But even for Zhang Sanfeng, it was still too expensive to exchange the elixir back in the sect.

After all, there are so many things that need to be exchanged, and there is simply not much sect contribution to exchange for consumables such as spirit pills.

But now with this unilateral, it is different. Zhang Sanfeng can completely refine the elixir by himself. Although he does not know where to find the alchemy furnace, as long as there is a unilateral, then the alchemy furnace can definitely be found.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't expect to get such a surprise by killing zombies.

To know that the return of the spirit pill is so precious now, the return of the spirit pill is even more so.

After you arrive at the sect, find the Herbal Hall to buy medicinal materials, and then find the alchemy furnace to prepare to start refining the elixir.

At that time, you can not only use it yourself, but also sell it to the descendants to get copper coins.

You must know that copper coins are also very precious things. They can be used to improve the level of the martial arts. In the future, a large amount of copper coins will be needed to consume. Therefore, Zhang Sanfeng's unilateral possession of the Huiling Pill is tantamount to obtaining the wealth code. It will not be long before he The money will roll in.

But now Zhang Sanfeng is still being besieged by zombies, and the zombie hills that have piled up are more than twice as high as before.

Zhang Sanfeng watched the countless zombies in the zombie group coming towards him, and he couldn't help but get goosebumps all over his body.

After all, there is only moonlight now. The heads of these zombies are gathered together to form a black tide. The degree of denseness has to make people feel a shiver.  …

This is too much.

The killing is definitely not complete, and Zhang Sanfeng is also a little tired at this time. If he continues, he may have to explain it here.

So I started to look around to see if there was a chance to break out of the siege.

As the mountain of zombies piled up higher and higher, Zhang Sanfeng saw that he could jump to the roof on the opposite side by jumping hard on the roof on the left. In this way, he could temporarily get rid of the zombie swarm.

Think of it and do it. After Zhang Sanfeng smashed the heads of the nearest zombies, he jumped on the opposite roof immediately after seeing the opportunity.

Fortunately, Zhang Sanfeng's jumping ability was good, and he jumped directly onto the roof. If he landed on the ground, he would definitely be engulfed by the zombies instantly.

After Zhang Sanfeng jumped to the roof, he gasped heavily.

Sitting on the roof to rest for a while, I found that the zombie group under the house was demolishing the building instinctively like demolishing a house, and I was shocked.

How can this be good?

At this moment, Brother Xianhe flew from outside the city and landed directly on the roof to look at Zhang Sanfeng. .

Chapter 1005

Zhang Sanfeng was overjoyed when he saw this.

"Brother Xianhe, you came just in time."

After he finished speaking, he rode on Brother Xianhe's back and signaled Xianhe to leave quickly.

The crane let out a long roar, agreeing, and then flew Zhang Sanfeng in the direction of Fangcun Mountain.

After flying for about half an hour, it finally flew back to Fangcun Mountain.

Only then did Zhang Sanfeng realize that Fangcun Mountain in Medicine King City was not too far away.

It takes about half an hour to ride the crane.

But now no matter what, the sect mission has been considered a failure, but Zhang Sanfeng is not discouraged.

After all, although the sect mission failed, 17 obtained a unilateral return to the magic pill.

"Let's put aside the task of completing the sect in advance. Now let's see how the medicinal pills in this False God Realm are refined, and what is the difference between them and the real world."

It has to be said that Zhang Sanfeng is still looking forward to how to concoct alchemy in the False God Realm.

After all, almost everything in the False God Realm is different from the real world, and it is absolutely impossible to speculate about things in the False God Realm with the eyes in the real world.

After asking a few people, Zhang Sanfeng finally found the sect Herb Hall.

As for the dozens of medicines on the Huiling Pill, all of them have been thoroughly cooked by Zhang Sanfeng.

Walked into the herbal hall and said to the steward in the herbal hall.

"Steward, I want to buy some herbs."

The steward of the Herb Hall responded quickly, trotting all the way to the counter and asking, "What herb do you buy first?"

Zhang Sanfeng reported the names of the herbs and the quantity to be purchased one by one.

The steward was a little surprised when Zhang Sanfeng reported so many herbs, but he didn't ask too much, and said, "Every herb requires [-] copies? Do you want to eat herbs as food?"

Zhang Sanfeng ignored the manager's ridicule.

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng didn't like to talk, the steward didn't say more. After weighing all the medicinal materials and packing them, he said to Zhang Sanfeng, "It's [-] pennies in total."

These medicinal herbs were calculated by Zhang Sanfeng, just enough to spend the copper coins on him with only a few cents left.

However, he bought enough medicinal materials to refine the elixir a hundred times, and it was considered to be of high quality and low price no matter what.

After getting the medicinal materials, Zhang Sanfeng asked the steward of the Herbal Hall and said, "Steward, if you want to refine medicinal herbs, where should you go to the sect?"

The steward was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect that this new disciple who joined the sect actually bought medicinal herbs and asked in disbelief, "Are you trying to make medicinal pills by yourself?"

Zhang Sanfeng nodded and said, "Yes."

The steward of the Herb Hall continued to ask: "Then do you have a single prescription? If you don't have a single prescription, then even if you remember all the herbs on the single prescription, even if you practice it, it will not be effective."

When Zhang Sanfeng heard the steward of the Herbal Hall say this, he was more certain of the importance of the unilateral side in his hand.

It turned out that if there is no unilateral, even if you know the medicinal materials in this unilateral and know how to refine it, the medicinal herbs you have learned will not have the efficacy of Huiling Dan.

It seems that this False God Realm is really miraculous, and this kind of thing still happens.

