The martial arts and mental methods of the sect need to be exchanged by the sect at the beginning.

After exchanging the sect's heart method and practice method, you not only need the sect's contribution to improve the level of the sect's heart method and the sect's practice method, but also consume a lot of copper coins. .

Chapter 988

In this way, each descendant needs a lot of sect contributions and copper coins to improve the level of the practice and mental methods.

Otherwise, the realm will only improve a part of the strength, and Ken will not be able to beat the same sect with the same level of high sect mentality and high sect practice.

This kind of martial art and martial art that requires copper coins to improve, Zhang Sanfeng is the first time to use the sword.

I also feel very curious about this in my heart.

Since then, he has warned himself from the bottom of his heart that he must transfer a lot of copper coins to improve the sect's mental methods and exercises.

It's a pity that Zhang Sanfeng has not yet figured out the way to earn copper coins, and the sect mission is also not rewarded for a penny, so that he still doesn't know what the copper coins in the False God Realm look like.

After the mana reserves in his dantian reached saturation, Zhang Sanfeng stood up and began to carefully implement this ecstasy burst.

At this time, there are other good ways. After all, the ecstasy array is a bit different from other arrays, and this kind of evaporation has no lethality, only a confusing effect. In addition, there is a third-order magic weapon to help and protect the body with a fire shield. whole body.

Let him stand in an invincible position in the fascination array at this time.

Changed to the ordinary ordinary Qi refining period, which has long been torn into pieces by the group of ghosts, how can he be as leisurely as Zhang Sanfeng.

But there is no way, the third-order magic weapon Zhen Leizhu is too powerful, Zhang Sanfeng has the capital to take a leisurely walk in the ecstasy formation.

Really more popular than dead people.

At this time, outside the ecstasy formation, the old butler frowned as he watched Zhang Sanfeng's performance in the formation.

"Why is this draw so powerful, what is the magic weapon on his body? It is so strong, it seems to be a spiritual magic weapon, if Nen can take it as his own and become a ghost weapon, my strength will be greatly enhanced. few."

At this time, even the old butler, the old ghost, was full of interest in the third-order magic weapon Zhenleizhu. After all, this thing is very eye-catching, and the spirit treasures that can automatically protect the master are not everywhere.

Saying so, the old housekeeper choked the ghost again in his hands.

With the completion of the seal of Laoguang's family, behind him, a bottomless black hole opened.

On the other side of the black hole, it was pitch black, as if it were bottomless, and there were various sounds of howling and howling.

This kind of method is a method in the False God Realm that ghosts will comprehend after they have cultivated to a certain level.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

That is to detain a ghost who is weaker than himself within a certain range.

This is why, in the beginning, there were only ghosts in Li Yuanwai's family, but now there are dozens or hundreds of them.

And this time, he killed everyone in Li Yuanwai's family at one time, and sucked up all the yang energy of these people, so his strength also increased a lot.

... 0 ...

So much so that he now uses this method of summoning ghosts to be more powerful than when he used it at the beginning.

Now crawling out of this black hole, they are all ghosts with the strength of the first layer of body refining, and their attack power is very strong.

"Hmph, stinky Taoist priest, do you think you'll be fine if you stay in the ecstasy array? Let you taste the power of being besieged by a hundred ghosts."

The old butler smiled at Zhang Sanfeng in the ecstasy formation.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng, who was trapped in the ecstasy array, also felt an unprecedented sense of crisis pressing down on his heart.

"This mournful ghost cries and wolf howls, it's not an ordinary kid at first listen. I think this ghost possessed by the old housekeeper's body is not low, and it can actually detain this level of ghosts." Seven.

Chapter 989

The old ghost chased all the ghosts from the detention into the fascination array.

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly felt that the surrounding air temperature dropped suddenly, like falling into an ice cave.

"It's better to break this ecstasy first."

After Zhang Sanfeng finished speaking, he unbuttoned his trouser belt and urinated on the spot.

Sure enough, along with Xiao Jie's voice, it fell to the ground, and the surrounding haze gradually dissipated.

After Zhang Sanfeng fastened his trousers belt, he was finally no longer blocked by the haze.

It was only when he saw that there were nearly a hundred ghosts surrounding it at this time, and some were suddenly shocked.

There is no reason for him, it is precisely because there are so many ghosts watching him, it is quite embarrassing.

The old ghost didn't find it strange to see Zhang Sanfeng broke his fascination array. After all, his fascination array level was too low to stop the destruction of urine. If the fascination array's level was higher, it would not be cracked by the urine of the human race. .

But even if the fascination array is broken, the old ghost has the confidence to kill Zhang Sanfeng.

This is a cultivator, and the yang energy in his body is purer than that of ordinary mortals, and it is also a great supplement to ghosts.

The most important thing is that this cultivator is only at the first level of Qi refining, and belongs to the lowest level that has just stepped into the mana.

Therefore, it is easy to deal with, and you don't have to worry about being counter-killed. Although this cultivator has a fire shield for body protection and a powerful magic bead, it does not prevent the old ghost from thinking so.

After all, the more than [-] little devils he detained were not vegetarians, and he could use up all his mana, and then he would be able to reap the benefits of a fisherman.

