"By the way, the prompt says that you only need to put the unilaterals on the stove, and it doesn't say that you must keep them on the stove all the time. Why don't you try to see if you can bring the unilaterals during the refining process. If you can do this, Then I'll pack all these dozen alchemy rooms."

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanfeng immediately started to try.

After restarting the furnace, Zhang Sanfeng continued to put the single recipe on the alchemy furnace as before, and then threw the herbs into it. After all of this last night, the alchemy room automatically began to alchemy.

At this moment, Zhang Sanfeng quietly took down the unilateral from the alchemy furnace. After finding that there was no abnormality, he breathed a sigh of relief.

But everything has to wait until the potion is completely practiced before the final result can be known.

After a while, the alchemy furnace automatically turned off, indicating that the time required for alchemy was up, and during this period, nothing abnormal happened.

At this time, Zhang Sanfen was still somewhat nervous. If he couldn't do what he thought, he would earn too much less.

Finally, Zhang Sanfeng's face showed ecstasy the moment he opened the alchemy furnace. His previous guess was correct.

As long as the alchemy furnace officially starts alchemy, you can take down the unilateral and go directly to the next alchemy room for alchemy.

In this way, the efficiency will be greatly improved.

When he thought of it, he did it. Zhang Sanfeng re-opened a furnace, and after following the process, he ignored the alchemy furnace and ran directly to the next alchemy room. After finishing the process, he ran directly to the next one, and so on. When the time for the first furnace is almost up, go to collect the already refined Spirit Returning Pill. .

Chapter 1008

As Zhang Sanfeng's movements became more and more proficient, he was able to refine ten furnaces of Hui Lingdan at the same time.

The speed is terrifying.

In this way, it took about a stick of incense, and Zhang Sanfeng used up all the [-] herbs that could be refined back into the elixir, and got [-] elixir that could be returned to the elixir.

A Huiling Pill costs [-] cents, and he will be able to get [-] to [-] cents.

This [-] million yuan is definitely a huge sum of money for the current descendant.

Zhang Sanfeng came directly to the door of the mission hall and started to sell.

"Selling the elixir back, it only costs twenty-five cents a piece, which is of high quality and low price, and is countless times cheaper than the sect exchange."

Zhang Sanfeng's words immediately attracted the attention of many people who came to play. Some people asked: "Really or not, do you have a return to the magic pill?"

"Anyone can have Huiling Pill, just exchange it with the sect, and each sect contributes ten, but only the fool will exchange it."

"That's right, but this fool actually sells it here after the sect has exchanged the Huiling Pill. He probably doesn't know that he has lost a lot of money. He only sells a Huiling Pill for twenty-five cents. It's too stupid."

"I bought this Spirit Returning Pill, twenty-five cents, right? Here it is."

Zhang Sanfeng ignored the irresponsible remarks of the people around him. When he saw the first famous customer who bought it, he quickly responded: "Okay, this is your return pill, thank you for your patronage, and welcome to come again next time."

Many onlookers were happy.

"We welcome you to come again next time. I'll see how many you have to sell. If you lose to death, give me ten."

Zhang Sanfeng had a smile on the corner of his mouth, not angry at all.

"Well, ten Huiling Pills, you can take them, a total of two hundred and fifty pennies."

"Fuck, do you really have ten Huiling Pills? It's estimated that the contribution of the sect has been changed? Come and come, I will give you two hundred and sixty pennies, and I will reward you for the extra ten pennies."

This person took the ten Huiling Pills handed over by Zhang Sanfeng, and laughed until his mouth closed. These ten Huiling Pills are equivalent to a little sect contribution. I didn't expect that some people were stupid enough to exchange the sect's contribution for the return Lingdan.

Soon, Zhang Sanfeng's shouting sounded again.

"Back to Lingdanle, twenty-five cents a piece, twenty-five cents a piece of money, no deception, cheap and beautiful, countless times cheaper than the sect exchange."

Passers-by all regarded Zhang Sanfeng as a fool.

"I'm afraid this person is all the sect's contributions are exchanged for Huiling Pill to sell, right?"

"Take a walk, go and buy some, twenty-five cents a piece, it's too cheap, it's nothing like a sect's contribution."

"Yes, if you don't buy it, others will buy it all. It's not like you can meet such a fool all the time."


"I want to buy all the [-] pennies I got from doing the task. Such an opportunity is rare."

"Why are you still hesitating, buy it, I also want to spend a thousand pennies to buy forty pieces. The Huiling Pill is very useful. One can be used for a stick of incense, and forty pieces can be used for a period of time."

As more and more people watched, more and more descendants could not stand the temptation of such a price, and they all began to ask Zhang Sanfeng to buy back the elixir, each with eager eyes, for fear of being bought by others.

Zhang Sanfeng kept collecting the money, then counted the corresponding amount, and handed the return elixir to the buyer accurately.

In this way, Zhang Sanfeng kept selling the elixir back, and the money in his wallet became more and more.seven.

Chapter 1009

Zhang Sanfeng kept selling the Huiling Pill, his mouth could not close with laughter.

And those customers who bought the Lingdan also laughed so hard they couldn't close their mouths.

Zhang Sanfeng sometimes thinks that if these people find out that the money he sold for one Huiling Pill can be used to refine nearly [-] Huiling Pills, I wonder if they will be pissed off.

However, Zhang Sanfeng now decided to make a fortune in silence, and it was impossible to tell others the secret six-one-three inside.

After all, Zhang Sanfeng is not stupid.

