Chapter 985

"You stinky Taoist priest is quite good at pretending, you don't know when you're coming."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't know what the old housekeeper's words meant.

However, when he got to the backyard, the old housekeeper was nowhere to be seen, and the surroundings became gray, with no sunlight at all.

I want to come here because the yin is too heavy, and the sun has been blocked.




There were constantly the babble of goblins around, disturbing Zhang Sanfeng's audiovisual.

"These little ghosts have not shown themselves, but it is a bit difficult to deal with."

However, Zhang Sanfeng is not worried about being attacked by the kid. After all, his 17 fire shield is not a decoration.

Suddenly, a gust of yin wind came, and the ghost claw was grabbing directly at Zhang Sanfeng's face.

It was just that the ghost claw made a shrill scream when it touched Zhang Sanfeng's fire shield.

Before the mana in Zhang Sanfeng's body has been used up, it is naturally impossible for a kid with low cultivation to cause any damage to him, but will be counter-injured by the body-protecting fire shield.

"Just because you little bastards want to hurt me?"

Seeing that the kid's attack couldn't cause any damage to him, Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly and sneered.

Seeing that their attacks were ineffective against Zhang Sanfeng, the little devils stopped attacking directly.

At this moment, the thick fog in front of him gradually dispersed, and there were twenty or thirty little devils staring at Zhang Sanfeng with malicious intent.

And among these little ghosts, it is their leader, the old housekeeper.

At this moment, the old housekeeper stared at Zhang Sanfeng with a stern voice, saying with bad intentions.

"I didn't expect you, a stinky Taoist priest, to have some skills, but you have already entered our ecstasy formation. Even if you have great skills, you can't get out."


Zhang Sanfeng was startled and found that he was indeed in a formation, but although this formation was powerful enough to block his sight, it could not attack him, after all, it was just a fascination formation.

In the ecstasy formation, Zhang Sanfeng did not panic.

"I advise you to hurry up and get bored, or you will lose your soul."

The old housekeeper said: "You can't protect yourself from the mud Bodhisattva crossing the river now, and you still want to act for the heavens. It's really over your own power. You should just wait to be trapped in this fascination array, but in the end, after you lose your mana, you won't let it go. You died so happily, we will eat all your flesh and eat your soul."

Zhang Sanfeng sneered and didn't answer, his mind was already running fast on how to deal with this ecstasy formation.

After the old butler finished speaking, he also led the little ghosts into the mist, waiting for an opportunity.

After entering the formation, Zhang Sanfeng really had no way to lock the positions of these little ghosts.

Even if they attacked the old butler and the ghosts just now, they would definitely not be able to hit them.

Because although their 600 figures are in that position, they may just use the formation to change their positions. Maybe they are in the east, but under the action of the formation, their figures appear in the west.

Even if he launched an attack at this time, he would definitely not be able to hit any kid, so Zhang Sanfeng did not choose to waste his energy.

After a hundred thoughts in my heart, I suddenly thought of a method that should be able to break this psychedelic psychedelic array.

In essence, the Ecstasy Array is also a kind of ghost hitting the wall. It is said that when a ghost hits the wall, it can be broken by just urinating on the ground, and if it is a boy's urine, the effect is even better.

It's a pity that Zhang Sanfeng had just urinated before, and now he can't urinate at all. .

Chapter 986


Zhang Sanfeng didn't think that in order to avoid the old housekeeper's suspicion, the act of urinating urgently and wanting to pee was so crucial.

Do you want to stay in this ecstasy until the urge to pee strikes again?

Zhang Sanfeng was a little speechless, but fortunately these ghosts did not attack him.

But now the situation is not clear.

It must be known that the one who just attacked Zhang Sanfeng was a little devil with extremely weak attack power. He did not know how strong the old ghost was.

And every attack of the kid will cause damage to the protective fire shield, and the protective fire shield needs the mana in his body to maintain.

In other words, although the attacks of the little devils could not cause any damage to his body, they were constantly consuming the mana in Zhang Sanfeng's body.

"If I let them attack my fire shield, it won't take long for the mana in my body to be exhausted, and there will be no mana at that time, just like ordinary people, for them, it is a piece to be slaughtered fish meat' "."

Zhang Sanfeng saw the problem very thoroughly, and he could see the thoughts of the ghosts at a glance.

But there is nothing to do about it. After all, Zhang Sanfeng's current strength in the False God Realm has not grown enough to ignore the existence of the formation.

Thinking about it now, the mission boy in the Fangcun Mountain mission hall reminded him that it is indeed necessary to form a team to complete these sect missions.

After all, it was not long after entering the False God Realm, and everything had to be done all over again, so it would be easier to find a few teammates to complete the task together.

However, Zhang Sanfeng has been used to being alone for so many years.

Only the Taixuanjiao family can make him feel a sense of belonging.

