Zhang Sanfeng walked forward, these cranes seemed to know the Fangcunshan sect clothing on Zhang Sanfeng's body, so they were not panicked about Zhang Sanfeng's arrival, and they were very spiritual.

Zhang Sanfeng picked a crane at random and rode it on, saying.

"Please, Brother Xianhe, take me to a small village at the foot of the mountain."

Xianhe glanced at Zhang Sanfeng, nodded, fluttered his wings, and carried Zhang Sanfeng to the sky.

This crane is full of wings and sits comfortably.

With the help of the crane, Zhang Sanfeng came to the small village at the foot of the mountain.

This village is much larger than Xinghua Village. If you don't count the descendants, the population and houses are also much larger than the villagers of Xinghua Village.

The crane brought Zhang Sanfeng to a big tree outside the village and stopped.seven.

Chapter 979

Zhang Sanfeng jumped down and walked directly to the village. He suddenly thought that since he had to walk all day and night to walk down the mountain, wouldn't it be more difficult to go up the mountain?

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanfeng looked back at Xianhe, and found that Xianhe was still hovering in place, as if waiting for him to come back.

Seeing the crane lingering in the same place, Zhang Sanfeng felt relieved, so he turned back and walked into the village.

After entering the village, everyone here is busy.

Zhang Sanfeng was thinking about how to help the villagers when he saw a seven or eight-year-old child squatting in the corner outside the house and crying.

He stepped forward and asked, "Why are you crying, tell me, and I'll see if I can help you."

This child is not afraid of life, and when someone asks him, he weeps and shows Zhang Sanfeng the young bird in his hand and says.

"I was playing under a tree and accidentally dropped it. I can't put it back now, and I dare not tell my parents, but if I don't put it back, its parents won't be able to find it, I'm sure will be anxious."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled when he heard the words, gently stroked the child's head, and said, "It's okay, it fell from that tree, I'll help you put it back."

The child's eyes lit up, and his eyes were clear and innocent and asked: "Really, big brother, are you willing to help me put it back?"

Zhang Sanfeng said with a light smile, "Take me to find that tree, or you'll be really anxious when your parents come back and don't see it."

The child laughed happily, wiped his tears, and took Zhang Sanfeng to a tree.

When they came under the tree, the child pointed to a bird's nest on a tree branch and said, "Big brother, it's there."

Zhang Sanfeng looked up, found the location of the bird's nest, and then took the baby bird handed over by the child, and without saying a word, began to climb up.

The tree was not tall, so Zhang Sanfeng climbed up easily, and then carefully put the young bird back into the nest.

After getting down from the tree, Zhang Sanfeng said: "Okay, it has gone home, and when its parents come back, you can take care of it, you don't need to be sad, and if you don't go home, your parents will definitely be worried too. You, so you should go home quickly."

The child nodded solemnly and said, "Thank you, big brother, then I'll go home too, so I can't let my parents worry..."

The child turned back to Zhang Sanfeng obediently, and then ran home without even thinking about it.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the figure of the child, sighed, and began to search in the village to see if there were any other villagers who needed help.

After walking for a while, a lame old woman stopped Zhang Sanfeng, and she asked, "Young man, have you seen a small raccoon cat, its eyes can't see, it's lost now, I'm very worried it."

Hearing this, Zhang Sanfeng stopped and said, "Don't worry, I'll go look for you."

The old woman had obviously been searching in the village for a long time, and now she was very tired. Seeing that someone was willing to help her, she gratefully said: "Thank you, young man, whether I found it or not, I am very grateful for your help."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded and began to search in the corner of the village.

According to the description of the old woman, this civet cat should be small, and it is blind in both eyes, making it easy to identify.

Just because it is small, it may be inconspicuous. If the raccoon cat does not make a sound, it needs to be carefully identified. .

Chapter 980

After searching in the village for half an hour, I finally found it in an abandoned thatched hut. I handed the blind little civet cat to the old woman. The second task of helping the villagers has been completed.

In this way, help the villagers to complete some small things in the village, and ten tasks are completed one after another.

To be honest, Zhang Sanfeng doesn't think doing these little things is boring.

"Ten tasks have been completed, it's time to return to the mountain gate to hand in the tasks."

Walking out of the village, as expected, the crane was still waiting for Zhang Sanfeng's return under the big tree. It looked really spiritual. Knowing that Zhang Sanfeng 17, a sect disciple with a shallow cultivation base, did not have the ability to quickly return to the mountain gate, so he was willing to spend time waiting. .

Zhang Sanfeng took a deep look at the crane, remembered its eyes, and said, "Thank you Brother Xianhe for waiting, let's return to the mountain gate now."

The crane flapped its wings, nodded and waited for Zhang Sanfeng to come up.

Zhang Sanfeng was not hypocritical, and rode up directly.

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng sitting firmly, the crane fluttered its wings and flew straight into the sky.

After returning to the mountain gate, come to the task hall to hand in the task.

