Naturally, the crane also recognized Zhang Sanfeng, flapped its wings, nodded and motioned for Zhang Sanfeng to sit on its back.

Zhang Sanfeng rode a crane and flew over more than a dozen mountains before arriving at Qingfeng Town, which is also dozens of miles away from Fangcun Mountain.

And it is a straight line distance of dozens of miles. If you walk along the road, it will be at least hundreds of miles away. .

Chapter 982

After arriving in Qingfeng Town, since he didn't know where Li Yuanwai's home was, he could only inquire in the town.

When Zhang Sanfeng arrived at Qingfeng Town, when he overlooked the town from a distance from the sky, he felt that the place was full of evil spirits.

After landing, I saw that the residents in this town were all nervous, and it was not peaceful to want to come here.

When Zhang Sanfeng passed by a steamed bun shop, he asked the shop owner, "Boss, where is Li Yuan's family going?"

As soon as the owner of the steamed buns heard the three words Li Yuanwai, it was as if he had seen a ghost. He shuddered 600 times and said, "Are you here from out of town? What's the matter with Li Yuanwai?"

Seeing the owner of the steamed bun shop, Zhang Sanfeng was puzzled and said, "Yes, I'm from out of town. I'm looking for Mr. Li to do some work."

The owner of the steamed bun shop looked around and said in a low voice.

"It turns out that you really came from out of town. No wonder you don't know about it. Li Yuanwai's house is haunted. He has been haunted for some days. , there are rumors of haunted houses in several big families, causing people in the town to panic (bhah), and business is not easy to do.”

Zhang Sanfeng knew that there could not be only one evil spirit in this town, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a big evil spirit shrouded in it.

In the False God Realm, ordinary people can't see the evil spirit, and only when they reach the Qi refining stage can they vaguely see it.

"Boss, to tell you the truth, I am the one who came down from Fangcun Mountain to slay demons and slay demons. Please show me a clear path, so as to give peace to Qingfeng Town."

When the boss heard that Zhang Sanfeng was from Fangcun Mountain, his eyes suddenly lit up, but when he saw that Zhang Sanfeng was only one person, he began to doubt it again.

"It turned out to be Shangxian from Fangcunshan. I said that when I first met, I felt that Shangxian had an immortal style, but the evil wind in Qingfeng Town has been very strong recently. It would be better to find a few more helpers."

Where does Zhang Sanfeng go to find help now?So I can only say: "I have a high level of cultivation, and ordinary ghosts can't get close to me, you can rest assured."

The owner of Baozipu thought about it for a while, but still replied: "In that case, Shangxian has to be very careful when he arrives at Li Yuanwai's house."

Afterwards, the owner of Baozipu called his daughter-in-law out to see the shop, and personally led Zhang Sanfeng to Li Yuanwai's house.

After walking a few alleys, the owner of Baozipu stopped and pointed to a courtyard far ahead.

"Shangxian, that's Li Yuanwai's home, you have to be careful, that group of things is not easy to mess with, there were more than a dozen masters who came to catch ghosts, and they were all killed by that group of things."

Zhang Sanfeng's heart skipped a beat, is he really that powerful?

He said calmly on the surface:

"It's okay, you go down first."

Knowing where Li Yuanwai's house is, Zhang Sanfeng is not in a hurry.

Take out two items from his arms, the same is a fire shield for body protection. After learning this spell, a layer of fire shield can be generated on the surface of the body, which can resist the damage of foreign objects.

The other is the third-order magic weapon Zhenlei Bead. It is precisely because of this bead that Zhang Sanfeng has the confidence to complete the team task alone.

Two things, one attack and one defense, should be able to successfully complete this mission.

When the fire shield was opened, the book turned into a piece of light and flowed into Zhang Sanfeng's mind. At the same time, a shield-style icon appeared on the lower side of the Fangcun Mountain Entrance Mind Dharma Book. .

Chapter 983

Zhang Sanfeng's thoughts moved, and a fiery red transparent mana shield as thin as a cicada's wings appeared three inches outside Zhang Sanfeng's body, wrapping him all over.

At the same time, the third-order magic weapon Zhen Leizhu was recognized as the master.

After recognizing the master, the third-order magic weapon Zhen Leizhu's spirituality awakened and began to float slowly around Zhang Sanfeng.

At the same time, Zhang Sanfeng could feel a subtle connection with Zhen Leizhu. Basically, as long as his mind moved, Zhen Leizhu would act according to his thoughts.

After doing these two things, Zhang Sanfeng put the body protection fire shield in the third area, let Zhen Leizhu hide in his sleeve, and began to walk to Li Yuan's house.

Li Yuanwai's residence is very luxurious, covers a large area, and the gate looks very imposing.

At this time, the gate was closed, and there were no other pedestrians on the road except Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng stepped forward and knocked on the door. After waiting for a while, no one came to open the door.

Zhang Sanfeng now has mana in his body, and his eyes can see some auras that ordinary people can't see. At this time, Li Yuanwai's house is overflowing with evil energy, as if it is already a ghost cave. If nothing else, this place has become the ghosts. The old nest, otherwise it would not be possible for the evil spirit to be so strong.

Just as Zhang Sanfeng was about to leave the gate and find a suitable place to climb over the wall to enter, the gate slowly opened.

A pale old man stuck his face out and asked, "Who are you? Who are you looking for?"