It's a pity that people in the real world come to the False God Realm at random positions, and now I don't know if the people they meet are people from the Taixuan Sect.

As for the possibility of meeting Li Yin'er and other acquaintances in the coming of billions and billions, the probability of encountering them is almost zero. Only after returning to the real world, we can discuss a place to meet before we can meet successfully.

But these are the aftermath.

In order to prevent the attacks of the little devils from depleting the mana in his body, Zhang Sanfeng came up with a temporary solution, that is to release the shocking thunderball to protect his body, and then he directly meditated on the spot, running the Fangcunshan Introductory Mind Method in his body to recover quickly. mana.

In fact, it was indeed Zhang Sanfeng's negligence.

Originally, after breaking through to the body-refining stage, you should run a few weeks of Fangcunshan's entrance mental method to consolidate the realm and let the mana reserves reach a full state.

Now the mana stored in his dantian is less than [-]%, which is why this unfavorable situation is caused.

Fortunately, the third-order magic weapon Zhenleizhu is a spiritual treasure that does not require much mana and can protect the master by itself.

The so-called Lingbao is a magic weapon with its own spirituality. It can protect itself without the control of the owner of the magic weapon, and intercept all damage to the owner of the magic weapon.

Unless the mana that comes with the third-order magic weapon is exhausted, it can continue.

However, the third-order (the king's good) magic weapon does not require much mana to deal with these little ghosts, and the mana consumed is very small, and it can completely recover on its own.

It is indeed a third-order magic weapon.

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help sighing in his heart as he watched the third-order magic weapon Zhen Leizhu constantly attack the kid who was attacking him.

If there is no thunder ball, Zhang Sanfeng will never choose to complete this task by himself.

After all, the prompt of the task issuer is already obvious. .

Chapter 987

It is very unlikely that a newcomer of the martial art wants to complete the task of the martial art independently.

Now it seems that without the support of external forces such as powerful magic weapons or exercises, the possibility of wanting to complete this task independently in the first phase of body training is too low.

However, Zhang Sanfeng is not a fool. Without this third-order magic weapon, Zhen Leizhu, it is absolutely impossible for him to complete this task alone.

Seeing that the third-order magic weapon Zhen Leizhu can intercept all the attacks of the kid by itself, and that the little ghosts who launched sneak attacks on him were all shattered by the third-order magic weapon Zhenleizhu, I felt relieved.

Moreover, after these little ghosts were killed by the third-order magic weapon Zhen Leizhu, Zhang Sanfeng could still obtain cultivation bases, and there were still quite a few of these cultivation bases.

Each little ghost provides him with a hundred points of cultivation.

But now Zhang Sanfeng can see that if he wants to advance to the second level of Dao Qi Refining, he needs one million cultivation.

This number is terrifying.

Because it is necessary to kill [-] little devils of this level in order to successfully advance to the second level of body refining.

Not to mention whether there are [-] little ghosts in Li Yuanwai's house, even if there are, it will take a long time to complete.

It takes [-] little devils to be promoted to the second floor of Body Refinement. Zhang Sanfeng imagined that his scalp was numb.

But at this time, Zhang Sanfeng just sighed with emotion that after the road to the realm of spirit is so long, he no longer thinks about it, concentrates on running Fangcunshan Entry, and no longer thinks about other things.

Soon, after confirming safety, Zhang Sanfeng entered the sensitive light state and let the kid outside attack randomly.

And as the masterpiece runs Fangcun He's entry-level mental method, the mana in his dantian is constantly recovering.

After Zhang Sanfeng entered the meditation, the few pieces of mana recovered, about one percent of the reserves could be recovered with each breath.

In this way, after running about a hundred breaths of the Fangcunshan Introductory Mind Method, the state of Zhang San's song reached its peak.

For the qi refining layer, it is almost the case now, and there is no need to worry about (bhah) becoming a waste due to insufficient mana reserves.

However, during the battle, it is definitely impossible to just sit down and recover. After all, if it is Jiangling, they also have magic weapons to fight Zhenleizhu, at least they can hold back Zhenleizhu.

If he dares to enter meditation at this time to restore his mana reserves, he will be beheaded by others, for example.

So at this time, something similar to the Spiritual Return Pill is needed to restore the mana.

However, before he came to Qingfeng Town to do a mission, Zhang Sanfeng had seen a corner of the mission hall where there was a sect selling alchemy room.

This thing is very expensive, and it takes fifty cents to buy it from the sect.

You must know that Zhang Sanfeng doesn't have a penny in his body now, and he has never been rewarded even half a penny for all the tasks he did before.

Not only did he feel that in the False God Realm, money was too difficult to earn.

But then again, Zhang Sanfeng could vaguely sense that in the virtual god realm, copper coins seemed to be a universal hard currency.

No matter what you do, you can use copper coins to settle accounts, so copper coins are very useful.

And I heard the sect task publisher inadvertently mention it.

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