Chapter 957

It's just that every time you kill a descendant, you will lose a little cultivation.

But Zhang Sanfeng doesn't care about that much anymore.

These people didn't give him a chance to stop at all, and kept slaughtering him.

But so what, as long as they are not too tired, Zhang Sanfeng is willing to accompany him to the end.

And killing the descendant is easier than killing the rabbit, the rabbit will retreat to avoid the pursuit after launching a fireball attack.

But these descendants won't. At this moment, they seem to be red-eyed. They keep copying Zhang Sanfeng to attack. Even if they die, they will rush here at the fastest speed to besiege Zhang Sanfeng after being resurrected in the village.

After all, for them, even death has nothing to lose to them. At most, the pain of death makes them a little uncomfortable.

And it was precisely because of the pain at death that made them red-eyed.

At this moment, the area where Zhang Sanfeng is located seems to be an Asura field, and Zhang Sanfeng is the butcher in this Asura field, constantly beheading the descendants who came to die, the blood stained the earth, and even the surrounding rabbits are because of the murderous aura of this area. Dasheng and dare not approach.

Under such a dense siege, Zhang Sanfeng would inevitably be hit a few times by these people's attacks.

This is one of the reasons why so many descendants are so persevering.

Because as long as he can hit Zhang Sanfeng, he can rely on crowd tactics and grind him to death.

However, what these people didn't know was that Zhang Sanfeng had a hundred blood-returning pills given by the old pharmacist, and each blood-returning pill lasted as long as a stick of incense.

The sticks and stones of these people are simply scratching the itch for Zhang Sanfeng, who has already broken through to the first level of body refining, so even if they are hit, it can be offset by the continuous blood-returning effect of the blood-returning pill.

"Fortunately, they didn't know that I had blood-returning pills, otherwise they wouldn't have been so immortal with me."

In fact, Zhang Sanfeng wished that they would continue like this. After killing nearly [-] descendants, he was on the verge of increasing his strength (bhah).

Fortunately, in the False God Realm, the corpse will disappear after the descendant is resurrected, and the higher the descendant's cultivation base, the longer it will take to resurrect.

It's just that these descendants have almost no cultivation base now, so the resurrection is very fast, and the corpse disappears very fast.

The ordinary machete in Zhang Sanfeng's hand was like a peerless weapon, stained with blood.

But even so, the descendants who participated in the ban did not decrease but increased. Everyone was amazed by Zhang Sanfeng's strength, thinking that the sword in his hand and the things on his body were peerless treasures.

If he could kill him and take the treasure as his own, wouldn't he also have such an ability to disdain the crowd.

At the same time, Zhang Sanfeng seemed to be cooperating with their thoughts, pretending from time to time that he was about to lose his strength.

The more Zhang Sanfeng behaved like this, the more excited the besiegers became.

"Kill, kill this kid, take the treasure on him for himself!"

At this time, the area was already bleeding into a river, and there were already one or two thousand besiegers, and people were constantly rushing over from the village's resurrection point.

Zhang Sanfeng raised his knife and fell, constantly harvesting his cultivation, and finally, the voice sounded again.

"The cultivation base has been accumulated and the strength has improved. The current realm is: the second level of body refining."

Ascension to the second floor of Body Refinement, Zhang Sanfeng's already tired body suddenly took on a new look and cheered up again. .

Chapter 958

With the improvement of the cultivation realm, Zhang Sanfeng's speed is obviously faster than before, and his attack strength is also stronger than before.

Of course, this time it is only a small level, so it is not as obvious as the transformation from a mortal to the body refining stage before, but it is also a [-]% improvement compared to the first level of body refining.

The broadsword in his hand never stopped, corpses lay under his feet, and then disappeared.

The descendants of the siege were also red-eyed, and they had no time to consider whether Zhang Sanfeng had or not improved.

However, when he saw that he was still standing like a god of war in the face of the siege of so many people, many people's hearts were filled with desire to retreat.

Yes, everyone has just entered the False God Realm not long ago, why does he have such strength to stand against the constant siege of thousands of descendants.

"Give me death!"

Zhang Sanfeng also had red eyes at this time, and blood smeared all over his body.

After all, it's easier to kill a descendant than a rabbit with spells.

Although killing ten descendants is equivalent to killing a rabbit who knows magic.

