"Hahaha, hurry up and cut the meat if you don't want to be eaten. I promise to let you go after you finish eating."

Zhang Sanfeng remained calm and did not speak.

Of course, it wasn't that Zhang Sanfeng was too frightened to speak, but that there was no need to speak at all.

Because sooner or later it is a war.

The reason why he is willing to talk to it so much is just curious about what kind of protection fee it wants.

After learning that the other party wanted the meat on his body, he naturally had an answer. .

Chapter 968

Zhang Sanfeng had never seen such a shameless tiger before, so he couldn't help shouting, "You bastard, do you really think I don't know what you're thinking?"

"You just want to weaken my strength and deliberately deceive me."

Seeing that the plan was broken, the tiger stopped pretending, and said directly: "So what, you little human warrior thinks that I haven't launched the attack because I'm afraid of you? I just want to see after you've been deceived by me. It's just a look of hatred on my face."

After he finished speaking, the tiger didn't say any more, and swooped towards Zhang Sanfeng's face at a very fast speed.

Zhang Sanfeng secretly said that he was not good.

Unexpectedly, the strength of this tiger is much stronger than - he imagined.

Seeing that the tiger was only ten feet away from him, he held the knife diagonally and jumped to the side, dodging the tiger's pounce.

The tiger was not annoyed when it saw that the blow was in the air, and it still kept the back move.

The tiger's tail, like a steel whip, slashed directly towards the place where Zhang Sanfeng settled down.

The tiger's tail is also one of the most proud weapons of this tiger. As long as it is hit by its tail, even a stubborn rock can split a crack.

Hearing the loud cries from his side, Zhang Sanfeng knew that this was the backhand of the tiger that couldn't get a single blow.

However, he was not shocked, and he quickly moved sideways and sideways, directly dodging the blow that the tiger seemed to be sure to hit.

Huwei didn't split the air this time, but split it on a large rock, only to see the rock click, cracking a crack the size of a child's finger.

Through this blow, Zhang Sanfeng had a general understanding of the Tiger's specific strength.

When looking for a lone wolf before, he had also found trees and stones to test his strength.

At the ninth level of body refinement, he was already able to achieve this level.

Chopping rocks with bare hands.

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng dodging his combo, the tiger was a little surprised. At the same time, the fierce light was loud, and it grinned, wishing to swallow Zhang Sanfeng whole.

"You still have some strength, and you have escaped my attack, but I think it's not easy for you to practice martial arts, you can let you live, but you have to stay by my side and be my pet, and I will cultivate into an adult in the future. , when you inherit the throne, I can give you a tiger demon clan official to do it."

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't tell if it meant true or false, but even if it was true, it was impossible to be its favorite.

"You bastard is really dying and you don't know it yet. You even dare to clamor to accept me as a pet. I think your qualifications are too poor for you to be my pet."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Zhang Sanfeng's words made the tiger angry, the tiger's body shook, and it rushed towards Zhang Sanfeng again.

This time the swooping speed was more violent than the previous one.

And Zhang Sanfeng had already made preparations. Just as the tiger claws were about to slap his head, he suddenly dodged to the right side of the tiger, and at the same time, the machete in his hand slashed towards the tiger's neck.


A blood flower swayed in the air, and the fur on the neck was full of fresh blood, which looked very oozing.

The tiger was in pain and roared, "I want you to die!"

Its eyes were red, and it was clearly angry.

However, Zhang Sanfeng did not give it a chance to show off his power and launched a fierce offensive.

Under such a sudden and violent offensive, the tiger could only retreat, leaving a trail of knife marks on its body and blood all over its body.

The tiger feels very aggrieved now, as long as it is given a chance, it will definitely use the strongest killing move.

However, the human race in front of him is too hateful to give it such a chance at all.

I hate it.seven.

Chapter 969

Where would Zhang Sanfeng give it a chance to fight back, as the so-called take advantage of its illness to kill it, he is not a soft-hearted person.

Recently, it and the tiger, in this forest, only one can stand.

Although Zhang Sanfeng is not good at using swordsmanship, after all, he has been in the arena for many years, and he has done some research on some swordsmanship, but he rarely uses it.

Moreover, Zhang Sanfeng's cultivation strength is one level higher than that of the Tigers, and with the blessing of the Five Nine Three Swordsmanship, the sword light dances so tightly.

The Tigers were already at the end of their power, and it was only a matter of time before they were killed by Zhang Sanfeng.

When the tiger was about to lose its hold, the tiger stared at Zhang Sanfeng who was constantly attacking him with hatred and said, "Wait for me, wait for me to be resurrected, I will find you sooner or later, I will remember you. !"

Hearing this, Zhang Sanfeng was a little surprised, as if he had realized something.

