Zhang Sanfeng nodded, a little puzzled by his behavior. I'm afraid he has some special hobby?


   The steward of the Refining Hall continued: "How can your new junior and junior sect have so much money to buy an alchemy furnace, don't make me happy."

Zhang Sanfeng was speechless and didn't say much. He threw the purse containing [-] million yuan on the counter and said, "There are [-] million in this. I want to buy [-] alchemy furnaces."

The steward of the Refining Hall glanced at Zhang Sanfeng with suspicious eyes, then picked up the money bag on the counter, opened it, and felt that the world was spinning.

"My God, you must have used some illusion on me to confuse my eyes, right? How can the children of the new entry sect have so much money, I can't make so much in my life."

He really can't make [-] million in a lifetime. After all, he only works for the sect, and all the income of the refining hall belongs to the sect, and he is just a small butler with a monthly salary.

It was only now that he regained his senses and tasted Zhang Sanfeng's words, and said in shock: "What did you just say? Buy a hundred alchemy furnaces? Is it true or false?" (bhah)

Zhang Sanfeng nodded and said, "Of course it's true, otherwise you think I'm here to entertain you? My time is very precious."

At this time, the face of the steward of the alchemy hall looked very unsteady, and said: "A hundred alchemy furnaces add up to [-] million yuan, are you sure you want to buy them?"

Zhang Sanfeng nodded and said, "Senior brother, don't you have so many alchemy furnaces? If there are, please send them to Xifang City. When you arrive in Xifang City, say hello to Liu Hong, the manager of the trading hall, and he will tell me. where are you."

Hearing the words, the steward of the Refining Hall asked, "I didn't expect you to know your brother Liu as well. It just so happens that you are my own person. I will give you a [-]% discount for [-] refining furnaces. A total of [-] Wan, Junior Brother, are you sure you want to spend so much money to buy a hundred alchemy furnaces?"

In the face of repeated questions from the steward of the Refining Hall, Zhang Sanfeng reconfirmed: "Yes, that's one hundred."

After Zhang Sanfeng's confirmation, the steward of the Refining Hall decisively took out [-] million yuan from the purse, and then returned the purse to Zhang Sanfeng.

"Junior brother, you are too generous. If there is such a good business in the future, you are welcome to patronize it at any time."

He has always been doing business with the old disciples in Fangcun Mountain. His life was not too salty or light, and he suddenly had such a big deal, of course, he was laughing from ear to ear.

Zhang Sanfeng also didn't expect that this unreliable guy would actually have friendship with Liu Hong. .

Chapter 1028

He also took the initiative to give him a discount, and he couldn't help but feel a lot more favorable towards him, and said, "In a few days, there will definitely be a batch of alchemy furnaces that will come to buy at that time. You can make a batch first."

The steward of the Refining Hall said while nodding and bowing to send Zhang Sanfeng away.

"Just do as the younger brother said."

After Zhang San separated from the Refining Hall, he returned to the Xifang City Trading Hall and found Liu Hong and said.

"Brother Liu, have you finished writing the title deed-?"

After Liu Hong wrote the last word, his tired neck was a little sore.

"Hey, I've finally finished writing the title deeds. To be honest, this is the first time I've written so many title deeds. It's tiring."

Unexpectedly, just after Liu Hong finished speaking, Zhang Sanfeng took out another purse, put it on the counter, and said, "Senior brother, I have fully covered the rest of the low-priced shops."

Liu Hong was dumbfounded looking at the money bag in front of him, and said with a sad face.

"Junior brother, where did you get so much money from?"

Zhang Sanfeng shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's all the money that my pharmacies sold back to the elixir, otherwise where else can I get the money?"

Liu Hong looked at Zhang Sanfeng in disbelief, and murmured, "Junior Brother, tell me how much the transaction volume of your stores is now?"

Although Liu Hong himself can check it through a special formation, he has been busy writing the title deed and has no time to check it.

Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile: "When I went there, the transaction volume should have been [-] million. Now, it should be higher."

Hearing this, Liu Hong took a deep breath and said.

"My darling, the tax rate of [-] percent of [-] million, isn't that a million-dollar tax? I'm not dreaming, right?"

Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile.

"Brother Liu, you're not dreaming, it's all true. In just one day, because of the opening of [-] pharmacies in Xifang City, the tax revenue exceeded one million, and it is very likely that the tax will exceed two million, a full month. There are [-] million taxes, which is [-] times the tax paid by your sect to give you the task of the trading hall, so your position is safe."

Zhang Sanfeng was right. With the current popularity of [-] pharmacies selling Huiling Pills, the daily transaction volume is at least [-] million yuan, and the tax of [-] million yuan a day is definitely not a problem.

Liu Hong said again: "Break through [-] million tax in a month? Isn't the daily transaction volume exceeding [-] million? How much is one thousandth of [-] million?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Of course, Zhang Sanfeng knew that Liu Hong was referring to the [-]/[-]th of the benefit that was distributed to him. Zhang Sanfeng calculated it for him and said, "One hundred thousand yuan a day, three million yuan a month."

Liu Hong immediately stood up when he heard the words, not daring to believe: "Three million a month? Is it all mine?"

...... 0

Zhang Sanfeng nodded, hehe smiled and said, "Yes, it's all yours. In the future, my brother and I's business in Xifang City will depend more on Brother Liu's care."

Liu Hong said: "Whatever the younger brother said, in the future, the younger brother, I will follow you, and you can do whatever you say."

Obviously, [-] million yuan a month is no joke. You must know that his monthly salary is only [-] yuan a month.

Three million yuan is worth his monthly salary of [-] months, what is the concept of [-] months, a full monthly salary of [-] years, anyone will be moved.

Of course, Zhang Sanfeng knew that Liu Hong was going to fuck him with all his heart.

Therefore, it is not difficult to win the remaining low-priced empty shops under the jurisdiction of the Xifang City Exchange.seven.

Chapter 1029

"Brother Liu, the remaining low-priced shops in Xifang City..."

Zhang Sanfeng stopped when he said that, Liu Hong, who should understand, would definitely understand.

Liu Hong naturally agreed and said, "No problem, I will definitely handle what you have explained to you, junior brother. The rest of the low-priced vacant shops are all yours."

The more than [-] million in Zhang Sanfeng's wallet is more than enough to buy the remaining low-priced empty shops, and the rest is reserved for Liu Hong to recruit handymen disciples to be alchemy boys for him, and by the way to other shopkeepers The second child settles the wages.

To solve the problem of the low-priced empty shop, Zhang Sanfeng continued to instruct: "The Refining Hall should send a hundred alchemy furnaces over soon. Then you can find a big shop enough for a hundred alchemy furnaces to make alchemy. Where will you be in the future? It is used to make medicine pills specially."

After receiving Zhang Sanfeng's explanation, Liu Hong nodded and wrote it down, saying: "This is no problem, there is a big empty shop in the four corners of our Xifang City, so we will use the big empty shop in the southeast corner to place a hundred qi refining. All right."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't care about these details and let Liu Hong greet him.

Then Zhang Sanfeng asked a more crucial question.

"By the way, Senior Brother Liu, you said that if I give back to the alchemy boy, will he take my pill and run away?"

Hearing this, Liu Hong shook his head with certainty and said, "No, once you sign a contract and become your designated alchemist, he will be locked by the formation that enveloped Xifang City, and unless you agree, he will not be able to leave Xifang. Fang Shi, even the alchemy room can't do without it."

After getting this information, the stone in Zhang Sanfeng's heart was relieved a lot, and he said, "It's so good."

After finishing everything, the sky darkened, Zhang Sanfeng found a place to stay nearby.

The next day, Zhang Sanfeng woke up, washed briefly, and walked directly to the small noodle restaurant.

