Because the attack was quick and vicious, several wolves failed to respond and were split into two pieces by Zhang Sanfeng.

The lightning-fast attack instantly caused a commotion among the wolves.

When the wolves reacted, since Zhang Sanfeng had already rushed out of the fire, they no longer needed to be afraid, and rushed towards Zhang Sanfeng.

With the blazing fire, when Zhang Sanfeng slashed the machete towards the besieging wolves, he kept paying attention to the movement in the surrounding haystacks.

Because these are the places where the wolf king is most likely to attack.

However, according to common sense, when the wolf king encounters a difficult opponent, he will let the wolves besiege and consume himself, and he will launch an attack at the last moment to achieve the effect of one-hit kill.

As before, Zhang Sanfeng kept beheading the wolves, and the wolf king was very calm, until the wolves were killed by Zhang Sanfeng, and he jumped out from behind Zhang Sanfeng and rushed towards Zhang Sanfeng's head.

Repeated tricks.

Zhang Sanfeng had already noticed that the wolf king might be hiding there, so he deliberately exposed his back to him.

From this, it can be seen that although the wolf king is cunning by nature, his IQ is not particularly high. When he sees a chance, he will kill him without hesitation.


Zhang Sanfeng slashed behind him with a machete, and the wolf king, who thought he had succeeded, died without even making a sound.

Since the size of this wolf pack is much larger than that of the previous wolf pack, the harvested cultivation base is also more generous.

It directly increased Zhang Sanfeng's cultivation level by one level, reaching the eighth level of body refining.

If the descendants who had besieged him saw such an increase in speed, they would definitely feel all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.

After all, not everyone now has the ability to single out a pack of wolves.

The rewards are so generous, of course.

It's just a pity that the items are still exploding. One can imagine how low the probability of exploding items in the False God Realm is.

After cleaning the battlefield, Zhang Sanfeng found some firewood and the other party was beside the meeting.

And he himself climbed the tree, ready to rest.

If it is in the real world, Zhang Sanfeng can do one without sleeping.

But it is different in the False God Realm. Now he is exhausted to the extreme and needs a rest.

Just in case, he climbed the branches of the big tree to rest. Otherwise, if there were another group of wolves later, Zhang Sanfeng might really be in danger.

Fortunately, until the next day, Zhang Sanfeng did not encounter any abnormal situation.

After waking up, start the fire again, take out the wolf king meat and start roasting it.

Zhang Sanfeng now feels that he can't bear without eating at all, not only will his stomach hurt, but he will also be exhausted.

The wolf meat is roasted on the flame, and the aroma of the meat comes out again.

"If it can attract wolves this time, I hope it will be after I have eaten.".

Chapter 966

Zhang Sanfeng sat under the big tree and looked at the ashes of the fire last night. There were no corpses of wolves around.

Although Zhang Sanfeng was curious about this phenomenon, he didn't think much about it. After all, things in the False God Realm were very different from those in the real world.

It can't be seen with normal eyes at all.

Taking the fact that it can be resurrected after death is enough to make people feel incredible.

You must know that even if there is a magic medicine that can live and die in the real world, it is an extremely precious thing.

Where like in the virtual god realm, it can be resurrected infinitely.

Although each resurrection will lose the cultivation base and items, but compared with the magic medicine, this is nothing.

Zhang Sanfeng still knows too little information about the False God Realm, so he can only discover its mysteries through constant exploration.

And according to Wuchenzi, the strength in the False God Realm will affect the strength in the real world.

After packing up, Zhang Sanfeng continued on his journey.

Although he does not know exactly where the road ahead is, he is willing to discover the truth through his own exploration step by step.

And Zhang Sanfeng's current goal is to improve his cultivation to the Qi refining stage as soon as possible.

Because he has always believed that no matter what kind of place, as long as there are people, there will be fights.

If you want to not be bullied, you must be strong yourself.

Since you don't know where the road is now, go in the only direction now.

And this direction is to improve cultivation.

After all, as the saying goes, there is a way to the end of the mountain, and the boat goes straight to the bridge.

Along the way, Zhang Sanfeng encountered several waves of wolves again.

After killing the wolves, he successfully raised his cultivation level to the tenth level of Body Refinement.

"At the tenth level of body refining, if you want to break through to the first level of Qi refining, then according to the law, the cultivation level required for breakthrough should be ten times the demand.

Zhang Sanfeng needs nine thousand cultivation levels to rise from the ninth level to the tenth level.

