Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help it, these people had been abused to the point where they lacked water and food.

So he said, "Follow me, and from now on, you will have food and shelter."


All the miners seemed to be waiting for this sentence, and they all shouted and flew in the direction of the spaceship.

Watching the miners pouring into the magic spaceship from all directions in the mining area, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help laughing.

That's right, instead of saying so many big truths to these people who are struggling with life and death every day, it is better to tell them directly, as long as you follow him, from now on you will have enough to eat and drink.

Looking at these skinny miners, Zhang Sanfeng didn't know what their future destiny would be, but it would definitely be thousands of times better than in the mining area.seven.

Chapter 949

Thinking like this, Zhang Sanfeng took out another magic spaceship and unsealed it in another open space.

Then he said to Li Yin'er.

"Yin'er, you've done a great job. Now untie the seal of the magic spaceship that your master gave you, and let the miners board the ship. We'd better leave early."

Li Yin'er didn't seem to be affected by the fact that she killed herself just now, she blinked her eyes playfully and said happily.five eight three

"Thank you for the praise, Uncle Tai, and Yin'er will follow suit."

Li Yin'er took out the [-]-level magic spaceship that Wuchenzi handed over to her, which was more than double the size of Zhang Sanfeng's magic spaceship.

As time passed, the three magic spaceships, one big and three small, finally loaded all the miners in the entire mining area.

With Zhang Sanfeng's departure, the return journey officially started.

The speed of this magic spaceship is extremely fast. Although it is not as fast as the teleportation talisman that can reach tens of millions of miles in an instant, the speed of millions of miles per day can also be said to be very fast.

Ten days later, Zhang Sanfeng and Li Yin'er returned to Taixuan Sect with [-] miners.

Since the number of people to be recruited is not high, and the two of them use the teleportation talisman to go out directly, they are much faster than the other people who are recruiting.

It's just that they are all miners of varying quality.

Wuchenzi didn't say much about this, on the contrary, he reimbursed Zhang Sanfeng for the cost of purchasing the magic spaceship, and the two magic spaceships were still reserved for Zhang Sanfeng to use.

All [-] miners were settled on the side peak where Zhang Sanfeng was.

In fact, it is a partial peak, but the peak is also very broad, which can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people to camp and station.

With the addition of [-] miners, Pianfeng was obviously quite lively, and the sound of building construction continued to sound.

After these days of sufficient food supplements, the scrawny workers have begun to look human. Everyone no longer has a numb expression on their faces, and they can see the light of hope in their eyes.

Zhang Sanfeng sees the changes of the miners every day.

These people have a strong desire to survive, and as long as they undergo special training, they will definitely grow into a good fighting force in the future.

In the days that followed, the fleet of Seventy-two Peaks continued to return, and the popularity of the entire Taixuan Sect became more and more vigorous.  …

In addition to those who went out to recruit members, those who stayed behind were naturally responsible for the training of newly recruited members.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Three months later, a vision of the False God Realm loosened, and the news that it was about to be fully opened quietly spread.

The entire immortal world, regardless of its size, is caught in a fierce preparation for battle.

After all, at this time, everyone in the entire Immortal Realm already knew the secrets of the False God Realm, and everyone wanted to take a piece of it.

Moreover, in the False God Realm, the powerhouses with the highest cultivation will also stand on the same starting line as ordinary people.

The only advantage is the crowd.

But in the real world, they are not only numerous and powerful, but also have cultivation bases that reach the sky, so for ordinary people, this is already a great opportunity. Whether they can rise to become the supreme powerhouse in the world depends on the False God Realm. How is the performance in .

Although each holy land immortal gate holds ancient books that record the False God Realm, but according to the ancient book records, each False God Realm is different.

So before they entered the False God Realm, no one knew what they would encounter and what kind of place it was. .

Chapter 950




The three ancient bells seemed to come from the endless void.

No one knew where the three bells came from, and no one knew who was ringing the bell.

However, the high-level executives of the immortal gates of the major holy places know what these three ancient bells mean.

