"Junior brother, I understand what you are saying, but it is too difficult to reduce the transaction tax. Think about it, there is not much tax revenue in the first place, and if you reduce it, it will be even worse. Junior brother, you have to be kind. , you can't just take care of yourself."

Chapter 1018

Zhang Sanfeng disagreed, and continued: "Senior brother, why am I only caring about myself? You want to be wrong. What is the purpose of lowering the transaction tax? In order to attract more new disciples to come to our Xifang City to buy things, as long as there are enough things It's cheap, and many people will definitely buy it, you can just rest assured."

The head of the trading hall thought about it, and it did make some sense.

"It's still junior brother, you have a broad vision and know how to actively sacrifice your own interests to attract customers to the market. If that's the case, then it's fine. As long as you can complete the taxation task of the trading hall this month, I will reduce the transaction tax to [-] yuan for you. three-thirds."

"But you have to agree in advance. If the tax received by the trading hall is less than [-] pennies within a month, the future transaction tax of all your stores will rise to ~[-]%."

This is already the biggest concession that the head of the trading hall feels, and it will not work even an inch.

However, when Zhang Sanfeng heard [-]%, he still shook his head in dissatisfaction.

"Senior brother is confused, why do you still charge [-]% of the transaction tax?"

The head of the trading hall looked a little displeased at this time. This is the biggest concession he can make. Why is this junior brother so greedy? He will use the [-]% tax rate to collect the full [-] pennies. Zhang Sanfeng, you have to pay within a month. A running account of more than [-] million yuan was sold.

It's so hard okay.

"Junior brother, just accept it when you see it, three percent is already very low."

Zhang Sanfeng still shook his head, expressing his disagreement.

The head of the trading hall had no choice but to ask, "How much transaction tax do you want to charge, Junior Brother?"

Zhang Sanfeng then smiled and stretched out a finger and said, "One percent."

The head of the trading hall looked like you were crazy.

"Impossible. Two percent is impossible, and one percent is still there. If only one percent is taxed, where does the two percent go?"

Zhang Sanfeng has a plan.

"This two percent is naturally not for the sect."

The manager of the trading hall was stunned and asked, "Who is it that is not for the sect?"

Zhang Sanfeng continued.

"The two percent, one of which is mine, and the other one percent, it must be used to reward you, Senior Brother."

After hearing this, the manager of the trading hall opened his mouth so wide that he could put an egg in it.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and nodded, confirming.

"That's right, it's for you, senior brother. The three percent is one for the sect, one for you, and one for me. Everyone is happy."

The remaining ninety-seven percent are my own, and everyone is really happy.

The head of the trading hall didn't know how powerful this [-]% was at first, but after thinking about it carefully, the sect was also [-]%, so wouldn't that mean that the sect had the same amount as him?


At least [-] yuan a month?

No, no, it's too much.

"Junior brother, there are too many wives. I only need one tenth of the one percent, and the rest is for the sect."

In this regard, Zhang Sanfeng had to sigh with emotion, this person really still has a sect in his heart.

But if he knew that even if he only took one-thousandth, he could get [-] pennies a day, and at least [-] pennies a month, which is still much more than he imagined. Got scared to death.

After all, he is just a small steward, and his monthly salary is only that much.

Zhang Sanfeng also knew that he would definitely not dare to take one percent, and one thousandth was enough for him.seven.

Chapter 1019

"Well, let's do it like this. The sect collects [-] percent of the transaction tax, and the remaining [-]/[-] is for me to reward my senior brother personally."

In fact, there are trading hall stewards in Fang City, which can save a lot of trouble, and the thousandth of the cost is also worth it.

After Zhang Sanfeng did this, the manager of the trading hall now felt that his mind was a mess, and he was not very sober, and said, "Junior brother, you must ensure that the sect receives [-] tax dollars every month. , otherwise, senior brother, I, the manager of the trading hall, will not have to do it."

Zhang Sanfeng patted the head of the trading hall on the shoulder and said.

"Everything is ready now, I only owe Dongfeng, senior brother, don't worry. By the way, senior brother, do you have anything to do now?"

The head of the trading hall is even more confused now, said.

"What can I do, I'm free."

Zhang Sanfeng said again.

"Since it's all right, senior brother, go to the mission hall with me now to solicit business."

The manager of the trading hall looked at Zhang Sanfeng in disbelief, and said, "Junior brother, what do you mean? If there is a shortage of juniors who are recruiting business, I can help you find a few handymen disciples, but you can get the wages. out by yourself."

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and said.

"Today, you have to be the steward of the trading hall. Don't forget your identity. With your identity, you will not be trusted by a lot of people when you say hello at the door of the mission hall."

The head of the trading hall had a look in front of him, yes, why didn't I expect it.

"Junior brother is right. The decoration here should be almost done. I will order someone to put up the signboard, and then we will go to the mission hall."

After finishing speaking, the manager of the trading hall turned back and ordered people to do things, while Zhang Sanfeng started to go around various pharmacies, and by the way, returned the only medicines of the current category to the shopkeepers of each store, and then set the price, twenty-five cents a piece, one-time Buy ten and get [-]% off.

