The steward also readily agreed and said, "Junior brother, what name do you remember? It's hard to come up with the names of fifty pharmacies at once, and it's very difficult for people to not see it at a glance. Don't you need a store name service?" Seven.

Chapter 1014

Good guy, this guy can do business better than me.

Zhang Sanfeng heard that there were [-] good guys in his heart, and now this guy is just staring at him and providing what he needs.

But it's okay, this way, there is VIP-level treatment.

It's right to think about it. In the entire Fangcun Mountain, there are two markets in the east and west. Except for a small noodle shop that closed down, only Zhang Sanfeng was left to open the shop. , so in the face of the only rich man who opened a shop with great generosity, it is impossible to justify without nodding and bowing.

After all, the sect has an assessment on the responsibilities of each disciple. If the assessment fails, the salary will be reduced. It is no wonder that the stewards of the trading hall are so hard-working and recommend various value-added services.

Zhang Sanfeng thought about it for a while, he had to think about the names of the fifty stores one by one, and he had to think about it for a long time.

"That, Senior Brother, I will only name my main pharmacy, it's called Yaowang Pavilion. In the future, the name of this pharmacy will go to major cities to spread its branches and leaves. You have to make me a golden signboard for the signboard, and the rest It's up to you to think about the name of the pharmacy, by the way, how do you charge for the name?"

When the manager of the trading hall heard this, his eyes flashed, and he said quickly.

"Junior brother, don't worry, the signboard of Yaowang Pavilion will definitely shine for you. As for the name fee, I'll just give you the wholesale price, ten cents a piece."

Ten cents for a shop name is really a drop in the bucket for Zhang Sanfen's contribution value, and fifty signboard names add up to only five hundred cents.

But for ordinary descendants, this is equivalent to half of the copper coins rewarded for completing a dangerous sect mission, and death is expensive.

Fortunately, Zhang Sanfeng now has money. As long as this batch can be sold, it will be easy to earn several million a day.

Seeing the attentive appearance of the head of the trading hall, Zhang Sanfeng was embarrassed to refuse, and there was no need to refuse, so he said while walking.

"Alright then, I'll ask you, senior brother, for the signs of the fifty sub-stores, but they must not be named too similar to let others see at a glance that this is a drugstore opened by the same owner."

The head of the trading hall quickly nodded and assured: "This is it, junior brother, don't worry, with my literary talent, I will definitely not leak water, and ordinary people will never see it. Even the decoration style is given fifty different styles, so Who knows that the shop is opened by you alone, I don't believe it..."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded when he heard the words, and said with a smile, "That's a good feeling, brother, just do your best. In the future, the shop transaction tax here will be covered by me."

Opening a shop in Fangcunshan and buying a land deed does not mean that you don't have to pay Fangcunshan rent, but it is converted into a transaction tax.

That is, each store has a certain amount of tax.

Of course, the tax rate is different, divided into several grades.

Moreover, the tax rate of each industry is different. The specifics are all made by the trading hall, as long as the tasks stipulated by the sect can be completed every month.

In fact, Fangcunshan is also the first time to engage in this kind of trading area, so he is not very good at this aspect, let alone the manager of the trading hall who manages Xifang City.

Zhang Sanfeng pinched his nose as he walked, and said to the head of the trading hall who was following him to investigate. .

Chapter 1015

"Senior brother, I think this transaction tax, can we lower it a little more?"

Zhang Sanfeng had seen in the trading hall before that the transaction tax of all his stores was [-]%.

To be honest, the tax rate is not too high, but not too low.

Therefore, Zhang Sanfeng thought about this issue directly to the manager of the trading hall in order to strive for greater interests.

However, when the manager of the trading hall heard that Zhang Sanfeng took over for this, his face suddenly turned green, and he said, "Junior brother, it's not that I don't want to lower it for you, the key is that the sect has given me a task. If I don't meet the standards set by the sect, then I will be finished, this position will definitely be topped by others, then it will not be so easy for you to find someone who can talk like me."

Zhang Sanfeng heard the words, and this is indeed the truth, but he still did not give up, and asked again: "Then, Senior Brother, I have a question and I don't know if I should ask you."

