However, Zhang Sanfeng didn't have much concerns. After all, judging from the strength of the lone wolf killed by him, he could handle no matter how many wolves came.

I just don't know how powerful the wolf king is.

From the wolf howl of the wolf king, it could be heard that the wolves should be some distance away from him, so he simply walked in the direction of the wolves.

After killing more than a dozen lone wolves on the road, they finally met the wolves.

This wolf pack consists of more than one hundred wolves.

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng's arrival, the wolf king showed a cautious and fierce look.

It seems that he is very jealous of Zhang Sanfeng's strength.

Just kidding, Zhang Sanfeng is now at the sixth level of body refinement. Logically speaking, the descendants should come at the fifth level of body refinement.

But Zhang Sanfeng came after the watershed of the fifth level of body refining.

That nature is very different. .

Chapter 963

The fifth level of body refinement is a watershed. Once the fifth level of body refinement reaches the sixth level of body refinement, the strength will have a qualitative leap, which is similar to the gap between the mortal and the body refinement period.


The wolf king howled again.

Under the command of the wolf king, the wolves began to divide into two groups and surrounded Zhang Sanfeng.

However, Zhang Sanfen was not panic in this situation.

He already knew the strength of a wolf, so even more than a hundred wolves besieged at the same time.

At most, it will only let him suffer a little injury, which will not pose too much threat to him, and he also has blood-returning pills and special-effect blood-returning pills.

As long as the wolf king chooses not to take action, then he has no pressure at all.

Regarding the fear of the wolf king, Zhang Sanfeng just didn't understand its strength.

But looking at the battle of the wolf king in order to deal with him, it is conceivable that the wolf king himself did not have the confidence to attack with more than a hundred wolves, but chose to let the wolves consume Zhang Sanfeng's strength first, and finally give- and Zhang Sanfeng made a fatal blow.

However, Zhang Sanfeng also expected that the wolf king would have this move, so when he was killing the wolves, he was also paying attention to the wolf king's every move.

After Zhang Sanfeng beheaded more than [-] wolves and revealed his flaws, the wolf king finally took action.

What it didn't know, however, was that this flaw was deliberately exposed by Zhang Sanfeng.

This wolf king is more than twice the size of an ordinary wolf, and looks majestic.

He rushed towards Zhang Sanfeng quickly, opened his bloody mouth, and aimed directly at Zhang Sanfeng's neck. This was to kill him with one blow.

How rich is Zhang Sanfeng's combat experience?

How could he give the wolf king a chance to succeed.

Holding the machete in his hand, he quickly turned his body and slashed directly on the wolf's head, splitting the wolf king's head in half.

This is a one-hit kill.

"That's right, killing the Wolf King actually gave you two thousand cultivation points, which is equivalent to the combined cultivation of fifty wolves."

Killing [-] wolves in the wolf pack brought Zhang Sanfeng more than [-] cultivation points, plus the [-] cultivation points rewarded by the wolf king, Zhang Sanfeng's cultivation level was directly raised to the seventh level of body refining.

"It's so cool, it seems to find more wolves to kill."

How can ordinary people do like Zhang Sanfeng, with the power of one person, slaughter the entire wolf pack.

Originally, this pack of wolves was a hindrance to those who came from the fifth and lower levels of Body Refinement.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Zhang Sanfeng didn't come until after the watershed, so he would naturally appear relaxed and unusual.

"It's a pity that this wolf king didn't explode anything in addition to rewarding his cultivation. It's not as good as an ordinary rabbit."

Zhang Sanfeng collected all the dead wolf skins into his luggage, and seeing that there was nothing special, he didn't stop there.

Continue on your journey to find the wolves.

...... 0

Along the way, Zhang Sanfeng killed a lot of lone wolves again, but because the lone wolves were far apart, they were not as happy as the wolves.

"I don't know how long it will take to meet the wolves. It seems that the cultivation base has broken through to the Qi refining period."

Before I knew it, the sun had already set on the mountain. Since it was far away from the village, it was not practical to choose to go back to the village to rest now.

And Zhang Sanfeng didn't plan to go back to the village, so he prepared a lot of things.

Such as fire zhezi and some condiments.

