Even the meridians mentioned in this method are completely different, and it is a completely different meridian system.

In other words, the cultivation methods in the real world are completely unworkable in the False God Realm, so even if there are extremely powerful spells in the real world, they cannot be used in the False God Realm.

"This is so interesting!"

The more Zhang Sanfeng knew, the more interested he became in this False God Realm.

five eight seven

When Zhang Sanfeng came to the entrance of the village, his whole body was completely new, which was very different from the uniform attire of other descendants.

And the machete in his hand and the boots under his feet attracted countless gazes.

"Why is he different from us?"

"Yeah, how does he have a knife?"

"Does anyone know where he got this knife from?"

Zhang Sanfeng ignored the surrounding noise and walked straight out of the village.

However, just ten steps outside the village, more than a dozen people intercepted Zhang Sanfeng.

"Brother, can you tell us where your machete came from?"

Zhang Sanfeng is not a stingy person, and he doesn't intend to hide it. Since someone asked, he said directly: "The villagers in the village got it. If you complete the tasks they gave you, you can also get these things."

Zhang Sanfeng's words were spread by ten, ten by one hundred, and soon, the descendants surrounded the homes of more than a dozen villagers.

"What? A hundred rabbit skins for a pair of boots? Why don't you grab them?"

"Ah? Twenty wolf skins for a machete? The wolves outside the village are much fiercer than the rabbits."

Soon, the items needed to obtain items from the villagers reached the ears of every player in the village, and everyone knew that it was too difficult to complete these tasks.

So someone set their eyes on Zhang Sanfeng who was fighting with the rabbits outside the village.

It is said that after Zhang Sanfeng told the other descendants of the way to obtain the items, he went out of the village alone to fight with the rabbits who knew magic.

These rabbits can use the five-element spell, which is extremely difficult to deal with. Now Zhang Sanfeng is fighting with one rabbit at most.

Zhang Sanfeng's foot speed is obviously faster than that of ordinary descendants, so when the rabbit launches a fireball attack at him, he can dodge it in time, which is much easier than ordinary descendants.  … ....

It's just that these rabbits move very fast, and every time they launch a fireball attack, they will jump backwards to distance themselves from Zhang Sanfeng.

And Zhang Sanfeng needs to catch up with the rabbit as soon as possible while avoiding the fireball attack and kill it.

Finally, after a tug of war, Zhang Sanfeng finally beheaded a rabbit who knew how to spell.

At the same time, a thick voice resembling Hong Zhong Da Lu sounded in his ears, the same as the voice heard at the bronze giant gate when he was about to enter the False God Realm.

"Kill the rabbit who knows magic and get ten points of cultivation."

After beheading the rabbit, Zhang Sanfeng clearly felt that something had entered his body. This feeling was very subtle, but he did not feel the improvement of his strength.

"It seems that you need to keep killing rabbits to get the cultivation base. When the cultivation base is accumulated to a certain level, a qualitative change can occur."

Is this one of the ways for the False God Realm to improve its strength?

Can you increase your strength just by fighting and killing?

When he wanted to improve his strength by learning about this method, Zhang Sanfeng's blood began to boil. .

Chapter 955

For Zhang Sanfeng, to improve his strength in this way is simply a cultivation improvement system tailored for him, and it is also very easy for him to accept.

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng beheading a rabbit that knew magic so easily, the descendants not far away and observing in the village showed envious eyes.

You must know that the descendants now need seven or eight people to work together to kill a rabbit, and even so, there is a possibility of being killed by a rabbit.

Zhang Sanfeng can kill a rabbit by himself, and it's faster than a combination of seven or eight people.

And now the strategy of the descendants is basically a fixed group of seven or eight people, two of which are dedicated to attracting firepower. Since death in the False God Realm can be resurrected, even if death has a penalty of lowering cultivation, for the lowest level For the descendants, there is no cultivation base to be punished, so even if they die, there is not much danger.

After the death of the rabbit, the cultivation base is distributed according to the proportion of the damage caused to it by the descendants, so sacrificing two people can improve the strength of the other five or six people as soon as possible.

When the strength of these five or six people has improved, then go back and bring the two victims to improve their strength.

This is the best solution that the current descendants can think of.

Otherwise, with the exception of Zhang Sanfeng, the other descendants who fought alone would not have the possibility to kill the rabbits who knew spells at this time.

Even if you are lucky enough to escape the fireball attack of the rabbit and successfully kill the rabbit, it is impossible to be so lucky every time.

If you can't find a regular teammate, you can only stay in the village and watch people outside the village work together to fight.

As a result, the strength between them gradually opened up.

Of course, more and more people are starting to form fixed teams.

It's just that some fixed teams have ghosts, and some teams are honest and trustworthy.

