Chapter 1021

Normal people know that it is impossible to return twenty-five elixir for a penny.

And the current sect newcomers just suffer from nowhere to spend copper money to buy back the elixir.

After all, the contribution of completing a sect mission is only ten points, and the copper reward for completing a sect mission is [-] yuan.

Therefore, new people are more willing to use copper money to buy Hui Lingdan.

Although copper coins will also have a very large consumption in the future.

But at present, almost everyone is working hard towards the basic method of Bodhi Seal that all disciples of Fangcun Mountain need to have, so they can only save the contribution of the sect.

Of course, some people don't need to return to the magic pill, but in that case, after each battle, it takes a certain amount of time to meditate to restore mana, which is really a waste of time.

Watching the crowd gradually rush towards Xifang City, the smile on Zhang Sanfeng's face became brighter and brighter. These are all money.

At this time, in Zhang Sanfeng's eyes, these people seemed to be walking coins.

At this time, Liu Hong also looked at Zhang Sanfeng's side, and at the same time showed a smug smile, as if to say, how about Junior Brother, I will say it will definitely work this time.

Zhang Sanfeng gestured to Liu Hong to stop idle and continue to promote, while he himself followed the crowd to Xifang City.

When the first group of people rushed to Xifang City, they found out that Liu Hong had cheated, but they all came. Except here, there seems to be no place to sell Lingdan around Fangcun Mountain, so buy some.

Although these people would also curse and say that Liu Hong was lying, but one by one, they still paid for it while scolding. After all, it seemed that only drugstores like Xifang City sold the elixir back.

"I didn't expect that there are forty or fifty pharmacies opened in Xifang City, and they all sell at similar prices. It seems that this is the price'".

"Forget it, don't pick it up, I heard that a kid also sold the elixir back in the mission hall yesterday. It seems that he also sold it for twenty-five cents a piece. After deducting the cost and the cost of the store, it should be sold for this price. "

"Yeah, I also think it's quite conscientious. Anyway, I don't believe it's really twenty-five for a penny."

The crowd began to line up to buy back the elixir, and many people began to discuss whether the price of the elixir was reasonable.

Of course, most people say that the price is acceptable.

Zhang Sanfeng watched as dozens of drugstores kept selling Huiling Pills, and his heart blossomed with joy.

However, seeing that there were more and more people coming from the mission hall to Xifang City, Zhang Sanfeng estimated that his batch of more than [-] Huiling Pills was not enough to sell.

So he started going in from the backyards of various pharmacies and collected the money collected.

I have to say that with just one or two sticks of incense, fifty stores actually sold goods for one million pennies.

On average, each family sold [-] yuan. What is this concept?

Zhang Sanfeng knew that if he didn't act, these pharmacies would soon be out of stock.

So I hurried to the Herbal Hall to buy the medicinal materials for refining the Lingdan.

(Wang Liao's) Under the shocked eyes of the steward of the Herbal Hall, Zhang Sanfeng entered the alchemy room county with medicinal materials worth one million pennies.

That's right, Zhang Sanfeng bought medicinal materials worth one million pennies at one time this time, and invested all the copper coins he collected from various pharmacies.

". "If it goes well, this one million yuan of medicinal materials can be refined into [-] million yuan worth of Huiling Pill, but even if it is fully refined, it will be enough to sell for a while.".

Chapter 1022

"After training this batch of medicinal pills, it should be able to sell for a while."

Zhang Sanfeng kept going back and forth between the alchemy rooms, constantly placing the herbs in the alchemy furnace, and then continuously collecting the refined Huiling Pills.

As time passed, more and more medicinal pills were in Zhang Sanfeng's baggage.

Fortunately, in the False God Realm, the same item can be stacked infinitely when placed in a baggage, otherwise Zhang Sanfeng would not know how to place so many medicinal pills.

About half a day later, Zhang Sanfeng refined a batch of Huiling Pills worth [-] million pennies, and then quickly sent all these Huiling Pills to various pharmacies in Xifang City.

"Just in time."

Zhang Sanfeng saw that as long as he arrived later than half a column of incense, various pharmacies would be out of stock.

After quickly sending the Huiling Pill to each pharmacy in batches, the crisis of out-of-stock was finally avoided.

At the same time, Zhang Sanfeng also collected the [-] million earned by selling the pharmacies back to Lingdan.

As for the transaction tax, it will not be handed over to the trading hall until the end of the day, so there is no need to pay it now.

Of course, even if the trading hall doesn't look at how much you bought, they can know the transaction amount of each store through the array method, so there is no need to worry about the store making false accounts.

Zhang Sanfeng now has [-] million yuan in his hand. As long as this money is used well, it can generate even greater (bhah) income.

After thinking about how the money should be spent, Zhang Sanfeng ran directly to the door of the mission hall and called Liu Hong back.

