However, no matter how much Zhang Sanfeng shouted, no one ever shot him.

Because these descendants were afraid of Zhang Sanfeng's ambitions, they all formed a fixed team with each other, far away from his position, so that there was not a living person within two hundred meters of Zhang Sanfeng's diameter, all of them were rabbits who knew magic.

"It's boring, you didn't besiege me anymore."

Zhang Sanfeng stretched, saying that you guys are too rubbish.

Then start killing the rabbit beside him.

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng didn't take the initiative to find fault with them, these descendants who had been besieging Zhang Sanfeng then felt relieved, and An Xin worked together with the teammates of the fixed team to kill the rabbits.

Originally, with Zhang Sanfeng's current strength, it was completely possible to go to places farther outside the village, where wolves were stronger, and they should have given more cultivation. .

Chapter 960

But Zhang Sanfeng doesn't want to do this now.

Because according to the law of cultivation base improvement.

For a mortal to advance to the first level of body refinement, one hundred points of cultivation is required.

It takes [-] points of cultivation to upgrade from the first level of body refinement to the second level of body refinement.

The second level of body refinement to raise the third level of Taoist body refinement requires [-] points of cultivation.

In this way, if you want to upgrade to the fourth level of body refining, you need [-] points of cultivation.

When raising the third level of Dao Refinement, Zhang Sanfeng was already silently counting the number of people he killed.

At this point, he should be able to improve to the fourth level of Body Refinement with only one hundred points of cultivation.

It should be more certain to wait until the fourth level of Body Refinement to fight the wolf.

Because according to Zhang Sanfeng's knowledge of 17, death in the False God Realm, although not true death, but will lose a part of the cultivation base.

Moreover, Zhang Sanfeng has now realized the benefits of improving his cultivation realm, so it is naturally impossible to do something too risky.

Zhang Sanfeng's current level of cultivation is also easy to deal with when facing rabbits.

After all, with the improvement of his strength, his speed is also very different from that of a mortal, and it has improved a lot.

So now even if these rabbits run away after launching the fireball attack, they will be easily caught up by him.

In this way, the speed of gaining cultivation is faster than killing the descendants who are still mortals.

"If the law of cultivation that is required to improve the cultivation level has not changed, it is entirely possible to increase the cultivation level to the tenth level of body refining in this place."

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Zhang Sanfeng's cultivation level to improve again, and now he is at the fifth level of body training.

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng was able to kill the rabbit so easily, the speed was surprisingly fast.

Make the descendants who are still mortals envious.

Many people wondered if they had gone crazy when they participated in the siege of Zhang Sanfeng.

You must know that in the current village, except for Zhang Sanfeng, the one with the highest level of cultivation has just reached the second floor of Body Refinement.

This is still under the premise of not participating in the siege of Zhang Sanfeng.

Many people regretted it at this time, saying that they should not be fooled by lard for a while and made the choice to besiege Zhang Sanfeng.

Since the descendants can know each other's names when they kill each other, the whole village already knows that the strong man who is like a god of war and fights against thousands of descendants with one person is called Zhang Sanfeng.

At this time, an interesting thing is happening outside the village.

Because Zhang Sanfeng killed the rabbits very quickly, the rabbits in one place were quickly cleaned up. When they moved to another place, the other descendants would hide two hundred meters away from him like the plague god.

So that no one dared to move within Zhang Sanfeng's [-]-meter range from beginning to end.

When Zhang Sanfeng silently recited the fiftyth in his heart, he originally thought that the cultivation realm should be able to improve to the sixth level of body training, but he did not improve the cultivation realm.

"What's the matter? Did I remember it wrong?"

Zhang Sanfeng naturally knew that he would remember correctly, but just in case, he killed more than a dozen rabbits.However, the cultivation level still did not improve.

"Could it be that the fifth level of body refinement is a watershed, so more cultivation is required?"

Zhang Sanfeng guessed so.

When Zhang Sanfeng killed a rabbit again, he found that there was a flash of light next to the rabbit's body, as if something had dropped.

Zhang Sanfeng picked up this thing and found it to be an ancient book with the words "Fire Shield for Body Protection" written on it.

It turns out that killing rabbits can also drop things. .

Chapter 961

It was the first time that Zhang Sanfeng had killed so many rabbits.

However, this ancient book was indeed dropped when the rabbit was just killed.

"It seems that Wuchenzi is right, killing spirit monsters in False God Realm has a certain chance of dropping items, but the probability of dropping items is extremely low, and the probability of dropping top-quality items is even lower. "

Zhang Sanfeng flipped through the ancient books and found that the first sentence written on it was: The minimum requirement for this shield technique practice is the first level of Qi refining.

That is to say, like fire spells, it is something that requires Qi refining period to cultivate.

Zhang Sanfeng put this body-protecting fire shield into the bag, and ignored the descendants who were watching from a distance.

After all, with his current strength, not to mention the thousands of mortals who came, even if he added more than a dozen powerhouses at the first level of body refinement, he would not take it seriously.

Yes, even now, as far as the people in the entire small village are concerned, the first layer of body refinement belongs to the strong.

