Xiu Chen and the others didn't seem to know anything.


Chen Liang and Xiu Chen looked at each other and nodded with certainty. They had never even seen a wild beast, let alone faceless.

Quite safe along the way.

"Strange... The three of us who were single were attacked, and you have nothing to do."

Zhang Sanfeng sighed, "It's really good luck."

"Probably because our two companions are not easy to be deceived."

Xiu Chen shook his head and looked at the very "bright" Han Jipeng, "How is he? Is there anything wrong?"

"Weakness aggravates the injury." Wei Wen glanced at Han Jipeng and shrugged.

"That's fine...it's not a big problem."

Xiu Chen nodded and continued, "Tell us about the specific situation."

The captain Chen Liang on the side did not speak, but quietly looked at the hole in Han Jipeng's chest.

He blamed himself very much.


"Do you know it?"

After everyone gathered to make sure it was safe, Wei Wen took Xiao Hei to find Xiu Chen.

"Black, a poison that can poison the gods?"

Xiu Chen flicked Xiao Hei's forehead and said thoughtfully, "I seem to have a little impression of it."

This appearance seems to be very special, but he has never cared much about snakes, and he can't remember it for a while.


Wei Wen's eyes lit up, who didn't hold out much hope, and stared at Xiu Chen closely.

Even Chen Liang and Zhang Sanfeng next to him looked over curiously, and they were also interested in this rather powerful little snake.

"."Don't look at me like that... I panic."

Xiu Chen shivered at the stare, and quickly waved his hand, "Let me think about it, this should indeed be a very rare desolate beast."

"it is good!"

Wei Wen resolutely agreed and turned around to deal with the barbecue.

In less than a stick of incense, Xiu Chen suddenly said, "I remember."

He raised Xiao Hei's head, and one person and one snake looked at each other.

"The body is pitch-black, highly poisonous, and the pupils are teardrop-shaped..."

Xiu Chen (Li Zhaozhao) said slowly to Xiao Hei, "It should be the famous black snake!"

"What the hell? Zed!"

Wei Wenlai was still looking forward to it, how could he know that Xiu Chen would say such a bad name, "Are you kidding me?"

"calm down."

Xiu Chen put down Xiao Hei to appease Wei Wen, and said with a smile, "It's racial name is indeed called the Black Snake, and the reason is very simple - it's the only black snake. If it wasn't too partial, I wouldn't know it for a while. Can not remember.".

Chapter 937

"Black snakes, only this one?"

Wei Wen's tone was full of suspicion, "There are so many desolate snakes, it's impossible for this one to be black."


Wei Wen spread his hands and said helplessly, "I can guarantee that this is definitely the first time you have met a black snake. You can recall it well."

Seeing Wei Wen sinking into memories, he continued: "Of course, I'm talking about snakes with cultivation... Ordinary snakes are also black, but after cultivation, the color will gradually change, at least not anymore. pure black."

"I don't know why, it's just so weird anyway."

This characteristic is indeed very strange, and there may be some secrets in the black snake.

At this time, Wei Wen also finished "going around" with his memories, frowned and nodded: "It seems that I have never seen it before..."


Xiu Chen said with a smile, "Because the black snake is very rare, I don't pay much attention to it, but it is really powerful... This one can poison the gods, it should have evolved once, it relies on the blood of biological essence. Evolve, and each evolution will sleep for a long time."

"It's good for us... There are two main things, one is its wisdom, it can understand people's words and even communicate to a certain extent."

"The second one is what I just said about eating blood essence. It can perfectly extract the blood essence from living organisms. It can play a great role as an alchemy material."

Having said this, Xiu Chen paused for a while and continued:

"What I'm talking about is the benefits of fighting it, and it doesn't count its poison... oh yes, there is also its poison. Its poison is specifically aimed at creatures with mana, but it's not harmful to mortals. At most, let their body Paralyzed for a while."

"Is this our nemesis?"

Wei Wen smiled bitterly, "Thanks to the small number, this poison is really powerful."

"Well, and it can't do anything about some wild beasts with thick skin and armor."

Xiu Chen nodded and continued, "So its targets are generally such human-like desolate beasts, as well as humans."

"Then can you make it my pet?"

Although Wei Wen didn't quite understand what he said, Xiu Chen still understood what he meant.

"I (bhah) don't have it, you have to be too mysterious to ask."

Xiu Chen shook his head, then changed the conversation, "But I have a magic weapon here that can control it to a certain extent."

He took a silver ring out of his storage bag and explained:

"Put this on it, you can control whether it is bound by your mind, and the degree of binding can be controlled by yourself."

In other words, the restraints that Wei Wen had done before could be controlled by his mind, which would be much more convenient.

"That's fine too."

Wei Wen asked, "What price?"

After all, it is someone else's magic weapon and cannot be taken for nothing.

"This thing is worthless, I gave it to you."

Xiu Chen waved his hand, but the conversation changed after seeing Wei Wen's eyes, "Just wait for the final contribution and give me more."

"it is good."

This time Wei Wen agreed very happily, "Thank you very much."

He put the ring on Xiao Hei, who was already under control, and now he can't resist at all, he can only bear all this obediently.

"As long as you're good, I won't do anything to you."

Wei Wen saw its fear and laughed.

"Okay, there are wounded this time, let's rest for a while."

Seeing that nothing happened, Chen Liang clapped his hands, "Hurry up and recover from meditation.".

Chapter 938

The next journey was very smooth, and in more than a day, they successfully left the place where wild beasts were frequent.

"Let's go, let's go to Fenghe City."

Xuanwu Zhenren suddenly appeared and looked at the people who were obviously much more relaxed.

"Don't you go to the secret realm to see~?"

Zhang Sanfeng asked, "You don't need to look at it in advance - what's the situation there?"

"No, the secret realm is in another small world and has nothing to do with the outside world."

Master Xuanwu replied, but immediately asked, "Uncle, do you want to go and see? It doesn't matter."

"no need."

Zhang Sanfeng was a little helpless to his attitude, "Since it's useless, then don't go, it's a waste of time, it's better to take a rest."

Now Wei Wen's wound is almost healed, and it has almost no effect on the battle, but Han Jipeng's face is still pale.

His weakness has basically healed, and although the wound is not a big problem, it still makes him feel a lot of pain... His strength is now about [-]%.

"Then let's hurry up."

With a wave of Master Xuanwu, he led everyone to Fenghe City quickly.

"We'll just stay here for one day. We don't need to participate in anything that happens here. We just need to care about the secret realm."

Master Xuanwu said to everyone, "One of our Taixuan Sect people has come out. Let's go to him to find out the specific situation."

The real Xuanwu was very fast, but they arrived at Fenghe City in just the tea time.

The purpose is very clear, and I don't know what contact method I rely on. Master Xuanwu knows the situation here very well.

They entered the second floor of a tavern.

"This is Huang Haiyuan."

The real Xuanwu introduced to Zhang Sanfeng, "He is from Yuqingfeng."

"Grand Master, Peak Master, Junior Brother and Junior Sister."

Huang Haiyuan is now a golden immortal, and it is obvious that he has gained a lot of benefits in the secret realm. When he saw Zhang Sanfeng and others, he immediately saluted.

"Let's talk about the specific situation quickly."

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