Zhenren Xuanwu waved his hand, "There is still a wounded here, let him rest as soon as we finish talking."

"it is good."

Although Huang Haiyuan was puzzled, he did not ask more questions, but started to explain.

"Everyone will be separated after entering... There seems to be a different area inside."

He thought for a while and replied, "Lin Feng and I met in a maze... This maze is not very dangerous, but it is quite complicated. We were lucky and were very close to the exit, and it took a few days to reach the exit."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Obviously, they were worried that there would be accidents after too long, and they came out immediately after finding the exit and getting the reward.

"We originally planned to go back and try again, but when we thought that the mark was invalid, we finally came out for stability... Well, there is also a little puzzle game in it, which is still very troublesome in general."

..... 0

In fact, in addition to them, there are many loose cultivators who got the benefits and came out quickly. After all, they are often single and easily targeted.

And there are people from various major forces here, and generally no one will cause trouble, so after the loose cultivator comes out, no one will take action against them... This is also one of the unspoken rules of the major forces. In any case, give people some opportunities.

Of course, no one will take care of their safety after they leave this area. At this time, it depends on the person's own means.

And their Taixuan Sect is different from other big forces.

The real Xuanwu is here, who dares to do something to them?seven.

Chapter 939

This trip to the secret realm is almost over. Originally, everyone in the Taixuan Sect planned to have a good time in Fenghe City and relax.

But at this time, he received a recall order from the Taixuan Sect, and it was the highest-level purple recall order.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the purple recall secret order in his hand, and remembered that Taixuan Sect's head teacher Wuchenzi had explained that after receiving the purple recall secret order, he must activate the teleportation formation and return to Wu[-] Mountain Gate within half an hour.

"It seems that there is an emergency in the sect. Hurry up and gather all the followers of Taixuan Sect, and we can activate the teleportation formation on the recall order to return to the mountain gate."

Everyone suddenly heard Zhang Sanfeng say this, and when they looked at the recall secret order in Zhang Sanfeng's hands that was emitting this purple light, they all understood that something important must have happened to the Taixuan Sect.

Several disciples were dispatched to recall the people who were scattered around Fenghe City shopping and playing, and Zhang Sanfeng then instilled mana into the purple recall secret order.

The secret order received the mana, and the formation in it began to operate on its own. Soon, with Zhang Sanfeng as the center, a formation with a diameter of about five feet unfolded, covering all the people who participated in the secret outing of the Taixuan Sect.

The next moment, the purple ray of light flourished, and the formation that was sent back to Taixuan Sect was officially activated.

Zhang Sanfeng only felt that his eyes were enveloped by a purple light, and a wonderful trance state enveloped his mind. This wonderful state lasted for about ten breaths.

In the blink of an eye, everyone has returned to the Taixuanjiao Mountain Gate Square.

Seeing the return of Zhang Sanfeng and others, Li Yin'er, who had been waiting on the Shanmen Square for a long time, lit up in front of her eyes, and happily jumped in front of Zhang Sanfeng and said, "Tai Shishu, you guys are finally back, come with me, palm The teacher has been waiting for you for a long time, and I quietly tell you that there is a super important thing waiting for us to complete."

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the lively and lovely Li Yin'er, his fatigue has eased a lot these days, and asked with a smile: "Look at your expression, it doesn't look like someone is going to attack Taixuan Sect, tell me, what happened already."

Li Yin'er showed a confused look and scratched her head.

"I don't know exactly what happened, but I listened to the conversation between Master Zhang and the peak masters. Recently, a big event happened in the fairy world. All the holy places and fairy gates are actively preparing. It is said that according to ancient books, this incident happened Major events happen randomly, maybe once in tens of thousands of years, or once in tens of millions of years. It seems that the last time it happened was more than [-] million years ago. …”

After listening to Li Yin'er's words, Zhang Sanfeng and everyone were at a loss for a while.

What happened [-] million years ago is about to happen now?

