Chapter 1037

However, what is even more embarrassing for Fangcunshan disciples is that not every Bodhi Seal can immobilize the zombie seal that rushes up, which also makes Fangcunshan disciples frequently disliked by other disciples of other sects.

"I said if your disciples in Fangcunshan can still do it, they can't be sealed. Damn, I was almost killed by a zombie just now."

"Fangcunshan's strength is strong, everyone is working hard, you are paddling."

"What the hell is Fangcunshan doing? The seal can't bear the damage. Don't stand stupidly."

The voices of such shouts were not heard, and the disciples of Fangcun Mountain were red-faced and hard to refute, and they couldn't lift their heads. For a time, they wondered if they had chosen the wrong sect.

Compared with the disciples of Fangcunshan, the disciples of Yihuagong had a much higher status.

"The sister of Yihuagong give me a bite."

"I want it too, and the elder brother of Yihua Palace will also give me a bite."

"It's still better from Yihuagong. If it wasn't for this treatment from Yihuagong, I would have returned to the sect and resurrected."

Zhang Sanfeng was actually paddling beside him all the time, and he didn't join the battle too much, because these teams blocked him on the outside consciously or unintentionally, as if he was the only one who didn't want to let him take risks.

However, some members of the nearby team also discovered that Zhang Sanfeng was actually a maverick and did not form a team with the other four sects, and some people immediately sneered.

"Look at that, there is a square inch who actually fights zombies by himself, and he doesn't need a team."

"Fangcunshan was originally a paddler, but he didn't expect to paddle openly. Are you really embarrassed?"

"Don't worry about him, even if he paddles, he won't get the contribution of the sect, let him paddle, it's their face that will be lost."

And many Fangcunshan seem to have found a vent after seeing Zhang Sanfeng being set on fire by other sects.

"Brother, go find a team to join, don't let other sects see our jokes."

"Yeah, you can just add a team of paddling. Your personal goal is too obvious."

"Alas, our Fangcunshan is really embarrassing."

Zhang Sanfeng (bhah) didn't care about the cynicism of others, but he needed to kill zombies and make contributions to the martial arts, so how could he be blocked from spraying zombies all the time.

There was no other way, Zhang Sanfeng had no choice but to open the fire shield in advance, take a leap with his sword, and jump into the zombie swarm.

I didn't expect this jump to be so high.

Zhang Sanfeng thought so.

After all, Fang Cunshan had already been upgraded to the tenth level by him, which also increased Zhang Sanfeng's strength, so he would naturally jump a lot higher than usual.

As soon as Zhang Sanfeng jumped into the zombie swarm, the surrounding disciples of the five major sects were all dumbfounded. They had no idea why Zhang Sanfeng could jump so high, but focused on how this kid dared to jump into the zombie swarm alone.

"This kid is afraid that he has a hole in his brain, and he jumped into the zombie group."

"Maybe he just wanted to die quickly to end this horrible sect mission."

However, the follow-up action of Zhang Sanfeng jumping into the zombie group directly caused the disciples of the five sects to be dumbfounded again.

I saw Zhang Sanfeng hit a dozen Bodhi Seals one after another, sealing and immobilizing all the dozens of zombies around him, and then the fine steel long sword in his hand was like a wandering dragon, using a move that made people feel very comfortable. Head cut off.

All of this happened in a few breaths, but to others, it seemed like time had stopped. .

Chapter 1038

It all happened too suddenly.

Everyone around couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

You must know that this is a disciple of Fangcunshan. In the influence of everyone, among the five sects, Fangcunshan's disciple is the weakest in attack power, the weakest in spell power, and the worst in resisting beatings.

Who would have thought that Fangcunshan's disciples would dare to do such a thing in a zombie swarm.

And the action of this hand is so handsome, it's so handsome - slag.

Especially those who mocked Zhang Sanfeng just now, have closed their mouths now, but still feel pain in their faces, and don't look directly into the eyes of teammates beside them, for fear of meeting their eyes.

Where did Zhang Sanfeng manage so much? In his eyes, these zombies are all contributions from the sect, and none of them can be let go.

"It seems that the effect of upgrading sect skills is also very obvious. It is much stronger than the sealing effect of ordinary Fangcunshan disciples, and because of the improvement of Fangcun's entry-level mentality, the basic mana and basic attack power have also been improved. What are these ordinary The white-haired zombie only needs one piece."

Although you need to kill a hundred white-haired zombies to exchange for a little sect contribution, it is better than one sword, so killing is not slow, but occasionally encounter one or two bronze corpses. Seven or eight swords solved a battle that didn't need to be too complicated at all. It was envious of the people in the five factions. They didn't kill Zhang Sanfeng so easily in a group of five or five.

The reason why Zhang Sanfeng's attack power is so strong is actually because the ability that comes with the increase in the level of the cultivation technique is much stronger than if he did not level up.

The reason why those people seem to have difficulty killing white-haired zombies is because the level of the exercises is too low, most of them are only two or three levels, it can only be said that it is just enough, but once the zombies pounce at the same time, it will be very difficult. If you are not careful, you are very likely to be killed by zombies. After all, except for the infuriating body protection in the Louvre, it is basically difficult for other people to resist the simultaneous attack of so many zombies.

Zhang Sanfeng killed very quickly. Because of his appearance, this war zone was quickly cleared out by him. If the zombies would turn into blood and melt into the ground within a few seconds after being killed, this area would not have been known. How many zombie corpses piled up in mountains.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

After clearing out an area, Zhang Sanfeng began to rush to the right to kill. Basically, wherever he went, it was like entering a land of no one. Even the iron corpse with extremely strong defense could not stop Zhang Sanfeng's footsteps.

