Chapter 973

However, no matter how crazy they were, no matter how brave they were, they didn't pose any threat to Zhang Sanfeng.

All Zhang Sanfeng had to do was to raise the butcher knife, kill them all, and then gain cultivation.

With one knife and one wolf, Zhang Sanfeng killed him extremely happily.

At this speed, it won't take long for him to kill all the wolves, and in this way, he will be one step closer to the first level of body refining.

After a stick of incense, all five or six hundred wolves were beheaded by Zhang Sanfeng, including the wolf king of the four wolf packs.

"It's a pity that after killing so many wolves at one time, nothing exploded, and I don't know where the Tiger Mighty came from."

"But fortunately, the cultivation base is rich, and the effort of a stick of incense can get nearly [-] cultivation bases, which is really cool."

After cleaning the battlefield, Zhang Sanfeng calculated it carefully. Now he only needs to kill more than [-] wolves to reach the cultivation level of [-]. At that time, he can directly break through to the Qi refining stage.

But now Zhang Sanfeng doesn't have to look for a pack of wolves, he can just look for a lone wolf.

After all, a wolf is just a knife to him.

About two hours later, Zhang Sanfeng finally gathered the -[-] cultivation base.

However, when the [-] cultivation base was gathered, he did not hear the news of breaking through the Dao Qi Refinement period he imagined.

Instead, let him go back to the small village to find the village chief, and if he finds the village chief, he will naturally know what to do next.

"I have to go back to find existence, but it's not a direct breakthrough, damn it."

Zhang Sanfeng felt that he was being tricked, because he was far away from the small village now.If you want to go back, you have to walk for at least half a day.

However, if you don't find the village chief, you won't be able to break through the Qi refining period.

Because the cultivation methods in the False God Realm are fundamentally different from those in the real world, Zhang Sanfeng naturally does not know how to break through the realm to the Qi refining stage without the village chief's prompt.

At first, he thought that it was just like the body training period, as long as the cultivation base was accumulated enough, he would automatically break through the cultivation realm.

Only now did he realize that it was not what he had imagined.

There was no other way, Zhang Sanfeng could only go back the same way.

Fortunately, he has a strong sense of direction and memory, so he doesn't need to worry about getting lost.

It was not until the evening sun went down for a long time that Zhang Sanfeng finally walked back to the village.

Outside the village, a large number of descendants were still fighting with the rabbits with torches.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Because it was getting late, no one noticed Zhang Sanfeng coming from far away.

Approaching, no one noticed that Zhang Sanfeng had returned to the village.

Naturally, Zhang Sanfeng would not stand idle and call me Zhang Sanfeng back.

Going directly to the village chief's house, the village chief had already closed the door, Zhang Sanfeng knocked on the door and said.


"Village Chief, after the tenth level of body refinement, how to break through to the Qi refining period?"

The village chief's door swung open, obviously startled by Zhang Sanfeng's words.

"What? You've already reached the tenth level of body refinement?"

Zhang Sanfeng nodded and said.

"Yeah, how to break through the cultivation base to the Qi refining stage?"

The village chief slowed his expression and said, "I didn't expect you to raise your cultivation realm to the tenth level of body refining so quickly, but if you want to break through to the Qi refining stage, you still need to accumulate another [-] cultivation, so go ahead and accumulate [-]. Come back to the cultivation base."

From the village chief's point of view, Zhang Sanfeng's ability to raise his cultivation base to the tenth level of body refinement within two days is already astounding. Generally, the most powerful ones are only at the fourth or fifth level of body

Chapter 974

The old village chief never imagined that Zhang Sanfeng not only raised his cultivation realm to the tenth level of Body Refinement in two days, but also prepared a hundred thousand cultivation.

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and said, "That, village chief, I have enough for [-] cultivation!"



Did my ears hear it right?

What did you just hear?

Not only has he already refined his body to the tenth level, but he has even prepared for the [-] to reach the Qi-refining stage.

"You, you say it again?"

The old village chief asked in disbelief, thinking he had heard it wrong.

Zhang Sanfeng said affirmatively: "Old village chief, you heard right, I have accumulated enough to break through to the qi refining stage of [-] cultivation bases, what should I do next? Please advise."

This is, the old village chief stared deeply at Zhang Sanfeng for four or five breaths, without even blinking.

After four or five breaths, the old village chief confirmed that Zhang Sanfeng had indeed accumulated [-] cultivation bases, which was not only surprising.

"The future generations are terrifying. I didn't expect that a peerless genius like you would come out of our Xinghua Village. It really gives our Xinghua Village head a face."

"Come on, there are several teleportation talismans here, which represent several sects, which sect do you want to go to?"

Zhang Sanfeng looked suspiciously at the teleportation talisman in the old village chief's hand, and asked in confusion.