When the sect boy saw Zhang Sanfeng coming back, he took over the sect mission Yujian, and after reading it, he said, "Your mission has been completed very well. Those villagers have a high opinion of you, so you will receive an additional half of the sect contribution for the mission. Now you There are fifteen points of sect contribution, what do I need to exchange?"

Zhang Sanfeng didn't expect that after getting the comments from the villagers, he could get additional quest rewards, which was quite gratifying.

"I want to exchange a copy of the square inch entry method."

The mission boy handed a blue book to Zhang Sanfeng and said, "As long as you open this sect's introductory method, the content will automatically enter your mind, but the book will also disappear, if it is for someone else. , remember not to open."

Zhang Sanfeng thanked the task Xiaodaotong for the reminder and said.

"It's okay, I'll use it myself."

After speaking, Zhang Sanfeng opened the book, and then the book turned into particles of light and entered Zhang Sanfeng's mind. From then on, another book stopped there.

Zhang Sanfeng felt this kind of feeling very strange, but he couldn't explain it, and he didn't think about it any more. But now that he has obtained the entry-level mental method, he has not yet broken through to the qi-refining stage, so he couldn't help but feel a little strange and asked.

"May I ask how to break through the realm to the Qi refining stage now."

The sect task boy was not impatient, but patiently taught: "If you want the entry-level mental method to function normally, you only need to inject all the [-] cultivation base into the mental method in your mind."

It turned out to be the case.

After Zhang Sanfeng got the prompt, he began to mobilize the cultivation of the whole body, and all these cultivations were hit in his mind, and finally injected into the entrance of the door.

After the introduction of the [-] cultivation base, the original ordinary appearance began to exude a trace of aura.

Zhang Sanfeng 600 felt that he heard a shell-breaking sound in his mind, followed by Tiandao's voice.

"The realm breakthrough is successful, and the current cultivation base is the realm: the first level of the Qi refining period."

Finally reached the Qi refining period.

Zhang Sanfeng showed a long-lost smile.

After breaking through to the Qi refining stage, Zhang Sanfeng could clearly feel the change in his own strength, which was indeed more than ten times stronger than the body refining stage. The most important thing was that there was a faint flow of mana in his body now.

There is a world of difference between having mana and being powerless, even if it's just a tiny bit.

With this trace of mana, it is officially out of the category of mortals, otherwise it can only be called a warrior at most. .

Chapter 981

After Zhang Sanfeng broke through to the Qi refining period, he was finally able to take on the official sect mission.

"Can I take the sect mission?"

The sect boy said: "Yes, yes, but with your current cultivation, I suggest you wait for the other juniors to complete it together, otherwise the strength of those ghosts will not be easy to deal with."

Zhang Sanfeng said, "It's fine, I think I can handle it alone."

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng say this, the sect task boy didn't stop him, and directly gave Zhang Sanfeng a task.

"I recently received a request from Li Yuanwai in Qingfeng Town, saying that there is evil in his house, you can check one or two, if it is difficult, don't act rashly, go back to the mountain gate and gather other brothers and sisters to go to punish the evil, if you Of course, it’s not impossible to solve it on your own.”

Hearing this, Zhang Sanfeng asked curiously, "If you complete this task with other senior brothers, will the reward be divided equally?"

The sect task boy answered: "Some are divided equally, and some are independent rewards, but the lowest-level tasks like this are all independent rewards and will not affect your respective rewards." ""

Zhang Sanfeng nodded when he heard the words. If that's the case, it is indeed safer than fighting alone, but now there is only him in the entire mission hall, so I want to complete this mission with other people, but I can't. .

After Zhang Sanfeng accepted the mission, he didn't stop there. As soon as he walked out of the mission hall, he saw people coming from the opposite side one after another.

The person opposite also saw Zhang Sanfeng, and someone asked.

"Are you also a descendant?"

Zhang Sanfeng thought for a while, then nodded.


The man continued to ask.

"How to get to the mission hall?"

Zhang Sanfeng turned his head and pointed to a hall not far away, and said.

"There it is."

From the conversation, Zhang Sanfeng can guess that these people are also descendants, and they have just joined Fangcunshan not long ago. Obviously, the tasks they are going to take now are those that Zhang Sanfeng took before to help the villagers complete ten tasks.

In other words, Zhang Sanfeng was only a few hours ahead of these people.

However, Zhang Sanfeng looked back and thought, these people should be the first people from other villages to leave the village. Like him, they got free reward items from the villagers at first, and finally joined the sect far ahead of other descendants.

If you think about it this way, these people are also outstanding, at least the strongest people in a village.

"If that's the case, they should also get the first reward for leaving the village, but they don't know what bundle of items was opened in their innate gourd."

Of course, Zhang Sanfeng doesn't know now that not every one of this innate gourd can produce something, and if he is unlucky, nothing will happen.

Zhang Sanfeng naturally couldn't wait in place for several hours, waiting for them to complete the ten tasks of the villagers and go to Li Yuanwai's home together.

So I decided to do it alone.

Go to the pool next to the mountain gate again and find the crane from before (the king's).

"."Brother Xianhe, we meet again, this time please take me to Li Yuanwai's house in Qingfeng Town."

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