The old man's tone was a little gloomy, Zhang Sanfeng frowned slightly, but he didn't break it, pretending he didn't know anything, and said kindly: "I am a Taoist priest who came from wandering around, and seeing the evil spirit in your house, I came here to see it. Happening."

When the old man heard Zhang Sanfeng's words, his eyes rolled around a few times, and then he said, "Are you a Taoist priest with real skills? My master has been making a lot of noise in this mansion recently. If you don't have the skills, you should leave earlier. So that you don't lose your life in vain."

Zhang Sanfeng had already seen this old man's anomaly, but he didn't know why he said that. Logically, he should have tricked him into Li's residence. The tone of his words was to warn him not to come.

However, Zhang Sanfeng soon understood the old ghost's intention. He wanted to indulge his lust, deliberately used words to provoke him, and simply pushed the boat along the way, said.

"My ability is very strong, and ordinary ghosts can't get close to me at all. The old housekeeper can rest assured. As long as I enter the manor and cast a spell, no matter what kind of monsters, ghosts and monsters will be eliminated."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Zhang Sanfeng's words were very loud, but he was specifically speaking to this old ghost, making him think that he was a wandering magician who came to cheat money. After all, how can ordinary people with mana fail to see that he has been an old man? The body of the old man is his own.

...... 0 0

Sure enough, there was a look of contempt in the old man's eyes, but it was only fleeting, and it happened to be discovered by Zhang Sanfeng's keen insight.

The old man said, "Okay, the Taoist priest will come with me into the palace. I will prepare some food and drink for the account, eat and drink enough, and it will not be too late to subdue demons and demons."

Zhang Sanfeng pretended to ponder for a moment, and then said: "It's so good, I also happen to be hungry, so there will be an old butler."

The old butler smiled, opened the door a little more, and let Zhang Sanfeng come in.

Zhang Sanfeng looked inside the door, raised his legs and walked in.

After entering the gate, Zhang Sanfeng scanned the courtyard and found that there were some servants cleaning the courtyard, but all of them were pale and

Chapter 984

Thinking about it, he has been dead for a long time, but now the little ghosts occupy the body and pretend to be sweeping the floor.

It seemed that Li Yuanwai's mansion had lost even a single job.

In this way, dozens of people up and down the entire Li family have been replaced by ghosts.

It's all evil now.

However, Zhang Sanfeng is not planning to tear his face yet, let's take a look at the situation first.

After the old housekeeper closed the door, he said to Zhang Sanfeng.

"Master, please come with me."

After that, he walked ahead and led the way.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the back of the old housekeeper, thought about it, and followed.

The old butler led Zhang Sanfeng to the guest room and explained, "The Taoist priest, please rest here for a while. I'll ask someone to prepare the food and drink, and I'll bring it to the Taoist leader in a while."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded, did not speak, but pretended to check the situation in the living room.

The old butler saw that Zhang Sanfeng couldn't see why he looked around, so he backed out.

Not long after, the old butler came in with two servants carrying drinks and meals.

Putting the food and drinks on the table, the old butler said, "Master, please take it slow."

Then he backed out.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the food and drink on the table, but didn't move his chopsticks. Seeing the old housekeepers leave, Zhang Sanfeng stood by the door and listened carefully. After a while, after confirming that there was no one outside, he opened the door and walked out.

At the same time, he opened the body fire shield, and just took a few steps outside, he found that the old housekeeper was already waiting in the middle of the corridor.

The old butler smiled grimly and asked, "Master, the wine and food haven't been enjoyed yet, where are you going?"

Zhang Sanfeng pouted and said, "Old housekeeper, people are in three urgency. I was just going to ask you where the latrine is."

The old butler stared at Zhang Sanfeng suspiciously and said.

"Master, please come with me."

With that said, the old butler turned around and led Zhang Sanfeng to the toilet.

No way, now I have no urge to urinate and can only force it out.

After using the toilet, I found that the old housekeeper was still waiting outside, so he said, "Old housekeeper, I am suddenly not hungry now, take me to see Mr. Li, I heard that he is very ill."

The old butler sneered: "The old man's body is indeed a little strange recently, but it is not very serious. Since the Taoist priest wants to see my grandfather, then come with me."

After he finished speaking, he led Zhang Sanfeng to Li Yuanwai's residence...  

Along the way, Zhang Sanfeng has repeatedly confirmed that there is no one alive in this Li residence. As long as it is confirmed that Li Yuanwai is also dead, there is no worries. The main reason is that he is afraid that Li Yuanwai is not dead, and that these ghosts threaten Li Yuanwai's life.

After all, this is related to the completion of the task.

The old housekeeper pushed the door open, walked in, and then made a gesture of invitation to let Zhang Sanfeng follow.

Zhang Sanfeng is now driving a fire shield, which makes the old housekeeper a little afraid.

"Master, you can see Li Yuanwai when you walk into the room."

After speaking, the old butler dodged and ran out of the door, closing the door and locking Zhang Sanfeng inside.

Zhang Sanfeng frowned, secretly saying that it was not good.

They were talking nonsense, this ghost actually lied to him here.

It's just that Zhang Sanfeng couldn't be stopped by this door. He kicked the door open with one foot, and when he walked out, he could still see the back of the old housekeeper, so he resolutely chased after him.

"Evil, I saw early on that you're not human, so you haven't obeyed."

The old housekeeper's voice changed to a man's voice at this time, a rough middle-aged man's voice. .

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