"Can you only break through to the Qi refining period by joining a sect?"

The old village chief shook his head.

"That's not true. There are also some qi-refining methods circulating among the people, but unfortunately we don't have any in Xinghua Village."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded after understanding the situation and continued to ask.

"Then why are there several sects?"

Logically speaking, there should be countless sects in the False God Realm. If there are only a few sects in total, do so many descendants join these sects?That would be too much.

The head of the village shook his head and said, "No, because this area is thousands of miles in the sphere of influence of these sects, so people here will naturally join these sects first."

"Of course, if you don't want to join these sects, you need to go to other sects thousands of miles away by yourself. After all, other sects have not placed teleportation talismans here, and I can't help you."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded thoughtfully and continued to ask, "Then there are several sects in this area. What are these sects called? What are their characteristics?"

Zhang Sanfeng prefers the sect that combines spells and swords, so it's better to ask in advance...  

The old village chief was not bothered and said patiently, "They are Wuzhuangguan, Fangcunshan, Luofu Zong, Chiyuemen, and Yihua Palace."

The old village chief paused and continued to explain: "The Five Villages are good at magic, Fangcunshan is good at sealing and swordsmanship, the Louvre is a body repair, the Chiyues are good at illusion, and the Yihua Palace is also good at magic, but Yihuagong's attack spells are not strong, but healing spells are a must."

Originally, Zhang Sanfeng wanted to go to Wuzhuang Temple, but simply being good at swordsmanship was not what he wanted, so he said, "Village Chief, then I choose Fangcunshan."

After listening to the old village chief, he reminded: "Then you can think clearly, although Fangcunshan is also good at swordsmanship, but it is incomparable with the swordsmanship of Wuzhuangguan. Fangcunshan is most famous for his sealing technique. If you are not satisfied, you will be punished severely for betraying the sect."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded and said, "It's alright, I prefer a sect that has both spells and swordsmanship, that's all.".

Chapter 975

"Since you have decided, then this teleportation talisman to Fangcun Mountain is for you!"

After the old village chief finished speaking, he handed a white talisman to Zhang Sanfeng.

After Zhang Sanfeng took the talisman, the old village chief said again: "By the way, since you are the first person to leave the village, I have a reward for you."

The people who leave the village here do not only go out of the village, but refer to the first descendant who goes outside the village through his path.

As the old village chief said that, he took out a slap-sized gourd intact.

It looks very ordinary, and there is nothing special about it. 17

"Gourd? Old village chief, what are you giving me a gourd?"

Zhang Sanfeng also thought that as the first person to leave the village, there would be some great reward, but it turned out to be a not-so-special gourd, and it seemed that it had just been picked.

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng say this, the old village chief said with an expression like you don't know anything about goods, and said, "Don't underestimate this gourd, this is the reward that Heavenly Dao asked me to give to the first person to leave the village."


Zhang Sanfeng was a little confused and asked, "Who is the Tao of Heaven?"

Zhang Sanfeng naturally knows what the Dao of Heaven is, but it is a mysterious and mysterious existence. It is impossible for a small village chief to be connected with the Dao of Heaven.

The old village chief looked at Zhang Sanfeng with a puzzled face, pointed to his head, and said, "Don't you have a voice in your head talking?"

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly became enlightened when he heard the words, and he was referring to this.

"I really didn't expect you to call that voice in your head Tiandao."

The old village chief said, "It was originally the way of heaven."

Seeing that the old village chief said so affirmatively, Zhang Sanfeng had no choice but to accept this statement.

Holding the teleportation talisman and the gourd, Zhang Sanfeng bid farewell to the village chief.

Zhang Sanfeng had just walked a few steps when the old village chief's words came from behind him again, and he instructed: "Remember to use Fangcunshan's teleportation talisman at dawn tomorrow, because there will be no apprentices at night, so take a good rest and set off on the road early tomorrow."

Zhang Sanfeng responded and found a place where no one was around to deal with him for a night.

Almost all the descendants rest in the wild. After all, for some reason, a mysterious force does not allow the descendants to enter the villagers' homes, so there is no way to rest in the villagers' rooms.

Fortunately, the descendants could not enter the villagers' homes, otherwise the villagers would have been looted long ago, how could they do business in such a peaceful manner.

Zhang Sanfeng was lying on a piece of uninhabited grass, half-squinting his eyes, and did not really fall asleep.

After all, it has become a habit. No matter what the conditions are, Zhang Sanfeng will remain vigilant, and will automatically wake up whenever there is trouble.

In fact, Zhang Sanfeng can also directly return to the real world from the virtual god realm.

But when the body in the False God Realm has not found a safe position, it cannot do this at all.

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