Because although the iron corpse is extremely strong in defense, as long as it is restrained by Zhang Sanfeng's Bodhi Seal, it will be immobile and let Zhang Sanfeng swing his sword to slaughter.

Others can only watch Zhang Sanfeng continue to harvest, frantically brushing sect contributions.

That envious look couldn't be hidden at all.

"This disciple of Fangcun Mountain is too strong. How can his Bodhi Seal be able to hold down these zombies every time? I see that many Fangcun Mountain disciples have to use four or five Bodhi Seals to hold them down for a few seconds."

"He should have improved his martial arts skills, otherwise it would be impossible to hold back every time."

It is true that Fangcunshan's Bodhi Seal has always been their popular practice, but not every Fangcunshan can do like Zhang Sanfeng.

"This person looks like a fierce person I met in Xinghua Village."

"Xinghua Village? Are you also from Xinghua Village?" Seven.

Chapter 1039

"How do you say it? Could it be that you are also from Xinghua Village?"

"Hey hey, I'm not from Xinghua Village, but I have a friend who is from Xinghua Village. I heard that you have a fierce man in Xinghua Village. On the first day you entered the False God Realm, you pressed the whole village to the ground and hammered it. ."

"Hey, who said it wasn't? That person was called Zhang Sanfeng. It seemed that he was the same person just now. He was too fierce, you know. One person dared to kill thousands of people. Many [-] people died and came back to life and then went to surround them. It's a pity that he was still hit with a hammer, and he was always killed once. This person is really fierce, let me tell you."

"I can see that this person is something that most people can't afford to offend, and there are people who dare to offend him just now."

"I knew I would choose Fangcunshan, but I didn't expect Fangcunshan to be so fierce."

"Do you think Fangcunshan is fierce? In fact, it's not. Look at these Fangcunshan in everyone's team. Which one is not a man with his tail between his tails? To be honest, don't care. The strongest are people, not martial arts."

"Actually said that he was the first person to leave Xinghua Village, but I was also the first strong person to leave the village. Why is he so strong now?"

"It so happens that I am also the first strong person to leave the village."

"Nice to meet you."

There are only the strongest people, there is no strongest sect.

Zhang Sanfeng's eyes were red from the killing at this time, the killing was so cool, and it made him find the feeling of slaughtering descendants crazily in Xinghua Village for the first time.

Zhang Sanfeng had no zombies that he could fight against on this battlefield, and even the iron corpse froze under the suppression of the Bodhi Seal.

Due to Zhang Sanfeng's mad rush, it also relieved the great pressure on the disciples of the five sects behind. There is no longer any sign of retreat, but it is only that there is no sign of retreat in this small area. anxious.

On the battlefield, the disciples of the five major sects are also constantly replenishing, but the zombies pouring out of the Yaowang City are like returning water, and there is no end in sight.

It can only be blamed that this Yaowangcheng was an ancient battlefield in ancient times. Now it has become a corpse raising ground, which will inevitably inspire the corpses in the ancient battlefield under the city to become zombies. Ordinary residents of China have turned into zombies. If they really wait until the ancient battlefield zombies join the occupation, it will really be enough for the disciples of the five sects to drink a pot.  …

The battle ahead is tight, and the senior leaders of the major sects have to use higher rewards to attract more disciples to join the battle, mainly to attract the descendants to join the battle.

After receiving the news that the reward was doubled, the five sect members participating in the battle showed excited expressions. After all, if you want to improve your strength in the False God Realm, sect contribution is an essential thing.

At the same time, Zhang Sanfeng's performance also greatly attracted the attention of the top five sects.

"Look at that small area, the battle line is actually pushing forward?"

"I also saw it, it seems that a Fangcunshan disciple is leading them forward."

"Nonsense, it's good to be able to resist now. How can you push forward, if there is a fault in the front line, very troublesome things will happen."

"How about this, let him join the five sect killing teams, it's too dangerous to push the front line forward, once the others fail to keep up, there may be loopholes in this front line, and then it will be dangerous. "

The top executives of the five sects all looked at each other, trying to see some thoughts on this proposal from their eyes. .

Chapter 1040

"I think it is completely feasible to join the killing team with his strength. Of course, the most important thing is to prevent him from leading the front line forward."

Someone said the first sentence, and others naturally followed suit.

"That's right, I also think that this child has a very strong fighting talent and is a good seedling, and Fangcunshan has no disciple who has a place in the killing team. This time, letting him join the killing team just makes up for some of the shortcomings of the killing team. place."

"Since everyone doesn't object, let's do it according to what we just discussed, come with 17 people, send orders, and let him join the five sect killing teams."

Speaking of which, Zhang Sanfeng's side was just trying to kill, and only one person came over with a sword and stayed in the air to say.

"Is this Fangcunshan's junior brother willing to join the beheading team of the five sects?"

The voice of Yujian's voice is not loud, but people within a radius of one kilometer can hear it clearly. It must be a certain way of amplifying the sound to have this effect.

"Oh my god, it's such a great honor to be invited to join the beheading team of the five sects."

"What does the five sect killing teams mean?"

"You don't know the killing team? It's no wonder that no one in your Fangcunshan has joined the killing team so far."

"As the name suggests, the killing team is dedicated to killing the very powerful zombies in this zombie army. Generally, the killing team will only be dispatched after the rank of these zombies exceeds the iron corpse and becomes an iron-clad corpse."

"And even if the killing team is just waiting for the call outside the battlefield, there is also income contributed by the sect. Basically, it will increase the contribution of the sect every minute, and they will have nothing to do."

"Fuck, so cool?"

When this person explained it to the person next to him, the person who used the sword also explained it to Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng also made a surprised voice when he heard the news.

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