It's a pity that there is no other way. The Gongfa Hall is almost the most popular mountain other than the Mission Hall, so the flow of people is also extremely large, and Zhang Sanfeng is not given a low-key opportunity at all.

So there was a scene that caused everyone to exclaim.

After disappearing into the crowd, Zhang Sanfeng's name officially began to spread among all the descendants of Fangcun Mountain, but Zhang Sanfeng didn't know it.

Of course, even if more and more people know Zhang Sanfeng's name, not many people have seen Zhang Sanfeng's appearance.

Now all aspects are operating normally, so there is no need to worry about things in Xifang City. Anyway, there are [-] stores in hand, so you are not afraid of running out of money.

"It's time to improve our strength."

In order to maximize the value of the Huiling Pill, Zhang Sanfeng has spent two days laying out the store.

After everything was arranged properly, Zhang Sanfeng decided to continue to invest in improving the realm level.

After all, Liu Hong is taking care of it in Xifang City, Ye Fan is in charge of alchemy, and there are various pharmacies who sell elixir, so Zhang Sanfeng only needs to lie down and collect money now, and he doesn't need to take care of too many things at all. .

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

After solving the worries, Zhang Sanfeng can now let go of his mind and attack the realm of cultivation.

Zhang Sanfeng came to the mission hall and picked up a sect mission on the mission trail. When he learned the location of the sect mission, Zhang Sanfeng was suspicious for a while.

Because this time the mission location is still in Medicine King City.

"Little Daoist brother, how come this is Medicine King City, and what does it mean to stop the zombie army from leaving the city?"


That little Daoist brother was familiar with Zhang Sanfeng, and after thinking for a while, he remembered that this is the fierce man who independently completed the five-person sect task with one person two days ago?

"Medicine King City has now become a place for raising corpses. All the more than three million residents in the city have been infected by the Corpse King's corpse poison and turned into zombies. What's even more terrifying is that the city address of Medicine King City is an ancient battlefield. , Now it has become a corpse breeding ground, and there will be a steady stream of zombies pouring out of Yaowangcheng. Now the five major sects of Lizhou are discussing together. In order to prevent the zombie army from cholera, the zombie army must be blocked within ten kilometers of Yaowangcheng. Now that each sect has negotiated the area they are responsible for, you can go to the area that Fang Cunshan is responsible for." Seven.

Chapter 1034

Hearing this, Zhang Sanfeng frowned and asked.

"How about the contribution of the sect? I don't team up with others to complete the task, so wouldn't my five times the task reward be gone?"

The mission brother nodded and said.

"That's right, this time because it's an emergency mission, there's no difficulty in forming a team, and there's no five-fold reward."

As soon as Zhang Sanfeng heard that the five-fold reward was really gone, he didn't want to do it in an instant. It would be more cost-effective to stay in the sect or go to other big cities to buy empty land deeds.

"Little Daoist brother, can I not go?"

Mission Xiaodao said with an expression on his face that you don't have the ability to try it.

"It's okay to give up the mission, but you will be punished accordingly."

Zhang Sanfeng was stunned for a moment, there is still a penalty for giving up the sect mission?

"Little Daoist brother, can you tell me what the punishment is?"

Brother Xiaodao said directly with a smirk: "According to the rules of the sect, giving up ordinary sect quests will deduct five times the quest reward and be banned from accepting sect quests for seven days as punishment, giving up emergency sect tasks and deducting [-] times the quest reward and banning sect quests for [-] days. As a punishment, now you are taking an emergency sect mission, that is to say, if you give up, you will be banned from accepting sect mission for at least [-] days as a punishment, so are you going to give up this urgent sect mission?"

Zhang Sanfeng was completely stunned when he heard the words, feeling that he was on a pirate ship.

"Okay, can't I go?"

There is no way, if he is really banned for three months, Zhang Sanfeng will lose too many sect rewards.

At present, simply killing monsters is not cost-effective at all with the sect mission, so if you want to improve the realm level, it is the first choice to take the sect mission to obtain the cultivation base.