The head of the trading hall said: "Oh, I'm all my own people, just say something directly."

Zhang Sanfeng laughed.

"It stands to reason that it is the first time that Fangcunshan has opened the Dongxifang Market, and everyone does not have sufficient experience in this area. It stands to reason that the tax collection task for the trading hall in the first month of the sect should not be high... …”

As Zhang Sanfeng spoke, he turned around again, and continued to pursue topics related to taxes and fees.

The head of the trading hall had nothing to do with Zhang Sanfeng, and said, "It's not high. You only need to collect a tax of [-] pennies in the first month, even if you pass it."

Only need to charge [-] taxes a month to pass?

When Zhang Sanfeng heard this, he immediately came to the spirit. What does this mean?

That means there's still plenty of room to maneuver inside.

After all, the trading hall in Xifang City needs to collect enough tax of [-] yuan within a month and hand it over to the sect.

One hundred thousand a month, that is to say, you only need to receive about [-] yuan in taxes a day to pass.

Although Xifang City has not received a penny of tax since the market opened for two days now, the only small noodle restaurant was opened when Su Chen came.

But it only takes Zhang Sanfeng's fifty pharmacies to open, and all these medicines are sold, enough to generate a transaction volume of more than [-] million pennies.

Six million pennies took out [-]% of the tax, which turned out to be as high as [-].

And this is just one day's tax. In the days to come, Zhang Sanfeng's pharmacy will definitely become more and more popular.

Even if it is only calculated according to today's tax, [-] a day, a month is more than [-] million tax.

It is a hundred and thirty-five times higher than the one hundred thousand tax per month stipulated by the sect.

There's just too much room to work on here.

Zhang Sanfeng said calmly: "Senior brother, why do the sects have to give such a high tax collection task in the first month? Without me opening a shop here, you probably wouldn't be able to receive so much tax if you sold yourself."

This is of course Zhang Sanfeng's intention, mainly to suppress the psychological expectations of the manager of the trading hall and put him at a natural disadvantage in this negotiation.

You see, if Lao Tzu doesn't come, you won't receive a penny, and you won't give Lao Tzu a drop.

Of course, what Zhang Sanfeng wanted was more than just a small drop.

After all, at least [-] million in taxes will be paid a month, which will make anyone feel distressed.

When the manager of the trading hall heard Zhang Sanfeng say this, he immediately felt the same way and said. .

Chapter 1016

"Who said it wasn't, no one came to buy shop in Xifang City. There was a small noodle restaurant before, and it never opened. Where can I go and pay [-] tax to the sect in a month, but it's better now. , Junior Brother, you are here, this one hundred thousand tax is not trivial."

Zhang Tiantian knew that the head of the trading hall also had his own little abacus, and now the little abacus in his heart was crackling, but how could Zhang Sanfeng let him get his wish easily?

"Brother, to be honest, I won't hide it from you. My shop can indeed make money, but it won't make too much, mainly because of small profits but quick turnover, so I still hope to reduce the tax rate. a little."

Zhang Sanfeng knew that the manager of the trading hall would definitely not agree to it easily, but he was not in a hurry. Anyway, he still had a backer, so he was waiting for him to answer.

When the manager of the trading hall heard this, his face was as ugly as a dead old mother at home, and he said, "Junior brother, it's not that I won't help you, it's just that I can't do anything. If I can help you, I'd love to give you a free fee, and then you will pay for it every month. Give me some... that what, you say yes or no, then hello, me, everyone, but unfortunately, it won't work' "".

Zhang Sanfeng knew that he would say this, and he did not feel discouraged, but changed his angle and said, "Senior brother, since you have said this, then let's open the door and speak eloquently. In your opinion, the sect is for Xifang City. Will the tax collection task of the Exchange always be [-] yuan?"

The head of the trading hall thought for a while, shook his head, and said.

"That's definitely not the case. As long as the mission meets the standard, it is estimated that it will rise next month."

Zhang Sanfeng continued.

"If this month's mission is met, and the mission's target is increased next month, then these stores of mine have so little revenue every month, will they reach the top one day?"

The trading hall steward didn't even think about it.

