Since I only know that the False God Realm is about to open recently, but I don’t know the specific date, under Wuchenzi’s order, the peak masters of each peak went out with their own men and horses, ready (bhah) to complete their respective tasks as quickly as possible. .

On the side peak where Zhang Sanfeng was located, I saw him take a Taishi chair out of the house, lie on it, bask in the sun, hum a little song, and look at the shadowy spaceships in the sky, very leisurely.

At this time, Li Yin'er arrived with his sword and landed beside Zhang Sanfeng.

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng lying leisurely on the Grand Master's chair, Li Yin'er couldn't help Xiao Qiong's nose crooked and said sweetly, "Grand Master, why are you still here, come with me to recruit troops."

Zhang Sanfeng said lazily, "I don't have a mission, so I don't want to go."

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng's unwillingness, Li Yin'er said coquettishly, "But I have a mission, Tai Shishu, you can help me. The head master asked me to recruit [-] horses. How can I have this ability?"

When Zhang Sanfeng heard Wuchenzi's task of recruiting [-] horses for Li Yiner, he couldn't help laughing out loud, because there might be so many people recruited in this little girl's film, so he joked.

"That's none of my business. Besides, what good can I help you recruit together?"

When Li Yin'er heard it, she was in trouble. She didn't have anything, even if she did, it was something that Grand Master couldn't despise, and said hesitantly.

"Human, how can people give them any benefit to Tai Shishu?"

Seeing Li Yin'er like this, Zhang Sanfeng immediately became playful and said, "Yes, why not? Come, give me a kiss, and I'll help you."

Naturally, Zhang Sanfeng didn't think too much about other things, just to make fun of Li Yin'er.

Unexpectedly, when Li Yin'er heard the words, her little face was as red as a red apple, and she said shyly: "Then how can you, you are Tai Shishu, how can people kiss Taishishu? People will laugh at me when they see it. ."

Li Yin'er had just finished speaking, looked around and saw that there was no one around. Before Zhang Sanfeng could speak, he suddenly gave Zhang Sanfeng a light peck, and lowered his head in shame, not daring to look at Zhang Sanfeng lying on the chair of the Grand Master.

The voice said in a glutinous voice: "Uncle Tai, they have already kissed you, and you can't go back."

Zhang Sanfeng laughed a little at the sudden accident, but he still couldn't help laughing. He originally just wanted to make fun of Li Yin'er, but he didn't expect her to move so fast.

"You little girl, I really can't do anything about you!".

Chapter 943

Originally, I just wanted to embarrass Li Yin'er. After all, Zhang Sanfeng was very leisurely on this side peak. He originally thought of taking a good rest and preparing for a big fight in the imaginary world that was about to open.

Unexpectedly, Li Yin'er was able to complete this seemingly simple task in order to invite him to go out and recruit people together.

You must know that Li Yin'er is only at the age of first love, and is a real sixteen-year-old girl. It is indeed very difficult to achieve this step.

Li Yin'er insisted: "I don't care anyway, Tai Shishu can't go back on it, he has already kissed Taishishu, and Taishishu can't keep his word."

Now Zhang Sanfeng really has no excuse not to go, so he can only say: "Okay, okay, then go with your little girl. By the way, do you know where to recruit people?"

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng agree, Li Yin'er happily jumped around Zhang Sanfeng.

"Okay, Grand Master is going to complete the task with Yin'er, and now we will definitely be able to complete the task given by the master."

However, when he thought of the second half of Zhang Sanfeng's words, he immediately showed a melancholy expression and said, "Tai Shishu, people haven't gone down the mountain very much, how do they know where to recruit people."

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, then let's go to Xuanbao Hall to buy something first, and after we've finished shopping, we'll go recruit troops."

Li Yin'er heard what Zhang Sanfeng meant by saying that he had a solution, so he happily held Zhang Sanfeng's arm and laughed and laughed all the way.

Zhang Sanfeng Yujian brought Li Yin'er to the Xuanbao Hall of Taixuan Sect. Looking at the dazzling array of all kinds of strange magic weapons, Li Yin'er couldn't help but look at it with curiosity.

This Xuanbao Hall is equivalent to a chain grocery store within the Taixuan Sect, and the Xuanbao Hall that Zhang Sanfeng and the two came to is the Xuanbao Hall on the main peak. The treasures here are more precious than those on the Seventy-two Peaks. A lot of rich, of course, the price is very expensive.

The superficial outer disciple who was in charge of this Xuanbao Hall naturally had no chance to know Zhang Sanfeng and Li Yin'er. After all, both of them were reclusive types and would not show their faces anywhere in the Taixuan Sect.

"What kind of magic weapon do you two want to buy? Do you need a weapon that is handy?"

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and said directly:

"Is there a teleportation talisman to Tianhuo Nation?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

When the outer disciple of the shop heard the words, he replied, "What about the Heavenly Fire Nation? There should be more, wait, I'll look for it."

Generally, the farther the teleportation talisman is, the more mana it needs to consume, and the more precious it is naturally.

The outer sect disciple asked casually as he looked for it: "This senior brother, the Heavenly Fire Kingdom seems to be very far away from our Taixuan Sect, and according to the Immortal News, there is a drought in that whole world, and even water spells can't be used. ."

..... 0

Zhang Sanfeng saw that this outer sect disciple still read Xianbao, nodded and said, "Yes, where are you going?"

The current news about the False God Realm is still in a semi-closed state in the Taixuan Sect, and only people above the inner sect disciple know about it.

And the reason why Zhang Sanfeng went to Tianhuo Nation is precisely because the sky and earth in Tianhuo Nation have been suffering from drought for some time. It is conceivable that the survival of people there should be very difficult, so it is easier to recruit than ordinary places. .