Originally, during the body-refinement period, each small level of cultivation required more cultivation than the previous level.

That is to say, now Zhang Sanfeng needs [-] cultivation to break through from the tenth level of body refining to the first level of gas refining.

This also means that Zhang Sanfeng needs to kill a dozen packs of wolves in order to successfully break through to the first level of Qi Refining.

After raising his cultivation base to the tenth level of Body Refinement, Zhang Sanfeng killed a lone wolf soon after.


Suddenly, a roar of a tiger came from the forest not far away.

Zhang Sanfeng took a closer look and saw that it was a tiger that was over three meters long.

In a sense, the attack of wolves has no magic attack method, so it is more comfortable to deal with than rabbits.

After all, the rabbit will run away, and in the process of escaping, it will also launch a fireball attack on the person chasing it.

However, when the wolves did not attack with spells, they would not flee, not only did they not flee, but instead swarmed them.

This saved Zhang Sanfeng a lot of time.

But what the tiger in front of him gave him (Li Nuohao) was not a simple village.

Zhang Sanfeng stared at the tiger, and the tiger also found Zhang Sanfeng alone.

I thought that this fierce tiger would be the same as the wolf, but without saying a word, it rushed towards him directly.

However, Zhang Sanfeng waited on the spot for a while, but he didn't see any next move from the tiger.

Neither flee nor attack.

His eyes were constantly scanning Zhang Sanfeng.

This feeling made Zhang Sanfeng feel that he was not facing a beast. .

Chapter 967

That's right, Zhang Sanfeng felt that he was not only facing a beast, but also had his own way of thinking. The eyes of a fierce tiger seemed to be something only one person could have.

At this moment, the tiger's eyes revealed greed and caution.

Obviously from this look, Zhang Sanfeng also knew that the tiger would never let him go, but he would not attack rashly either.

It was just waiting for Zhang Sanfeng to reveal his flaws. After all, although it felt that Zhang Sanfeng exuded a strong aura, it was not strong enough to make it timid.

Just like this confrontation, suddenly, Zhang Sanfeng was taken aback by a move of the tiger.

This fierce tiger actually opened his mouth to speak, and it was uttering human words.

"I am the king of this mountain, poor human warrior. If you step into my territory, you must pay the protection fee, or I will eat you."

Are you fine?

Zhang Sanfeng is not surprised that a tiger becomes an essence. After all, let alone the False God Realm, it is not uncommon for all kinds of things in the real world to become essence. You must know that there was a shadow that actually became an essence.

It's just that this is the first time that Zhang Sanfeng has encountered a spirit who can speak human words in the False God Realm, and he is a little surprised.

Seeing this fierce tiger asking him for protection money, Zhang Sanfeng raised his brows and said.

"Then what do you want as a protection fee, King Tiger?"

Of course, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't give it protection money, but he was also curious about what it wanted.

However, Zhang Sanfeng's words reassured the Tigers a lot. Since they are willing to teach protection fees, it shows that their strength is not strong.

So the tiger raised its head and said arrogantly, "This king has not eaten human flesh for a long time. You cut a piece of meat yourself and present it to this king. If this king is satisfied, I will let you go."

This beast has a good plan.

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but feel a little happy.

He could guess that the tiger was playing a conspiracy.

Because it stared at Zhang Sanfeng motionlessly before, it gave the impression that it was also somewhat jealous of Zhang Sanfeng.

Now let Zhang Sanfeng cut the meat for it to eat, it is not just weakening Zhang Sanfeng's strength in disguise.

At that time, as long as (bhah) Zhang Sanfeng chooses to cut the flesh because he is afraid of tigers, it will immediately attack.

"What if I choose not to pay the protection fee?" Zhang Sanfeng said indifferently, not choosing to expose the tiger's strategy on the spot.

The fierce tiger showed its white fangs and bloody mouth, and threatened: "If you don't cut the meat, you will be eaten whole. You have to think carefully, is it better to cut a piece of meat, or is it better to lose your life?"

Zhang Sanfeng did not expect that this ferocious tiger would even coerce and lure him. It seemed that he was indeed not an ordinary tiger.

However, Zhang Sanfeng was not annoyed, and continued: "Oh? Eat them all? It depends on whether you have the strength!"

The tiger took a step forward, and the tiger suddenly became powerful.

"I'll give you five more breaths to consider, whether to choose to cut the meat or choose to be eaten."

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