Zhang Sanfeng's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and asked.

"How much is your land deed?"

The owner of the small noodle restaurant also saw some clues and asked: "Little brother, do you want to buy my shop? If you really have this idea, I suggest you don't do it. It will definitely be a loss. You really want to buy this shop with all sincerity, at that price, [-] pennies, I also spent [-] pennies with you Fangcunshan a few days ago to buy this land deed?"


A title deed for such a good location is only [-] yuan?

What are you kidding?Fangcunshan is this poor and crazy, right?

Zhang Sanfeng didn't expect the land deed here to be so cheap, and he could buy a land deed for only [-] pennies.

Zhang Sanfeng has nearly [-] yuan in his hand. If he uses all of it to buy the land deeds in this free trade zone, he can buy more than [-] yuan. .

Chapter 1011

The owner of the small noodle restaurant saw Zhang Sanfeng staring blankly for a long time, so he said, "It's a bit expensive, but if you really want it, I can give you another hundred cents."

Zhang Sanfeng said, in order to avoid having too many dreams at night, "No need to surrender. I just thought about it carefully. Five thousand yuan is indeed reasonable. If you don't mind, boss, let's trade the land deed now."

The owner of the small noodle restaurant said happily after seeing Zhang Sanfeng so cheerful.

"Little brother is really happy, since that's the case, wait a moment, I'll get you the land deed."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded and watched the owner of the small noodle shop get into the back room.

After a while, the owner of the small noodle restaurant came out with a contract and said with a red face.

"Come on little brother, this is the title deed for this shop."

After he finished speaking, he put the title deed in front of Zhang Sanfeng's table.

Naturally, Zhang Sanfeng didn't take it lightly, he took out his wallet, counted [-] pennies and handed it to the owner of the small noodle restaurant, and then kicked the land deed into his arms.

"Boss, now that the transaction has been completed, when will we vacate this shop for me' "?"

The owner of the noodle shop said.

"Soon, my little noodle shop will have nothing, and it will be moved out soon."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and said, "There's no hurry, you can move slowly. Oh, by the way, where did you buy this land deed in the first place?"

Zhang Sanfeng learned that the shops here can buy land deeds so cheaply, so he began to think about whether to buy more shops.

After all, the vision of this small noodle shop is too low to see that it will become a lively trading area in the future. Doing business here, counting money and cramping hands.

In the future, the land deeds here may be more than millions of dollars for a shop.

The owner of the small noodle restaurant saw Zhang Sanfeng asking about this, so he answered: "Not far to the west, there is a plaque that says the management hall of Fangcunshan Trading Area, and it is inside."

Zhang Sanfeng ate the remaining Yangchun noodles in one bite, and praised: "Boss, your noodles are really delicious, thank you."

Talking about playing, he could not follow the words of the owner of the small noodle shop and search for the location to the west.

After searching for a long time, I finally found the management hall of the Fangcunshan trading area that the owner of the small noodle restaurant said.

Now the management hall of the trading area is the same as the entire trading area. The management hall is very busy. When the steward here sees someone coming in, he hurriedly greets him. Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng is wearing the clothes of a new disciple of Fangcunshan, he asks: "This junior brother, come here. Is it appropriate for Aoyi to go to the management hall?"

Hmph, Bai was happy.

How could a new disciple have the money to buy a shop?

Unexpectedly, Zhang Sanfeng surprised him as soon as he opened his mouth.

"."Senior brother, of course I'm here to buy a shop."

The director of the trading hall said.

"Don't come to have fun if you have nothing to do. Although the shops here are not expensive, they are still not affordable for you. Now the main target of investment in the trading area are those mortals at the foot of the mountain, so that they can serve the new disciples in the future."

(Wang Dehao) Zhang Sanfeng showed his original expression when he heard the words, so he threw the money bag on the manager's counter and said, "Brother, look, this money is enough to buy several shops."

Of course, Zhang Sanfeng asked this on purpose. He already knew from Xiaomianguan's boss how many kennels the shop sold at the beginning.

I saw the head of the trading hall weighed Zhang Sanfeng's purse a little, and looked at Zhang Sanfeng in shock: "Are you going to kill people and set fire? You have so much money."

Chapter 1012

Looking at the head of the trading hall, like a beggar seeing big money, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help laughing: "Of course not, these are all earned by me doing business."

Do business?

The manager of the trading hall said suspiciously.

"Do you really want to buy a store?"

Zhang Sanfeng nodded and said, "What am I doing here now if I don't buy the store?"

The manager of the trading hall nodded and said, "Yes, but according to the rules, I need to ask you what the shop does."

Zhang Sanfeng has not heard the owner of the small noodle shop talk about this process, it should be added by the manager of the trading area himself.

But there was no serious problem, he said, "Senior brother, I want to buy a shop to do business. As for what to do, I'll start selling medicine in a pharmacy for the time being."

The steward of the trading hall took a pen and pretended to write it down, and said: "Now the shops in our trading area are [-] pennies apiece. Take a look at how many you want."

When Zhang Sanfeng heard that the shop in the trading area asked for [-] cents a piece, he knew that the manager of Zege's trading hall was deliberately embezzling. For Zhang Sanfeng, a store of one thousand hundred articles is too cheap, and it is no longer a problem.