As for these little devils, the spirits are scattered and the spirits are scattered, and then the other little devils will be arrested.

Zhang Sanfeng did not expect this old ghost to treat him as a fat sheep to be slaughtered.

But it's no wonder, for an old ghost who has been practicing for many years, when encountering a human monk who has just stepped into the Qi refining period, what is it if it is not a fat sheep?

Zhang Sanfeng didn't think too much, and he didn't have time to think too much, because at this time, the more than [-] little ghosts had already rushed towards him frantically under the drive of the old ghost.

Look at the sword.

Zhang Sanfeng opened the fire shield to protect his body, then drew his sword and stepped forward to fight with many little ghosts.

He does not have much mana reserves now. If he uses Fangcunshan's entry-level attack spell, he may not use it dozens of times, and the mana in his body will be exhausted. At that time, even the fire shield will not be able to support it...  .

So simply choose to hold a sword and fight with many little ghosts.

Although Zhang Sanfeng didn't practice Fangcunshan's sword art, but because he has practiced swords for many years, his basic swordsmanship is excellent. Not only that, although his Taiji swordsmanship is not blessed with mana at this time, the power is greatly reduced, but the magic lies in the moves Naturally, he has his own formidable power, and since he intentionally or unintentionally transported mana to the steel sword, he also possesses a certain ability to slay ghosts.

Although Zhang Sanfen's sword move is not fast, it can even be called slow, but every time he dances, he can stab the sword at the vital position of a kid while protecting himself.

Although this sword is not powerful enough to kill a kid directly, it only needs to add four or five swords to kill a kid.

It's a pity that at this time, the kid was surrounded by him in the middle. He could only make the sword dance airtight, and it was difficult to kill a kid specifically.

However, this has a different effect.

That is basically every once in a while, each kid will add a wound torn by mana. .

Chapter 990

If it goes on like this, the little ghosts will always be beheaded, because basically every little ghost's soul has been damaged at this time.

It is only a matter of time before they are all wiped out.

And because these little ghosts were detained by the old ghost, they were confused and would only obey the old ghost's orders, and would not choose to flee even if their soul body was damaged.

Zhang Sanfeng was already familiar with the rhythm of being besieged by more than 17 goblins, so he was able to deal with it with ease. After all, whether it was the siege of the wolf pack or the siege of the descendants, [-] also enhanced his ability to deal with the siege.

Therefore, facing the siege of more than [-] little devils at this time, he will not be in a hurry.

Zhang Sanfeng knew very well in his heart that these more than [-] little ghosts were nothing more than the dead ghosts of the old ghost.

The old ghost just wanted to take advantage of the fisherman.

However, Zhang Sanfeng and Zhen Leizhu didn't really play the hole cards.

Because he only showed the main protection ability of the third-order magic weapon Zhenleizhu, and did not show the attack ability of Zhenleizhu.

And even Zhang Sanfeng himself didn't know how powerful he would be when he used the Thunder Orb.

However, it can be known simply by imagination that the reason why the third-order magic weapon is called the third-order magic weapon must have its advantages.

Gradually, Zhang Sanfeng discovered that the ghost bodies of the goblins who besieged him began to become transparent, which was precisely the effect of his attack.

Sure enough, after that, as long as the sword in his hand pierced the kid's body, the kid would disappear.

Soon, more than [-] little ghosts were cleaned up by Zhang Sanfeng, and then turned around and said to the old ghost: "Old ghost, what tricks do you have, just use them."

Seeing this, the old ghost didn't get angry, but smiled and said: "You are quite interesting, you are still stubborn when you are already dead, you think the reason why I use these little ghosts to entangle you is just because I think I can't beat you. , and shooting them consumes the mana in your body?"

Zhang Sanfeng didn't know the old ghost's true intentions, but so what.

"Even if you have all kinds of tricks, I can destroy it with one sword."

The old ghost said disdainfully: "It's ridiculous that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Let you taste the power of my white bone claws."

After speaking, the old ghost directly stretched out his hands like dry bones and rushed towards Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly felt that the pressure in front of him increased greatly, this old ghost really still has some skills.

In the face of the powerful attack of the old ghost, Zhang Sanfeng did not choose to be rigid, but chose to avoid its edge.

Stepping back a little, the steel sword blocked, directly blocking the old ghost from ten feet away.

This distance is not a safe distance, but Zhang Sanfeng didn't think it was wrong.

Because he is not trying to escape, he also needs to attack, so there is nothing wrong with being close.

But this scene seemed to the old ghost to have a different taste, saying: "You kid is talking big words, but your body is quite honest, doesn't it mean that no matter what tricks I have, I can destroy it with one sword? Why choose to avoid it? open?"

Zhang Sanfeng knew that this old ghost was using aggressive tactics, so he didn't fall for it, but said, "You don't understand the truth of how the enemy advances, I retreat, and I advance. Although your cultivation level is not low, the actual combat is really bad. , tell you you won't understand either."

Indeed, for Zhang Sanfeng, who has experienced hundreds of battles, whether it is the old ghost or the hundred little ghosts, the attack methods and skills are too inferior. .

Chapter 991

The unstructured attacks of these ghosts like the old ghost, if it is just a simple move competition, it will not be able to enter Zhang Sanfeng's eyes at all.

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