Such an environment is not an exaggeration to describe it as a purgatory on earth.

How can people who live here survive?

Zhang Sanfeng took out his flying sword and greeted Li Yin'er to follow him.

"Let's go, let's find out where the people here are gathered."

Yu Jian flew for about ten minutes, and a gathering place of the human race appeared within the sight of the two of them.

This is a huge open-pit mine, and in the mine, countless miners are as dense as ants.

Under the poisonous sunlight, the miners' expressions were mostly blank.

Some of these miners kept falling down because they couldn't stand the harsh weather and hard labor. However, what greeted them was not treatment and care, but the harsh whipping of the supervisors.

The miners who were woken up by the whip continued to mine silently, and those who did not wake up with the whip were confirmed dead and were thrown into the mass grave by the overseers.

Li Yin'er saw that such a scene would happen almost anytime and anywhere on the mine, and miners from afar were joining in like fresh blood.

Most of these miners were captured refugees. Their lives were wasted like a mustard, and no one was distressed.

"It's abominable, how can those people treat these miners like animals?"

Zhang Sanfeng, on the other hand, was not so sympathetic, and said:

"This world is a world where the strong eat the weak. If you want to not be enslaved, you must become stronger by yourself. Now we will give them a chance to become stronger and see if they want to.".

Chapter 946

Li Yin'er nodded and asked.

"Uncle Tai, what should we do now?"

Zhang Sanfeng said: "I just sensed it, and there is no stronger opponent than us in a hundred miles, so we are the strongest in the mine here. What do you think we should do?"

Li Yin'er smiled sweetly and said.

"I understand, we can use our strong strength to reason with these supervisors, and let them not be so ruthless to the miners."

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help laughing bitterly. After all, Li Yin'er was still a flower that grew up in a greenhouse. It's normal to not know the dangers of the world of immortals. She will naturally understand a lot after experiencing more things in the future.

"Just follow me later."

"Good uncle too."

I saw Zhang Sanfeng take out a palm-sized boat, and after instilling mana to release the seal, the boat grew long against the wind, but within a few breaths, it turned into a behemoth that was more than a hundred meters long and more than twenty meters high.

The giant ship did not fall to the ground, but floated in the air.

The giant ship that suddenly appeared attracted the attention of everyone in this mining area, and even the numb miners looked up at the giant ship in the sky.

Seeing the miners stop to watch, the supervisors all jumped into a fury, waving the whips in their hands to rip the miners to pieces.

"What are you looking at, haven't you seen the spaceship, let me continue to work' "."

"Come on, let's see what's going on."

Not long after, an overseer driving a flying sword came to Zhang Sanfeng and the two of them, looking very arrogant: "Who are you? Don't you know this mine is private territory? Hurry up and leave."

After the overseer finished speaking, he came to Zhang Sanfeng and Li Yin'er not far away. He looked at the two carefully, and when he saw Li Yin'er who was so charming, his eyes were straight.

"My darling, this woman is beautiful. This is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. If this is dedicated to the master of the family, I am afraid that I will get a particularly generous reward."

The overseer didn't care whether Zhang Sanfeng could hear him or not, he spoke to himself, and then he said to Zhang Sanfeng arrogantly: "Wait, you can go, this little beauty who looks like a fairy has to go. Leave."

When Zhang Sanfeng heard these words, he said in a deep voice as if he had been touched by an inverse scale.

"you wanna die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and fired a sword energy, a simple move. Before the overseer could react, he cut him in half, and fell from the air without resting his eyes.

Zhang Sanfeng's move was like poking a hornet's nest, and the sound of horns and horns was heard in the mining area.

In a short while, a supervising team of more than a thousand people has appeared on the opposite side of Zhang Sanfeng and the two.

The leader of the overseer brigade said to Zhang Sanfeng, "."Who are you? People who trespassed into my Yejia mining area and killed us directly. Are you impatient?"

This level of clamoring (Li Qianhao) could not arouse Zhang Sanfeng's temper.

"I came here to find some people to help me with my work. I found them when I saw that there were many people. As for this person who was beheaded by me, he was the one who dared to insult me ​​Zhang Sanfeng. He was just looking for death."

Seeing that the visitor was so arrogant, the leader of the overseer brigade looked at the spaceship behind the visitor, worried that there were horses in ambush in the spaceship, and did not dare to attack. Instead, he asked his subordinates to find more reinforcements. .

Chapter 947

After all, if they dared to kill people in the Ye family's mining area so arrogantly, there must be a lot of ambush soldiers in the spaceship. Otherwise, how could there be only two people who would dare to oppose the Ye family within the radius of [-] miles.

Moreover, he concluded that the two were outsiders, otherwise it would be impossible not to know that this mining area belonged to the Ye family.

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng's tone was also very arrogant, the leader of the oversight brigade laughed, whether this person is really stupid or fake, I don't know if a catastrophe is imminent.

"Looking for death? I think it's your kid looking for death. Call everyone in your spaceship. Don't think I don't know that you want to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger."

