Watching Liu Hong keep swiping and writing, Zhang Sanfeng asked aside.

"Senior Brother Liu, do you know of any place that sells alchemy furnaces?"

The brush in Liu Hong's hand paused and asked curiously.

"Why, Junior Brother, do you still want to buy an alchemy furnace? Those things are not cheap at all. I suggest you to use the alchemy furnace in the sect first." Seven.

Chapter 1024

Seeing Liu Hong say this, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but be curious about the price of the alchemy furnace.

"Is the alchemy furnace expensive? How much is one?"

Liu Hong thought for a while and said, "As far as I know, the lowest-grade alchemy furnace costs more than [-] yuan a piece, which is expensive."

Zhang Sanfeng was a little speechless. Compared with the materials for refining the Spiritual Pill, a alchemy furnace with the lowest rank can be called a sky-high price.

But it's no wonder that it's not surprising, after all, it's quite normal for the tools to produce medicinal pills to be a little more expensive.

"It's a little expensive, so just buy a hundred alchemy furnaces at one time."

Liu Hong was still keeping some good land deeds, but when he heard Zhang Sanfeng actually said that he wanted to buy [-] alchemy furnaces at one time, the pen tip went to the wrong place in an instant, and a good land deed was just scrapped.

"One, a hundred alchemy furnaces? My darling, junior brother, are you kidding me? A hundred alchemy furnaces add up to more than [-] million yuan. Do you have so much money on hand now? ?"

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and said mysteriously, "It's definitely not there now, but there will be soon."

The reason why [-] stores only sold the Huiling Pill for [-] million pennies in one morning was actually a large part of the reason why Zhang Sanfeng told the shopkeepers to delay the time as much as possible, otherwise they would go all out to sell, and Zhang Sanfeng would have sold it before he arrived. out of stock.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Sanfeng has the confidence to say such a thing.

Liu Hong now admires Zhang Sanfeng, and has no doubts about his words.

"Junior brother, you are really too good. By the way, if you buy a hundred alchemy furnaces, can you make them? Although it does not require very clever alchemy skills to refine the elixir, you must be alone. It's impossible to use so many alchemy furnaces at one time, right?"

Zhang Sanfeng nodded, this time Liu Hong was right.

"I definitely can't play a hundred alchemy furnaces by myself, but I can recruit some handyman disciples to be alchemy boys, and let them make medicine for me, saving me from working all day long to get back the elixir, you know I still have a lot to do."

In order to maximize the value of the Huiling Pill, Zhang Sanfeng has been putting all his energy into opening a store. This is indeed very beneficial, but it also delays some time for Zhang Sanfeng to improve his strength...  .....

Hearing that, Liu Hong also knew that Zhang Sanfeng was going to be a big player, so he said directly: "You want to recruit handyman disciples to be alchemy boys? That's easy. I can help you find them."

Zhang Sanfeng actually had the same intention, and asked Liu Hong to help him find some handymen disciples.

After all, this guy is getting paid one-thousandth of his transaction volume, so he has to do something for himself.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Senior Brother Liu."

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly thought that Liu Hong had not told himself where to buy the alchemy furnace, so he asked.

"Brother Liu, where are the alchemy furnaces sold?"

Only then did Liu Hong realize that he had not answered the question that Zhang Sanfeng asked before, and he was a little embarrassed.

"The alchemy furnace is sold in our Refining Hall in Fangcun Mountain. It's on the top of the mountain next door. Would you like me to take you to find it?"

After Zhang Sanfeng got this information, he waved his hand and said.

"Senior brother, you continue to apply for the land deed for me, and I will just go by myself."

After speaking, Zhang Sanfeng left the trading hall without looking back, and went straight to the street where fifty pharmacies were located. Along the way, he could see many newcomers from the sect hanging out here. .

Chapter 1025

This small area of ​​Xifang City has also become lively because of the opening of fifty pharmacies, and the business of each pharmacy is in full swing.

Although the fifty pharmacies are now doing their best to sell, it is impossible to sell them [-] to [-] million yuan directly, so now they can only sit in the small noodle shop and drink tea while waiting.

Zhang Sanfeng sipped his tea comfortably, while watching the crowds of people buying medicinal pills coming and going in and out of various pharmacies, he was constantly thinking about it.

"Wait until the [-] low-priced shops in Xifang City are finished, and then go to Dongfang City to buy all those [-] low-priced shops."

Zhang Sanfeng learned this information from Liu Hong's mouth before.

It turns out that the reason why Fang Market in Fangcun Mountain only sells one store for 17 coins is because the top [-] sects want to make the Fang Market active as soon as possible, so the first [-] shops are all sold at low prices, which is also huge. Zhang Sanfeng is cheaper.

After all, most of the dealers don't have [-] yuan to buy a store. Even if they do, what will he sell after the [-] yuan buys the store?

There doesn't seem to be anything to sell right now.

But Zhang Sanfeng is different. Zhang Sanfeng has a pill recipe that can not only refine the magic pill, but also can refine the special effect pill, which allows him to quickly turn his money around after buying a store. .

Otherwise, if you are an ordinary person, even if you buy a store, you don’t know what to use it for, so not many people think about buying a store now.

And in the future, with the influx of Fangcunshan's sect newcomers, the [-] pharmacies will definitely be filled directly, and the transfer money of each store can be sold at sky-high prices.

However, if it is not for special circumstances, Zhang Sanfeng will not sell these shops in the future. Even if they are rented to others for business, it is still a good income.