  "I want fifty stores. When my business is established, I will buy them again in the future."


The head of the trading hall took a breath.

This is too arrogant to buy fifty stores in one go.

"Are you sure you want to buy fifty stores?"

Anyway, the manager of the trading hall couldn't think of why Zhang Sanfeng bought so many stores. If he sells medicine, is one not enough?

Zhang Sanfeng will not explain too much to outsiders, and making a fortune in silence is the last word.

"That's right, brother, fifty."

The steward of the trading hall continued to write a note on the paper and said, "Okay, there are fifty stores, a total of [-] pennies. By the way, do you want to randomize the store address or choose a location."

Zhang Sanfeng raised his brows, almost forgot about it, and said.

"Just start buying around that small pastry."

That shop is the central point of the golden zone, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with buying all the empty shops around this shop.

Where does the manager of this trading hall have the concept of a golden zone? Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng was so quick to delineate a position, he saved himself the trouble, and then chatted, "But besides you, the owner of that small noodle shop came to buy the shop. ."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and did not tell the truth.

After all, you can't reveal all your ambitions at the beginning, otherwise you might encounter obstacles.

After finishing all the formalities, Zhang Sanfeng pocketed the land deeds for fifty stores.

Before leaving, he asked the manager of the trading hall: "Senior brother, if you want to find someone to take care of the shop, who should you call?"

The manager of the trading hall brightened up, and another big business came, and said: "Then you have found the right person, if you do not have a suitable candidate, then our trading hall will recommend suitable shop assistants and shopkeepers for you, and there are also professional The decoration service, everything is pure magic, strong and durable."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't expect that the trading hall would have so many services, so he said, "Well, how much does it cost to decorate a store? How much does it cost to hire a shop assistant and a shopkeeper for each store?"

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng really had intentions in this regard, the manager of the trading hall immediately grinned to his ears and said. .

Chapter 1013

"It's not expensive, it's very cheap. It costs [-] cents to renovate a store, but if you renovate [-] rooms at one time, it will be counted as [-] cents per shop decoration fee. In addition, a shopkeeper costs [-] cents a day, and a store clerk costs [-] cents a day. Five pennies a day."

What is good quality and low price, this is good quality and low price.

Zhang Sanfeng said directly: "Okay, do as you said. Within half a day, I want all these shops to be renovated, and they will start business this afternoon."

Now the steward of the trading hall completely regards Zhang Sanfeng as a rich man. There is no reason for him not to treat him well. He nodded and said, "Don't worry, Junior Brother, Senior Brother, I promise to do it properly for you."

After solving these matters, Zhang Sanfeng returned to the herbal medicine hall. After buying all the remaining nearly [-] yuan of the medicinal herbs that were refined back into the elixir, he directly took these medicinal herbs into the alchemy room behind the herbal medicine hall.

After spending the corresponding sect's contributions, the ten alchemy furnaces began to refine medicine pills almost at the same time, and the whole alchemy room in the backyard of the Herb Hall was in full swing because of the arrival of Zhang Sanfeng alone.

The alchemy furnace was continuously opened and changed. Zhang Sanfeng was so busy that he was sweating. Finally, after spending more than three hours, all the Huiling Pills were refined.

The Huiling Pill is indeed very easy to refine, and it is very simple, but it cannot stand the large amount of it.

At this moment, Zhang Sanfeng directly refined more than [-] to more than [-] pieces of medicinal herbs worth nearly [-] pennies.

If it is calculated according to twenty-five cents a piece, this batch of medicinal pills can be sold for six million cents. At that time, Zhang Sanfeng will have the strength to sell all the shops in Fangcheng, Shandong- .

Zhang Sanfeng's ambition is so great that he will not only buy all the shops in Dongfang City, but also all the shops in Xifang City. By then, the entire Fangcunshan trading area will be under his control.

Of course, this operation will never let the rest of the descendants find out.

What Zhang Sanfeng wants to control is not only the economic lifeline of Fangcunshan's trading area, he also wants to expand this model.

But for now, he also knows the truth that greed is not enough to chew, so he concentrates on getting Xifang City right.

After all the more than [-] Huiling Pills were installed, Zhang Sanfeng took them to Xifang City, which is the square market where the shops he ordered were located.

Right now, in Fangcun Mountain, only one descendant, Zhang Sanfeng, chose to buy a store in the trading area. The other descendants were either trying their best to complete the sect mission to improve their strength, or they were traveling in the mountains and water for leisure and entertainment. No one thought of coming to the trading area to buy a shop.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Of course, even if some people want to buy it, they don't have the economic strength to buy it for the time being. Even if the shops here are already cheap at [-] yuan from the beginning, no one cares.


Standing in front of the small noodle restaurant, the owner of the noodle restaurant had already removed everything that belonged to him, and the empty shops around the small noodle restaurant had also been renovated, all selling medicines.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't think of selling anything else for the time being, so he simply asked for all the medicines.

However, the names of these pharmacies must not be the same or similar, which can confuse others and make others think that this is not a pharmacy opened by the same owner.

Find the manager of the trading hall and ask to change the name of the pharmacy.

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