Besides, Wuchenzi only said that he wanted to recruit [-] horses, not [-] elite soldiers, as long as the number was

Chapter 944

"I found it, Senior Brother, how many teleportation talismans do you want?" the outer disciple asked.

"Come here ten." Zhang Sanfeng didn't know if he needed that much, but now he has a lot of spirit stones, so he doesn't care about them.

"Halle, Senior Brother, there are [-] low-grade spirit stones each, [-] in total." The outer disciple said with a smile.

Zhang Sanfeng took out a silver note worth [-] low-grade spirit stones to the outer disciples, and then said after [-], "How do you sell this spaceship?"

The eyes of the outer disciples lit up. If they came to buy a spaceship, it would be a big deal.

"Senior brothers and sisters, please come with me." The outer disciple greeted politely.

Although this outer disciple was older than Li Yin'er, he saw Li Yin'er's dress and temperament, and knew that he was definitely not an ordinary inner disciple, or even a true disciple, so he called Senior Sister directly.

In this world, strength has always been respected, so there is no problem with him shouting like that.

Following the outer sect disciples, they came to another showcase in the Xuanbao Hall, where all kinds of palm-sized wooden boats were placed.

Even though these wooden ships are only the size of a palm in the showcase, as long as the seal is unlocked, they will flutter in the wind and become huge ships that rely on magic power.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at these ships, but he couldn't see anything special. After all, he didn't have any research on this aspect, so he had to ask directly: "Is there any spaceship that can directly accommodate [-] people at the same time?"

When the outer disciple heard Zhang Sanfeng asking about the spaceship that could accommodate [-] people at the same time, he immediately knew that this was a big deal, so he pointed to one of the small wooden boats at the counter and said.

"Sorry brother, we don't have such a large spaceship, but there are spaceships that can accommodate [-] people at the same time."

Although the outer disciples were curious about why Zhang Sanfeng bought such a large spaceship, they were not familiar with the customers and did not ask many questions.

When Zhang Sanfeng heard that there was a spaceship capable of accommodating [-] people at the same time, he said, "How many spaceships of this level are there? Let me tell you the actual price. I want to buy two at a time."

Buy two?

my darling.

This is a spaceship with a low-grade spirit stone of [-]. If two ships are not [-], even if they are discounted, they can sell for [-].

This outer sect disciple had never done such a big business before, so he quickly said: "Senior brother, the spaceship you want is in stock now, but the price is a little high. It costs [-] low-grade spirit stones for one piece. If you want to buy two ships If so, according to the regulations, I can give you a [-]% discount..."

[-]% off is [-].

"Okay, get me two. These are thirty-two silver tickets of [-] low-grade spirit stones. You can count them."

Zhang Sanfeng put the silver note on the counter, and the outer disciples started to take out two [-]-class spaceships to pack them after they were very happy.

At this time, Li Yin'er, who had been in a circle all the way, pulled Zhang Sanfeng's shirt and asked in confusion, "Uncle Tai, why did you buy a spaceship?"

Zhang Sanfeng said as a matter of course: "How can you pull people back without buying a spaceship?"

Li Yin'er was even more puzzled when she heard it, and said, "But Master has given me a spaceship that can accommodate [-] people at the same time, so I don't need to buy it."

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly had a black line on his face and said:

"Then you didn't say it sooner."

Li Yin'er said aggrieved: "You didn't ask others."

The outer sect disciples had already packed their bags, and they were not disturbed when they saw Zhang Sanfeng muttering something in a low voice. .

Chapter 945

There was no way, Zhang Sanfeng bought everything he wanted, so why not recruit more than [-] followers.

Li Yin'er didn't have much conception of spirit stones, but when she heard that because of her, Tai Shishu did not hesitate to spend more than [-] spirit stones, and then looked at the enthusiasm of the outer sect disciple for this ratio transaction, she was moved again. Guilt again.

"Uncle Tai, I'm sorry, people don't know why this happens."

Naturally, Zhang Sanfeng didn't feel sorry for Lingshi. Seeing Li Yin'er's guilty appearance, he said, "It's fine. It's the same when I go to Tianhuo Kingdom to recruit more than [-] followers."

Li Yin'er is an optimist. Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng doesn't care about this matter, she immediately returns to her innocent girl appearance.

"Yes, we will recruit an extra [-] yuan, and then we can ask Master for reimbursement."

Zhang Sanfeng also couldn't help Li Yin'er, shook his head, and then said to the outer disciples.

"Is it packed?"

Only then did the outer disciple deliver the two packed spaceships to Zhang Sanfeng.

All the necessary things have been bought, Zhang Sanfeng said to Li Yin'er.

"Then let's find a place now to start the teleportation formation and go to the Skyfire Nation."

Li Yin'er nodded and followed behind Zhang Sanfeng obediently.

In addition to the Xuanbao Hall, Zhang Sanfeng handed Li Yiner a teleportation talisman after finding a wide open space, and then delivered the mana, and Li Yiner naturally followed suit.

After the two teleportation talismans received full mana, they began to shine brightly, wrapping the two separately.

Zhang Sanfeng only felt a daze in front of him, and the next moment he arrived at the Heavenly Fire Kingdom, which is thousands of miles away, and Li Yin'er also appeared from a hazy void at this time.

As soon as he appeared, Li Yin'er covered the blazing blazing sun with her hands and said.

"Uncle Tai, what a big sun, this place is really too hot."

Zhang Sanfeng was also looking at the surrounding environment at this time.

As far as I can see, it is all dry to cracked land and withered grass, and there is no green at all.

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