Because mortals want to kill a rabbit, they need seven or eight unarmed mortals to form a fixed team, and some people sacrifice to kill them together.

And the cultivation base given by the rabbit is distributed according to the proportion of damage caused to it.

As a result, the remaining five members of a fixed team of a rabbit will only be divided into two to three points of cultivation, and sometimes they may not have it yet. Therefore, under this mechanism, the speed of acquiring cultivation is fast. will appear much slower.

Moreover, the team members who have been promoted to the Taoist training stage need to take care of the sacrificed team members to improve their level because they cannot betray their promises. Therefore, there are only a hundred strong players on the first floor of the body training.

However, there are also fixed teams that cooperate very well in the past hundred years, and can kill a rabbit together without sacrifice. Therefore, they can progress together. As a result, such fixed teams can improve their strength much faster than ordinary fixed teams. Descendants whose cultivation level has been upgraded to the second floor of Body Refinement are members of such a fixed team.

On Zhang Sanfeng's side, it wasn't until he killed five hundred rabbits that he raised his cultivation level to the sixth level of Body Refinement.

That is to say, just as he thought, the fifth level of body refining is a watershed. If you want to upgrade from the fifth level to the sixth level, you need a full [-] cultivation levels to achieve it. Each rabbit has ten points of cultivation level, so It was only after he killed five hundred rabbits that his cultivation improved.

"It's time to go to the trouble of those wolves'".

Zhang Sanfeng cut off the rabbit skin and placed it in the bag.

Regardless of how fast Zhang Sanfeng kills rabbits, in fact, after killing the rabbits, he will collect the skins of the rabbits.

Because the villagers in the village are collecting these things, if you want to get what you want from their hands, you need to exchange rabbit skins.

However, it is strange to say that the burdens given by the villagers seem to be unsatisfactory forever. No matter how many rabbit skins he throws in, he will not be able to fill them up. This is why Zhang Sanfeng can harvest thousands of rabbit skins (Li Nuo's) without returning to the village. in the reason.

But now the cultivation level has been raised to the sixth level of body refining, and after passing the watershed of the fifth level of body refining, the cultivation level that the rabbit can provide is actually halved, and each rabbit kills only gives five points of cultivation.

In other words, if you want to go from the sixth level of the body refining to the seventh level of the Taoist body, you need to kill [-] rabbits.

In this way, Zhang Sanfeng might as well go directly to kill the wolf, which should be more cost-effective. .

Chapter 962

After Zhang Sanfeng returned to the village, he first used three hundred rabbit skins to buy three new machetes from the blacksmith shop, and then used the ten-zhang rabbit skin to have the blacksmith re-forge the old machetes.

After all, the old machete has been cut with many gaps and is not as sharp as before.

In other words, Zhang Sanfeng now has four machetes, and the saliva of the descendants around him is drooling.

After Zhang Sanfeng put all four machetes into the bag, he found that it was not that the bag was not full, but that all the same items would be stacked together, as if there was only one. In fact, these items are marked on the lower right There are quantities.

After spending more than [-] rabbit skins to change all the dirty clothes, he finally came to the old pharmacist and replaced all the remaining [-] rabbit skins with blood-returning pills and special-effect blood-returning pills.

Different from Huixue Pills, special effect Huixue pills can directly restore a certain amount of blood, but the old pharmacist instructed that you can only take two special effect Huixue pills at the same time in ten breaths, otherwise it will cause the efficacy of the medicine to drop by one stick of incense time. .

With [-] blood-returning pills and [-] special effect blood-returning pills, Zhang Sanfeng embarked on his journey.

After leaving the village, go all the way to the north.

On the way, I killed a lot of rabbits that blocked the way. After walking for two kilometers, I finally met (bhah) the first wolf.

This is a lone wolf.

At the same time that Zhang Sanfeng discovered it, it also discovered Zhang Sanfeng.

I saw the lone wolf showing its fangs and pounced directly at Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng directly greeted him with a knife.

The hero who met in the bottom road wins, Zhang Sanfeng's knife slashed directly on the lone wolf's body, bringing a bloody flower.

The lone wolf was in pain and jumped aside.

However, after Zhang Sanfeng knew that its strength was nothing more than that, how could he simply let it go, not giving it a chance to breathe, and slashing at the lone wolf's vital spot with five or six knives in a row.

The lone wolf whimpered and died.

Zhang Sanfeng collected the wolf skin and threw it into the package. At the same time, he learned that Lone Wolf would provide him with [-] points of cultivation.

"Eight times more than the cultivation base provided by the rabbit."

Zhang Sanfeng secretly said.

Of course, this eight times refers to the eight times after the watershed has passed, and if the watershed has not been passed, it is four times.


Suddenly, a wolf howl came.

Zhang Sanfeng knew that this was the cry of the wolf king.

"It seems that after these lone wolves were killed by me, the smell of blood attracted the attention of the wolf king. This wolf howl is probably calling for a pack of wolves."

Zhang Sanfeng also didn't know why the wolf pack's attention was drawn to the fact that he had just killed a wolf, so he could only guess.

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