From Li Yin'er's words, it seemed that she didn't know much about the matter, so Zhang Sanfeng didn't ask any more questions and said directly to Li Yin'er.

"Okay, Yin'er, then you lead the way, we'll understand when we meet Wuchenzi."

Hearing this, Li Yin'er nodded very obediently.

"Okay, Grand Master."

Under the guidance of Li Yin'er, Zhang Sanfeng brought a group of people to the main peak hall of Taixuan Sect.

The main hall has already gathered the peak masters and elders of various peaks, as well as many true disciples. If this hall could accommodate tens of thousands of people at the same time, I am afraid that it would have been unable to stand at this time. When Zhang Sanfeng came in, all of them were together. Qi stood up to greet him.

"Congratulations, uncle."

"Congratulations to Tai Shishu.".

Chapter 940

Zhang Sanfeng looked at everyone and greeted them with respect, nodded, and went straight to the front of the hall to ask Wuchenzi.

"Wuchenzi, what happened, why did you suddenly call us back in such a hurry?"

Wuchenzi explained: "Uncle, you don't know, a few days ago, a vision appeared in the major holy places and all over the world. It was not serious at first, but just today, there was news about this vision. It is very similar to an old news recorded in ancient books, and after careful comparison, we have confirmed that this is true."

Zhang Sanfeng became a little interested when he heard the words, and asked, "What is it that everyone in the world is raising teachers and moving people for it?"

Wuchenzi explained: "No ordinary immortal cultivator has ever heard of this incident. Only the major immortal sects have 17 ancient books that recorded this incident. Fortunately, our Taixuan Sect was once one of the holy places, so there are still ancient books. If you keep it, you can quickly confirm this matter, so as not to miss the opportunity and fall behind other Immortal Sect Holy Lands."

The more Zhang Sanfeng listened, the more confused he became, so he stopped asking and let Wuchenzi continue to speak.

Wuchenzi stroked his long and white beard and said, "It is recorded in ancient books that every countless years, a great opportunity will occur in the fairyland, and this opportunity may appear once every few years, or it may appear in tens of millions of years. once."

"However, the last time it appeared was more than [-] million years ago, so that people in the immortal world have almost forgotten about it. If it weren't for the circulation of ancient books, who would have thought of these visions, which have a great relationship with the False God Realm."

False God Realm?

Zhang Sanfeng heard the words and noticed the three words False God Realm, but he did not interrupt Wuchenzi, but continued to listen to him quietly.

Wuchenzi continued: "It is rumored that every time the False God Realm appears, countless emperor-level powerhouses will be born, and the reason for this is that after entering the False God Realm, the speed of cultivation will be terrifyingly improved."

Speaking of this, Wuchenzi said energetically: "This time, anyone can enter the False God Realm, but those who enter it, no matter how high their cultivation base is, are like ordinary people in it."

When Zhang Sanfeng heard this, he finally couldn't help it.

"Then what are you going to do? Once you go in, you will become an ordinary person. Isn't it a waste of your cultivation."

Wuchenzi explained: "Uncle Master doesn't know something, this False God Realm is really amazing, although everyone's cultivation base will be taken time to become ordinary people after entering for the first time, but they will still regain their strength after coming out, and The stronger the strength obtained in the False God Realm, the stronger his own strength will be greatly increased after returning to the real world."

When Zhang Sanfeng heard this, he nodded and said:

"There are still such wonders in the world, can the things obtained in the False God Realm also wait for the real world?"

Originally, Zhang Sanfeng just asked casually, but Wuchenzi nodded with certainty and said, "That's right, not only can the contents be brought out, but also the magic treasures, exercises and even all the things in it can be brought out. The handed down treasures of the Daxianmen Holy Land were handed down more than [-] million years ago, and if any one of these magical treasures is brought back to the real world, it is enough to become the equivalent of an innate treasure in the real world."


Originally, only Wuchenzi was talking in the main hall, and everyone was listening intently. However, when they heard this, the people in the main hall began to discuss. .

Chapter 941

"Bringing out just one thing is equivalent to a congenital treasure? This is too scary, right?"

