Otherwise, the consciousness returns to the real world, and the body in the False God Realm will not disappear.

If you meet someone with bad intentions, all kinds of unexpected things will definitely happen.

This information has also been instructed by Wuchenzi for a long time, and now the followers of Taixuan Sect basically know it.

But it is strange to say that there are almost [-] descendants in Xinghua Village, and there is not a single member of the Taixuan Sect.

You must know that after recruiting, there are nearly [-] million followers of Taixuan Sect, and they have not even encountered one. It is conceivable that the False God Realm is definitely not smaller than the Immortal Realm, and may even be larger. .

Chapter 976

Now Zhang Sanfeng's understanding of the False God Realm is only a few scratches, and his heart is full of countless questions.

Why is it that the body has not entered the False God Realm, but it is still so real, as if living in another world.

In addition, in the False God Realm, why can death be resurrected, and the way of cultivation is completely different from the real world.

In the real world, it is necessary to continuously absorb spiritual energy to consolidate and improve one's own cultivation, but it is completely different in the False God Realm.

Here, you only need to keep killing local monsters to get the cultivation base. When the cultivation base accumulates to a certain amount, it will automatically be promoted to the cultivation realm.

As for whether the later promotion will be as calamitous as in the real world, it is unknown, and we need to go to that step to know.

"By the way, just look at what that gourd is."

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly thought of the gourd that the old village chief gave him.

Logically speaking, since the way of heaven was handed over to the old village chief, and the old village chief rewarded the first person who came out of the village, it must be an extraordinary thing.

After all, Zhang Sanfeng has personal experience in this regard.

If he hadn't entered the False God Realm, found that the villagers were the same, and took the initiative to check to get the rewards from the villagers, Zhang Sanfeng would not be much better than ordinary descendants now, at least not so much ahead. As for the constant siege that allowed him to monopolize thousands of descendants at that time.

Relying on the things of the villagers, he is ahead of other descendants in Xinghua Village, one step ahead and one step at a time, becoming the well-deserved first person in Xinghua Village.

When the other descendants saw him, they could only hide two hundred meters away.

Zhang Sanfeng took out the gourd rewarded by the old village chief from the bag, and then took it in his hand and carefully examined it.

After a while, the information of Hulu appeared in his mind.

Innate gourd: It is formed by the innate gourd vine that has existed since the beginning of the world. It may contain treasures or nothing. After opening it, you can get the items.

Zhang Sanfeng saw this information and understood what this innate gourd vine was.

Obviously, there is something in this gourd, but I don't know what it is, and everything will be known until it is opened.

As for what it is after opening, it is unknown.

However, according to the information, if you are lucky, you can get good things in it.

Zhang Sanfeng thought about it, and his hands moved to open the gourd.

However, at the moment when the gourd was opened, a colorful beam of light burst out from the gourd.

Looking at the beam of light reaching the sky, Zhang Sanfeng was stunned.

In this stunned effort, the beam of light disappeared.

When Zhang Sanfeng looked at the gourd in his hand again, he saw that there was an egg Yang with aura in his hand.

This egg is no more than the size of a palm and is fiery red.

Zhang Sanfeng was holding the egg in his hand, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"."What is an egg'"?"

 (Li Nuozhao) Originally, Zhang Sanfeng thought it would be at least a weapon or magic weapon, but he didn't expect it to be an egg at all.

Zhang Sanfeng stared at the egg for a while and got its information, but the information did not indicate what kind of egg it was.

However, there are hints on it to let it drop blood to recognize the Lord.

Zhang Sanfeng thought that since he got everything, he should drop his blood to recognize the master. At least it was an egg that came out of the innate gourd. After hatching, it shouldn't be too bad. .

Chapter 977

Zhang Sanfeng bit his finger and dripped blood on the egg.

Immediately afterwards, a message was received from the egg.

After recognizing the Lord with a drop of blood, the egg shook violently for a while, and then calmed down.

From the information from the egg, Zhang Sanfeng can tell that it will take some time for the egg to hatch, and it will not hatch immediately.

Although I was a little disappointed, I still had some expectations because I didn't know what would hatch in it, so I put the eggs back in the bag.

The colorful beam of light was naturally seen by the whole village, but it appeared suddenly and disappeared so quickly that many descendants began to discuss this phenomenon.

"You saw 600 just now. What is that colorful beam of light that suddenly appeared in the village?"

"Who knows, but I think it should be a good thing."

"Of course it's a good thing, there's no doubt about that."

"If I had to say that someone must have accomplished something amazing, so he was rewarded very well."

"It would be too exaggerated to say that. I only got this kind of colorful beam-level reward after entering the False God Realm one day."

"What's so exaggerated, don't forget that Zhang Sanfeng singled out thousands of people, anything can happen in the False God Realm."

