Zhang Sanfeng asked them to continue to demonstrate it for himself, so that he could find problems.

When everything went according to Zhang Sanfeng's plan, Zhang Sanfeng improved some of their processes and space, and then left with satisfaction.

In the future, he doesn't need to worry too much about alchemy, he just needs to keep looking for the alchemy recipe to come back to alchemy.

There are [-] alchemy furnaces in this alchemy room that can concoct alchemy at the same time, and it is almost possible to refine [-] Huiling Pills at one time, and refining [-] to [-] million a day is not a problem.

As for whether these medicinal pills can be sold, Zhang Sanfeng is not worried at all. After all, among the descendants of Fangcun Mountain, he is the only one who owns the Huiling Pill, which is equivalent to a monopoly business. .

And those that cannot be sold can be used as inventory, which can be shipped to pharmacies in major cities for sale in the future.

After the alchemy room was settled, Zhang Sanfeng no longer stayed, but went directly to the major pharmacies, took out all the remaining money, and then rushed to the Dongfang City Trading Hall.

Dongfang City is not as lively as Xifang City, so like the previous situation in Xifang City, it is very deserted, and almost no one stays on the street. .

Chapter 1031

Zhang Sanfeng had his first experience, and this time, of course, he went directly to the trading hall in Dongfang City.

"Senior brother, I'm here to buy the shop."

The head of the trading hall in Dongfang City stuck his head out from under the counter, and when he heard that he was here to buy a shop, he hurriedly greeted him as if he had seen a rare customer, and then greeted him with a smile and said.

"This junior brother has taken a fancy to the empty shop."

Zhang Sanfeng said: "I want to buy [-] rooms at one time, and I want all the stores in this location."

Zhang Sanfeng pointed to the small map of Dongfang City on the counter, and circled all the shops in the prime location.

The steward of Dongfang City Trading Hall looked at Zhang Sanfeng like a fool and said.

"Junior brother, you don't have a high fever, do you?"

Zhang Sanfeng knew that he would definitely not believe it, so it was useless to say more, and threw the money bag directly.

There is a total of [-] million in this purse, which is just enough to buy [-] low-cost shops.

The steward of the Dongfang City Trading Hall picked up the purse suspiciously and looked at it.

"Fuck, there is so much money, but buying [-] shops by one person is a bit inconsistent with the rules of the sect." ""

Zhang Sanfeng wanted to laugh a little when he heard this. Xifang City could let him buy [-] empty shops directly, so why couldn't Dongfang City.

After thinking about it, it seems that there is no benefit fee.

So he gave him another small purse containing [-] pennies and said.

"Senior brother, I didn't prepare any gifts when we met for the first time. I just bought this purse. It fits your temperament very well. I'll give it to you."

The steward of the Dongfang City Trading Hall heard the words, took the small purse, looked at the amount of copper coins in it, and couldn't help taking a breath. There were so many, this junior brother was too generous.

Then he quickly regained his calm and said, "Since the meeting ceremony of the younger brother, I will accept it with reluctance. As for the five thousand empty shops, it is easy to say, easy to say."

After speaking, without waiting for Zhang Sanfeng to answer, he put Xiao Chiyo in his arms, and then he directly picked up the pen and started writing the title deed.

This land deed needs to be written by the head of the trading hall on a special talisman paper to be effective. Zhang Sanfeng can only wait here for him to write all the five thousand land deeds.

About half a day later, the steward of the Dongfang City Trading Hall finally finished writing the [-] land deeds and handed them over to Zhang Sanfeng, and asked, "Junior Brother bought so many shops at one time, what are you planning to sell?"

Zhang Sanfeng said mysteriously: ". "That must be used for trading, and it will not be long before the transaction volume in Dongfang City will skyrocket."

The steward's eyes lit up and said, "Junior Brother is this true? What good plan is there?"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled mysteriously. Anyway, the land deeds for the [-] shops in Dongfang City have now been obtained.

Leave one sentence: Senior brother will know when the time comes, so he left the trading hall directly.

Zhang Sanfeng still has ten million yuan left in his wallet.

The ten million yuan was reserved to go to the Gongfa Hall to upgrade to the (Wang Liaohao) level. This time Zhang Sanfeng is going to upgrade the practice to a happy garden.

After coming to the Gongfa Hall, because he had also come to upgrade the exercises before, Zhang Sanfeng went straight to the road and found the gongfa trail and said that he wanted to upgrade the exercises.

Since the Bodhi Seal and the Fangcun Entrance Mind Method have both been upgraded to two levels before, this time it takes [-] pen money to upgrade one level.