Zhang Sanfeng walked out of the mission hall without knowing how to take over the mission, the little Taoist brother's sect's jade slip, came to the small lake next to the mountain gate, and saw Brother Xianhe at a glance.

Brother Xianhe doesn't seem to like being summoned by others, so he has been hiding on the other edge of the small lake. When Zhang Sanfeng appeared at the mountain gate, he flew over and rubbed Zhang Sanfeng's clothes with his long beak, expressing his miss.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't know how to feel sympathy with this crane, he was afraid to pat Brother Xianhe on the head and said.

"Brother Xianhe, this time I have to go to Yaowang City, please!"

Brother Xianhe nodded and motioned Zhang Sanfeng to sit on its back...  

Zhang Sanfeng naturally did not shirk the blame and sat up directly, and Brother Xianhe also flew into the sky after confirming that Zhang Sanfeng was sitting firmly.

In mid-air, Zhang Sanfeng saw many people riding cranes to the direction of Yaowangcheng, and most of these people were five or six people riding a crane together. I think these people should be a fixed team.

Zhang Sanfeng was alone, and he didn't feel anything wrong, nor did he feel lonely.

However, the people from Fangcun Shanmen who traveled along the way saw that there was only one person in Zhang Sanfeng, and they all cast curious glances, but no one recognized this person as Zhang Sanfeng.

After all, although many people have seen Zhang Sanfeng, not everyone has.

Someone threw an olive branch to Zhang Sanfeng.

"This brother, is there only one person? Do you want to join our fixed team, our fixed team is very friendly, and everyone gets along well."

When Zhang Sanfeng heard the words, he turned his eyes to the past, chuckled and declined: "I'm really sorry, I'm used to being alone, so I still don't form a fixed team.".

Chapter 1035

Another group of people said with some contempt: "Oh, I'm still used to one person, and I would really brag. If it wasn't for this urgent sect mission, there were no teams, I'm afraid a team would have been formed long ago."

"That's right, it looks like it's a cup, and when it's time to form a team to complete the task, it starts to form a wild team, what a big tail wolf."

Forming a wild team means that a person is usually alone, and when a dangerous team task is encountered, a team is temporarily formed.

Zhang Sanfeng ignored the cynicism of these people, and closed his eyes to rest for himself.

Zhang Sanfeng doesn't like bickering with others very much. In his creed, he will never quarrel if he can do it.

Just silently remember the looks of those two people.

About half an hour later, Brother Xianhe took Zhang Sanfeng 17 to the area where Fangcunshan was in charge of near Yaowang City.

From a high altitude, the entire vicinity of Medicine King City was enveloped in a layer of faint green corpse aura.

The geographical location of Yaowang City is also very special. Basically, the four city gates are aimed at four mountain roads. Therefore, if the zombie army wants to break out from Yaowang City, it can only pass through these four mountain roads, otherwise it can only climb hundreds of meters. High cliffs.

If it is the flying corpse with the intelligence turned on, it may fly up, otherwise the ordinary copper corpse and iron corpse can only break through the four mountain roads. After all, their knees can't bend, and they can't even lift their legs. Not to mention climbing.

So it can be seen that the zombie army is vaguely seen from the sky, as if it is controlled by something, constantly attacking the mountain road, and the major sects each guard the area that they need to be responsible for.

When Zhang Sanfeng landed on the ground, he saw that there were many disciples of other sects mixed in with Fangcun's disciples. Although he was a little puzzled, he didn't ask any further questions.

Just when Zhang Sanfeng and the others didn't know what to do next, an old man of Fangcunshan sect elder level Yujian came and said.

"All the disciples obeyed the order, and each formed a group of five with the other sect disciples, and went to the front line to stop the zombie army."

"Each team can get a sect contribution for every hundred white-haired zombies killed, a sect contribution for every [-] bronze corpses killed, and a sect contribution for every ten iron corpses killed. You can deal with it, just notify the sect beheading team."

Hearing the order of the elder of this sect, everyone began to stagger the teams to ensure that each team has a disciple of the five sects.

