"But fortunately, I heard that killing these small animals can get you a cultivation base. After you get a certain cultivation base, your strength will be improved by a level."

"And this kind of thing, it seems that we need to find some people to act with, otherwise it will be difficult to beat those small animals outside the village alone."

"According to the people who have just been resurrected, these small animals with magic skills are only the lowest in strength, and there are more powerful animals wandering in the outer circle."

In the village, people who came from the real world were discussing the small animals outside the village that knew magic, and no one had any objection to the people in the village.

Zhang Sanfeng followed the flow of people towards the entrance of the village, while listening to the discussions of the people around him.

There was a doubt in my mind.

Since the animals outside this small village are so powerful, how do the villagers here survive?

With doubts in his heart, Zhang Sanfeng began to gradually deviate from the direction of the flow of people, and walked towards a thatched hut. A person stood outside the thatched hut, looking curiously at the sudden arrival of outsiders.

From the outside, this is a middle-aged villager.

Just facing the outsider, there was no panic in the eyes of the middle-aged villager, instead there was curiosity and expectation.

"."What exactly is he expecting?"

Zhang Sanfeng thought so, and at the same time began to speed up and walked towards the middle-aged villager.

"Do you know what's going on with those animals outside?"

Zhang Sanfeng's heart moved at will, and he directly said the doubts in his heart.

The middle-aged villager seemed to have had some kind of seal unlocked, and only then did he speak.

"The animals outside the village will be discussed later. Now, because you are the first to speak to me, I have a (Li Qianzhao) gift here as a reward for you."

After the middle-aged villager finished speaking, he took out a pair of black boots from behind and gave them to Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng took the black boots, and suddenly reacted to this item in his mind. He only felt that something appeared in his mind in such an instant.

"Ordinary boots, plus one movement speed?"

What does it mean?

Zhang Sanfeng fell into thinking, but he couldn't figure it out, so he had to turn to middle-aged villagers for help. .

Chapter 952

"What is this thing? What does it mean to increase the movement speed by one?"

The middle-aged villager didn't explain, but said, "If you put it on and try it on, you'll understand."

Zhang Sanfeng put on his boots suspiciously.

As soon as he put it on, Zhang Sanfeng felt that his body became lighter.

It's not that the body is lighter, but that the speed of raising the legs is faster.

It felt as if the sandbag was tied to the ankle after a while and then untied.

"Low-level walking shoes?"

Zhang Sanfeng immediately thought of Shenxing shoes, but these boots were not that powerful.

You must know that you can travel thousands of miles a day after wearing the Shenxing shoes, but in the real world, the Shenxing shoes are just garbage, and the real cultivators are Yujian who travel millions of miles a day.

In this world, everything is suppressed.

At this time, it is rare to have such a pair of shoes.

Zhang Sanfeng figured this out, so he told the middle-aged villager.

"I already understand the purpose of these shoes, so can you tell me what's going on with the animals out there who know magic?"

The middle-aged villager nodded and said.

"Those creatures who know magic also came suddenly, just a few days before you aliens came."

When Zhang Sanfeng heard this, he suddenly had more doubts in his heart.


"Just a few days before our arrival?"

The middle-aged villager continued.

"Yes, just a few days ago, we were told that we couldn't leave this village, and we couldn't speak and leave our designated area before contacting the descendants."

Is there such a thing?

Zhang Sanfeng's mind is now full of doubts.

"Who told you not to leave this village?"

The middle-aged villager replied: "I don't know who told us, but these voices will ring in my mind from time to time, and there are some things I can't tell the descendants in advance, even if I want to say it, I can't say it."

The False God Realm is too mysterious.

Before Zhang Sanfeng could continue to ask, the middle-aged villager continued to speak.

"These shoes are given to you according to the regulations. When other people come to me, they must complete the tasks I gave to obtain them, or pay a certain amount of money."

When Zhang Sanfeng heard this, he immediately knew what he had understood.

Then he looked at the thatched hut and found that there were many boots in it that were the same as the pair of black boots under his feet. I thought that this middle-aged villager made boots.