Right now, in the entire Fangcun Mountain, only Zhang Sanfeng has obtained the Spirit Returning Pill. If he needs it, there is also a special effect on the Spirit Returning Pill, which means that it can be refined alternately.

However, Zhang Sanfeng still mainly wants to operate the Huiling Pill Recipe first.

After all, although the special effect recovery pill can instantly restore a certain amount of mana, the amount of recovery is a bit small, and it may only be used in emergencies.

Under normal circumstances, it is better and more durable to restore the magic power continuously.

Zhang Sanfeng made a total of more than [-] Huiling Pills this time. If he sold all of them, he could earn more than [-] yuan, which is a huge profit, because he only spent a total of [-] to buy the medicinal herbs for alchemy. The money is not enough, and after deducting the contribution of the sect, the cost is only about [-] yuan. After running away from the cost, he made at least [-] yuan for this batch of medicines.

About half an hour later, Zhang Sanfeng clapped his hands in fear and said.

"Thank you for your patronage, today's medicine is out."

Many people who didn't buy the medicine immediately quit and complained.

"Damn it, how come it's sold out, it was just lined up for me."

"Big brother, where did you get so many Huiling Pills?"

"Have you returned to Lingdan, give me ten."

"Don't crowd at the back, didn't you hear the big brother say that it's sold out today?"

"What? It's sold out? I just received a rumor that someone here is selling the elixir back at a cheap price. Damn, it's sold out as soon as I came here."

"That, big brother, what did you mean when you said that today's Huiling Pills are sold out? Will feelings come to sell medicine tomorrow?"

Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile.

"Yes, today is just a trial operation. Seeing that everyone's response to buying medicines is so strong, I will continue to buy medicines tomorrow, but the supply of goods will be well prepared. Thank you for your support..."

After Zhang Sanfeng finished speaking, he squeezed into the crowd, and soon disappeared into the crowd.

In fact, Fangcunshan not only has shops operated by the sect, but if you have the skills and enough capital, you can also rent a shop in the sect to sell things.

Zhang Sanfeng now has [-] pen money in his pockets. He just wanted to come to this sect's disciple trade area to find a better shop, and use it exclusively for business in the future.

But now Zhang Sanfeng was very hungry, and seeing that there was a small noodle restaurant in front of him, he walked over and told the owner of the small noodle restaurant.

"Boss, come and play noodles."

The owner of the small noodle restaurant is very enthusiastic. When he sees a customer coming, he quickly puts down his work and runs over to say hello.

"Objective, what kind of noodles do you eat?"

Zhang Sanfeng looked around at the decorations in his small noodle shop, but didn't see the signboard, so he asked, "Boss, what kind of noodles do you like best?"

The owner of the small noodle shop laughed.

"If the guest officer asks me what kind of noodles is the best in this small shop, then I will definitely recommend my signature handmade Yangchun noodles to you. After you have eaten one bowl, you want to eat the second bowl.".

Chapter 1010

Zhang Sanfeng said curiously.

"Really or not, then give me a bowl of Yangchun noodles to try!"

The owner of the small noodle restaurant readily agreed: "Okay, a bowl of Yangchun noodles!"

While cooking the noodles, Zhang Sanfeng asked, "Boss, is your noodle restaurant doing well?"

The owner of the small noodle restaurant said: "Guest officer, please don't mention it. I'm sad when I talk about this."

Zhang Sanfeng was puzzled when he heard the words. It seemed to be in a good location, with people coming and going. In the future, the entire Fangcunshan Free Trade Zone will be a prime location. With a store with such a good location in his hand, why would he be worried? solution.

"how do I say this?"

The owner of the small noodle shop smiled helplessly and explained.

"The guest officer doesn't know, I was originally a small vendor in a nearby town, this store, in fact, has just opened in this Fangcun Mountain not long ago, I originally wanted to do business with the immortals on Fangcun Mountain, but I didn't think so. You immortals don't eat or drink at all, you are the first customer to visit our store."

"I see."

When Zhang Sanfeng heard this, the little abacus in his heart began to move.

This location is indeed a prime location. As for no one patronizing this small noodle shop, one is that all the descendants in the past two days have no spare money, and the other is to save upfront expenses, most people choose to catch it outside. Barbecue in the wild, which does not require money, but also fills the stomach, so that the owner of the small noodle restaurant thinks that these disciples of Fangcunshan are iron men who do not need to eat and drink.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't tell the owner of the small noodle restaurant about this. After all, he originally came to the nearby shop and fell in love with this shop at a glance. Although there are many empty shops nearby, the location of this shop is definitely the central point, so Zhang Sanfeng Come try your luck.

Who knew that when I came over to eat a bowl of noodles, I really encountered shit luck. I saw that the owner of the small noodle restaurant also had the idea of ​​selling the shop, so I asked while the iron was hot.

"Boss, I think your store's recent performance is not low, right?"

The owner of the small noodle restaurant said: "The rent is okay, but there is no business, and the rent seems to be expensive. If there is business, then the rent is nothing. Well, if I knew the business here was so bad, it would be better to just set up a small shop in the original town. The stall sells my Yangchun noodles."

Zhang Sanfeng heard the words, knew that the opportunity was coming, and said.

"I said boss, what you mean by this is that you want to transfer the shop."

The shop owner said: "Of course I want to transfer it, but no one will take over. It's in a bad hand. If someone is willing to take over, I won't earn the transfer fee. Just give me the money I bought the land deed as it is."

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