Naturally, he brought a lot of dry food, but when Zhang Sanfeng was cutting wolf skins, he deliberately cut a lot of wolf meat, waiting to roast the wolf meat when he was hungry.

Now that the sun is setting in the west, it is not suitable for hunting, and after a busy day, it is indeed a little

Chapter 964

Zhang Sanfeng took out the Huozhezi and found a big tree to set up camp.

Then I found some firewood nearby that was enough to burn for a while, and after lighting a fire, I took out the wolf meat and started roasting it.

As the wolf meat was roasted on the flames, a smell of meat came out, making Zhang Sanfeng drool a little.

"This wolf king's meat is too fragrant. I knew that I should cut a little more, but unfortunately I only cut enough to eat for seven days."

When the wolf meat was half cooked, Zhang Sanfeng began to sprinkle seasonings on it.

For a while, the fragrance overflowed.

When the wolf meat was completely cooked, Zhang Sanfeng began to chew.

"It's delicious, it's so delicious. When you encounter the next batch of wolves, you must cut off all the wolf king's meat and save it."

After eating such fragrant wolf meat, Zhang Sanfeng immediately made up his mind that he would never waste any wolf king's meat in the future.


Zhang Sanfeng ate as usual, and a wolf howl sounded.

"What are you talking about, the wolves are here again."

This time Zhang Sanfeng was worried that he could not find the wolves, but unexpectedly, the wolves appeared.

Listening to the wolf howls of the wolf king, the location of the wolves should be not far from him, and they should be attracted by the aroma of the roasted wolf meat.

But no matter what they are attracted to.

As long as they come, don't even think about leaving alive.

At least that's what Zhang Sanfeng had in mind.

At this time, it was the night of the full moon, and the vegetation in this grove was not dense, and under the moonlight, you could see some things around.

Fifty meters away, black shadows quickly approached Zhang Sanfeng.


Zhang Sanfeng secretly said, this is all cultivation, and the corners of his mouth began to laugh unconsciously.

I didn't expect that I could harvest a wave of cultivation before the break. God helped me.

Whether it is wolf meat or cultivation, it is what Zhang Sanfeng needs.

So it's no wonder he's happy.

Not long after, the wolves had already surrounded Zhang Sanfeng, but because they were afraid of the fire, they did not rush towards Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng looked around carefully, but did not notice the wolf king.

"This wolf king is much more cunning. He actually hid himself in the dark and didn't give me a chance to discover it. I don't want the previous wolf king..."

Zhang Sanfeng saw that the wolf king of the wolf pack was not at the scene, so he did not act rashly. After all, the attack power of the wolf king is not weak. Without knowing its specific location, it is easy to be successfully attacked by it. If you bite the key, there will still be a lot of dangerous ingredients in it.

However, Zhang Sanfeng did not move, and the wolf king did not command. Because of the fire, the wolves began to slowly circle around Zhang Sanfeng.

It should be waiting for Zhang Sanfeng's burning fire to go out.

They wanted to wait for his fire to go out, but Zhang Sanfeng did not let the fire go out.

Did you throw in the dead branches you picked up before to keep the flames burning?

In fact, it's not that Zhang Sanfeng is afraid of wolves, but he is not willing to take this risk without knowing the location of the wolf king.

However, the wolves seemed to be more patient with him, and more than [-] wolves were lying around with Zhang Sanfeng as the center.

In their opinion, no matter how much Zhang Sanfeng throws firewood into the fire, his firewood will always run out.

And it is not long before night falls, and the wolves have a lot of time to stay up until the fire goes out. .

Chapter 965

The wolves thought so, but Zhang Sanfeng didn't care.

It is not that he has no strength to turn over the wolves without knowing the location of the wolf king.

The two sides confronted each other for a while, until Zhang Sanfeng no longer had any new firewood to throw into the fire.

Zhang Sanfeng decided to strike first.

After all, this pack of wolves had the right strategy.

If Zhang Sanfeng waited until the fire was extinguished before launching a counterattack, then he was really in a passive state.

After all, darkness is more conducive to the wolf king hiding ahead.

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly attacked with his machete, and slashed wildly at a pack of wolves in one direction.

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