Zhang Sanfeng took out [-] pen money from the purse and said, "Help me upgrade both the Bodhi Seal and the Introductory Mind Dharma to one level.".

Chapter 1032

There is no nonsense in the practice of the practice, and the money is directly collected, and Zhang Sanfeng has improved the practice by one level.

Zhang Sanfeng took out another [-] yuan and asked to be upgraded by one level, and he continued to do the same.

However, when Zhang Sanfeng once again took out [-] yuan, the kung fu trail became restless.

"Why do you have so much copper money to upgrade your exercises?"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly and said, "Of course it was earned, but neither stealing nor robbing."

The gong method trail was speechless, and the muffled voice raised Zhang Sanfeng's gong art level to sixth.

Zhang Sanfeng continued to take out [-].

Gongfa Xiaodao was dumbfounded and said.

"It's impossible for a disciple of you who has just entered the school to have so much money, right?"

Zhang Sanfeng said.

"There's nothing impossible, the little Daoist brother will be promoted to me, it's not bad money."

Gongfa Xiaodao was speechless again, and raised Zhang Sanfeng's Gongfa level to level 7.

The eyes of the descendant who had just raised the level of the exercise to the third level were also attracted by this side.

"Brother, what level are you now? I just saw that you have been upgrading your exercises, and have you spent a lot of money?"

Zhang Sanfeng replied.

"It's not high, it's only level six." After that, he continued to take out [-] yuan and hand it over to Gongfa Xiaodao.

Gongfa Xiaodao was about to cry.

"Is this the last time?"

You must know that the monthly salary of the Cultivation Path is only [-] (bhah), and Zhang Sanfeng's move is almost [-] yuan.

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly, but did not answer.

The onlookers were not calm at this time.

"Fuck, both exercises have been upgraded to the sixth level, and they are still up. How much copper does it cost?"

"Who says it's not, I'm only now at the third level of the Entry-Mind Dharma and the Bodhi Seal, but this guy is already at the seventh level."

"Wait, looking at the posture, I have to reach the eighth level."

"My darling, how much does it cost to upgrade both exercises from level seven to level eight?"

"More than [-]."

Zhang Sanfeng ignored the words of the person next to him, and directly took out another [-] yuan and said, "Help me to rise to the ninth level."

Hiss, everyone in the room gasped.

"My God, he spent a total of [-] million this time, right?"

"Why is this guy so rich?"

"It's terrifying. I thought that at our level of upgrade speed, it would take several months to upgrade the skill level to the ninth level. This guy is actually at the ninth level now."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't care what others said, and directly handed the money to Gongfa Xiaodao and said.

"Help me improve to level ten."

Wow, everyone in the room was in an uproar.

The two exercises from the ninth level to the tenth level add up to a total of [-] million. In this person's eyes, it is actually easy?

When Zhang Sanfeng's skill level rose to the tenth level, he continued: "Help me rise to the eleventh level."

Gongfa Xiaodao said at this time: "Starting from the tenth level, each level of promotion will consume five points of sect contribution, are you sure?"

Zhang Sanfeng was dumbfounded, because his sect contribution was only five points left, and if he wanted to improve his practice level later, he would need to do sect tasks to obtain sect contributions.

"Okay, help me get to the eleventh level."

The whole place was silent at this time.

Everyone has only entered the False God Realm for a few days, so how could he have so much money to upgrade his exercises.

"This person is too strong, and his practice has been upgraded to level [-]. He is too rich."

Chapter 1033

"This person is called Zhang Sanfeng, right? I was so anxious for him. When he was in Xinghua Village a few days ago, he fought seven or eight thousand descendants by himself, and he was never killed once. It was really a corpse. everywhere."

"Yes, yes, I remember, I also came from Xinghua Village."

"What? Even in the initial village, he fought thousands of descendants by himself, and he never died once? Is it so strong?"

"Zhang Sanfeng is so terrifying!"

"I'm afraid this person is the first person in the entire Fangcun Mountain now, right?"

"I also think that he is the first person, too strong, especially the level of this exercise, who can compare with him."

"Don't say we are Fangcunshan, I think there should be no descendants of the nearby sects who are Zhang Sanfeng's opponents."

"This is really strong, and it has opened such a big gap with us in a few days."

"People are more popular than dead people."

After upgrading the cultivation technique to the eleventh level, Zhang Sanfeng ignored the exclamations of these people, and walked out of the cultivation technique directly, disappearing into the crowd.

Zhang Sanfeng doesn't like to be too ostentatious. It's not his intention to be in the public eye like today.

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