"For now, it's true, but I don't know if anyone else will open stores in the future. After all, so many stores in Xifang City are empty. Junior Brother, your fifty stores account for % of the total in Xifang City. There are more than [-] empty shops in Xifang City, and if someone comes to buy a shop or rent a shop, the tax will naturally be higher, so I won’t just rely on you, junior and senior.”

This is quite right, no matter how strong Zhang Sanfeng's economic strength is, it is impossible to win all the shops in the entire Xifang City, but Zhang Sanfeng has a bold idea, that is, at least [-]%.

After all, this trading hall manager is different from Zhang Sanfeng. Zhang Sanfeng is the descendant, and the information he knows, the trading hall manager does not know at all.

Now Fangcunshan has hundreds of thousands of rookie disciples a day, it's nothing, and more and more rookie disciples will join in the future. You must know that when Zhang Sanfeng took the teleportation talisman out of the village, there were still a lot of descendants who had just entered Xingxing. Huacun, and many of those who entered Xinghuacun before (Wang Dezhao) wandered around the third floor of the Body Refinement.

That is to say, even if Zhang Sanfeng has been out of the village for almost two days, in fact the main force is still in the original village, and even the descendants who leave the village the next day are only the vanguard.

It is conceivable that the entire Fangcun Mountain will be overcrowded when the real tide of troops emerges from the village. By then, Xifang City, which has only more than [-] shops, will be completely overcrowded. .

Chapter 1017

Zhang Sanfeng would definitely not tell the manager of the trading hall about this information, and he continued: "Senior brother, you are right, but have you ever thought about why those brothers and sisters don't come here to open a shop? I am the only one. People?"

The steward of the trading hall shook his head and said that he didn't think it through, because the shop here was not expensive at the beginning.

"I've been thinking about this for a long time, but I haven't figured it out yet. According to the instructions from the sect, in order to allow us to establish a square market in Fangcunshan as soon as possible, the first [-] shops in Fangshi are sold directly with land deeds at the lowest price. But still no one came to sell it, it's really nerve-racking, I don't know what these new disciples think."

What else can I think, the information dissemination is slow and there is no money in it.

You must know that upgrading martial arts exercises is particularly expensive.

Zhang Sanfeng said from the bottom of his heart, but he said, "It's not that everyone is not optimistic about our Fangcun Mountain. If everyone was optimistic, they would have come to buy the store crazily, right?"

The manager of the trading hall nodded. These days have been enough to explain everything. Even the new disciples who come to this place are very few, and most of them crowded to the hill on the other side of the mission hall.

"Actually, I'm not going to hide it from you, junior brother. According to my observations these days, I am not very optimistic about our market. There are too few people. How can we do business? There will be more."

The head of the trading hall complained while comforting Zhang Sanfeng, making Zhang Sanfeng feel a little embarrassed.

Pretending to cough, Zhang Sanfeng continued to flicker: "Maybe it's really like what you said, the market should become lively in the future. Anyway, I bought all my shops, I'm not in a hurry, I can't sell them. You don’t need to pay taxes if you sell things, but can you afford to wait, brother?”

When the manager of the trading hall heard this, it was as if the fog in front of him had suddenly been cleared, and he suddenly realized: "Yes, I can't wait (bhah), if I can't pay the taxes every day, my errand will definitely be taken by others. Top off, Junior Brother, is there anything you can do?"

Zhang Sanfeng said calmly.

"Senior brother, I do have a good way. It won't hurt the interests of the sect too much, and I can also do hello to me and everyone."

When the manager of the trading hall heard it, he was very interested, and the whole person felt refreshed.

"Junior brother, tell me quickly, I'm all ears, as long as it doesn't harm the interests of the sect, I'll listen to you."

Zhang Sanfeng secretly laughed in his heart, and finally got hooked.

"It's still the same old question, you lower the transaction tax for me, and I'll do activities to attract those new disciples to buy things. As long as there are more people, are you still afraid that your shop in Xifang City will not be able to sell? In this way, when the time comes Still haven't stabilized Dongfang City?"

The head of the trading hall had a solemn expression when he heard the words, and other things were easy for him to talk about, that is, the reduction of the transaction tax. Taxes must be reduced.

In this way, there is not much tax revenue in itself, and it will be lower at that time.

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