  In the imagination of the leader of the oversight brigade, as long as they launch an attack now, they will definitely fall for the opposite strategy, and it may not be that thousands of soldiers suddenly appear with bows and arrows and shoot them into hedgehogs.

Zhang Sanfeng was amused when he heard the words, and said, "I wonder if you are lacking in your brain. Didn't you see that my magic spaceship was just unsealed, where would there be ambushes?"

Zhang Sanfeng's words slapped the leader of the overseer team severely. After all, he had seen with his own eyes that the magic spaceship was indeed suddenly growing into the wind, indicating that there could not be a large team on it.

Thinking of this, although Su Chen said that his face was a little red, he was very happy in his heart, because in this way, there was indeed no ambush in that magic spaceship.

In this way, as long as the man in front of him is killed, the magic spaceship worth at least hundreds of thousands and the girl who looks like a fairy will become his possessions?

The leader of the overseer brigade thought of this, and immediately became elated, looking at Zhang Sanfeng as if looking at a dead man.

"If you say that, I have to thank you for your reminder." Then he said to the overseers behind him: "You all heard that the magic spaceship was just unsealed, and there were no ambulances in it, so put them all on me and put them on. This kid chops me into meat sauce."

The minions beside the leader of the overseer team laughed.

"(bhah) Hahaha, this kid is so stupid, he actually said it himself, we didn't expect it."

Another scoundrel also laughed and said: "This kind of person looks like a young master from a small family who came out to experience. He thinks he is invincible in the world. Now that's it, the little girl next to him must be very fun to play, boss, when the time comes. After you are finished, you can give your brothers a good time too."

After the oversight brigade gave an order, thousands of overseers all rode the flying sword, waving the weapons in their hands and rushing in the direction of Zhang Sanfeng.

"Chop him into meat sauce!"

"This kid is so good at pretending, he will be skinned and cramped later."

Seeing thousands of overseers rushing towards him, Zhang Sanfeng did not panic at all.

It's just that although these supervisors are not Li Yin'er's opponents together, Li Yin'er has never experienced such a scene after all, and with the vulgar words of these supervisors, she has the illusion of encountering evil spirits in hell. Said with some disgust.

"These people are so annoying, I really want to kill them."

Zhang Sanfeng is naturally happy to see Li Yin'er kill, she must go through this test herself, otherwise no one will be able to protect her forever, he encouraged.

"Yin'er, it's time to take this step, let's use these people to sacrifice swords."

Li Yin'er nodded and started to move the magic trick. The cloudless sunny day was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and lightning flashed and thundered.

The dark clouds did not cover the entire sky, but only a few kilometers. .

Chapter 948

With Li Yin'er's cultivation level, it's not that she can only do this step, but she just wants to wipe out the thousands of maggots in front of her that make her feel sick from this world.

Li Yin'er's killing intent instantly locked the more than a thousand supervisors who rushed up.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it was as if a thousand thunders suddenly descended into the world, constantly flashing purple electricity, slicing down from the dark clouds.

Every time a purple lightning falls from the dark cloud, one of the supervisors died.

In almost two breaths, Zidian turned this place into a thunder pond, screaming again and again, no one among the supervisors could withstand such a powerful Zidian.

But within a few breaths, no one in the Thunder Pond survived.

Even Zhang Sanfeng was a little dumbfounded by this scene. He knew that Li Yin'er was very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

What was even more unexpected was that Li Yin'er did not choose to use the sword, but used the Jiuxiao Thunder God Art.

The leader of the oversight brigade and the two minions who saw this scene were still in shock.

What kind of terrifying power is this?

In just a few breaths, the Ye Family's thousands of competent overseers were slaughtered.

Is this too violent?

All three felt suffocated.

In their opinion, people who can cast such powerful spells can crush them to death with one finger.

In fact it is.

I saw the three Yujian stop on the ground, fell to their knees with a plop, and kept begging for Zhang Sanfeng and the two of them for mercy.

"Daxian spare your life, Daxian spare your life, the little ones have eyes and don't know Mount Tai, so I'm offended. I also ask Daxian to raise your hand and let the villain live."

Zhang Sanfeng did not speak, and quietly watched how Li Yin'er dealt with it.

I saw Li Yin'er fly to the three of them with a blank expression on Yu Jian, without saying a word, just swing a sword, bringing out a blood flower, and the three of them were cut their throats by this sword at the same time.

Seeing Li Yin'er's actions, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but nodded, and sighed inwardly, Yin'er really grew up.

The strength displayed by the two was truly seen by the remaining supervisors in the mining area, and no one dared to speak out at this moment.

Zhang Sanfeng, on the other hand, controlled the magic spaceship and stopped in an open space near the mining area. After that, Yujian rose up into the air, and he transferred a little mana to his throat. With the blessing of mana, everyone in a radius of ten miles could clearly hear what Zhang Sanfeng said. .

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

"I'll give you a chance now, whether you choose to accept your fate in this place, or follow me and work hard, in this world where the weak eat the strong, use your own hands to sharpen yourself into a strong man, and no longer become a fish on someone else's chopping board, butcher the knife. meat."

After listening to Zhang Sanfeng's words, all the miners were confused for a while, as if they didn't understand.


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