At this time, with Zhang Sanfeng's rapid killing, the tenth rabbit was beheaded.

I saw a white light rising from the soles of Zhang Sanfeng's feet and quickly flashed across his body.

The voice of getting Hong Zhong Dalu came again in his ears.

"Kill the rabbit and get ten points of cultivation."

"The cultivation base has accumulated to the bottleneck, and the strength has completed a breakthrough. The current realm is: Body Refinement Level [-]."

Is it the first level of body refinement now?

The scene of Zhang Sanfeng's breakthrough to the first floor of Body Refinement was seen by many descendants, and many of them had ghosts.

A member of a fixed team suggested in a low voice.

"Boss, if we just kill him, he should drop a lot of things on him. It's worth getting anything at random."

Another player also said.

"Even if you can't explode too many things, it can prevent this person's strength from improving too fast."

The other players also nodded.

They don't want to see a stranger here who is much stronger than them.

They all said that they should act as soon as possible to kill such people in the cradle in advance.

However, the words of this fixed team were heard by another fixed team.

A person who is obviously the captain of the fixed team came over and whispered: "Brother, our fixed team also thinks the same way, why don't we contact more fixed teams and join forces to block this person?"

"Yes, his strength is rising too fast, and it is a potential threat to all of us."

As a result, such a voice spread among more and more fixed teams, and most of the fixed teams said that such potential competitors should be blocked. .

Chapter 956

Of course, some teams said that they would join forces to block it, and some teams said they were unwilling to join forces, but they also promised not to interfere in this matter, basically wanting to take advantage of the fisherman.

When most of the fixed teams were willing to participate in this blocking operation, some subtle changes had begun to take place around Zhang Sanfeng.

Many descendants began to approach Zhang Sanfeng quietly and tacitly.

While Zhang Sanfeng was beheading the rabbit, he also noticed this strange change, because the eyes of the people around him seemed to have been fixed on him, with greed and pride in their eyes.

Hmph, if you want to die, just do it.

Since breaking through to the first level of Body Refinement, Zhang Sanfeng can clearly feel that there has been a great change from before the breakthrough.

After the breakthrough, not only the speed has become much faster, but even the strength is five or six times that before the breakthrough, and with the machete in hand, facing the rest of the descendants holding dead branches and stones, it must be like a god of war. Stand firm.

At this time, when Zhang Sanfeng was fighting against a rabbit, he accidentally entered the attack range of another rabbit at the same time. He was accidentally hit by the fireball attack of the other rabbit, and his blood was suddenly reduced by one-fifth.

This is the second time Zhang Sanfeng has been hit by the rabbit's fireball attack.

The first time was because I didn't face the rabbit's fireball attack directly, so I didn't have much mental preparation for this attack method, so that I lost two-thirds of my blood energy when I was hit before breaking through.

That is to say, Zhang Sanfeng can only resist at most one fireball attack before breaking through.

Now after the breakthrough, only one-fifth of the blood energy was lost after being hit, which means that after the breakthrough, not only the defense power has been greatly improved, but even the upper limit of blood energy has been increased a lot.

It's a pity that Zhang Sanfeng couldn't see the upper limit of his blood qi, so he could only have a rough picture of the upper limit of blood qi in his mind.


Just when Zhang Sanfeng was besieged by two rabbits at the same time, the surrounding descendants seemed to see an opportunity and attacked Zhang Sanfeng one after another.

Hmph, I finally couldn't help myself.

Zhang Sanfeng threw a blood-returning pill into his mouth, and his blood began to slowly rise.

Huixue Pill does not directly restore blood gas, but slowly restores blood for a period of time.

The reason why Zhang Sanfeng was hit by the rabbit was also because he did it on purpose, revealing his flaws.

Seeing that these scheming people launched an attack at this time, Zhang Sanfeng did not have any panic and responded calmly.

Quickly dodging the attack of a wooden stick from a descendant, the backhand was a knife standing on the man's neck, and the blood spurted out immediately, swaying on the spot.

The blood light stimulated everyone present.

More and more people threw away their disguise and joined the ranks of blocking Zhang Sanfeng.

Anyway, their cultivation base did not accumulate much, and the punishment after death was almost nothing to them at this stage.

Every time he kills a person, a voice resounds in Zhang Sanfeng's mind, and the corner of his mouth (Li Qianzhao) evokes Lack.

"."Kill the mortal Zhang Ziqian, get a point of cultivation, reduce the merit value by one, and the current merit value is minus one' "".

"Kill the mortal Lin Cheng, get a point of cultivation, and reduce the merit value by one. The current merit value is minus two"

"Kill the mortal Wang Yu, get a point of cultivation, reduce the merit value by one, and the current merit value is minus three"


Only then did Zhang Sanfeng realize that killing the descendant can also gain cultivation. .

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