After inspecting the major pharmacies and everything was normal, Zhang Sanfeng ran to the empty shop in the southeast corner of Xifang City that Liu Hong said.

At this time, this place is no longer a large empty shop, but a large alchemy room that accommodates more than one hundred alchemy furnaces.

As soon as Zhang Sanfeng arrived at the large alchemy room, he saw Liu Hong directing forty or fifty handymen disciples to set up the alchemy furnace.

Walking forward, Liu Hong also found Zhang Sanfeng and hurriedly greeted him.

"Junior brother, woke up so early? Why don't you sleep for a while?"

Zhang Sanfeng didn't answer him, but asked directly: "Senior Brother Liu, who do you think has the best aptitude among these alchemy boys..."

Hearing this, Liu Hong pointed to a small man beside him, and said, "I think this kid is pretty good, quite clever."

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the little man, who was about fourteen or fifteen years old, and asked, "What's your name?"

The little man said, "My name is Ye Fan."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded, and took out the spirit pill recipe from his baggage, handed it to Ye Fan, and said.

"Can you alchemy?"

Ye Fan nodded and said.

"I learned a little bit before."

Since he has learned it, it must be stronger than those who have not learned it. Zhang Sanfeng has no other requirements and said, "Then Ye Fan, you will be my alchemy boy from now on, and take charge of this alchemy room for me. Would you like to?"

Ye Fan nodded quickly and said.

"Yes, of course, Mr. Ye Fanwei will follow suit in the future."

Zhang Sanfeng just wanted to find someone to manage things in his alchemy room. After all, he couldn't stay here all the time, so he didn't have any big expectations for Ye Fan. .

Chapter 1030

After Ye Fan took the Huiling Pill and Pill Fang made it clear that he was willing to become Zhang Sanfeng's alchemy boy, he saw a golden light from the soles of Ye Fan's feet, and then disappeared in a flash.

After the ceremony was completed, Zhang Sanfeng knew that this simple contract was reached, so he didn't worry about Ye Fan running away with the return pill.

From now on, this big alchemy room will be Zhang Sanfeng's elixir production base. In the future, it will not only supply the elixir needs of Fangcun Mountain, but also the elixir needs of large, medium and small cities within a radius of [-] miles. It's a top priority.

After all the alchemy furnaces were placed, Zhang Sanfeng asked Ye Fan to make the medicine by himself, while he watched.

I saw that Ye Fan placed the Huiling Pill on the alchemy furnace, and 17 put the right amount of herbs into it with very quick hands and feet, and after a while, the Huiling Pill was successfully refined in one furnace, which is quite simple.

Zhang Sanfeng nodded and said, "Yes, you did a good job, but you can still improve a little bit more."

After speaking, Zhang Sanfeng began to personally demonstrate how he made medicine.

I saw that Zhang Sanfeng, according to his previous alchemy process, directly put the ten alchemy furnaces in the state of alchemy almost at the same time.

The onlookers were dazzled for a while, and they shouted in their hearts.

This alchemy process was discovered by Zhang Sanfeng himself. In fact, it is not Zhang Sanfeng's limit to have ten alchemy furnaces in the alchemy state at the same time. In the same small alchemy room, if placed in the current environment, Zhang Sanfeng is confident that he can make fifteen alchemy furnaces in the state of alchemy at the same time, and that would be truly astonishing.

Where have the onlookers seen this operation? Isn't it usually done in a furnace of alchemy?

After Zhang Sanfeng finished his demonstration, he said to Ye Fan.

"You have forty or fifty people here now, and you will be exclusively responsible for controlling this alchemy-returning pill recipe in the future. They will divide the labor and cooperate so that one hundred alchemy furnaces can be in the alchemy state at the same time."

Ye Fan had learned alchemy before, and seeing this kind of alchemy technique, he couldn't help feeling extremely novel and nodded in agreement.

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