Wuchenzi sat alone on the main hall of the main peak of Taixuan Sect.

"It's about to start!"

As early as three months ago, Wuchenzi had already informed the core members of the Taixuan Sect of how to enter the False God Realm.

Zhang Sanfeng naturally knew it too.

When these three bells sounded from the endless void and spread throughout the immortal world billions of miles of mountains and rivers, it meant that the virtual god realm was officially opened, and all things in the world, as long as they were born with spirituality, could enter.

You must know that it is the one born with spirituality, not the one born with spiritual roots.

The requirements for spiritual roots are higher than spirituality, and it is a necessary condition for cultivating immortals.

In this way, it means that even ants can enter the False God Realm.

According to the method explained by Wuchenzi, Zhang Sanfeng relaxed his mind, just like falling asleep, thinking about nothing, doing nothing, just lying quietly like this.

As time passed, Zhang Sanfeng's mind became more and more empty.

Gradually, Zhang Sanfeng felt himself floating.

This feeling is very mysterious, it is not really out of body, but it is a real feeling that I am floating into the sky.

It's just a cloud of gray around you, and you can't see anything.

I don't know how long ago, Zhang Sanfeng seemed to see a door in the sky, but the door seemed to be very far away, and it seemed to be very close.

Too far for him to see, and too close for him to feel close at hand.

Gradually, Zhang Sanfeng was able to see that this was a door, a huge bronze door.

Just as Zhang Sanfeng arrived in front of the giant gate, a strong voice like Hong Zhong Da Lu came.

"You, do you want to enter the False God Realm?"

This voice did not have any emotional fluctuations, as if it was not spoken by people.

Maybe it's really not people talking?

Zhang Sanfeng thought for a while, then nodded.

"Yes, I want to enter the False God Realm."

The voice did not sound again, and the bronze giant door slowly opened at this time.

Behind the bronze giant gate, it is blurry, and nothing can be seen clearly, and nothing can be seen.

Zhang Sanfeng did not hesitate, and went straight in.

From the moment he stepped over the blur, Zhang Sanfeng felt that all his power had been stripped away, which was a wonderful feeling.

The mysterious power that stripped him of all his power didn't make him feel any discomfort.

However, Wuchenzi has also explained things in this regard before.

Entering the False God Realm and stripping off all the power is only temporary, and you can exit the False God Realm at any time. After exiting the False God Realm, the original power will be returned intact, so there is no need to worry too much.

And not only that, even after exiting the False God Realm, you can enter at any time, and you don't need to worry about not being able to enter after exiting.

What is even more unexpected is that death in the False God Realm can be resurrected, and it will not truly die.

At this moment, Zhang Sanfeng did not panic, because even panic was useless.

When the whole body was blurred, Zhang Sanfeng found himself standing in an ordinary small village.

Looking back at the small village, there is still a blur behind him.

In just a moment, like Zhang Sanfeng, hundreds of people suddenly descended on this small village, filling the small mountain village. .

Chapter 951

Soon, the originally peaceful small village became very lively, and at the same time, due to the crowd, there were constant insults.

"It's so crowded, can you stop crowding in the back?"

"Can you not touch your beast hand?"

"Hurry up with the trouble ahead, I'm about to be squeezed to death."

Zhang Sanfeng was also squeezed into the crowd.

Now all the strength on the body has been taken out, leaving only the strength of the most ordinary mortals, and it is close to the limit that one hand can lift dozens of pounds.

Over time, people in the crowd kept fleeing from the hamlet.

Makes the crowded crowd less dense.

However, it didn't take long for people who had left the village to send back a surprising news.

"The animals outside this village are crazy. They attack people when they see them. They are unarmed and hard to beat. On average, it takes five or six people to kill a little monster."

"How could this happen? The strength of the little animals in the False God Realm is so terrifying? Then how can we survive here" "?"

"It's not because those small animals are too terrifying, but because we are too weak now, and there is no difference between them and mortals. Those small animals can even use some simple spells, and it is normal for them to fail."

"What should I do?"

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