After all this was done, the manager of the trading hall brought the signboard with someone and asked them to hang it from shop to shop.

The main pharmacy selected by Zhang Sanfeng has a plaque with golden characters on the Medicine King Pavilion.

This main pharmacy is just opposite the small noodle shop.

As for what kind of shop the small noodle restaurant will be used for, Zhang Sanfeng hasn't decided yet, so he hasn't moved it for the time being.

One of the reasons why Zhang Sanfeng let fifty shops sell medicines at one time is because now there is nothing else to sell except Huiling Pill.  …

The second is to hide people's eyes and ears, so that others don't know that Huiling Pill is actually from one person, so that they will willingly pay for it. After all, the price of so many drugstores is the same, and it must be this price.

That way, no one will know that he is a black-hearted businessman.

As for the future when someone gets the Huiling Pill and knows that the medicinal material is extremely cheap, it will be a matter of the future.

Maybe there will be a new Dan recipe by then.

These Zhang Sanfeng don't care, he only cares about how to make the most money with the fastest speed.

After all the signboards of the fifty pharmacies were hung up, Zhang Sanfeng took the manager of the trading hall to the top of the mission hall.

On the way, because I didn't know the name of the manager of the trading hall, I asked, "Senior brother, I have known each other for so long, but I still don't know your name."

The manager of the trading hall walked back with some trepidation, "My name is Liu Hong."

Zhang Sanfeng gave full face and said, "It turned out to be Senior Brother Liu, as expected."

The head of the trading hall, Liu Honghan, smiled and clasped his fists.

"Junior brother is polite.".

Chapter 1020

The two came to the top of the mission hall. Compared with Xifang City, it can be said that there is a world of difference, and it is very lively.

In particular, the threshold of the mission hall was almost smashed by the new disciples.

The door of the trading hall can only be described as a door.

Liu Hong looked at the lively voice of the Mission Hall, and felt very emotional in his heart. He envied Zhang Sanfeng: "When will our Xifang City be so lively."

Seeing Liu 17hong's envious eyes, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but feel a little amused, and said, "Don't worry, Senior Brother Liu, don't be shy, don't be shy, Xifang City will be visited by so many people soon. "

After all, this is free labor, and Zhang Sanfeng has to make good use of it.

Liu Hong then asked, "Junior brother, how do you shout later, you teach me again."

Zhang Sanfeng has taught it a dozen times along the way, but Liu Hong still can't remember it, he has no choice but to continue teaching in a low voice: "New people look at me, the new medicine in Xifang City's Yaowang Pavilion is on the shelves, twenty Five cents of money will be returned to the Lingdan, and you will get a [-]% discount when you buy ten at a time, and you can go to the Yaowang Pavilion in Xifang City as soon as you want to buy it.”

Liu Hong tried his best to memorize it again, expressing that he would definitely do it this time.

I saw Liu Hong came to the door of the mission hall and shouted at the top of his voice.

"The new people look at me. The new medicines in the Yaowang Pavilion in Xifang City are on the shelves. Twenty-five pills for a penny will be returned to the elixir. If you buy [-] pills, you will get a [-]% discount. If you want to buy them, go to the Yaowang Pavilion in Xifang City."

Zhang Sanfeng thought that this time he was sure to do it this time, but he didn't expect Liu Hong to read it wrong again, and he didn't realize that he read it wrong after reading it wrong, and was still shouting again and again.

This Liu Hong's identity is not ordinary, and the martial arts clothes he wears are not ordinary martial arts newcomers' clothes for comparison. His shouting immediately attracted the attention of everyone outside the mission hall.

"Damn, twenty-five Huiling Pills are sold for a penny? Buy nine and get a [-]% discount, so cheap?"

"This person seems to be a steward of our sect, it must be true."

"Let's go, where is Xifang City, I'm going to buy back the elixir."

"It's really cheap. Yesterday, a female clerk here actually sold twenty-five cents a piece. It's too pitiful. The internal medicine stores of other schools only sell twenty-five cents for one cent."

All of a sudden, all the newcomers around the mission hall boiled, and they were all stunned by the twenty-five pennies of a Huiling Pill in Liu Hong's mouth, and they all began to ask Liu Hong where Xifang City was.

And Liu Hong didn't realize the mistake at all. Seeing someone asked, he pointed in the direction very enthusiastically.

"It's on the first hill in that direction, everyone hurry up and buy it, the first batch of goods is not much."

Although most people took what Liu Hong said was true, some people still realized that it was wrong.

"Why is it that you can only exchange a little sect contribution in the mission hall to exchange for ten Huiling Pills, but the Medicine King Pavilion is sold so cheaply, I always feel that the steward of this sect has said the opposite."

"Hey, who cares, do you think it's the other way around? Anyway, to be honest, even if it's twenty-five cents a piece, it's more cost-effective than spending a little sect contribution in the mission hall to exchange ten pieces."

"You're right, let's go and have a look."

Zhang Sanfeng originally wanted to go directly to correct Liu Hong's mistakes, but seeing that Liu Hong's false propaganda played a bigger role, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly. .

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