"Hey, why don't I have such luck, but fortunately, I have now reached the fifth level of body refinement, and I can be regarded as a very strong group of people."


Naturally, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't hear the conversations of these descendants. After cleaning up, he lay down on the grass and closed his eyes, and then gradually fell asleep.

Although Zhang Sanfeng was already asleep, he still paid attention to everything around him subconsciously. Once there was trouble, he could react immediately. It could be said that no one in Xinghua Village could approach him without a sound.

After a night, in the early morning, the sun just rose. Outside Xinghua Village, the busy descendants were still working hard, but it was not enough that the descendants who struggled last night had already gone to rest. This is another group of descendants.

Zhang Sanfeng opened his eyes, stretched, and slept well last night (bhah).

After waking up, after sorting out some of the clothes and weeds on his body, he took out the teleportation talisman to Fangcun Mountain given by the old village chief.

According to the method taught by the old village chief, Zhang Sanfeng crushed the teleportation talisman in his hand.

At the moment when the teleportation talisman shattered, Zhang Sanfeng was wrapped in a spiritual force, and then Zhang Sanfeng disappeared from the spot with a squeak.

Zhang Sanfeng only felt a trance in his mind, and the scene in front of him changed rapidly, as if he had experienced thousands of mountains and rivers at this moment.

When the scene in front of us is fixed again, the goal is a towering mountain and palace-like buildings. These palaces are all built on suspended hills, and various immortal birds are constantly flying and soaring. , looks like a fairyland.

The breeze blew past, caressing Zhang Sanfeng's face, awakening him from his concentration.

"This is Fangcun Mountain?"

Zhang Sanfeng raised his head and looked at the large plaque on the mountain gate, which indeed had the three characters of Fangcunshan written on it.

At the foot of Zhang Sanfeng is a platform that looks like an altar. If Zhang Sanfeng guesses correctly, this should be a small teleportation formation.

At this moment, a young voice came from behind Zhang Sanfeng.

"Are you here to join the sect?"

Zhang Sanfeng heard the words and looked back, and found that it was a Taoist boy dressed as a Taoist priest, who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old. .

Chapter 978

Zhang Sanfeng was looking at the Daotong, and the Daotong was also looking at Zhang Sanfeng. Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng did not speak, he continued to ask: "Are you here to join the sect? Now we have a wide range of disciples in Fangcunshan. If you are interested, you can register here with me. It's time to take you up the mountain and officially enter the Dao."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded when he heard the words, this should be a receptionist, who specially came to accept the teleporter.

"Yes, little master, please bring me to join the sect, I have longed for Fang Cunshan for a long time."

Daotong heard the words and said.

"Okay, you come with me."

After Daotong finished speaking, he led Zhang Sanfeng up the stone steps and walked up the mountain.

After walking a distance, the two entered a hall, and there was a Taoist priest in the hall.

From the words, Zhang Sanfeng learned that this Taoist priest was specially registered for the new sect.

After the information is registered, it is officially joined Fangcunshan.

After becoming a member of Fangcunshan, Zhang Sanfeng obtained the corresponding martial art and a set of martial arts costumes. The added attributes were much higher than those on him, and he also had a fine steel long sword.

After worshipping the sect, Zhang Sanfeng learned that if he wanted to break through to the Qi refining period, he needed to learn Fangcunshan's introductory mental method.

However, obtaining the introductory mental method requires corresponding sect contributions.

Sect Contributions can only be obtained by completing Sect quests.

In Fangcunshan's mission hall, Zhang Sanfeng asked.

"With my current strength, what task do you think is better to accomplish?"

The person who issued the task in the task hall said: "You are too weak now, and the task of catching ghosts is too dangerous for you, so let's go to the village at the foot of the mountain to help the villagers complete ten tasks, even if you have completed a sect task, Getting started is not expensive, you only need ten points of sect contribution to exchange, and a sect task of catching ghosts is exactly ten points of sect contribution."

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Fang Cunshan's sect task list and found that the lowest one was also dealing with ghosts equivalent to the first level of Qi refining, so he could only do as he said.

The mission Xiaodaotong handed a jade slip to Zhang Sanfeng, and then said.

"This is the sect task Yujian. It will record how many tasks you have completed. When you bring it back to me, it can prove whether you really helped the villagers complete ten things."

Zhang Sanfeng took over the sect mission Jade Slip, and was about to leave when the mission boy said.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

"You can ride a crane raised by the mountain gate to the small village at the bottom of the mountain. After all, the mountain is a bit high. It is estimated that you will need to rest all day and night to reach the foot of the mountain."

Zhang Sanfeng wrote a reminder of the mission Xiaodaotong, and then came to the mountain gate, and saw a group of cranes playing by the pool not far away.

...... 0 0

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