Although he felt something in his heart, the movements in his hands did not stop for half a minute, and the last knife directly ended the tiger's life.

"Kill the demon clan's eight-layer tiger spirit and tiger martial power, and obtain eight thousand cultivation bases."

Hearing this voice in his mind, Zhang Sanfeng immediately felt that the Tao was different from the previous content.

The eight-layer tiger spirit of the monster clan refining the body?

Why does this tiger spirit have a name?

Later, Zhang Sanfeng contacted the last sentence of Hu Jing Hu Wuwei before his death.

"It said that it will come to me when it is resurrected, which means it can also be resurrected."

"Listen to Wuchenzi, everything in the real world can enter the False God Realm, provided that there is spirituality."

"If you guessed correctly, this tiger spirit also entered the False God Realm from the real world, and it should also be a descendant."

"It's just the descendants of the demon clan."

Before Zhang Sanfeng thought that this tiger spirit Tiger Wuwei was a native spirit in the False God Realm, he didn't think about the other party as a descendant at all.

And this Tiger Wuwei doesn't seem to be weak, but it is only a small level lower than Zhang Sanfeng's realm.

"Looking at his final appearance, it seems that he is very unwilling to lose to me. It is estimated that he wants to play with me, so he did not directly use the strongest ultimate move in two consecutive shots."

"In the end, under my fierce offensive, I couldn't make it out at all. Oh, let you squeak."

"And what if you're also a descendant? I'm waiting for you to come to me..."

Zhang Sanfeng kicked Hu Wuwei's body twice, and then started to hide his skin.

Tiger skin should be more valuable than wolf skin.

When collecting tiger skins of Huwuwei, Zhang Sanfeng discovered that when this guy was dead, something exploded.

Picking it up and looking at it, he couldn't help showing a bright smile.

"I didn't expect this guy to still have this thing. Now it's out and it's mine. Even if he's resurrected, he'll probably be very angry."

What Hu Wuwei exploded turned out to be a magic weapon.

When he stared at this magic tool for three breaths, a message appeared directly in Zhang Sanfeng's mind, and this message explained exactly what this magic tool was.

The third-order magic weapon: Thunder Orb, an offensive magic weapon, which can launch several powerful thunders at the target under the user's urging. The higher the user's cultivation, the stronger the power. The lowest user level: Qi refining Level [-], which can be advanced through refining.

After Zhang Sanfeng saw the information about this magic weapon, he couldn't help but stunned.

To know that he killed so many spirits, he just burst out a body-protecting fire shield. .

Chapter 970

And what this tiger mighty burst out is actually a third-order magic weapon.

Zhang Sanfeng has never even seen a first-order magic weapon, but now he has directly owned a third-order magic weapon because he killed the mighty tiger.

As long as the cultivation level is upgraded to the first level of Qi refining, the strength will be greatly improved.

After getting the Zhenleizhu, Zhang Sanfeng was naturally in a happy mood. After putting the third-order magic weapon Zhenleizhu into his bag, he continued to look for the traces of the wolves.

However, this mountain is huge. Zhang Sanfeng wandered in the jungle for a long time, only to see sporadic lone wolves, but did not find any trace of wolves.

After taking care of the lone wolf, Zhang Sanfeng continued to wander in the jungle. During this period, he also encountered a real False God Realm native tiger, but it didn't speak a word.

However, it was quickly solved by Zhang Sanfeng. After all, this is just a real tiger, not a tiger spirit like Tiger Mighty, and its strength is a lot worse.

When collecting this native tiger, Zhang Sanfeng had an idea.

"Wolves are all animals with a keen sense of smell. Why don't you use these blood and flesh to attract the wolves to come to me?"

Zhang Sanfeng patted his head and wondered why he only thought of this method now.

After all, the first two encounters with wolves yesterday were because he was collecting wolf skins and roasting wolf meat.

Obviously this method works very well.

Zhang Sanfeng was obviously a little happy to find this little trick. After all, he didn't need to rely on luck to meet the wolves.

With flesh and blood, the chances of attracting wolves to come to him will be much higher.

Thinking of this, after Zhang Sanfeng collected the tiger skins, he directly cut off all the flesh of the tiger and stored it in his backpack.

He is reluctant to use wolf king meat to attract wolves, and it may not be effective, so it is best to use tiger meat to attract wolves.

"It's a pity that I forgot to cut off the meat of Huwuwei to see if it tastes good when roasted."

Thinking of barbecue, Zhang Sanfeng's saliva was drooling, and his stomach was a little hungry, so he simply found some dead branches on the spot to make a fire.

After a while, the pyre was successfully lit. Zhang Sanfeng took out the wolf king meat that had been prepared for a long time, and began to grill it on the flame.

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