But the rabbit can run, and the descender is constantly sent up to kill him, so he would rather kill the descendant than kill the rabbit.

Unless the Arrivals stop besieging like this.

However, the more invincible Zhang Sanfeng appeared, the stronger the siege descendants coveted him.

Everyone is thinking in their hearts, the reason why this person is so powerful is whether he encountered some adventures when he entered the False God Realm, which made his strength so powerful.

However, it does not.

Just through careful observation and a little bit of luck, Zhang Sanfeng was destined to be stronger than ordinary descendants from the moment he discovered the middle-aged villagers.

After all, at this time, not everyone can have a sharp and tough machete.

Coupled with the boots that increase movement speed, it makes him even more powerful.

Moreover, he was the first descendant in the whole village to break through from the mortal to the body refining period.

With the support of the blood-returning pills rewarded by the old pharmacist, Zhang Sanfeng achieved such an impressive record.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the biggest reason is that the cultivation of these descendants is still mortal.

If the descendants who besieged Zhang Sanfeng were replaced by thousands of body refiners at this time, even if it was only one level of body refinement, Zhang Sanfeng would not be able to support it for so long.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

However, Zhang Sanfeng would not be foolish enough to use the strength of the second-level body refinement to fight the uninterrupted siege of thousands of the first-level body refinement.

After all, as someone who has personally experienced the transformation from a mortal to a body-refining stage, he can naturally clearly feel the huge gap between a mortal and a body-refining person.

This group of descendants are mortals now, and do they have any weapons in their hands, which is why this situation where Zhang Sanfeng fights thousands of descendants with one person's strength happened.

However, if Zhang Sanfeng was not besieged by thousands of mortals, but by thousands of body refiners, he would have disappeared long ago.

After all, he is now wearing boots that can increase his movement speed. Although it is impossible to widen the gap between the descendants of the same level, it is impossible for them to catch up.

So you can still run away.

It's just that he doesn't need to run now.

In his eyes at this time, the descendants who besieged him were just a bunch of cultivation points that could move. As long as they worked tirelessly, Zhang Sanfeng naturally couldn't let go of such a big mouthful of

Chapter 959

"Come on, come on, come on harder."

The corners of Zhang Sanfeng's mouth rose slightly. At this time, he was still full of energy, and he didn't need to take into account the situation of physical exhaustion.

Because it won't take long for him to be promoted to the third level of body refining.

By that time, the attacks caused by mortals to him can be ignored, as indistinguishable as scratching a tickling.

After all, the second level of body refinement is almost the same effect.

With the passage of time, Zhang Sanfeng's cultivation points gradually accumulated and increased to the critical point.

"Kill Gu Chunfeng, gain a point of cultivation, and reduce the merit value by one."

"The accumulation of cultivation base is full, the cultivation base has improved, and the current realm is: the third level of body refining."


Reaching the third level of Body Refinement, Zhang Sanfeng was already an invincible existence among this group of besieged descendants.

You don't need to dodge their attacks at all, just resist directly, and it won't cause much damage.

someone in the crowd said

"Oh my God, he actually upgraded!"

At the same time, some people exclaimed.

"Fuck, why did he upgrade?"

The other person was about to attack with a stone, but soon realized something was wrong and exclaimed.

"You see how much energy he has."

Some people seem to understand something.

"Could it be that killing the descendants will also gain cultivation?"

Someone spoke out their conjecture.

"Are we just giving him experience?"

Seeing this scene, countless descendants don't know what to do.

After this person's realm has improved, it seems that all the states have recovered, and at the same time his strength is a step closer, it seems that he doesn't care about their attacks at all.

Faced with this situation, many people have come to understand that they are just doing useless work. With such a mobilization, thousands of people can't kill a single person. What does this mean?

"I saw that he has also improved his cultivation level before. This is the third time he has improved his level."

"Yes, I saw it too. I killed the red eye before, and I didn't care about this aspect."

"Everyone, give it up, no matter how many people come, they can't kill him, they just give him fertilizer."

"Let's go, let's go, let's go, don't send him a cultivation base."

As more and more besiegers heard the news, the besiegers gradually dispersed, only those who did not hear the news were still besieging...  

However, as time passed, no one finally besieged Zhang Sanfeng.

Until then, Zhang Sanfeng was still in the dark.

"Come on, keep going, why have you stopped, I have a lot of treasures on me, come and kill me, the treasures are yours."

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