Saying goodbye to the middle-aged villagers, Zhang Sanfeng did not go directly outside the village, but went to the next villager's residence.




Before Zhang Sanfeng could get there, he heard the sound of hammering, thinking that this was a blacksmith shop.

Approaching it, as expected by Zhang Sanfeng, this is indeed a blacksmith shop.

In the shop, there was only a burly man with no shirt on, who was working on iron. Seeing Zhang Sanfeng standing outside, he just glanced and didn't speak.

According to the previous hint from the middle-aged villager, the blacksmith should have never had contact with other descendants.

So he stepped forward decisively and said, "Do you have any weapons in your hand?"

Sure enough, after Zhang Sanfeng said this to him, the blacksmith finally spoke.

"Yes, wait, I'll get it for you."

The blacksmith turned and entered the blacksmith's shop, and took out a machete from it.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the machete, and had a plan for the next move in his heart. .

Chapter 953

The blacksmith handed the machete to Zhang Sanfeng and said.

"Because you are the first descendant to talk to me, this machete will be given to you directly. If other descendants come to me, they must help me complete the task."

Zhang Sanfeng took the machete without saying anything, but walked directly to the other house.

This family is the home of an old doctor. Seeing Zhang Sanfeng's arrival, he didn't speak at first.

Zhang Sanfeng is familiar with the road:

"Old man, I need something, do you have it here?"

Zhang Sanfeng naturally knew that the old doctor must have obtained medicine, but he didn't know what to say for a while, so he simply said this.

As soon as the old doctor heard Zhang Sanfeng speak, he took out a bottle of pills from under the counter and said to Zhang Sanfeng.

"Because you are the first person to talk to me, I will give you this bottle of blood-returning pills. There are a total of [-]. If you need it next time, you need to help me complete the task or give me the corresponding amount of money. ~ Wealth is good."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded in agreement, but didn't say much, because even if he said more, the old doctor couldn't tell much other news, basically the same as the middle-aged villager who gave him the boots.

Zhang Sanfeng went to other villagers' homes again, and dozens of households in the village were visited by Zhang Sanfeng, and they got a lot of things, but they didn't have much value.

One of the villagers gave him a bag to hold things, and the rest of the villagers gave him either a very small amount of money, or some dry food to eat and some simple clothes. There were no boots, machetes, pills, or a bag. it works.

But looking at the dry food, Zhang Sanfeng did feel some malice.

Under the guidance of the last villager, Zhang Sanfeng decided to visit the village chief.

When he came to the village chief's house, Zhang Sanfeng saw a white-haired but energetic old man.

"Old man, is there anything I can help you with?"

After visiting so many villagers, Zhang Sanfeng also caught some tips for communicating with people in this village.

Seeing that someone came to him so quickly, the village chief was a little surprised.

Because according to the regulations, the village chief cannot speak until all the villagers in the village can speak.

And this gray-haired old man not only exists, but is also a temple blessing in this village.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Now Zhang Sanfeng is in a temple, and it is not known which immortal this temple is enshrined. At least Zhang Sanfeng has never heard of that name.

The village chief said: "I didn't expect to be able to speak so soon, just right, since you are the first comer to talk to me, then I will teach you this spell, but if you want to use the spell, you need to practice Qi. You can only use it after the period, otherwise you have no mana at all, and you can't use it."


After the village chief finished speaking, without waiting for Zhang Sanfeng to respond, he directly pointed his finger on Zhang Sanfeng's forehead, chanting words in his mouth.

Zhang Sanfeng did not expect that there are still cultivators in ordinary villages, but it seems that this cultivator's cultivation base is not high, but he can directly transmit the method of magic to others. his special abilities.

The method of the spell entered Zhang Sanfeng's mind through the fingers of the old village chief, and Zhang Sanfeng immediately understood a spell called the Fire Charm.

Strange to say, the method of this fire talisman is completely different from the method in the real world, and has nothing in common at all.seven.

Chapter 954

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