"Brother Liu, come with me quickly."

Zhang Sanfeng took Liu Hong directly and went to Xifang City.

Liu Hong wondered what Zhang Sanfeng meant and asked.

"Junior brother, why are you in such a hurry?"

Zhang Sanfeng said while walking.

"Of course it's a good thing."

He did not choose to say it clearly, but chose to take Liu Hong to the trading hall in Xifang City.

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng didn't say anything, Liu Hong had no choice but to follow along. After all, he was a rich man, but he couldn't afford to offend him now.

After coming to the trading hall, Zhang Sanfeng directly threw the purse containing five million pennies to Liu Hong and said.

"Brother Liu, hurry up and go through the formalities for me."

Liu Hong took the purse and looked at the five million pennies in it. He was immediately shocked. Is this too much money?All for me?

"Junior brother, this, this is not good, all the money is given to me?"

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Liu Hong like an idiot, and said angrily, "Brother Liu, what are you thinking? This is not for you. I want to buy a shop next, and this time give me a thousand land deeds."

When Liu Hong heard the words, he was so startled that he sat on the ground and said in a panic.

"You want to buy a thousand stores? No, junior brother, you already have fifty stores, why do you still want to buy them?"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and said.

"Anyway, no one buys from so many shops in Xifang City."

Liu Hong was a little confused.

"But if you want to buy a thousand stores at a time, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to manage them at that time?"

Zhang Sanfeng replied.

"How is it possible, I can't manage it with my ability, and can't I recruit handyman disciples to work?"

Liu Hong continued: "But why did you buy a thousand shops and use them all to open a pharmacy? It won't be a loss to you."

When Zhang Sanfeng heard the words, he said how could he possibly lose money, and then laughed.

"Don't worry about this senior brother, you will never lose money, and I can't just open a pharmacy, it will definitely involve various industries.".

Chapter 1023

"And Brother Liu, guess where the five million yuan came from?"

Zhang Sanfeng pointed to the purse in Liu Hong's hand and asked deliberately.

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng's posture, Liu Hong naturally guessed it a bit, but he still guessed in disbelief: "Isn't it all the money earned from the pills sold this morning? It sold five million in one morning. ?"

Liu Hong couldn't believe that he could actually sell it for so much money, and it only took one morning.

What a horrific number, I've never seen that much money in my life.

When Zhang Sanfeng saw Liu Hong's ignorant appearance, he couldn't help laughing in his heart. How could he have seen five million for this kind of ordinary steward who has been receiving monthly salary all his life.

"Senior Brother Liu, now you finally see my ability to do business, right? I have a turnover of [-] million in one morning, and I plan to add five counters to each store to sell goods, that is, add a few more juniors to sell together. Goods, as long as the supply of medicinal herbs is available, the turnover will have to double several times in a morning."

Hearing that, Liu Hong did not doubt Zhang Sanfeng's words at all. After all, the five million pennies are now in his hands.

"But Junior Brother..."

Zhang Sanfeng directly interrupted Liu Hong~'s words and said.

"Brother Liu, don't be rude, and quickly get things done for me-."

In fact, Liu Hong does have some hidden meanings. Although there is no rule in the school that one person can't buy so many stores, but Zhang Sanfeng took advantage of it like this.

At the same time, Liu Hong didn't dare to offend Zhang Sanfeng now. After all, he had a preliminary understanding of Zhang Sanfeng's ability.

But just this preliminary understanding has directly refreshed his three views. In his opinion, Zhang Sanfeng will definitely grow into the core figure in the sect in the future. If he refuses his request now, Zhang Sanfeng will be promoted to Fangcun in the future. At the top of the mountain, if he is still the head of Fangcun Mountain, then it will be enough for him to eat a pot.

In such an instant, Liu Hong thought a lot, and finally decided to compromise with Zhang Sanfeng.

Anyway, the sect does not stipulate that the same person can't buy so many shops now. When the time comes, I will really blame it, and I can find an excuse to say that there is no rule before.

You can't offend Zhang Sanfeng because of this.

And how much is one thousandth of five million yuan?

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

[-] pennies, he just shouted in the mission hall for a while this morning, and he was able to get [-] pennies.

To be honest, Liu Hong feels very happy to cooperate with Zhang Sanfeng, because if it is really like what Zhang Sanfeng said, even if he only gets one-thousandth of the dividend in the future, it will be many times higher than his monthly salary.

...... 0

"Okay, Junior Brother, I'll handle the land deeds for a thousand shops for you. By the way, Junior Brother, you can choose any land deeds in Xifang City you want."

Liu Hong is now also determined to fight with Zhang Sanfeng.

After all, he could see at a glance that Zhang Sanfeng would be either a dragon or a phoenix in the future.

Seeing Liu Hong's agreement, Zhang Sanfeng also showed a ruthless smile.

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