"Yeah, the innate treasures that are still preserved in the entire immortal world are in the hands of the immortal sects of the major holy places, and we only have one piece of the Taixuan Sect. Anything you bring out of the world is equivalent to the existence of a congenital treasure."

"I really want to enter the False God Realm to find out what it is like inside."

"Nonsense, who doesn't want to, now this news is only known to the people of the major holy places and Xianmen. If everyone in the world knows about it, it is estimated that it will be lively by then."

Seeing the people in the hall making a commotion, like a vegetable market, Wuchenzi shook his head unhappily, followed by a great deal of coercion, suppressed the noisy atmosphere, and reprimanded.

"There are no rules at all, what a formality."

The hall then fell silent.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't pay attention to the noise just now, but recovered from his thoughts and said, "Wuchenzi, just now you said that the magic, magic, and even everything in the False God Realm may be brought back to the real world, does that mean? Not everything can be brought back to the real world.'"

Wuchenzi nodded and said, "Uncle Shi, you are right, not everything in the False God Realm can be brought out, and as for what can be brought out, there is no record in the ancient books, in short, in the future in the False God Realm When you get something, you try to see it until you try it in the real world.”

After listening to Wuchenzi's brief introduction, Zhang Sanfeng had a general understanding of this False God Realm.

In short, this False God Realm is the largest immortal treasure in a fairy world, a super great immortal treasure that countless people have never encountered in dozens of reincarnations. However, now, it is about to be born.

At this time, one of the peak masters of the seventy-two peaks of the Taixuan Sect nodded, and then asked: "We all have a general understanding of what the headmaster said, so what should we do next to the Taixuan Sect? Do what?"

Seeing that someone finally mentioned this matter, Wuchenzi smiled meaningfully and said: "As far as I know, the immortal gates of the major holy places have been recruiting a lot of troops after receiving this news, and our Taixuan Sect must act immediately. After all, it shouldn’t be long before the False God Realm officially opens.”

A large number of recruits to buy horses?

Everyone was at a loss, only Zhang Sanfeng understood the intention.

"If all sentient beings in the False God Realm can enter, it is indeed necessary to recruit a large number of troops and horses, because according to Wuchenzi, no matter how high the cultivation base and strength in the real world are, after entering the False God Realm, they will be no different from ordinary people, that is, It is said that even the most ordinary mortals in the real world can fight against the real world's Da Luo Jinxian in the virtual god realm, because they are already on the same starting line."

After listening to Zhang Sanfeng's words, everyone who had doubts suddenly realized.

Wuchenzi nodded with satisfaction. Although this uncle was young, he was very thoughtful (Li Qian's) and could see the crux of the problem at a glance.

"." Uncle Sanfeng is right, so from now on, the peak masters of the seventy-two peaks must each recruit more than one million followers within half a month, and prepare for the opening of the virtual god realm at any time."


One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and above the hall, everyone was in an uproar again.

What does it mean that the seventy-two peaks each recruit more than one million followers, everyone present has a general idea in their hearts. .

Chapter 942

You must know that everyone in Taixuan Sect, including outer disciples, named disciples, and handymen, is less than one million people.

However, the headmaster actually said that each of the seventy-two peaks needs to recruit more than one million followers to complete the task.

That would be equivalent to letting the seventy-two peaks recruit an existence equivalent to the number of Taixuan sects, and when the time comes, it will directly increase the number of Taixuan sect followers to more than [-] million.

This time Wuchenzi did not immediately suppress the noise in the hall, but did not suppress it after a while.

Seeing the embarrassed expressions of the peak masters of the seventy-two peaks, Wuchenzi patiently said: "Don't feel that the task of recruiting one million followers is very heavy, everyone, you must know that other holy places immortal gates are responsible for their respective peak masters and cave masters. The minimum requirement is to recruit [-] million members to start.”

The peak masters of the seventy-two peaks nodded and commanded in unison: "No."

After the meeting, everyone left the hall and returned to their respective peaks.

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