Although they didn't quite understand what the sect elders were doing, everyone followed suit.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't go looking for a team, but instead became a little curious about the martial arts killing team.

  Each team is lined up, and their team leader is established, but it is in full swing and orderly.

On the way forward, many teams saw that Zhang Sanfeng was actually alone.

For a while, all kinds of curious, suspicious, contemptuous eyes shot at Zhang Sanfeng.

However, Zhang Sanfeng didn't seem to see it, and walked away on his own.

When approaching the front line, there is a loud slaughter in front, and all kinds of beast-like roars are emitted from the mouth of the zombie army, which greatly affects people's minds.

This mountain road is said to be a mountain road, but in fact it is nearly five or six miles wide, and almost all of the four mountain roads are like this. .

Chapter 1036

So it looks like there is no difference between the flat ground, and only when you walk to the edge of the mountain road can you see the cliffs of Baizhang standing.

On the main battlefield where Fangcunshan was in charge, there were tens of thousands of teams distributed on a long front to block the zombie army.

Judging from the current battle situation, the battle situation of the five major sects is not very optimistic. After all, countless zombie armies in Yaowang City are constantly emerging and rushing to the battlefield, and the five major sects can only rely on cranes to continuously transport patients and supply online. suffered a big loss.

This time, the Heaven-shattering Corpse Change in Medicine King City had never happened even in the entire False God Realm. Although the major sects were organized in time, they were still a little overwhelmed.

As for the high-level officials of the major sects, they are watching. After all, the strength of the corpse king is unfathomable and hidden in the dark, so that the high combat power of each sect does not dare to easily enter the battlefield, and can only organize new sect disciples to block. After all, these new sect disciples have a very strong characteristic, resurrection.

That's right, in the eyes of the natives of the False God Realm, these descendants are simply the chosen sons of heaven. No matter how they die, they can be resurrected, but their strength will be somewhat damaged.

Zhang Sanfeng's group was divided into thousands of teams, and more than [-] people rushed to the battlefield, but it did not have much impact on the entire battle situation, just filled the vacancy that was about to be broken.

And the high-level officials of various sects who were watching the overall battlefield from a high place gathered together to analyze the battle situation. '

"No, in addition to our Fangcunshan, your other four sects have to mobilize more sect disciples to join in, otherwise the four defense lines will be broken by the zombie army sooner or later." ""

"Alas, it's a pity that the corpse king hasn't appeared yet, otherwise I can end the battle earlier and end the battle."

"Don't panic, these new sect disciples are all descendants, and they can be resurrected even if they die."

"But they are all still growing. Now facing the zombie army, if the five sects are not complementary in their abilities, I am afraid they would have been broken out by the zombie army long ago."

"I'm still going to give orders to raise the emergency level of the sect, and call on more disciples to stop the zombie army. Otherwise, once the zombie army breaks through, the people of the world will be in danger."

"That's all it takes."

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng followed thousands of teams into the battlefield alone. At first, he didn't understand why the disciples of the five sects formed a team. Now Zhang Sanfeng has some understanding.

Compared with the disciples of other sects, the attack power of the disciples of Fangcunshan is really not enough. Among them, there is Yihuagong who has the same embarrassing position as the disciples of Fangcunshan.

Compared with the other three sects, Fangcunshan disciples and Yihuagong disciples are like tickles zombies.

The swordsmanship of the disciples of Wuzhuangguan, the body protection of the Louvre, and the magic of Chiyuemen can effectively resist zombies.

However, Fang Cun (Wang Haozhao) Shan disciple and Yi Hua Palace disciple also discovered their role in the team.

That is, Fangcunshan disciples simply released the Bodhi Seal at the back of the team to seal the zombies, and Yihuagong disciples also stood behind the team like Fangcunshan disciples and released healing techniques to remove corpse poison and heal wounds for their teammates.

It is because of the sincere cooperation of the five sects that the zombie army is firmly resisted here. This is almost always the case with the five or six-mile-long front. .

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