In short, Zhang Sanfeng must try his best to buy empty shops while he has funds now.

Not only do you have to buy all the low-priced pavilions in Fangcunshan, but you also need to go to major cities and major locations to purchase them in advance, and even if possible, go to other sects to buy low-priced pavilions.

After all, Fang Cunshan can make such a decision, and other sects must also have this idea.

To be honest, Zhang Sanfeng never thought of becoming a wealthy rival.

But when he learned that among the sects in the False God Realm, upgrading the sect's exercises requires a lot of copper money, and then he moved his thoughts in this regard.

The ultimate purpose of doing this is also to pave the way for becoming stronger in the future. You must know that Zhang Sanfeng has a very keen insight on how to make himself stronger. As long as he has the opportunity, he will never let it go.

This is also the reason why Zhang Sanfeng made this series of actions only after he obtained the lowest-level Lingling Pill Recipe.

Otherwise, after most people get the pill, they can refine it by themselves, and then put it on the street to sell it or simply use it only for themselves.

It will never develop into something like Zhang Sanfeng, who is buying empty shops and planning for the future.

After waiting for about an hour, Zhang Sanfeng felt that the time was almost up, so he began to enter through the back door of each pharmacy and took out all the copper coins stored.

Add up to a full [-] million yuan.

In addition to the more than [-] million earned before, Zhang Sanfeng has now pocketed [-] million. .

Chapter 1026

Although of the six million, one million was used to buy medicinal herbs, and the other five million were used to buy a thousand empty shops.

But these things were actually bought with six million.

"It seems that today there is a chance to make the transaction value exceed [-] million."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't expect it to be so crazy. He thought it would be good to sell [-] to [-] million on the first day.

It really underestimated the enthusiasm of the new disciples for Huiling Pill.

After all, Zhang Sanfeng had also experienced the pain of recovering his mana by meditating after he ran out of mana. At that time, there were too many little ghosts summoned by the old ghost. Body, he has long been torn apart by those little devils.

At that time, if he had Huiling Pill in hand, he would not have been so embarrassed. Fortunately, he had the third-order magic weapon, the Thunder Orb and the Fire Shield.

Even so, Zhang Sanfeng was in danger, not to mention the newcomers of the sect who did not have the third-order magic weapon, the Thunder Orb and the Fire Shield.

Therefore, at present, although the Lingling Pill is only the lowest-level medicine, it is indeed the most popular consumable among the new disciples, and it is not one of them.

Putting the purse containing [-] million pennies into the bag, Zhang Sanfeng looked at the direction Liu Hong pointed him to. That hill over there is exactly where Fangcunshan Craft Refining Hall is located.

Since it's still in the Qi refining period, I can't learn sword-fighting at all, so I can only walk there. If you want to practice sword-fighting, you must at least have successfully established a foundation, and the contribution of the sect is not low, and you need a thousand points. Sect Contribution.

You must know that even Zhang Sanfeng needs to do ten low-level sect quests to get a thousand sect contributions, and to be an ordinary Fangcunshan rookie disciple, he needs to complete at least [-] sect tasks in a team to get a thousand points. Martial contribution to exchange for Swordsmanship.

The top of the mountain where the Refining Hall is located is relatively far away, unlike the top of the mountain on the side of the Mission Hall and the side of Xifang City, which are actually twin peaks, connected by a suspension bridge in the middle.

No way, Zhang Sanfeng had no choice but to walk over.

During the journey to the Artifact Refining Hall, Zhang Sanfeng could clearly feel that there were fewer and fewer people on the road, until it became very deserted at the end, and he was the only one looking around.

This is basically the situation on all the tops of Fangcun Mountain, except for some popular ones, others are very deserted.

However, Zhang Sanfeng didn't care about this, and walked directly to the location of the Refining Hall.

Coming to the Refining Hall is similar to the feeling of standing in the Trading Hall before.

And the steward of the Refining Hall actually dozed off on the counter at this time.

Zhang Sanfeng walked to the counter, knocked on the table, and asked, "."Hello, I think...' "..."

Before Zhang Sanfeng could finish speaking, the steward of the Refining Hall, who was dozing off, suddenly burst out and said, "Wait, don't say anything, let me guess what you want."

"Junior brother, I see that you are dignified and talented. In the future, (Wang Liao) will definitely be a dragon and a phoenix, so you are obsessed with refining weapons, and you want to learn it from me, right?"

A row of cold sweat broke out on Zhang Sanfeng's forehead.

What is this.

"No, I mean... County"

The steward of the Refining Hall said again: "No? That's why I came to buy magic weapons. Come, look here, there are swords, guns, sticks, and other weapons."

Zhang Sanfeng said with a dark face: "I didn't come to buy magic weapons, in fact, I came...".

Chapter 1027

The steward of the Refining Hall narrowed his eyes and said, "Could it be that you were sent by Junior Sister Chu Yun to send a love letter, sigh, forget it, the past is like smoke, tell her, let it pass..."

Good guy, this guy guessed wrong three times in a row. In order to avoid being interrupted by this guy again, he said the purpose of coming here in one breath.

"Senior brother, I'm here to buy an alchemy furnace."

The head of the Refining Hall twitched his mouth and said embarrassedly, "Buy an alchemy furnace? Do you know how much an alchemy furnace costs?"

Zhang Sanfeng nodded and said, "I know, the lowest level costs more than [-] pennies."

The steward of the Refining Hall looked at Zhang Sanfeng up and down and said, "Are you a new junior?"

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