are all grabbing directly at the heart."

Han Jipeng's chest has a small blood hole, which fits the size of his hand, and the bloody appearance is very similar to Wei Wen's situation.

But he was much more miserable than Wei Wen, Wei Wen was just blood and flesh, but his flesh and blood was completely gone.

"Looks like he's not so lucky."

One sighed, with a hint of worry in his eyes, "I hope Captain and the two of them are all right."

"He's fine."

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, "Unless you are as lucky as Wei Wen in this unexpected situation, it will be very difficult to survive... Judging from his appearance, he should have successfully counter-killed."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Wei Wen quietly walked to Han Jipeng's side and observed his wound.

"It's not just faceless attacks."

It didn't take long for Wei Wen to come back. He explained to the crowd, "He's obviously a bit over-consumed like this. Dealing with faceless normal situations will only hurt, not consume... He should have encountered other wild beasts."

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