"Steward, I have a unilateral in my hand now, please tell me where to go to refine the medicine pill."

When the steward of the Herb Hall heard that Zhang Sanfeng was really unilateral, he immediately looked at Zhang Sanfeng with admiration.

I didn't expect that a newcomer who had just joined the sect for more than a day would actually get a single party, so he said with a smile. .

Chapter 1006

"There are more than a dozen alchemy rooms behind the Herbal Hall, which are specially used by newcomers to the sect, but the quality of the alchemy furnace is not very good, and if you want to use the furnace inside, you need to consume some sect contribution, a little sect contribution per hour, to What kind of unilateral are you? If you need to refine high-level medicinal pills, you can go to the alchemy room where Dantang is located."

After listening to the steward of the Herb Hall, Zhang Sanfeng realized that the alchemy furnace that used the sect also had to consume the sect's contribution.

Listening to the steward asking about his unilateralism, he replied, "Returning to the unilateral side of Lingdan."

The steward heard that it was a unilateral prescription for Huiling Pill, so he didn't take it seriously, and said, "It turned out to be a unilateral prescription for Huiling Pill, so you can rest assured to refine it in the alchemy furnace at the back, after all, the medicinal rank of Huiling Pill is about the same. is the lowest."

The medicine level of Huiling Pill is indeed the lowest, but it is impossible for the descendants to need it.

And this is the first batch of descendants to leave the village, and there are a group of descendants who have a batch of storage behind, so the Huiling Pill may have its value.

You must know that among the descendant disciples in Fangcun Mountain, Zhang Sanfeng alone has obtained the single prescription of the Spiritual Returning Pill. After refining the medicine, it will be sold. As long as the price is reasonable, there must be countless people willing to pay the bill.

Zhang Sanfeng walked to the alchemy room according to the manager's prompt.

After entering the alchemy room, I saw that my sect Yujian lit up a few times, thinking that it was automatically deducted from the corresponding sect contribution.

It is understandable to use the sect’s contribution to use the sect’s things. After all, Fangcunshan has added hundreds of thousands of new disciples in just one day. If everyone uses these alchemy rooms for free, it is estimated that some people will regard this place as a The idea of ​​sleeping in the wing has been made.

If it is really used as a wing room to sleep, then for now, it is indeed a local tyrant. After all, the contribution of martial arts is so scarce now, so ordinary people will never come to the alchemy room to consume the contribution of martial arts for no reason.

Therefore, among the dozen or so alchemy rooms, only Zhang Sanfeng was using the alchemy furnace.

Zhang Sanfeng approached the alchemy furnace, and someone wrote a note on it.

"Please place the unilateral in this position' "."

Zhang Sanfeng did as it was, and placed the unilateral at the position where the prompt was.

After watching the tutorial on using the alchemy furnace, after learning to use the alchemy furnace, Zhang Sanfeng put the herbs into the alchemy furnace one by one according to the content of the tutorial.

After almost the last herb was put in, the opening of the alchemy furnace was automatically closed, and the flame under the furnace also automatically rose.

Zhang Sanfeng waited, waited, waited, waited, and waited for about one-tenth of the incense stick, and the medicinal pill was finally finished.

It has to be said that it does not take long to refine the Spiritual Pill.

Zhang Sanfeng opened the alchemy furnace, and a hot medicinal gas came out. After the medicinal gas was dispersed, small round black pills appeared in front of him.

Zhang Sanfeng put away the small pills and counted them.

one two three four……

When counting the number one hundred and zero (Wang Dehao) eight, the joy on Zhang Sanfeng's face could not be concealed.

A group of herbs can be refined to more than [-] returnable elixir, and a group of herbs add up to only a small consumption of nine cents and a little more than copper coins.

That is to say, even if these Huiling Pills are sold for ten cents a piece, it is a huge profit.

Because the money from selling one is enough to buy a group of refining medicine pills.

That is to say, selling one Spiritual Returning Pill is enough for Zhang Sanfeng to refine more than [-] Spiritual Returning Pills.firm.

Chapter 1007

"Ten cents of money can be paid by every Fangcunshan disciple who has completed the first sect mission. One thousand cents is enough to buy a hundred Huiling Pills, which can be used for a while."

Moreover, Fangcunshan has added [-] to [-] disciples in just one day today, and there will be a steady stream of descendants joining Fangcunshan in the future. As long as each of these people buy [-] Huiling Pills, Zhang Sanfeng has already made a profit.

If one person buys ten a day, it is one hundred cents, ten people is one thousand cents, one hundred people is ten thousand cents, one thousand people is one hundred thousand cents, and ten thousand people is one million cents.

That is to say, even if there are only [-] people in Fangcun Mountain who buy his Spiritual Return Pill every day, he will earn at least [-] million a day. As for the cost, the profit of [-] million will only cost less than [-] yuan.

And as long as Huiling Pill is launched, it is impossible for only [-] people to buy it every day. It is definitely in short supply, because Huiling Pill is almost a must-have for everyone.

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanfeng wondered whether the selling price of Huiling Pill should be raised.

"Let's just double the sale first and say, sell him for twenty-five cents a piece, whether you like it or not, anyway, a lot of people will definitely buy it."

But now I don’t have to worry about buying it, but it takes time to refine medicine pills. Although it only takes one-tenth of the time less than a tenth of a stick of incense to make a potion, I can’t stand the high demand.

"One stick of incense can make ten pots of Huiling Pill, and one pot of Huiling Pill is about a hundred pieces, which means that in one stick of incense, about one thousand Huiling Pills can be refined."

"It's still too few. There are so many people in Fangcunshan that they can't supply it at all, and each furnace needs to be refined using a single recipe."

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